外国人出境时须向边防检查站交验其有效护照、证件和出境登记卡,并在有效入境签证上规定期限内出境; 中国人出境须向边防检查站交验有效的护照证件、前往国签证、出境登记卡及有关部门签发的出国证明。另准备指定医院已接受接种证明。
一个公民如果想出国旅行、移居或者留学、结婚等,除了需要持有护照以外,还必须持有相应的签证,护照是持有者的国籍和身份证明,签证则是主权国家准许外国公民或者本国公民出入境或者经过国境的许可证明。签证一般都签注在护照上,也有的签注在代替护照的其他旅行证件上,有的还颁发另纸签证。如美国的移民签证即是一种申请表,新加坡对外国人也发一种另纸签证,但必须与护照同时使用,方能发生效力。对外国人,一般均是根据申请者的身份和入境目的发给不同的入境签证,如旅游、探亲、移民、留学、工作等签证,并限制入境后的居留时间。因签证种类不同,要求提供的有关材料也不一样。一般对以短期居留为目的'的申请限制较少,等待批准的时间也较短。对以谋职和长期居留为目的,申请则限制较多,待批的时间也较长,这已成为各国的普遍做法。一个国家没有允许外国人无条件入境的义务(有条约者除外),一个外国人也没有要求一国政府允许他入境的权利。外国人入境是有条件限制的。近年来,随着国际贸易、国际政治关系的发展,。旅游业的兴旺,许多国家的签证规定趋于简化。各国之间也有互兔签证或简化签证手续 的协议。
March 10, 20010
Port Of Entry-Detroit Metropolitan Airport
U.S. Custom and Border Protection
2596 Worldgateway Place
Detroit, MI 48242
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is prepared to support my parents, XXX (farther) and XXX (mother), for the visiting visas to the United States. They are coming from China and will travel to XXX, North Carolina, to visit me for 6 months. Their sheduled departure date is on XXX, 2010. The return tickets and other dcuments to support their visas are enclosed.
I work for the XXX as an XXX. While I am enjoying my work and personal lifehere in North Carolina, I miss my parents very much and would like to spendsome time with them thissummer. We plan to visit San Francisco and LasVegas in July, New York City, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia in August. Inaddition, I also would like to have an opportunity to show them some localattractions of which I am proud of, such as the Great Smoky MountainsNational Park, the Wright Brothers National Memorial and so on. My parentswould have a busy schedule during this summer, but I am sure they will enjoytheir stay here in the United States.
My parents have a successful and enjoyable life in China. My farther is aretired high school teacher. He is currently participating in several localinterest groups (i.e., fishing etc.) to celebrate his life after retirement.My mother is a retired physician who is also enjoying a life with diverseinterests. My parents live in their own house that has been paid off andreceive monthly pension and healthcare benefit from the Chinese SocialWarfare system, which ensures them a decent life in China. While they truly enjoy their life in XXX, China, together with my siblings and grand children, they also enjoy traveling and have been many places in China, including Bijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
I am willing to assume all the cost associated with my parents’ visit in the United States and would like to personally thank you for your kind consideration in providing an opportunity for our family reunion. My parents and I sincerely appreciate your help and look forward to this wonderful opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.