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2024-06-10 13:57:48










解州关帝庙创建于隋开皇九年(589),宋朝大中祥符七年(1014)重建,嗣后屡建屡毁,现存建筑为清康熙四十一年(1072)大火之后,历时十载而重建的。庙以东西向街道为界,分南北两大部分,总占地面积约 66600余平方米。街南称结义园,由结义坊、君子亭、三义阁、莲花池、假山等建筑组成。残存高2米的结义碑1通,白描阴刻人物,桃花吐艳,竹枝扶疏,构思奇巧,刻技颇高,系清乾隆二十八年(1763)言如泗主持刻建的。园内桃林繁茂,千枝万朵,颇有“三结义”的桃园风趣。街北是正庙,座北朝南,仿宫殿式布局,占地面积18570平方米,横线上分中、东、西三院,中院是主体,主轴线上又分前院和后宫两部分。



前行有午门。是一座面阔五间,单檐庑殿顶、石雕回廊的厅式建筑。周围有石栏杆,栏板正反两面浮雕各类图案、人物 144幅,洋洋大观,颇有童趣。厅内南有周仓、廖化画像,轩昂威武。北面左右两侧,彩绘着关羽戎马一生的主要经历,起于桃园三结义,止于水淹七军,只是没有走麦城这个情节,在全国关庙壁画中都按此进行,据说这是因忌讳关羽自高自大而被杀,终于造成蜀国的覆灭而隐去的。穿过午门,经“山海钟灵”坊、御书楼,便是关帝庙主体建筑崇宁殿。

北宋崇宁三年(1104),徽宗赵佶封关羽为“崇宁真君”,故名崇宁殿。殿前苍松翠柏,郁郁葱葱,配以石华表一对,焚表塔两座,铁旗杆一双,月台宽敞,勾栏曲折,使人顿生敬佩之感。殿面阔七间,进深六间,重檐歇山式琉璃殿顶,檐下施双昂五踩斗拱,额枋雕刻富丽。殿周回廊置雕龙石柱26根,皤龙姿态各异,个个须眉毕张,活灵活现。下施栏杆石柱52根。砌栏板50块,刻浮雕 200方,蔚为壮观。大殿明间悬横匾“神勇”二字,清乾隆帝手书。檐下有“万世人极”匾,是咸丰皇帝所写。下列青龙偃月刀三把,重 300斤,门口还有铜香案一座,铁鹤一双,威严。殿内木雕神龛玲珑精巧,内塑帝王装关羽坐像,勇猛刚毅,神态端庄肃穆。龛外雕梁画栋,仪仗倚列,木雕云龙金柱,自下盘绕至顶,狰狞怒目,两首相交,以示关羽的英雄气概。龛上有康熙手书“义炳乾坤”横匾一方,更增崇宁殿庄严肃穆的气氛。




Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Today we will visit the famous ancient city of Jingzhou.

"Hearing about the Three Kingdoms, I want to go to Jingzhou every time.".When you mention Jingzhou, you will naturally think of the famous stories of theThree Kingdoms in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, such as Liu Bei's borrowingJingzhou, Lu Su's attacking Jingzhou, Lu Meng's attacking Jingzhou, and GuanYu's losing Jingzhou. Of the 120 chapters of the romance of the Three Kingdoms,72 chapters involve Jingzhou. For thousands of years, there has been an endlessstream of people who have come to Jingzhou to inquire about the history of theThree Kingdoms. As your on-the-spot tour guide, I am very honored to take thisopportunity to show you the historical picture of the evolution and developmentof Jingzhou Ancient City over the past two thousand years.

We are now at the east gate of Jingzhou City. The river tens of meters widein front of you is the moat. During the war, it was a natural barrier againstthe enemy's attack. Now, on this river, a grand International Dragon BoatInvitational race is held every year. Before entering the city, let me firstintroduce the historical background of the ancient city of Jingzhou.

