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2022-06-17 23:11:23





我也不会说什么华丽的语言,但我保证我说过的话都灵,我嘴开光啦! 我祝愿所有给我鼓掌的朋友长命百岁,我会永远记住你们的,我会永远把你们放在心里。不鼓掌的祝你们打麻将点炮,上厕所忘带手纸,****挨抓,该!








再说一下咱们的住。我们旅行社给大家安排的是2-3人间的宾馆,称不上是豪华,但绝对的干净舒适。大家一定要记住以下三点:一是查,检查房间设施是否完好无损, 房间内的东西是否配备齐全。二是分,分清房间内那些是免费使用,哪些是有偿使用的东西。三是防,晚上有些宾馆可能会有骚扰电话,那你接听后请挂掉,如果有人敲门一定要弄清楚是谁。





一趟完整的旅游一定要包括六个方面:吃住行游购娱。你不光要了解当地的自然景观,还要知道当地的人文特色,民俗风情等。比如中国三大世界闻名的演出:杨丽萍的云南印象、张家界的魅力湘西和广西的印象刘三姐。通过观看这些演出,你才能更好的了解当地的文化特色。有时候购物店不应当就是单纯的买东西的地方,地方特产也可能是你了解当地的一种很好的渠道。比如说你到了杭州,一定要观去丝绸博物馆观赏丝绸表演,看一看蚕丝被的加工程序;一定要去龙井村品一下正宗的西湖龙井。了解了杭州的两大招牌:龙井和丝绸,才能更好的体会这个天堂般的城市。所以导游带你去购物店,一是为了给旅行社签单,另一方面其实也是在带你了解着当地的人文。当然这些购物店肯定是旅游局定点的,价格大家可能觉得会有些高,但是大家想想,小摊上的东西当然便宜,但是质量谁敢给你保证?反正你是来旅游的,来了这次下次再见你的时候谁知道是什么时候,再说了,就是你投诉也无门啊 ,我本来就不是什么正规的单位。大家在购物店买的东西如果出现质量问题可以直接投诉,可以找旅行社,对不对?每次外出如果我想带点当地的特产的话也是在这些店里买的。并不是说凡是导游带你去的地方就是垃圾的地方,没有那么绝对。

对于自费景点也是因团而异。现在旅游业日趋透明,竞争也越来越激烈。旅行社为了争抢客源,把价格降的一低再低。大家想想,一分钱一分货,把价格压低,里面的景点肯定是越来越少,譬如北京,我们社可以做1200的,可以做980的,也可以做580的,当然就是景点含的不一样。去海南双飞五天,有时候1400就做,但是光机票就占 去1200,还有5天的吃住、景区等。正常人都知道这根本就是不可能的。但大家再仔细的看一下行程,除了一些不要钱的景点就是门票价格非常低的。精华景区一般都会列在自费项目拦里。像大家去青岛得去海底世界吧,去海南得去看人妖表演吧,都是些不去觉得遗憾的景点。有时候当地导游给推荐的景点并不是不值得去看。























现在我们的车已经行驶在快速路 ,天津快速环路全长63.5公里,是天津市的第一条快速路。现在我们看到的建筑是天津奥林匹克中心体育场,它是一座不规则的椭圆型建筑,状如水滴,而用金属和玻璃为主的材料制成的银色外衣线条流畅,使它有着水一般的晶莹感,因此我们亲切的称它为水滴。 这边的一片区域是奥城商业广场,总建筑面积14万平方米,这里联动奥运经济,充满了无限商机,集中了天津顶级高档楼盘和大型商业机构。























Dear friends, today I am going to show you the most complete and most beautiful palace in ancient China, &mdash, &mdash and the Imperial Palace. Before I have a formal visit, I'll give you a brief introduction to the tour guide.

The the Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the palace of the 24 emperors of the two dynasties of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It is located at the center of the central axis of Beijing. It covers an area of about 720 thousand square meters. It is the largest palace building of the existing scale. The Forbidden City the present temple has 2631, one of the most famous buildings after harmony, Wenhuage, Wuhan Yingge etc.. The the Imperial Palace of Beijing is the key cultural relic protection unit in China, and is also a national 5A scenic area. It is also selected and selected "the world cultural heritage list". It can be seen that the historical value and cultural significance of the the Imperial Palace Museum.

