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2022-06-17 23:05:00



Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to Peking to travel, I am your guide DAVID.

The National Palace Museam covers 720,000 square meters and constructs the area as 163,000 square meters among them, the south north grows 961 meters, and the thing breadth is all 753 meters, around have a 10 meters high city wto surround, also have the breadth the moat of 52 meters, all set up an elegant Cape building in four capes.

According to the statistics in 1973, the National Palace Museam has the size courtyard more than 90s, the house contains 980 and adds up to 8704.

The Ming Dynastys emperor Zhu Di of Yung-loh mounts the throne soon, four years in Yung-loh, is also issue imperial edict to construct Forbidden City in Peking in 1406.

Build to is divided into two stages, the first stage starts getting the materials readying for four years from Yung-loh, while the second stage is 15 years in Yung-loh, start beginning to work to build in June, 1417, last for 14 years, on 18 years in Yung-loh, complete work in 1420.

In the process of constructing in, collected a whole country 100,000 ability the work clever artisan and peoples man is 100 myriad people, but construct materials to all come from the whole whole country, for example man white the jade come to building mountain in Peking, the gold brick comes from Suzhou, the lime comes from easy state in Hebei, the many colors tiger skin stone comes from thistle county dish mountain in Hebei, the Jing brick used by palace radicle comes from Shandong to face pure, the pines come from more northeast, while Nan woods come from Sichuan more, expensive cloud, etc.

ground in Zhejiang, it is thus clear that at that time engineering of huge.

National Palace Museam basically is according to clear in all the blue print of imperial palace but build, the layout programming followed 《week gift ・ test work to account 》 all city design gift system:The front is backward sleep, left Zu right agency.

Mostly is divided into two southern northern parts, south half part front dynasty, north half department then is empress sleep.

Front the dynasty is an ether with, the moderate, protecting is two wings for thing for center, the text China palace and Wu Ying Dian with three greatest palaces, is an emperor to hold a dynasty meeting of place.

And then tomb then with Gan pure, hand over Tai and Kun rather this empress three palaces and things six temples, resist a garden for center, outside east road, outside west the building of the road is lord, is an emperor to handle day-to-day affairs and empress temple the emperor imperial concubine live, offer sacrifices to of place.

The left Zu right agency sets up like this:The east side is an emperor outside the noon door worship of ancestors of place ancestral temple, west side then nation altar in the place of fiesta nation.

According to this kind of National Palace Museam that sets up to construct but become is two 24 pure imperial palaces of emperors clearly, among them, the Ming Dynasty is 14, the Manchu Dynasty is 10, rules time for altogether as long as five centuries.

Its elegant building community in historical and special position in China and it, so becoming top scale in world is the biggest in the middle of aring taught the section text the organization by United Nations to register 《the cultural inheritance in world records 》 for 1987 yearses and keeps the most complete palatial building cluster.

There is one piercing through in Peking now southern north of in the stalk line be thought into a Sir by the beam to be called great of medium stalk line, all grow 8.

5 kilometers, south always settle door, north arrive clock building, among them, emperors city including National Palace Museam had 1/3.

This in the stalk line is also called Long Mai, on-line view mountain is inside the central point of city is also mountain in the town of National Palace Museam.

We are sometimes called National Palace Museam Forbidden City, while does its name how get?The our country ancient astronomer is divided into three Yuans of main fixed stars on the sky, four elephants and 28 constellations.

Three Yuans are too tiny Yuan, purple tiny Yuan and Yuan in sky City.

Among them, the crape myrtle Yuan is in the middle the place that the sky emperor lives, be called a purple temple.

The feudalism emperor king claims to be for a sky, the son of emperor, so they is also a purple temple on the sky the imperial palace symbol that they live.

And the emperor lives of the place is high security, forbid commons the common people approach, is an absolute forbidden ground, and then be called to forbid a temple, so be also called Forbidden City here.


