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2024-03-20 00:26:34



















大家再看看这片小树林,中间有一座雕像。大家猜猜他是谁呢?他就是李达,武汉大学建国后的第一任校长,同时也是任期最长的校长。李校长是中共一大代表和中国共产党的第一任宣传部长,著名的马列主义哲学家,是m主席十分亲密的朋友。m主席建国后只视察过两所大学,那就是天津大学和武汉大学。而那时武汉大学的校长就是李达先生。所以我们经常开玩笑说,m主席到我们这来是“因私办公事”。 穿过这片小树林,现在我们就来到了武大风景最为独特与美丽的地方——风雨大操场。 1958年9月12号,毛爷爷就是在这里视察了武汉大学2万余名师生代表。为了纪念这件事情,我们便把风雨大操场改称为“九一二广场”。 如果我们站在操场上往后看就可以看到武大的标志性建筑行政大楼,所有的图片,书籍等都是以这栋楼作为背景的。同学们有没有发现到现在我们看到的建筑和其它学校里四四方方的教学楼不同呢?那是因为这全是1930年到1936年间的早期建筑,这也是前辈们留给我们后人最宝贵的文化遗产。


说到这里,大家一定很关心这么好的地方是谁选的呢?这么杰出的建筑是谁设计的呢?我们的校址是著名的地质学家-李四光先生和著名的农学家叶雅阁所选的, 他们是武大建筑筹备委员会委员,当初珞珈山属于武昌的荒郊野外,李老和叶雅阁可是骑着毛驴到珞珈山来选址的,他们对武昌郊外的地理环境都非常的熟悉,早年就有在东湖之滨建一所大学的想法,经考察后,1928年确定在珞珈山一带为新校址,那里依山傍水,风景秀丽,地价便宜,土石料、水源充足,远离闹市,是潜心读书研究学问的好地方,也符合中国传统文化中的“仁者乐山,智者乐水”的书院相地选址理念。







成五二零惨案,消息传到武大,爱国学生满腔义愤,举行了三反示威游行,提出了我们要吃饭,我们要活命等口号。武大师生的革命活动,令国民党反动派惶恐不安,国民党武汉警备司令部在5月28日审定了进步师生的名单,准备将进步师生一网打尽。6月1日凌晨,国民党派警察,宪兵1000多人封锁和包围了校园,在制高点驾驶机关枪、追击炮,特务手持黑名单,引着军警搜查师生宿舍。梦中惊醒的学生英勇地展开了营救斗争。他们有的与国民党军警特务说理,有的拿水泼他们,有的钻进车底破坏汽车,有的砸破玻璃。武大学生的抗争,激怒了国民党反动派,他们向手无寸铁的学生开始血醒屠杀。珞珈山下硝烟弥漫,学士路上弹痕累累血流成河有三位同学当场遭到枪杀牺牲,重伤3人,轻伤10人,逮捕师生员工20人,这就是震惊中外的“六一”惨案。我们现在站的地方就是烈士们就义的地方,烈士的鲜血染红了这里的台阶,武大每年都会将这里的血迹重新染一遍,激励学生们好好学习努力奋斗。大家也要知道我们现在的幸福生活得来不易. 现在这里是武大颇负盛名的鲲鹏广场,鲲鹏是既象鱼又象鸟的动物,它不仅能凌空翱翔,而且可以遨游万里,这座雕塑就是鲲鹏,就像石雕正面所书的“北冥深广,鲲翼垂天,云拨九万,水击三千。”每年毕业生离校之际,都回在这里合影留念,纪念他们鹏程万里的起点。在它旁边的是武大的老体育馆,它建于1937年,是由曾任中华民国大总统的黎元洪的儿子黎绍基捐资修建的,因为黎元洪字宋卿,因此又名“宋卿体育馆”。1947年,武大六一惨案追悼地就在这里举行。休育馆是巴洛克建筑,也是典型的中西合璧建筑。它分上、下两层,总面积2500平方米,楼上是篮球场,楼下是健身房。








