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2024-03-20 00:26:51



After 20 years of development and construction, the Tianzhu Mountain is the development of the eight scenic areas, open six scenic spots and tourist facilities has greatly improved the visibility and Tianzhu Mountain growing reputation, Tianzhu Mountain to the number of tourists has increased, the home and about 800,000 passengers.

Tianzhu Mountain is no longer Mr.

Yu described a "lonely Tianzhu Mountain", the tourism economy of our county and enriching Buried Hill County of the pillar industries.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are expected to back xxx in xxx minutes, the terninal of this journey.

I'd like to express my grateful to every body for your kindly cooperation during the journey.

I spend a very nice time with in the past xx days.


Today, we are going to visit the Aoyuan scenic spot in Jimei. The Aoyuanwas built by our patriotic overseas Chinese leader, Mr. Tan Kah kee. It startedin 1951 and was not completed until 1961. It took ten years. It covers an areaof about 9000 square meters and costs 650000 yuan. It is mainly composed of aporch, a Liberation Monument in Jimei, a tomb of Chen Kah Kee and stone carvingssurrounding the wall, Facing the sea on three sides and the land on the west, itis called Ao garden because it is shaped like a big Ao, which is a symbol ofgood luck and longevity in Southern Fujian. Now lets take a look at the Aoyuanthat Mr. Tan Kah Kee spent ten years to complete! The time we will visit will beone and a half hours.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a big disc set at the gate of Aoyuan. Everytime the astronomical spring tide occurs in September of the lunar calendar, thesea water will pour into the hole and quickly fill all around the disc. At thistime, Aoyuan is like a big aoxizhu, and the whole Aoyuan is like a white waterlily lying on the sea, full of fun. This implicit design shows Mr. Tan Jiagengsgood intentions.

Ladies and gentlemen, on the screen wall directly opposite the monument,there are 12 relief sculptures on the left and right of the museum view in themiddle. Most of the contents are public health and sports. There are five mapsin the middle, one of which is the complete picture of Baodao province. Thiskind of sculpture form is called flat sculpture or line sculpture. It expressesMr. Tan Kah Kees good wishes for realizing the great cause of peacefulreunification across the Taiwan Strait We firmly believe that with the return ofHong Kong and Macao, the implementation of "one country, two systems" andpeaceful reunification on the treasure island will not be far away, and the dayof great reunion of the Chinese people will come. This is the wish of Mr. TanKah Kee and that of all the Chinese people! When Tan Kah Kee was alive, he oncesaid that after the completion of Aoyuan, a park would be built in the northwestof Aoyuan. In order to fulfill his last wish, Jimei School Committee startedconstruction of Jiageng Park in September 1992 and opened it to tourists on the120th anniversary of Tan Kah Kees birth in 1994. In the park, there are alsoaoting and Mingshi Pavilion completed at the same time as Aoyuan.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of our tour today. Aoyuan is like anencyclopedia, which integrates politics, economy, history, society, culture,education and art. It is also a monument built by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in his lastten years, which is imbued with his strong patriotic feelings. What impressiondo you have? Then we are about to separate. There is no banquet that will neverend. Welcome to bring your friends and relatives next time. Lets get togetheragain in Xiamen and have a bright future! Thank you for your support and trustin my work! thank you! bye.

推荐专题: 导游词结束语幽默简短英文

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