Jingzhou City, also known as Jiangling city. At present, Jingzhou is themost complete ancient city in southern China, and it is also one of the 24famous historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council in 1982. In1996, Jingzhou Ancient City Wall was announced as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit by the State Council. In 20__, Jingzhou City, with JingzhouAncient City as the center, was named as China's excellent tourist city by theNational Tourism Administration.

Looking back on the history of Jingzhou, we can say that it is closelyconnected with the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization. As we all know,the Chinese nation is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. After the YellowEmperor and the Yan Emperor's tribes merged and unified China, Jingzhou was oneof the ancient Kyushu.

The name of "Jingzhou" can be found in the book "Shangshu? Yugong" in theWarring States period, which states that "Jingzhou and Hengyang only exist inJingzhou". At that time, the area of Jingzhou was very large, and the state ofChu in the spring and autumn and Warring States period rose in Jingzhou.According to historical records, in the eighth year of King Zhouzhuang (689 BC),King Wen of Chu moved the capital city to Ji'nan City, which is five kilometersnorth of Jingzhou. The state of Chu established its capital here for 411 years.It experienced 20 kings before and after that, creating a Chu culture that is asimportant as the Central Plains culture in the Yellow River Valley, andcomparable to the ancient Greek and Roman culture. It is said that during thereign of King Cheng of Chu (671-525 B.C.), in order to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the Yangtze River, he built many palaces and palace boat docks inJingzhou City, which are the rudiments of today's Jingzhou City. In the 29thyear of King Zhao of Qin Dynasty (278 BC), Bai Qi, a famous general of Qinstate, led his troops to attack the state of Chu and occupied the area betweenJianghan and Han. Then Qin established Nanjun in the capital of Chu, which wasone of the 36 counties in China at that time. Later, the Qin Dynasty establishedJiangling County in today's Jingzhou City, which is called "Jiangling" becauseit is close to the river and there are no mountains near the state. In 106 BC,Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the Department of Cishi in Jingzhou,one of the thirteen prefectures in China. Since then, Jingzhou has become thename of administrative division.

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Jingzhou has become an important place forthe successive dynasties to establish their own government. It has always been aplace of governance at the state and county level, and some dynasties evenestablished their capitals and states here. During the Three Kingdoms period,this place was an important place for hegemony. Sun and Liu united to defeatCao's army in the first battle of Chibi, so Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou from SunQuan the next year and developed the power of Shu on this basis. Since then,Emperor an in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, Emperor Qihe, Emperor Liangyuan andEmperor houliangxuan in the Southern Dynasty, King Houliang in the Sui Dynasty,and King Nanping in the late Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, etc.successively, there have been 11 disputed princes who claimed to be emperors(kings) and established their capitals here for more than 100 years. In TangDynasty, Jingzhou was the auxiliary capital, called "Nanjun", which echoed thenorth and south of Chang'an city. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty,Jiangling mansion was set up here. In the early Yuan Dynasty, Jiangling mansionwas changed to Shanglu mansion. In the early Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou Prefecturewas established. In Qing Dynasty, the system of Ming Dynasty was adopted. In theRepublic of China, Jingzhou was the fourth administrative capital of HubeiProvince. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Jingzhou Citywas the seat of Jingzhou regional Commissioner Office and Jiangling CountyPeople's government. In 1994, the former Jingzhou area and Shashi City merged toform Jingsha City, which was renamed Jingzhou City in 1997. Jingzhou City is theseat of Jingzhou District of six counties and two districts of JingzhouCity.