The greenhouse is divided into three exhibition areas: tropical rain forest exhibition area, desert plant exhibition area and orchid exhibition area. First of all, we come to the tropical rainforest exhibition area. With a total area of 1845 square meters, it is the largest main exhibition area of the whole greenhouse. There are more than 1500 cultivated species, including Palmaceae, Moraceae, Bromeliaceae, Araceae, Liliaceae, Zingiberaceae, Musaceae, Araliaceae, acanthopanax senticosus, Euphorbiaceae, Begoniaceae and various ferns. The room simulates the scenery of tropical rain forest, and it is also dominated by tropical and subtropical plants. According to their different terrain and functions, they are planted separately to form a unique ecological landscape of tropical rain forest. Highlighting the primitive jungle atmosphere, palm family includes King coconut and old man sunflower (old man sunflower is also called Washington sunflower, belonging to Washington family of palm family, native to India, Malaysia, etc.). Woody plants, evergreen trees, foliage plants, evergreen coconut trees.) For sugar producing plants, people are most familiar with sugarcane in the South and beet in the north. In fact, sugar palm in palmitaceae is also an expert in sugar production. Sugar palm is produced in tropical Asia and Africa. It is tall and has large and dense pinnate leaves. Its nectar contains sugar. After the inflorescence is cut, a large amount of sugar juice can flow out. The amount of juice of female plant is about 50% more than that of male plant. The juice can be used as beverage, fermented wine or concentrated boiling for 5 hours Tropical fruit is the fruit of the heart (fruit of the heart belongs to mountain olive family fruit of the heart). It is native to Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia. China is mainly distributed in Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. Evergreen trees. Human heart fruit is named because its longitudinal section looks like human heart. The best taste was 5-7 days after harvest. The milk of bark is gum; the oil content of seed kernel is up to 20%, and the root, skin and leaf can be used for medicine.) Mangoes (mangoes belong to the genus mangiferaceae, enjoying the reputation of "king of tropical fruits". Mango is an evergreen tree. The nutritional value of mango is very high, and the content of vitamin A is as high as 3.8%, which is twice as much as that of apricot. The content of vitamin C is also higher than that of oranges and strawberries. Mango contains sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which are necessary for human body. It's not seasick, it's disgusting Because the cross section is like a five pointed star, it is also called "star pear" abroad. It is one of the famous Lingnan fruits. Oxalaceae, evergreen or semi evergreen trees. It can produce fluid and quench thirst. It is beneficial to urination, heat dissipation, pain relief and hemostasis. Besides 10% sugar, it is also rich in vitamin A and C. Among them, there are waterfalls to welcome visitors, green water to appreciate pearls, cave heaven and blessed land, and Maoting path.

You will see this tree is Dracaena, a tropical evergreen tree, for the agave family, Dracaena. Once its bark is cut, it will flow out bright red juice, like the blood of the human body, hence its name. Most of them are distributed in limestone areas with high altitude, up to 20 meters high, belonging to class II national protected plants. The juice of Dracaena Dracaena has very high medicinal value. It can extract the precious Yunnan red medicine, Dracaena Dracaena, also known as Kirin's Dracaena, which is as famous as Yunnan Baiyao. It is also the main component of the famous medicine "Qilisan". Li Shizhen praised it as "the holy medicine of promoting blood circulation" in compendium of Materia Medica. It has the good effects of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, detumescence, relieving pain, astringency and hemostasis. It can be taken orally and used externally. It is a good treatment It is a special medicine for traumatic injury, promoting blood circulation and hemostasis. In 1972, Professor Cai Xitao, a famous botanist and founder of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, first discovered a large area of Dracaena Dracaena on the limestone mountain in Menglian County, Simao Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The growth of Dracaena Dracaena is very slow. Its trunk is less than 1 cm thick in one year, but its life span is the longest in the plant kingdom, up to 8000 years, so it is called "the longevity of plants" by botanists.

You can see this is a kapok tree, a large deciduous tree of the kapok family. It is also called the hero tree because it grows very straight and has red flowers like blood. The height of the tree is about 10 meters. The tree and its branches are long and hard. It mainly grows in the south of China. It blooms in March and April every year. Its flower is called kapok. It can be used as medicinal material and has the function of clearing away heat and dampness. It is the city flower of Guangzhou. Here it mainly shows the tropical rain

There is a special phenomenon of root plate in forest.