Dear visitors, hello, and welcome to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing, my name is Dai Rongrong, everyone call me wearing a guide. Let me introduce a world heritage site - the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City has four doors, which in turn is the meridian gate, creature, DongHuaMen door, gate xihua. Is the main gate of the imperial palace is meridian gate, the door of the palace, the meridian gate of the front entrance to the only access to the emperor at ordinary times, meridian gate, is into the Forbidden City. The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, is the world's largest and most complete existing ancient wooden buildings, it was built Ming yongle four years, in 1406, lasted 14 years to complete, a total of 24 emperors successively in this reign.

The imperial palace is the most attractive building three main halls, are taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, is wood, yellow glazed tile roof, green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent picture, when you are touring, one is appreciate their colorful architectural art, 2 it is to watch the precious cultural relics on display in indoor, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace total collection of more than 100 pieces of cultural relics.

The Forbidden City is the crystallization of the wisdom and sweat of a few hundred years ago the laboring people, enslaved workers when he first built with craftsmen hundreds, buyaku millions, there was no train, car, no crane, each stone tend to weigh a few tons, such as insurance now and behind the eaves, the steps of a piece of cloud dragon carved stone weighs about 2500 tons, is fully reflect the height of the ancient Chinese working people wisdom and creation ability.

The tourists, the next time to let your touring, but remember: oh, please do not throw garbage, lest destroy the beautiful and magnificent world heritage site.


Dear visitors friends:

Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya.

Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720000, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure.

This is the meridian gate, is the main entrance of the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of "exit the meridian gate beheaded" this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, don't look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace to folk, it gradually became "exit the meridian gate beheaded"?

Don't be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us!


Good visitors, everyone! I am honored to be your guide. Today, I will lead you to tour the Imperial Palace together.

The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City, is the largest and most complete ancient architectural group in the world. It is incomparable, was founded in 1406 four years Le Yongming, and took fourteen years to complete.

The Imperial Palace is called the Forbidden City, it is because the "purple" is the Imperial Palace, the monarch should of course be involved with purple words. "No" means was heavily guarded, don't say is the ordinary people, even the emperor summoned officials not official nor secretly into the city, otherwise it will provoke fatal disaster, the Royal is forbidden, so also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the north of Tiananmen.

Now, in front of us is the temple of Taihe.

The temple of Taihe has several entrance and exit. The balustrade on the staircase engraved beautifully.

Come to the hall of Taihe, look up, and the hall of Taihe is like a giant giant. Taihe hall is 35 and 05 meters high, with an area of 2377 square meters, with a total of 55 rooms and 72 large columns. It is the tallest building in the Imperial Palace.

The temple of Taihe is like the fairy temple in the mythology. It is magnificent and beautiful. It is the place where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It's located in the throne two metres high, dragon column has six Lek powder around the gold throne. Have a different attitude and beautiful shape, and exquisite crane stove Ding front, rear and carved screens. The decoration of the whole hall is splendid and magnificent, and the beauty of the hall of Taihe is exclaimed.

Today's trip is here. I hope this trip will bring you joy, thank you.


香山(Fragrance Hill )又叫静宜园,最高峰海拔557米。主要景点有鬼见愁、玉华山庄、双清别墅等。




在碧云寺内,人们通常会关注孙中山纪念堂及金刚宝座塔。纪念堂面阔五间,山墙后镶嵌汉白玉石刻碑,大理石须弥座上雕刻有各种花纹,白底金字,上书《孙中山先生致苏联书》。正门上方悬挂红底金字木匾,上为宋庆龄手书“孙中山先生纪念堂”。正厅设孙中山半身塑像,身右停放1925年苏联赠玻璃盖钢棺一口。室内陈列孙中山先生各个时期的照片和史迹。金刚宝座塔位于全寺最高点,建于乾隆十三年(7748年)。这种塔北京地区有三座,另两座是西黄寺的清净化城塔和真觉寺的金刚宝座塔。孙中山先生的衣冠冢便在金刚宝座塔下。另外碧云寺内的罗汉堂也值得一看。罗汉堂里五百罗汉按顺序排列,坐像高约l.5米,身材大小与常人同,姿态各异,形象生动,有的闭目静坐,有的低头微笑,有的袒胸露腹,有的老态龙钟......五百罗汉的形象,可以说是佛教雕塑艺术的集锦。令人深思的是这五百罗汉中竟有乾隆皇帝的塑像,第444尊罗汉“破邪见尊者”,顶盔挂甲,一派英武的戎装打扮,它正是乾隆皇帝的罗汉造像。将皇帝塑成罗汉,大约一方面意在宣扬“君权神授”,另一方面也有歌颂乾隆盛世之意。 昭庙全称宗镜大昭之庙,始建于清乾隆四十五年(1780年),是专门为接待班禅六世来京而建造的夏季行宫。天井中立有汉、满、蒙、藏四种文字镌刻的碑记,记述建庙缘由。庙百山腰处有座七层八角密檐式琉璃塔,檐端悬挂铜铃56个,风来铃声清脆悦耳,余音缭绕,更添诗情画意。