Jingzhou City is located in the middle of the world. The meeting of therivers and lakes has always been a place for military strategists. Zhuge Liangonce said, "Jingzhou is a country of military use, which is based on the HanDynasty and Mianyang in the north, the South China Sea in the East, Wu and Huiin the East, and Ba and Shu in the West.". Li Gu, the prime minister famous forhis uprightness and loyalty in the Han Dynasty, Guan Yu, Zhou Yu, Lu Meng and LuXun, the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, and Ma taokan, the great masterof literature and martial arts in the Jin Dynasty, once guarded Jingzhou; XieLingyun and Bao Zhao, the poets of Jin Dynasty, Zhang Jiuling and ZhangCambodian, the Kaiming prime ministers of Tang Dynasty, Han Yu and Yuan Zhen,the great literary scholars, and Wang Anshi, the great statesman of SongDynasty, have also held different positions in Jingzhou. In addition, many majorpeasant uprisings in the past dynasties also took Jingzhou as an importanttarget, such as Wang Kuang and Wang Feng in the late Western Han Dynasty, HuangChao in the late Tang Dynasty, Chen Youliang in the late Yuan Dynasty, LiZicheng and Zhang Xianzhong in the late Ming Dynasty.

In addition to being a military important place, the economy and culture ofancient Jingzhou City were also very active and prosperous. Due to itsconvenient transportation, fertile land, mild climate and rich products, it hasdeveloped into one of the top ten commercial centers in China as early as theWestern Han Dynasty, ranking first among the five southern counties. In thenorthern and Southern Dynasties, it became "the first city in the middle reachesof the Yangtze River", as well as Yangzhou, a famous commercial city in thelower reaches of the Yangtze River. Although it was once destroyed in the war inthe Western Wei Dynasty, it gradually returned to prosperity in the middle TangDynasty, and its scale was about ten times as large as before. Therefore,Jingzhou City was regarded as the "companion capital" at that time, and was alsoknown as Chang'an and Luoyang.

Jingzhou is the center of Chu culture, the music and dance nation of"Chutian" and enjoys the reputation of "only Chu has talent". For thousands ofyears, the culture here has been prosperous and talents have come forth in largenumbers, including Qu Yuan, a famous patriotic poet of Chu state, cen Shen, afamous frontier poet of Tang Dynasty, and Zhu LAN, a "xiaowanjuan" of SongDynasty. In the political arena, the prime ministers coming out of Jingzhouinclude Liu Wei and Duan Wenchang of Tang Dynasty, CEN Zhiben, cen Changqing andCen Xi. The most famous prime minister is Zhang Juzheng of Ming Dynasty. Headvocated abolishing bad politics and developing economy. He played a positiverole at that time and was respected by later generations. At the same time, thebeautiful natural scenery and profound cultural heritage of Jingzhou City havealso attracted many well-known scholars of all ages to visit, sing poems andmeet friends, Sima Qian of Han Dynasty, Wang can and Tao Yuanming of Wei, Jin,southern and Northern Dynasties, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi,Li Shangyin and Du Mu of Tang Dynasty, Su Shi and Lu You of Song Dynasty, YuanHongdao and Wang Shizhen of Ming and Qing Dynasty He has visited Jingzhou Cityand left a large number of excellent poems and essays, among which the mostfamous one is the quatrains in Li Bai's poem xiajiangling, which says "when theemperor leaves the White Emperor, the Jiangling will return in a day".

Well, having said so much, we must have a better understanding of the pastof Jingzhou Ancient City. Now let's go to see what Jingzhou City looks like.Please follow me along the sidewalk on the right side to the city. On the leftside is the horse road. If you pay attention to it, you will find that there areinscriptions on the bricks of the horse road. These are the preciousinscriptions on the walls of the ancient city of Jingzhou. They record the longhistory of the construction of Jingzhou city wall and reflect the changes of theadministrative areas under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou It is of great value tothe study of history.