Generally, the roots of plants plunge into the soil to absorb water and nutrients, supply the growth of stems, branches and leaves of aboveground parts, and also play a supporting role in bearing the gravity of aboveground parts. In order to better perform the above functions, the roots always develop in depth and breadth. The trees in the middle and upper layers of tropical rainforest are generally 30-40 meters in diameter, and their crowns are also very wide. If there is no strong root system as the foundation, these trees will be top heavy and unstable, and will sink or be destroyed by tropical storms. Because the tropical rain forest is in a rainy and humid climate, the water in the soil is always saturated or nearly saturated in the long rainy season. The roots of trees are required for "breathing", so they are difficult to penetrate into the deep soil layer lacking air. Since it is difficult to enter the deep soil and to support the aboveground parts, they adopt the strategy of developing to the surface space. For example, this kapok tree chooses to extend the stem of the trunk like a wing to all sides to form a plate-shaped root, which is called "plate root", and meandering along the ground to solve the problem of "heavy head and light foot and shallow root". The wonder of natural creatures lies in their harmonious relationship with the environment and the survival of the fittest.

Under the kapok tree is the golden bract flower, also known as the golden bract shrimp clothing flower, Acanthaceae thick ear Acanthopanax is an evergreen subshrub. The bracts are heart-shaped, golden yellow, about 3cm long; the flowers are milky white, lip shaped, about 5cm long, protruding from the bracts. Native to Peru and Mexico. First, the temperature should be appropriate. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20 ℃ to 28 ℃. The second is the suitable light. Third, water should be sufficient. Fourth, the soil should be well permeable. Fifthly, fertilizer should be used in the right way.

Walking in the beautiful tropical rain forest, you may suddenly find: a clump of strange emerald green leaves grows on the trunk of a tall tree, both upward and downward. The top of each leaf splits into two pieces, and each piece splits into two pieces, and so on. It looks like the horn of a Wapiti. This is the famous wild ornamental plant, the second level national key protection plant - antler fern. This is the one you can see. It is a perennial evergreen epiphytic herbaceous foliage plant of antler fern family. Although antler fern takes the tall trees as its home, it does no harm to the trees, because it is an epiphytic plant, not a parasitic plant. It can feed itself only on the food given by air and rain, and does not need to absorb the nutrition of trees. The first discovery of wild antler fern in China is in the primeval forest of Dayingjiang, Yunnan Province. Because antler fern often grows on the knots or branches of tree trunks, local people also call it "tree clothes".

If you look up at this plant again, it has many broad leaves around the short stem, forming a basin in the center, so it is named bird's Nest Fern. If you also want to plant bird's Nest Fern, you should know that it is also epiphytic fern, so you can't use ordinary culture soil, but use fern root, bark block, moss, broken brick mixed with sawdust, coconut bran and so on as potting substrate. At the same time, use the cultivation container with good air permeability, and fill the bottom of the container with broken wood Brick and other large particle materials, in order to facilitate ventilation row small. Bird's Nest Fern can also be planted directly on the false tree or wood section, but it is necessary to spray water frequently to maintain high air humidity. Bird's Nest Fern likes warm, humid and semi shade conditions with strong scattered light. It can grow all year round under the condition of high temperature and humidity. The optimum temperature for its growth is 20-22 ℃. The temperature of overwintering in winter is 5. In spring and summer, it is necessary to water more and spray water on the leaf surface frequently to keep the leaf surface clean. Generally, 70% - 80% of air humidity is suitable.

But also pay attention to the water in the basin when watering, otherwise it is easy to rot root and die. In the growing season, the decomposed liquid fertilizer was applied once every two weeks to ensure the plant growth and dark green leaves.

Here they mainly show the sky garden phenomenon of tropical rainforest. In the dark and humid tropical rainforest, there are many epiphytes, which can skillfully use the tree right and the nutrient growth in the residual bird manure, litter or dust on the branches. Now bird's Nest Fern and antler fern are epiphytic on the rubber tree, hanging high in the air. When the flowers bloom, their flowers seem to bloom in the air, so they form a wonderful sky garden.

