Once a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading tasks―the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, etc. Asking boring and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imaginative and challenging tasks. Working in groups, the English teacher and students take turns asking each other questions following the reading. The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the character’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading text.
Readers’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative information and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have been reading. Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropriate to the materials. Students have to realize that risk taking in reading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean is a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and semantic sense of what they are reading.
The final basic strategy is publishing. Students need a reason for laboring over a draft until it is perfect; the urge to see oneself in print can be a powerful drive toward revision and proofreading.
Conclusion: As teachers to the students who are in senior high school, they should learn to turn students’ hard work toward supporting the language strengths students already have, proving students with a feeling of success, finding materials and planning classroom experiences will turn students on to reading and writing, the reading and writing will develop with much greater ease than it does at the present time.
We spend hours at night with papers---I’m not sure the students get as much from it as the time I spend on it.”
These comments by senior high school English teachers discussing the process of marking student papers reflect the dissatisfaction and frustration of many teachers over the problem of dealing with the errors in student writing-----the obvious mistakes in spelling, punctuation----Traditionally, teachers have worked to correct errors in two ways: by teaching grammatically correctness through exercise in grammar texts; by pointing out all errors when making student papers.
Most students find it very dispiriting if they get a piece of written work back and it is covered in red ink, underlings and crossing-out. It is a powerful visual statement of the fact that their written English is terrible. Of course, some pieces of written work are completely full of mistakes, but even in these cases, the teacher has to achieve a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one hand and treating students sensitively and sympathetically on the other.
No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, flutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimming pool. Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just that. Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definitions of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written message.
论文题目:The Cultural Differences of Animal Words in English and Chinese 一.国内外研究现状述评(文献综述) 英汉习语中有许多和动物息息相关,但由于两个国家间的文化历史地域宗教信仰等的差异,其中不同的动物习语在两个国家中往往含有不同的意义。人们常赋与动物词汇一定的文化内涵,表达人们的情感。动物词汇作为文化的载体,记载着人类文明发展的进程。但不同的社会背景和不同的民族文化对中英动物词汇的差异有很大的影响。动物对人类的生存和发展产生深刻的影响,常常被人们用来寄托和表达感情,赋有一定的文化内涵。由于历史发展的相似性和人类认知心理的趋同性,中西方对某种动物的突出特征往往有着惊人的共识,从而对一些动物产生相同或相似的联想,在翻译上也是相同的。廖光蓉在《外国语研究》中提出动物词产生文化意义的基础有三点:一是动物的外貌、生理、心理、性格、行为、习惯、作用等特征;二是民族的文化内容、文化传统和文化心理,包括神话、宗教、传说、历史、文学、艺术、语言、地理环境、风俗习惯、伦理道德、思维方式等;三是联想, 联想是指把动物和另一事物联系起来,而民族的文化传统,特别是文化心理对于联想的产生起着潜在然而也是重要的激发和引导作用。例如:在英汉两种语言中狐狸都有狡猾之意。例如:He is an old fox.指的是He is ascunning as a fox.汉语中我们也有“他是只狡猾的狐狸”这样的说法;但也会出现同一种动物却又不同文化意义的现象,比如“dragon”在中国“龙”是一种象征王权,正义的动物,在西方国家龙却是一种象征邪恶的动物。由此可见,动物词汇毫无疑问也可被视作文化的一扇窗户,透过这扇窗户,这些文化差异,文化共性,文化内涵以及文化多样性也会变得一目了然。因此,通过对动物词汇文化内涵的研究,人们可以对文化间的个性与共性有更深入的了解,从而才能避免滥用和误用动物词汇的内涵意义,减少文化冲突发生。 二.选题的意义和价值 语言是文化的载体,在不同语言和不同文化背景下,每个词除了具有字面意义外,还有丰富的文化内涵.由于受风俗、历史、思维方式、宗教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响,汉英两种语言赋予许多动物词汇以各自特定的文化内涵,分别反映了各自文化发展的差异.通过对动物词汇文化意义的揭示和研究,不仅可以避免交际中的语用失误,而且对于不同文化的比较与导入有一定的理论和实践意义.通过比较,人们可以更清楚地感受到英汉文化在动物词语上留下的历史文化差异,从而帮助人们顺利、恰当地进行跨文化交流。 三.研究方案和技术路线 本文结合实例从同一动物词汇代表相同的意义,同一动物词汇代表不同的意义,不同的动物词汇代表相同的意义,英汉特有的动物词涵义这四个方面来讨论英汉动物词汇涵义的相同点和不同点。可借鉴以下书籍:陈德彰. 汉英动物词语的文化内涵[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2000;邓炎昌,刘润清. 语言与文化[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1984;胡文仲. 跨文化交际面面观[C]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2000; Amy, Broukal. Context and culture in Language teaching. Oxford University Press, 1993.通过对不同语境和意义下的动物词汇进行分析,最后总结中西动物词汇中所体现出的中西文化差异。 四.研究工作的计划安排(在研究工作期限内,阐明研究工作的具体内容) 1. 20xx.10.8 --- 10.25 查阅资料;初步确定选题方向、范围; 2. 20xx.10.26 --- 11.10 查阅资料;确定选题;填写“论文(设计)任务书”; 3. 20xx.11.11 --- 11.25 填写开题报告;编写提纲; 4. 20xx.11.26 --- 12.15 查阅资料;修改提纲;开始撰写第一稿; 5. 20xx.12.16 --- 12.31 查阅资料;撰写第一稿;提交第一稿; 6. 20xx.01.01 --- 04.27 查阅资料;修改第一稿;提交第二稿; 7. 20xx.04.28 --- 05.05 查阅资料;修改第二稿;提交第三稿; 8. 20xx.05.06 --- 05.15 查阅资料;修改第三稿;初步定稿; 9. 20xx.05.16 --- 05.20 查阅资料;定稿; 10. 20xx.05.21 --- 05.26 编印、装订;准备答辩; 11. 20xx.05.27 --- 05.29答辩。五.主要特色及创新点 实证为主,举例说明,分析透彻,归纳完善。 六.完成毕业论文(设计)的已具备的条件(主要包括:1.研究资料;2.实验仪器设备;3. 研究经费;4.研究时间;5.所在单位条件等) 学校的图书馆提供了相关的文献作为参考,有丰富的资料来源,另外,图书馆论文数据库也提供了大量外文资料,以便在论文写作过程中获得更广泛的知识来源,以便提高论点的可靠性。学校安排了相关指导教师,为论文写作提供了细致的指导,提高写作效率和论文的可读价值。