It is said that in the Han Dynasty, Jingzhou had a regular city wall. After12 times of maintenance and expansion, the city became more solid andmagnificent, including Guan Yu, the general of Shu, Zhu ran, the general of Wu,Huan Wen, the governor of Jingzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Liang Yuandi.According to historical records, the first brick wall of Jingzhou was built inthe period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. In 912 ad, Gao Jixing, the Jieduenvoy of Southern Jingzhou, used more than 100000 soldiers and civilians tooverhaul the brick wall of Jingzhou for the purpose of seizing Jingzhou as aking. If there were not enough bricks to build the city, he ordered to dig outtomb bricks everywhere, and all the tombs within 50 Li were excavated. It issaid that after the completion of the city wall, countless phosphorescent lightswill appear on the wall every night, which looks like "ghost fire" and makespeople creepy. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the city wall wasdestroyed because of the "Jingkang" war. In the Southern Song Dynasty, in orderto appease Shi Zhaoxiong and strengthen the defense of Jingzhou, Emperorshangzou Chunxi approved the construction of the brick wall in 1187. Within 11months, the brick wall was rebuilt, and more than 1000 Battle Towers were builton the wall. This time, the bricks were "special city bricks" ordered by thegovernment. There was an inscription on the bricks, but there was no record ofthe year. Later, Yuanbing captured Jingzhou City, and Kublai Khan ordered thatthe city wall be demolished. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, ZhuYuanzhang restored the foundation again and excavated moats around the city. Atthe end of Ming Dynasty, after Zhang Xianzhong led the peasant uprising army toattack Jingzhou City, the city wall was demolished by the angry volunteers.Until the third year of Shunzhi (1646 AD), the city wall was built on the oldfoundation for the third time, which is the ancient city wall of Jingzhou. Theconstruction of the city is very strong. In order to prevent the city wall fromsinking due to water erosion, all the footings of the city wall are built withstone barriers, and the walls are filled with lime and glutinous rice mortar.Although the city wall was destroyed three times and built three times, andafter more than 300 years of cold and heat in spring and autumn, it is still ingood condition. After the founding of new China, the state and local governmentshave focused on the protection of the ancient city of Jingzhou. They havetransformed, renovated, repaired and expanded the city and its surroundingenvironment, built the inner ring road and the outer ring road, dredged andmanaged the moat, and built Fenghuang square and Tianwen square outside the eastgate and the new north gate respectively, making the ancient city of Jingzhoumore beautiful, magnificent and spectacular The old and fresh face of JingzhouCity seen by heaven.

In addition, according to experts' research, so far, the earliest characterbrick with year number found on Jingzhou City Wall was found in the second yearof Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1369 A.D.), which has a history of more than 600years. This brick is 207 years earlier than the character brick of Wanli yearfound on the Great Wall reported by Xinhua news agency. What's more amazing isthat according to the records of the written bricks, these bricks were not onlyfrom Jianghan Plain, but also from other places in the province and other placesoutside the province, such as Hunan, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, etc., which shows thehuge scale of the city building project at that time. Ancient city building alsoreflects the idea of quality management. The detailed or simple responsibilityinscriptions left by the construction or maintenance of the city walls in thepast dynasties are actually a kind of public responsibility. In addition torecording the time and place of brick making, there are also detailedinscriptions on the supervisor, brick maker, kiln maker, brick making expenses,the name of the undertaker and the local officials in charge. It can be seenthat during the construction of Jingzhou city wall at that time, the practice of"mobilizing the whole people, working from top to bottom, clear division oflabor, and responsibility to people" was adopted. The reason why Jingzhou hasbeen known as "the iron Jingzhou" in ancient times is inseparable from this"responsibility system". This is what we need to learn from the sages today.

If you observe these character bricks carefully, you will find that thereare both yin and Yang inscriptions, and both yin and Yang inscriptions in theway of writing; there are both running script and regular script in the way ofcalligraphy; there are both traditional and simplified characters in the way ofwriting. Therefore, these character bricks have important artistic researchvalue, which is worthy of further development and utilization.

Now, we have boarded the East Gate Tower, looking out from the fence, andthinking about Guan Yu's years, when she was young and bearded, holding thegreen dragon Yanyue sword, did you also have a strong heart to experience thepride of "one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand men are not allowed toopen it"?

From the aerial view, Jingzhou City Wall is like a swimming dragon,stretching in the lake and marsh, in an irregular oval shape. The whole citywall is 3.75 km long from east to west, 1.2 km wide from north to south, 10.5 kmin circumference, and covers an area of 4.5 square kilometers. The wall is 8.83meters high, the top is 3 to 5 meters wide, and the base is about 10 meterswide. There are 4567 battlements, 26 fortresses and 4 Zang Bing Dong on thewall. These are the ancient war defense attack tools.