Longtuzhu is a woody Liana belonging to Jatropha of Verbenaceae. Longtuzhu is native to tropical Africa. The suitable temperature for its growth is 18 ℃ to 24 ℃ and the temperature in winter is not lower than 8 ℃. Longtuzhu is an excellent potted flower with dark green leaves, peculiar flower shape and red in white, just like youlongtuzhu.

Bambusa, also known as Guanyinzhu, is a genus of Bambusa in Palmaceae, which originated in Guangdong, Yunnan and other places in China. It leaves terminal palmate division, culm covered with bract hair, bract hair fall off, there are nodes such as bamboo.

Red back osmanthus, also known as red back osmanthus, Euphorbiaceae, Aquilaria. It is native to Guangdong, Guangxi and Vietnam, and widely cultivated in South China. It's an evergreen shrub, green on the surface and purplish red on the back. The flowers are unisexual, dioecious, yellow at first, and yellow white later. The flowering period is summer and autumn.

Saxifraga is also known as golden lotus. It is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant belonging to Saxifragaceae. It is produced in China and Japan. In recent years, with the popularization and planting of perennial herbs, they can be planted under the big trees of old green space, used as ground cover, or planted beside buildings or rocks. It is also a traditional Chinese herbal medicine in China.

In the green plant kingdom, pteridophytes are a lower class group of higher plants. In the ancient geological period, most of the ferns were tall trees. Later, due to the changes of the continent, most of them were deeply buried and turned into coal. Most of the plants that exist on the earth today are short herbaceous plants, and only a few woody species have survived. So far, Alsophila spinulosa is one of them. Alsophila spinulosa, also known as tree fern, is up to 8 meters high. Fern family Alsophila. Because it is the only woody pteridophyte, extremely precious, so it is listed as a kind of key protected plant by the state. This huge fern once spread all over the world in ancient times and was one of the food of dinosaurs at that time. Today's relict tree species have become "living fossils". It has high scientific research value in species evolution, climate change, geographical movement and so on. From the appearance, Alsophila spinulosa looks like a coconut tree. Its trunk is cylindrical, upright and straight. On the top of the tree, there are many large and long pinnate compound leaves, which are floating in all directions. If its leaves are reversed, many sporangia can be seen on the back. There are many spores in the sporangia. Alsophila spinulosa has no flowers. Of course, it does not bear fruits and seeds. It depends on these spores to reproduce. Alsophila spinulosa likes warm and humid climate. It is distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet, Guangxi, Guangdong, Taiwan and other places in China. It often grows under the forest or in the wet and shady places beside the river and valley. Alsophila spinulosa also has many uses. Its stem

Rich in starch, it can be used for food, vases and other utensils. And as medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is called Feitian Jue, longlongfeng. It has small poison, can drive rheumatism, strengthen muscles and bones, clear away heat and stop cough. Alsophila spinulosa has a beautiful body and is a good garden ornamental tree.

Nymphaea is a perennial aquatic herb belonging to Nymphaeaceae, also known as meridional lotus, water hyacinth, water celery, etc. its leaves are floating on the water surface, with round shield shaped leaves, green leaves and purple back leaves. Its flowers have white, red, pink, yellow, blue, purple and other colors. Its flowering period is from June to August. Each flower can open continuously for 4-7 days, and then gradually curl and sink into the water after withering. Because of its beautiful flowers and leaves, rich colors and long flowering period, it has always been deeply loved by people. Because water lily root can absorb mercury, lead, phenol and other toxic substances in water, it is a rare plant material for water purification, so it has been paid more attention in the construction of urban water purification, greening and beautification. Most water lilies open near noon and close in the evening. At present, it is cultivated in all provinces in China. The rhizome of water lily can be used for food or wine making, and can also be used as medicine to treat children's chronic convulsion. Water lily is divided into tropical water lily, cold zone water lily two kinds, cold, not cold. Tropical water lily, native to the Amazon River Basin, can keep blooming if the temperature is kept at 18 in four seasons. Their differences are as follows:

