黄果树大瀑布已经到了,你们看,这就是早已闻名遐迩的中国第一大瀑布。 黄果树瀑布高68米,加上瀑上瀑6米,总高74米,宽81米,夏秋洪水暴涨,瀑布如黄河倒倾,峭壁震颤,谷底轰雷,十里开外,也能听到它的咆哮;由于水流的强大冲击力,溅起的水雾可弥漫数百米以上,使坐落在瀑布左侧崖顶上的寨子和街市常常被溅起的水雾所笼罩。游人谓之“银雨洒金街”。冬春水小,瀑布便分成三五绺从岸顶上挂下来,远远望去,那洁白的水帘飘然而下,扬扬洒洒,如绸缎飘舞,如仙袂飘举,如淑女浣纱黄果树瀑布景区导游词黄果树瀑布景区导游词。
现在,我们来到了瀑布跌落处---犀牛潭。此潭乃因传说有神犀潜藏水底而得名。有没有神犀,谁也没有见过,但潭水的神秘幽深,至今依然,任何人驻足潭边,都会浮想联篇。若是晴天的上午10时或下午4时左右,由于阳光的折射,你还可以透过瀑布冲击时溅起的雨雾,看到从深潭中升起的七色彩虹,使你顿生雄姿盖世,艳丽昭天之感。 这个瀑布为什么起名叫黄果树瀑布,而不叫其他别的什么瀑布呢?据民间传说,是因为瀑布边上有棵高大的黄桷树,按当地的口音,“桷”与“果”读音相同,所以人们就习惯称之为黄果树,这是一种说法。还有一种说法,传说很久以前瀑布附近的农民都喜欢种黄果,瀑布边上就有一大片黄果园,因此就把这个瀑布称之为黄果树瀑布了。 与世界上其他著名的大瀑布相比,黄果树大瀑布虽然没有非洲维多利亚大瀑布、北美洲尼亚加拉大瀑布、委内瑞拉安赫尔大瀑布那般宽阔、高深和雄伟,但是,黄果树大瀑布自有它奇特之处,它是世界上处在喀斯特地区最在瀑布,也是最壮观的瀑布黄果树瀑布景区。这个大瀑布就像是一块奇异的磁 石,在它的地面、地下、水上、水中还吸附着一连串丰姿绰约的景致。其中最神奇的一处,就是隐藏在大瀑布半腰的崖廊洞穴,由于洞外藤萝攀附,水挂珠帘,故曰“水帘洞”。这是世界上其它大瀑布所没有的奇特景观。 女士们、先生们,“水帘洞”已经到了,这个水帘洞全长134米,它由6个洞窗、3个股洞泉和6个通道所组成。根据中国神话故事改编的大型电视连续剧《西游记》中水帘洞一场戏,就是这里拍摄。 这是第一洞窗,它的位置最低,离犀牛潭水面仅40米,但洞窗则最宽大,有十几米宽,位置在第一、二个瀑布中间,大水时两个瀑布就连成水帘,将洞窗全部封住;水小时则次第拉开,从几米到十几米不等,闵像可以随意开合的窗帘。 这是第二洞窗,它离第一洞窗仅4米左右。这是一个静谧的世界,号称水晶宫。它是水帘洞的心脏部分,长11米,高9米,宽3米。路旁有一股泉水,清澈明净,水长年保持在一个水位。洞顶悬挂着许多钟乳石,在麦秆状钟乳石上还有名贵的卷曲石。洞壁上还悬着数不清的石幔、石帘。 这是第三洞窗,它向外突出,很像阳台。这个洞窗有1米高,3米长,外面围有护栏,游人站在护栏后面可以伸手摸到瀑布,所以人们把这里称之为“摸瀑台”。
Huangguoshu Waterfall belongs to the Baishui River system at the lower reaches of Kebu River, a tributary of Dabang River, a tributary of Beipan River, a tributary of Nanpan River, the main stream of Xijiang River in the the Pearl River water system. Kebu River is the west source (or tributary) of Dabang River, a north bank tributary at the downstream of Beipan River, a tributary of Nanpan River in the Xijiang River system of the the Pearl River Basin. Originating from Ertang in Liuzhi Special District, Guizhou Province, it flows northeast to Zhedongnan in Liuzhi Special District, passes through Biandan Mountain and reaches the mouth of Guijia River, initially known as Baishui River. The Huangguoshu Waterfall flows south here and intersects with Dongyuan Wanger River into Dabang River. The river is 48 kilometers long, with a catchment area of 731.4 square kilometers, a drop of 339 meters, and a flow rate of 14.6 cubic meters per second at the mouth.
The flow rate of Huangguoshu Waterfall is generally maintained at 8 to 12 cubic meters per second. The maximum flow during the rainy season can reach 110-150 cubic meters per second. At a flow rate of 2-3 cubic meters per second, Huangguoshu Waterfall can form a landscape. With a flow rate of about 5 cubic meters, it can showcase the beautiful side of Huangguoshu Waterfall without losing its grandeur. Due to the decrease in upstream water volume, during the dry season from early November to the end of April each year, Wangerhe Reservoir will divert water to Huangguoshu Waterfall, with a daily flow rate of no less than 5 cubic meters per second. This can ensure that the flow rate of Huangguoshu Waterfall during the dry season remains above 8 cubic meters per second. Even if facing another severe drought, the Huangguoshu Waterfall will still remain beautiful and spectacular.
Huangguoshu Waterfall has a long history as a scenic spot. After the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China, Anshun City and Zhenning County in Guizhou Province developed it. In 1982, it was included in the first batch of national key scenic spots.
The Dahuang Fruit Tree Tourism Circle includes the unique and magnificent natural landscapes and diverse ethnic customs and cultures of Anshun, covering Tianxing Bridge, Langgong, Longgong, Getu River, Guanling National Paleontological Geological Park, the Earths Great Rift - Huajiang Grand Canyon, Tianlong Tunpu, Yunfeng Tunpu, and multiple tourist ethnic villages, covering an area of over 120 square kilometers.
The origin of Huangguoshu Waterfall can be traced back to the Middle Triassic period over 200 million years ago, when a thick set of carbonate rocks was deposited in the Huangguoshu area. The Huangguoshu Waterfall developed in a set of thick layers interbedded with a small amount of thin layered limestone in the second section of the Guanling Formation of the Middle Triassic, located on the eastern wing of the Wengzhai anticline. The Baishui River during the formation of Huangguoshu Waterfall was an above ground river that developed between 100000 and 500000 years ago and evolved from the "wide valley period" to the "canyon period" during the middle and late Pleistocene periods of the Quaternary. Later, due to the intermittent uplift of the crust during the Himalayan Movement, the erosion benchmark level of the river decreased, leading to the strengthening of erosion, dissolution, and other downward cutting effects of the river. A "fissure" was formed at this point (where the riverbed underwent significant turning points due to the uplift of the crust, the decline of the erosion benchmark level, and the influence of factors such as structure and lithology). The fissures, karst caves, and underground rivers at this fissure point were very developed. The Baishui River first formed a karst erosion fissure type sinkhole waterfall. Later, under the influence of factors such as river erosion, dissolution, and lateral erosion, intermittent uplift of the crust, and increasing hydrodynamic forces in the late Pleistocene warm and humid climate, the top of the sinkhole gradually collapsed, and the Huangguoshu Waterfall finally appeared, with a history of 50000 years.
推荐专题: 贵州黄果树瀑布英文导游词