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文章类型:参考文献英文参考文献本文是一篇参考文献,在文档中需要多次引用同一文献时,在第一次引用此文献时需要制作尾注,再次引用此文献时点“插入|交叉引用”,“引用类型”选“尾注”,引用内容为“尾注编号(带格式)”,然后选择相应的文献,插入即可。简爱论文英文参考文献一:[1]谭炯。 An Analysis of the Feminism in Jane Eyre[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2014,11(07):6.[2]王琳,卢芳,李思萌。 Strict Social Hierarchy in Victorian Age--The background of Jane Eyre[J]. 科技展望,2014,(17):237.[3]赵艳梅。 An Interpretation of Jane Eyre's Feeling of Inferiority at Gateshead in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(04):237-239+250.[4]刘佳,JU Jing. The Reflection of Modern Females' Prominent Qualities in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(06):173-174.[5]吴娟娟。 “There is Always The Other Side”: Deconstruction of English Identity and Masculinity--Intertextuality between Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(09):187-189.[6]吴学进,符章琼。 A Unity of Contradictions-An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Character[J]. 海外英语,2012,(03):214-215+222.[7]张哲。 Jane Eyre and Her Female Conception about Love[J]. 海外英语,2012,(01):229-230.[8]詹广美。 Antithetical Aesthetics--on the Aesthetic Mode in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2012,(04):212-213.[9]吴学进,符章琼。 Jane Eyre's Character Displayed in Her Experience of Marriage and Love[J]. 海外英语,2012,(05):219-220.[10]张艳。 The Gothic Elements in Jane Eyre[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2012,9(02):10-11.[11]李若楠。 The Awakening of Female Consciousness:Analysis of Jane Eyre' s Character[J]. 海外英语,2012,(09):217-218+226.[12]李黎。 Women's Virtue--Comparison and Contrast between Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice[J]. 海外英语,2012,(12):211-213+215.[13]封杰。 A Feminist Reading of Jane Eyre[J]. 英语广场(学术研究),2012,(08):35-36.[14]陈巧利,陈萍。 The Analysis of Equality between Men and Women of Jane Eyre[J]. 科技视界,2012,(23):198-199.[15]苗青。 On Jane Eyre's Character and Her Attitude towards Love[J]. 科技信息,2012,(32):193-194.[16]孙文倩。 The Function of Death in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2012,(23):204-205.[17]刘艳侠。 The Feminism Image in Jane Eyre[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2010,7(02):10-11.[18]黄士花。 The Unfair Treatment of Bertha Mason[J]. 海外英语,2010,(05):200-201+204.[19]王璐璐,申思。 Comparition Between Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre[J]. 文学界(理论版),2010,(10):260.[20]加鹏飞。 Comment on Jane Eyre'Character and Her Spirit[J]. 邢台职业技术学院学报,2010,27(04):99-100.[21]孙瑛瑛。 Jane Eyre:A Rebellious Woman--An Analysis on Jane Eyre's view of Love[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2010,7(11):1-3.[22]林冬梅,赵慧。 A Comparative Study on Different Fates between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu[J]. 海外英语,2014,(07):185-186.[23]和光辉。 A Review of Studies on Jane Eyre in the Recent Years in China[J]. 海外英语,2014,(16):154-156.[24]李晓梅。 A Comparison between the Female Images of Jane Eyre and Catherine Earnshaw[J]. 海外英语,2014,(16):163-165.[25]鲁存。 Female Consciousness in Jane Eyre[J]. 现代妇女(下旬),2014,(10):273.[26]张梅,吴付勇。 On Jane Eyre's Rebellious Spirit[J]. 海外英语,2014,(20):238-239.[27]韦超超。 Analysis of Jane Eyre from the perspective of New Historicism[J]. 海外英语,2014,(17):218-219.[28]王加宇。 When Wuthering Heights meets Jane Eyre[J]. 校园英语,2016,(04):250.[29]李丹。 An Analysis of Feminism in Jane Eyre[J]. 校园英语,2016,(18):246-248.[30]童鹏。 Contrapuntal Reading of Jane Eyre and Wild Sargasso Sea[J]. 校园英语,2016,(18):245.[31]陈琪琪。 Female Self-consciousness on Love in Jane Eyre[J]. 校园英语,2015,(11):246-247.[32]董引娣。 The Independence of Jane Eyre[J]. 校园英语,2015,(23):245.[33]郎俊丽。 The Personalities of Jane Eyre Compared with Other Person[J]. 海外英语,2013,(06):185-186.[34]于志浩。 On the Description of Nature in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2013,(11):20-22.[35]肖瑞。 A Brief Comparison of the Two Characters-Jane Eyre and Tess[J]. 海外英语,2013,(14):223-224+236.简爱论文英文参考文献二:[36]刘微。 A Tentative Comparison on the Heroines of Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2013,(12):183-184.[37]孙烁。 Creole Identity in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea[J]. 海外英语,2017,(05):167-169.[38]陈静,何泠静。 An Comparative Study of Jane Eyre's Fate and Tess's Fate from Feminist Viewpoint[J]. 海外英语,2017,(04):144-146+149.[39]焦缨添。 Jane Eyre: An autobiography of Charlotte Bront?[J]. 海外英语,2017,(15):172-174.[40]徐颖颖。 On the Translation of FIRE in Jane Eyre with Polysystem Theory[J]. 读与写(教育教学刊),2009,6(02):10-12.[41]李梅菊。 Jane Eyre--The mirror of Charlotte Bronte's own experiences[J]. 科技信息,2009,(06):485-486.[42]孟静,田荔。 Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre[J]. 科技信息,2009,(13):197.[43]梁颖。 Interpretation of Jane Eyre[J]. 科技信息,2009,(18):463-464.[44]宣菡静,丁玲。 On Female Awareness through the Analysis of Jane Eyre's Character[J]. 海外英语,2011,(01):225-226.[45]高维B。 A Comparison Between Jane Eyre and Zhu Yingtai[J]. 海外英语,2011,(01):227+231.[46]周化嫒,周化娟。 The Hidden Implication of the Natural Elements in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2011,(04):197+200.[47]王晓素。 Jane Eyre's Contradictory Characteristics from the Perspectives of Realism and Romanticism[J]. 中国城市经济,2011,(20):328.[48]李伟。 The Feministic View of Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2011,(11):252+254.[49]李鑫宇。 The Holy Lily and the Fragrant Rose--Analysis on Jane Eyre's Dignity and Love[J]. 校园英语,2014,(21):184-185.[50]李清辉,楼捷。 Gender Differences In Using Questions--An Investigation of the Questions Used by Mr. Rochester and Jane in Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2015,(21):198-199.[51]李菁,黎昌抱。 A Woman Who Refused to Be Tamed--An Analysis on Female Consciousness of Jane Eyre[J]. 海外英语,2016,(14):173-174.[52]高璐。 The Reasons Why Rochester Could Fall in Love with Jane. 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