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法国签证 在职证明造假

2023-06-08 23:28:27

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兹证明有XXXXXX为我单位正式职工,性别XX,生于1970年7月8日,护照号码XXXXXXXX 。自20xx年7月迄今在我单位工作,现任职务董事长,月收入人民币20000元 。我单位同意该职工于20xx年XX月 XX日到20xx年XX月XX日前往法国及其他申根国家旅游,所有的旅行费用都由其自己支付。赴贵国期间遵守相应的法律法规,旅游结束后按期回国,本单位在其旅行休假期间为其保留职务。










兹证明有XXXXXX为我单位正式职工,性别XX,生于1970年7月8日,护照号码XXXXXXXX 。自2002年7月迄今在我单位工作,现任职务董事长,月收入人民币20000元 。我单位同意该职工于2015年XX月 XX日到2015年XX月XX日前往法国及其他申根国家旅游,所有的旅行费用都由其自己支付。赴贵国期间遵守相应的法律法规,旅游结束后按期回国,本单位在其旅行休假期间为其保留职务。








法国因私签证在职证明 [篇2]

To: France Embassy

Dear Officer,

We hereby certify that Mr. XXX (Male, born on April 12th, 1977) hold of passport No. GXXXXXX, works in our company as XXXXX since XXXXX. His annual income is XXXXXRMB including basic salary and bonus. Mr. XXX will take his annual leave from the September 29, 2012 to October 7, 2012. Mr. XXXX will resume his duties in our company on the October 8, 2012. All expenses, including flight tickets, transportation expense, accommodation costs, and medical insurance, paid by himself.

We are confident that Mr. XX will return to work on time. He will abide by the laws and regulations of France. We would be very grateful if you would approve his application for a visitor visa. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Company Name:


Person to contact:

Cell phone:



Date: August 10, 2012

法国因私签证在职证明 [篇3]



他准备在2015年10月至11月期间去欧洲旅游,我保证他遵守当地法律法规。 所有费用由武汉鑫旺投资管理有限公司承担。我们保留其职位并保证他按时归国。 祝好


Certification Letter

To: Schengen Embassy

Fm: Hubei Hemai wang Food Limited Liability Company

Add: Xianbei Industrial Park Tianmen City Hubei Province


Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Liu Zhongxi. I am the Vice Ge of the unit. I am to certify that the following person is working in

They will travel to European Countries from Dec. 2011 to Jan. 2012. Hereby we guarantee that they will abide all of laws and regulations of the countries where they stays.

All the cost during the trip including health insurance will be paid by XXXXX. We will keep their position during their outbound and we are sure they will be back to China on time.

Yours Faithfully

Registration No:429006110006694

法国因私签证在职证明 [篇4]

Date: 05/11/2015

To: French Embassy

This is to certify that Ms. xx-x(Passport No: G5xx-x, born on xx-x xx-x. 1988) works as one of the teachers in our university since 2012, and her monthly income is RMB xx-x. We have approved her annual leave from 17th July 2015 to 18th August 2015 for her holiday to France.

All the expenses will be borne by herself. We hereby guarantee that she will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain her position till the end of the holiday.

Yours Faithfully

Signature: (领导签名)

Position: (领导职务)

Company Name: xx-xx

Company Add: xx-x Xiongchu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan

Contact Tel: xx-x

Fax: xx-x


Date: (日期)

法国因私签证在职证明 [篇5]

Dec 31, 2015

Consulate General of Spain in Shanghai

Dear Sir or Madam:

Herewith we confirm that Mr. Wang Hongjun is the Employee of Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital. He will go to visit Spain from 30 Jan 2015 to 8 Feb 2015.

Name: Wang Hongjun

Date & Place of Birth: 11 Mar 1971, Jiangsu, China

Service organization: Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital

Title: Doctor

Passport: G06073089

Current Working Period: 15 Years

Salary (including bonus): RMB3500.00

All costs relating to his stay will be borne by himself. We guarantee that during this trip he will obey laws of your country and be back as scheduled. We will resume his position in our company. It will be grateful if you issue his visa as soon as possible!

Best regards,

Yours faithfully,

Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital

Legal Representative: Peng Haigen


公司地址: 电话号码: 传真:


xx xxx xx(日期)

To: Consulate General of the Republic of France in Guangzhou


Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to certify that Mr.xxx(申请人姓名) who is working at xxxxx(单位名称) with the position of xxxxx.(申请人职位)He has already got this job for x(工作时间)years and now with the monthly salary of RMB xxxx.(月薪)He plans a tour in France from xx xxx xx to xx xxx xx(在法国时间)with personal purpose.During the journey all the costs and accommodations will be paid by himself.

We hereby guarantee that he will abide by the outbound laws and regulations, and will come back to China on time and continue working.

The following are the detailed information about Mr.xxx(申请人姓名)




Paport No.

Yours sincerely

xxx(负责人签名,盖章) xxxxxx (单位名称)

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