见心斋始建于明嘉靖元年(1522),清嘉庆元年(1796)重修。小院内建筑布局极富江南情趣。院内东侧为半圆形水池。泉水由龙头吐入池内。上挂'见心斋'匾额。轩后有'正凝堂'五间,现为售品部。池东与轩相对者为知鱼亭。院内池轩相映,回廊临水,是香山公园中的园中之园。 香山寺在香山公园内蟾蜍峰北。金大定二十六年(1186年)建,金世宗赐名大永安寺,又称甘露寺。元皇庆元年(1312年)重修。清康熙帝在此建行宫,乾隆十年(1745年)又修葺扩建,以山名寺。《清一统志》谓寺"依岩架壑,为殿五层,金碧辉映",可见规模之大,为香山诸寺之首,"静宜园二十八景"之一。

西山晴雪为燕京八景之一,西山晴雪碑现立于香山公园内半山亭北、朝阳洞山道右侧。乾隆来到静宜园看后写了《西山晴雪》诗:银屏重叠湛虚明,朗朗峰头对帝京。万壑晶光迎晓日,干林琼屑映朝晴。寒凝涧口泉犹冻,冷逼枝头鸟不鸣。祗有山僧颇自在,竹炉茗椀伴高清。 香炉峰俗称鬼见愁。在香山公园酉部。香山的主峰,海拔557米。顶峰有两块巨大的乳峰石,形如香炉,故名。


香山山顶有巨石两块,叫乳峰石。其形酷似“香炉”,周围又常有云雾弥漫,如袅袅升空的香烟,香山由此得名。 香山景色秀丽,名胜遍布,风光旖旎,极富自然野趣。秋来黄栌换装,漫山红遍,如火如荼,此即“香山红叶”,是燕京八景之一。香山冬天的景色也很迷人,每当冬雪初晴,一片银妆素裹,分外妖娆,旧燕京八景之一的“西山晴雪”就指这里。

香山寺,在香山公园内蟾蜍峰北。金大定二十六年(1186年)建,金世宗赐名大永安寺,为香山诸寺之首,“静宜园”二十八景之一。后遭英法联军和八国联军焚毁,仅存石阶,石坊柱、石屏等遗迹,唯有寺内的“听法松”依然屹立。 香炉峰,俗称鬼见愁。在香山公园西部。此峰高峻陡削,攀登不易,在峰顶可饱览香山全景。近年已建有缆车索道,牵引登山。 双清别墅在香山公园内香山寺下。这里原有两股清泉,相传金章宗时称梦感泉。清乾隆在泉旁石崖上题刻“双清”二字。

1917年熊希龄在此修建别墅,并以此为名。别墅淡雅幽静,山水树石顺其自然。清泉大聚一池,池边有亭,亭后有屋,屋旁有竹,竹影扶疏,秀丽非凡。在此春日赏花,酷夏避暑,秋观红叶,寒冬踏雪,四季景色绮丽,称为香山“园中园”。 眼镜湖,在香山公园北门内。两泓平静的湖水由一座白石拱桥相联,形似眼镜,故此得名。湖的北侧山石叠嶂,峰峦崛起。一洞之上,流泉直下,恰似珠帘垂挂的水帘洞。山花芳草在沟壑石缝和小溪池水旁争奇斗艳,古柏苍松、老槐垂柳交汇成一片清荫。 见心斋在香山公园北门内西侧,毗邻眼镜湖。建于明嘉靖年间,几经修葺,是座颇具江南风味的庭院。


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