Listen to my simple introduction through the guide words, I think you have a simple understanding of the the Imperial Palace. Love at the palace drama friends expect very much, want to see the queen, concubines living place, but I have to tell you that the drama shooting palace is not the Imperial Palace, but specifically for the filming of the building modeled on the the Imperial Palace. Therefore, there are many houses in the Imperial Palace that cannot be entered, but only far away. We hope you will strictly abide by the requirements, so as not to damage the historical relics. At the same time, I hope you do civilized passengers, no littering, no graffiti, with the hope that we.

After listening to the the Imperial Palace tour guide, I think you can't wait. Now we are going to have a tour. Please follow my footsteps to uncover the mysterious veil of the Imperial Palace.








There aring total of four doors here is a noon door, courageous door and east respectively China door and west China door.

And the center door of Forbidden City is a noon door, on the compass, the representative in morning is due south, so the meaning that is also a south front door in the noon door.

Its flat surface presents "cave" matrix and turns into to come over from the Que form system in door in Han Dynasty.

Next carry to have 12 meters in height of Dun set, exact center of the Dun on the stage noodles has gate tower, two sides still establish a clock drum station, thing two side the outstanding part call view, exact center of the Dun on the stage noodles has gate tower, two sides still establish a clock drum station, thing two side outstanding part call view, upper part each the Wu with a gallery is 13, both ends still set up heavy the Yan Zan is sharp square station.

The square of the center calls Que.

At clearly two pure, is the place that the imperial government holds to issue big Dian of Shuo and dedicates to capture ceremony here.

Exact center opened three doors, two sides all had a Yi door, this kind of way of doing is called "is clear three dark five".

Five door holes all have respectively of use:Medium the door is an emperor appropriative of, or the emperor greatly marry of time, the empress can go into a temple from here, the section tests three A to also go into a temple from here;At ordinary times, the text force official hierarchy walks left door, believe in room princes and dukes to walk right door;Yi door only on the time in large activity just open, three articles as follows of the officials pass a thing Yi door respectively according to eastern Wu Xi of text, the foreign diplomatic corps would not° until from west Yi door go into a temple;When the palace tries, the examinee divides the list double and passes from the thing Yi the door.

Get into a noon door, we see first of be inside gold water river, it from west toward the east wind around to flow through too with square in the door, the last side still has five men white jade bridge, be inside gold water bridge.

Inside the function of gold water river isnt only the main passage drained in the National Palace Museam but also a building and extinguishes fire of main headwaters, there is also the function to embellish a view, make to dont lose with square in the door in the male Hun too pretty.

Being too still having two doors with both sides in the door is virtuous Zhao door and Zhen degree door.

Every time round emperor temple, all want to be too changing a car with door, and the emperor greatly marries of time, the empress also wants from too get into an imperial palace with door.

In the time of Guangxu four years such a matter happen:Greatly marry an eve in the emperor in Guangxu, too and door suddenly drive fire burn down, but greatly marriage the empress want to pass by from here on that day, so the imperial government looked for in Peking ability work clever artisan, all through the night used colored silk to still have timber to build a leave of too with door, just make the wedding go ahead on schedule, but in the second year, too just rebuild completion with door.

Led too and door we got into too with palace square, its area contained more than 30,000 square meters, in the New Years Day, Winter Solstice in every year and still have emperor birthday and some important activities of time, all want at too with palace and too hold with palace square solemn and impressive of dynasty gift.

Now our in front this grandiosity of building be too and palace, it with moderate a palace to still have protect and the palace is to build up in a soil matrix of the 3 F set radicle up, set radicle south the north grow 230 meters, 8.

13 meters in height, at on all sides still set up some buildings of the Ge is in fact the database building that Manchu Dynasty domestic affairs mansion rules over.

Too and the palace is the tallest the biggest building in the National Palace Museam, the area contains 2377 square meters, is 35.

05 meters in height, and the noodles Kuo is 11, enters deep 5.

In fact on the time in Ming Dynasty Mukden palace, here Kuo 9 in market, enter deeply 5 of big palace, to settle dynasty year, changed to its size in nowadays, in fact at two clipping of sides the room is a closing of, dont can do to use for main temple, so actually still Kuo in the market is 9, enter deeply 5, at the same time, also change name to it too with palace.

Too and two words are come from to 《the week is easy 》 in of:"Protect to match big with", but too with of the idea is an ancient nature and man and the extension of one idea, emphasized king and his ministers of, person and nature of still have harmony of an of race.

