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2023-06-08 23:30:17



DATE: Visa Section


Consulate General in Shanghai

________ is the _________of the ________Department in our Company since

, and _________ monthly income is RMB

.We have approved _________ annual leave from


for _________ holiday to

(and other Countries如不去请将括号内话述删除).All the expenses during the travel will be borne by _________.We hereby guarantee ________will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain _________ position till the end of the holiday.Signature:

Occupation of Signature: Company: Adress: Telephone:


Certificate Letter for Employment

This letter certificate Mr.ZhuJun [paport number: G********] is employed by our corporation as Product Manager from06-15-2006, His regular salary is RMB120000 per year, He intends to visit your country for Busine investigation from08-30-2013 to 09-04-2013.Upon completion of his temporary visit to your country, Mr.ZhuJun will return to China to resume his duties with our corporation.If you should require further information, please contact us freely.Thank you for your attention to this important matter for our company.Sincerely,Shanghai *** E-commerce Co.ltd


Certificate Letter for Employment

Consulate General of the Australia, Beijing, China

To Whom It May Concern,This letter certificate Mr.(姓名全拼)[paport number: G********] is employed by our corporation as General Manager from03-01-2009, His regular salary is

RMB120,000 peryear, He intends to visit your country for pleasure from05-11-2013 to 05-25-2013.All lodging and travel expenses incurred by himself.Upon completion of his temporary visit to your country, Mr.(姓名全拼)will return to China to resume his duties with our corporation.If you should require further information, please contact us freely.Thank you for your attention to this important matter for our company.Sincerely,_____________________

Company’s name



XXXXXXX Co.Ltd.Room XXX, No.XXX, XXX Road, Guangzhou



Department of Human Resource




To whom it may concern

Dear Sir or Madam:

We hereby confirm that XXX, the visa applicant, whose national paport number is 000000 has been working for XXXXXXX Co.Ltd.for five years since July 2006 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance.The current title of XXXXX is Manager and his current salary(after-tax)is four thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan(CNY 0,000)per month.XXX applied for a leave of 11 days from 30th July to 09th August 2011 for his vacation.He planned to spend in your country with his wife(XXXXX, whose national paport number is 000000)and his son(XXXXX, whose national paport number is 000000)at his own expense.He aures to comply with Royal Thai laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over.We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.Please kindly afford him any appropriate aistance concerning visa affairs in case of need.If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact XXXXX, the Department of Human Resource at 020-0000000.Yours sincerely,06 JUN 2011



XX XXX 2014(日期)

To: Consulate General of the Republic of France in Guangzhou


Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to certify that Mr.xxx(申请人姓名)who is working at xxxxx(单位名称)with the position of xxxxx.(申请人职位)He has already got this job for X(工作时间)years and now with the monthly salary of RMB xxxx.(月薪)He plans a tour in France from XX XXX 2014 to XX XXX 2014(在法国时间)with personal purpose.During the journey all the costs and accommodations will be paid by himself.We hereby guarantee that he will abide by the outbound laws and regulations, and will come back to China on time and continue working.The following are the detailed information about Mr.xxx(申请人姓名)



D.O.B.Passport No.Yours sincerely


推荐专题: 法国签证在职英文证明

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