在 读 证 明
学生 某某,性别 某,学号 12345678 , 某年某月某日出生。于 某 年 某月至今在我校 某某某 学院 某某 专业就读。学制 四 年,是该校全日制在校学生。
某某学院 某某某大学教务处 年 月 日 年 月 日
Studying Certificate
This is to certify that 某某,female,the student ID is 12345678,born on Aug8th,2012.She came to our school in September 2012 and majors in 某某.The length of schooling is four years Bachelor Degree course.She is the school full-time student.College Of Economy
Academic Affairs Office Of某某University
***,学号 040908108,性别 男,1986年2月21日生。于2004年9月考入 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院水利水电 专业。学制 四 年,将于2008 年6月毕业。
This is to certify that Mr *** with the student number of 040908108 ,who was born on Feb 21st
1986, majoring in the specialty of Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering in College of Water Conservancy & Civil Engineering in our university from September of 2004 to now.He will be permitted to graduate after having passed all the required undergraduate courses in conformity of the national educational plan by the 4 years.He will be awarded a bachelor degree of as he has met all the requirements prescribed in the ‘Regulations Concerning the Academic Degrees’ of our country on July of 2007.China Agricultural University
Academic Affairs Office
Date: May 21th 2007
推荐专题: 学生在读证明模板