There are six gates in the ancient city of Jingzhou, two in the northeastand one in the southwest. The name of the east gate is Yin bin gate, the name ofthe small east gate is gong'an gate, the name of the big north gate is Gong Jigate, also known as Liu gate, the name of the small north gate is Yuan'an gate,the name of the south gate is Nan Ji gate, and the name of the west gate is anLAN gate. The name of each gate has something to do with the geography, historyand customs of Jingzhou. For example, Xiaodongmen, Liu Bei changed youjiangkouto gong'an, married Mrs. sun and went back to Jingzhou by boat. At this gate, hegot off the boat and landed in Jingzhou City, so it was named gong'an; Anotherexample is the Great North gate. In ancient times, there was a road leading toKyoto in the north of the city. When officials moved and transferred, they allwent out of this gate. When officials and friends saw each other off, they brokethe willows and gave them away. Therefore, it is also called liumen. Accordingto historical records, since the Han Dynasty, it has become a custom forrelatives and friends to give each other a gift when they leave. The reason isthat "Liu" is the homonym of "Liu", and "Liu" means "retention" and "nostalgia".In addition to the small east gate, the other five gates all have a gate, whichis a double gate. There is an urn between the two gates. Each double gate isequipped with a wooden opposite door, and there is a 10 cm thick gate inside thewooden gate to prevent water damage. In addition, there were gate towers on thesix gates. The East Gate Tower was called Binyang tower, the small East GateTower was called Wangjiang tower, the big north gate tower was called Jinglongtower, the small North Gate Tower was called Chaozong tower, the South GateTower was called Qujiang tower, and the west gate tower was called Jiuyangtower. Due to the change of dynasties, historical changes, and the destructionof war, the original gate tower except Jinglong tower on the big north gate wasin the 18th year of Daoguang reign of Qing Dynasty( That is, in 1838 A.D., itwas rebuilt and preserved until now. The Binyang building in the east gate,where we are now, was rebuilt in the 1980s with funds from the state in order todevelop Jingzhou tourism, repair and protect the ancient city of Jingzhou.

There are also some historical sites scattered around Jingzhou, which arealso places worth visiting. For example, Kaiyuan Temple, Xuanmiao temple, tienutemple, Confucian temple, Guandi Temple inside the city, Taihui temple outsidethe city, Guangong dianjiangtai, zhangfei yidantu and so on. In addition to thecity wall and these historical relics, it is difficult to see ancient buildingsin Jingzhou City, instead of rows of tall buildings large building. As time goeson, the streets and alleys in Jingzhou City in the past have been replaced bywide roads, forming a crisscross and orderly road network. In order to meet theneeds of modern means of transportation, three new city gates suitable forpublic transport have been built on the walls of the East, South and North,making the city gate of Jingzhou today nine. The ancient city of Jingzhou isfull of modern atmosphere. The commercial atmosphere is very strong. Thelarge-scale shopping malls include Jingzhou shopping mall, Jingzhou departmentstore, Jingzhou Hualian Shopping Mall, Jingzhou Chutian building, etc. there areall kinds of goods in these shopping malls. If you want to buy some localproducts of Jingzhou and take them home as souvenirs or gifts to your relativesand friends, I can introduce Jingzhou scenery here Here you are. Please listencarefully: in juzhenyuan, an old hotel with a history of 100 years, you can buyauthentic Jiangling eight treasures rice; in Jingzhou department store, you canbuy delicious Jiangling nine yellow cakes; in Jingzhou silk factory, you can buydesirable brocade satin, antique silk and other silk products; in Jingzhou artsand crafts factory, you can also buy various kinds of antique Lacquerware

Well, here is the information about the ancient city of Jingzhou. Now giveyou a quarter of an hour to move freely. You can take photos here.







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