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2022-11-26 21:29:53





Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection Station 移民

immigration 入境 Entry 出境 Exit 过境 Transit 入(出)境验讫章

Entry(Exit)Inspection Seal 入(出)境登记卡 Entry(Exit)Card 入出境交通运输工具

Means of Transportation Entering or Leaving the Country 联检(联合检查)Joint Inspection 中国公民

Chinese Citizen 华侨

Overseas Chinese 港澳台同胞

compatriots in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan 外国人 Aliens 外交护照

Diplomatic Paport 公务护照

Service Paport 居留证

Resident Permit(green card)permanent, temporary 船员登陆证

Seaman’s Disembarkation Permit 船员住宿证

Seaman’s Resident Certificate 卡口监护

Checkpost Supervision 驻船监护

On Board Supervision 互免签证

Mutual Exemption of Visa 另纸签证 Separate Visa 团体签证 Group Visa 旅游签证 Tourism Visa 签证加注(加签)

Making Remarks on Visa 护照类型

Paport Type 国家码

Country Code 护照号

Paport Number 姓

Surname 名

Given name 性别 Sex


Identity Card Number 出生日期 Date of birth 出生地点 Place of birth 签发日期 Date of iue 有效期至

Date of expiry 签发地点 Place of iue 签发机关 Authority 备注

Observations 偕行人

Accompanied by






February 四月





June 七月



August 九月



October 十一月



December 口岸查控

Port Examination and Control 边控对象(查控对象)Persons Being Controlled 不准出境 Forbid Exit


Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection Statistics 证件鉴别

Documents Identification 揭换照片

Photo Substitution 涂改护照

Altered Paport 防伪技术

Security Techniques 水印

Watermark 伪假签证

Forged Visa(counterfeit)出入境边防检查行政处罚

Administration Sanction on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection 听证程序

Hearing Procedure 简易程序

Simple Procedure 扣留审查

Detain and Investigate 人身检查 Body Search 登记放行

Register and Let Go 限制活动范围

Restrict the Bound of Activity 扣留或收缴出境入境证件

Detain or Confiscate the Exit-Entry Document 拒绝登陆

Refuse Landing


Aist Others Illegally Leaving or Entering the Country 无效的出境入境证件

Invalid Exit—Entry Documents 偷渡(非法移民)Illegal Immigration 手续不符

Out of Accord with the Formalities 行政拘留

Administration Dentention 边防检查行政复议

Administration Reconsideration on Frontier Inspection 边防检查行政诉讼

Administration Lawsuits on Frontier Inspection 边防检查行政赔偿

Administration compensation on Frontier Inspection 出入境边防检查条例

.Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection 中国公民出入境管理法

Law of the People’s Republic of China on Exit And Entry of Chinese Citizen 外国人入出境管理法

Law of the People’s Republic of China on Exit And Entry of Aliens 扶助人员通道

Disadvantaged Paage 旅客止步 staff only 登机牌

Boarding Pa


1、请给我们一份船员名单。 Please give us a crew list.2、收集所有的船员证件,以备检查。

Collect all the crew’s documents for inspection.3、你们的出发港是哪里? Which is your departure port?


Please tell your crew members to abide by our landing rules and regulations, which are stated on the landing permit.5、你知不知道已经超过了登轮时间?为什么这么晚回来?

Are you aware that it is beyond the time limit for landing? Why have you come back so late?


Since you haven’t got a landing permit, I can’t let you go ashore.7、你可以让外轮代理为你办理上岸的必要手续。

The alien veel agent can go through the neceary landing formalities for you.8、你的船员证快到期了,尽快办理延期。

Your seaman’s certificate will soon expire, please extend it soon.9、船员要求登陆的,请向我们边防检查站申请登陆证。

The seaman who wants to go ashore must apply for lading permit to the frontier inspection station.10、请出示海员证。

Your Seaman’s Paport, please.11、船上共有多少名旅客?多少男的?多少女的?

How many paengers on board? How many males and how many females?


After entry, you can’t load or unload cargoes without permiion from frontier inspection station.13、船长先生,请在此签字或盖章。 Mr.captain, please sign or affix the seal here.14、请按名单顺序站好。

Please stand according to the name list.15、请不要妨碍我执行公务。 Don’t bother me, I’m on duty now.16、旅客可以下飞机了。 The paengers can get off now.17、谢谢合作,欢迎下次再来中国。

Thank you for your cooperation, welcome to china again.18、请出示机组人员护照和旅客名单。

Please show me the crew’s paports and paenger manifest.19、机长先生,由于你的飞机载运了持用伪造证件人员非法入境,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境边防检查条例》的规定,我们依法对你处以罚款人民币一万元。

Mr.Captain, according to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection, since you have carried persons with forged documents, you are fined 10000 RMB.20、机长先生,由于没按照向我们边防检查站申报员工和旅客情况,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境边防检查条例》的规定,我们依法对你处以罚款人民币三万元。

Mr.Captain, according to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection, since you have not furnished the Frontier Inspection Station with information of working personnel and paengers, you will be fined 30000 RMB.21、你是旅游团的导游? Are you the guide of this group?


Please wait a moment, I’ll ask for instructions of the higher authority.23、检查在8点30分开始。 The inspection begins at 8:30.24、你持用的是哪种护照,外交、公务还是普通?

What kind of paport have you got? Diplomatic, Service or Ordinary?

25、请你在黄线处排队候检!Please line up behind the yellow line.26、请出示你的护照、登机牌和出境卡。 Your paport, boarding pa and exit card, please.27、这个签已经过期了,你还有其它签证吗? This visa is no longer valid, have you got another one?


Do you have a resident card?


Please get your things and go with the officer to the Inspection Station and answer the questions as the real situation is.30、一般来说,团队成员应该一起出境,因为你们使用一个团体签证。

Generally speaking, a tourist group should leave together, for you use the same group visa.31、为什么护照的签证上没有偕行儿童的加注呢? Why does your visa say nothing about this child?

32、对不起,由于你是不受中国政府和人民欢迎的人,我们根据上级命令拒绝你入境。 Sorry.You’re not allowed to enter China because you are not welcomed by the Chinese government and people.33、由于你的护照过期,根据《中华人民共和国出境入境边防检查条例》的规定,我们要对你处以罚款人民币二千元。

Because your paport has expired, according to the regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection, we’ll punish you the fine of 2000 RMB.34、你必须到驻华大使馆办理护照延期手续。 You must go to the embay to renew your paport.35、请稍等,我给你办理“无偕行儿童”的加注手续。 Wait a moment, I’ll make the Noaccompanying Child remark.36、这次你是一个人来中国吗?

Are you traveling alone? Do you come here by yourself?


Good morning!Good afternoon!


Good-bye.Bye-bye.39、谢谢!Thank you!40、不客气!

You are welcome!It’s my pleasure!Don’t mention it.41、对不起!I’m sorry!

42、没关系!It doesn’t matter.43、你叫什么名字? What’s your name?

44、你今年多大年纪? How old are you?

45、你这次为什么来中国? What are you coming for?

46、欢迎来中国!Welcome to China!

47、你打算这次在中国停留多长时间? How long are you going to stay in China?


What can I do for you? Can I help you?

49、洗手间在行李提取处旁边。 The toilet is beside the baggage claim.50、附近没有宾馆,你可以乘出租去市里。

There is no hotel nearby, you can go to the downtown by taxi.51、中国银行设有分理处,可以兑换美元。

There is a branch in the bank of China, where you can exchange the US dollars.52、你明白我的意思吗?

Can you understand me? Have you got my idea?


Have a pleasant journey!

54、新年快乐!Happy New Year!



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