At too with palace of there is still greatly kissing of 3.

36 meters in height one on the roof positive ridge, there is downwards also 11 hanging a ridge monster, at our country ancient times, the amount of different monster is more many, represented palace grade more high.

Have in the palace 72 greatly live to prop up, six in the middle gold pillars that is a Li powder to gild cloud pattern dragon, up propped up Zao well, again among the Zao well carve to have a Pan dragon, the title contains the mirror of Xuan Yuan in Long Kou.

Xuan Yuan two words are come from to our country the star of Xuan Yuan within ancient astronomy, the meaning is the Xuan Yuan Emperor Huangs star, also is to take charge of the star of thunder-storm, take over to set up Zao well in the palace, one for the sake of representative be the emperor of dynasty is the orthodox tradition of Chinese nation to inherit a person, the second then had the function of fire in the town.

Inside the palace of display also very of many.

The throne of gold Luan is Ming Dynastys keepsake, the emperor in Manchu Dynasty continues to use.

When the Yuan restores monarchy, once changed it into an inside west to match Bi, indescribable was similar to an of sofa of chair, liberation after, the experts discovered an original throne in the furniture database, after renovating of more than a yearseses, finally resumed its original feature.

The ground in the palace even bed Gao 6 Chinese foots are many, up establish a screen, throne etc.

there are still on noodles in Taiwan fragrant station, and stork.

Dynasty on the emperor of time, will spark a sandalwood, set off by contrast mysterious atmosphere.

There is an elephant in the palace and wear a treasure bottle on Tuo of body, in put a grain, implied meaning world peace, joyous enough to spare.

But elephant body four feet sign ground, steady like Mount Taishan, symbolize the firmness of society and political power.

Be called peace to contain elephant.

The Cape carries, is legendary kind of absolute being monster, symbolize nowadays emperor is a clear saint gentleman.

The stork is thought by the ancients to is a kind of longevity bird, symbolize rivers mountain to grow to save.

Is fragrant the station is from the censer turn into since then, put in the palace, symbolize stability in the nation.

It is too outside still having with palace to a lot ofly display.

Day:Is the timer in ancient times of our country, at here standard Peking time.

the Jia measure then during the reign of Qianlong a standardizing of whole country to calculate a machine, pure also have 1 before the temple in the Gan.

The copper turtle copper crane is an all long-lived animal, place is also an implied meaning longevity here.

Have the size water jar the 308 people in the National Palace Museam, use to prevent fire, be called a peace urn.

At too and palace outside of these two Liu golds are big urn of, weigh 2 tons, but top of gold but be pared off to walk with the saber by eight countrys allied troops.

Around too and palace, have some a story.

In December, 1908, the 4-year-old Pu instrument is too mounting the throne with palace, his fathers kneeling is handing him under the throne, but the Pu instrument cries to shout to say:"I no longer here, I want to go home, I no longer here, I want to go home.

"His father has to to say:"Doing not cry doesnt cry and will soon be finished.

"Ceremony after ending, the text force official hierarchy whispers says that this isnt a good sign.

Fruit not it however, after three years, Mr.

Sun Yat-sen leads Xin Hai revolution victory to overthrow to settle a dynasty and end the feudalism emperor system of China.

But in 1915, the Yuan stole the victory fruit of Xin Hais revolution and claimed to be "the emperor of Hong Xian" and attempted to resume feudalistic society and still and just and too made to mount the throne ceremony with palace and had already thrown away the full text of horizontal tablet in the three greatest palaces entirely.

And still orderany the coal in the capital city and spreads and throws away"dollar coal" of the wall, change to the tang yuan to the rice glue ball.

However he made emperor for 83 day, pour to die in the Yuan voice in the national one.

Moderate palace the time in Ming Dynasty once was called China cover palace and in pole palace, changed to moderate a palace in the that fluently cured a year, drew from 《the gift recorded ・ the doctrine of the mean 》 "in also, big world originally also;And also, world it reach a way also.

"Palace the doctrine of the mean thought that embodied Confucianism at clearly pure 2 hold the time of spring tide gift, the emperor is too rushing through to leave for and before palace all want to be moderating a palace to slightly make a rest, accept officials dynasty He.

推荐专题: 自我介绍的英语作文 英语导游词 故宫英语导游词

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