"A single tree does not make a forest" is an old saying rich in philosophy. However, things in the world are not as monotonous as people think. Although a single tree is not a vast forest, some trees will create a "forest" spectacle. A single tree grows many "tree scholars", forming a forest landscape. The main trees that create "forest by themselves" are mulberry trees and banyan trees. This is what you see now. It grows rapidly, has a strong plant, has a broad crown, and its branches and leaves are evergreen all the year round. It is commonly known as big green tree. You may see that it has a lot of whiskers. In fact, they are called "air rooting". They belong to a kind of adventitious roots and are a special form of roots of banyan trees. Banyan has a long life span, fast growth and well developed lateral branches and roots. There are many skin holes on the branches, and many aerial roots can grow everywhere, hanging down like a beard. These aerial roots grow downward and thicken into the soil to form pillar roots, which do not branch or grow leaves. The function of aerial rooting of Ficus microcarpa is the same as other roots, which can absorb water and nutrients. At the same time, it also supports the expanding branches and makes the crown expand. It stands like a tree trunk between the land and the main branches. When the old trees are surrounded by pillar roots of different sizes, the ground occupied by a single tree gives rise to the scene of "becoming a forest". A huge old banyan tree can have more than a thousand pillars. Its canopy can cover more than 6000 square meters, which is known as "stand alone forest".

Pandanus is a small tree in the family of pandanus. Its fiber can be used to make a variety of handicrafts. Fresh flowers contain aromatic oil. Roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are used for medicine. It can cure nephritis, edema and other inflammatory phlegm. It is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Taiwan and other provinces in China. It is also distributed in other tropical Asia and southern Australia, but mostly in coastal sandy land. In ancient times, Xishuangbanna was a part of the ancient Mediterranean. Due to the Himalayan orogeny in the geological history, the ancient Mediterranean retreated to the West and experienced "vicissitudes". But who can witness it? The research results of geological structure and paleontology bear witness, which is conclusive evidence for science. But these evidences are all "dead" things, which sometimes cannot be explained clearly because of "death without proof". Fortunately, nature has left dozens of plants in Xishuangbanna as living testimony because of its "fear", among which the Ludou tree is a very convincing one. After the disappearance of the ancient Mediterranean, it "believed" that Xishuangbanna was a good land, but did not move to the sea with its family. After a long period of training and evolution, it became a member of the tropical rain forest that developed later, and gradually adapted to the acidic soil, humid and dark forest environment of the tropical rain forest. Moreover, it also changed the habit that it could not grow except by the sea. However, it may be some of the reasons that "rivers and mountains are easy to change but habits are difficult to move"

Genetic genes are still working. It needs to grow a lot of aerial roots in the lower part of the trunk and develop into pillar roots to maintain its original habit of growing on the beach for "breathing" and supporting the plants on the ground.

Now you are entering the desert exhibition area of succulent plants. Because they have to endure the harsh environment of drought and heat in the desert, some parts of their bodies have evolved into fat water containers, and some even their leaves have degenerated into thorns or completely disappeared. Unlike other plants, these plants usually open their stomata when it is cool at night to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide Placed at home, it is a natural "air freshener", which is very beneficial to health.



过了一会儿,我们进了植物园。首先,我们见到的是凌空向大家招手的蛇瓜,它们有的像拐杖,有的像数字“8”,还有的像孙悟空手里的金箍棒,长的差不多和人一样高。大家看了,不时发出惊讶的声音! 接着看见的是大南瓜。我从远望去,见到一个巨大无比的“假南瓜”。可当我走近一看,天哪,这居然是一个真的南瓜,足足有一个卡车轮那么大!这又引起了同学们一阵阵惊讶的叫声。 后来,我见到了看似温柔而又笑里藏刀的“冷面杀手”――猪笼草。

还看见了像连体兄弟一样的香蕉,还有莲雾树、椰子树等好多好多植物。我最喜欢的是带刺的小调皮――仙人掌,上面有的接黄花,有的接红花,真像小娃娃! 全部参观完后,我才不禁感到自己又饿又累,甘老师选了个地方吃午饭。午饭过后,我依依不舍地离开了农耕年华。农耕年华真是一个让人留连忘返的好地方。



现在大家所看到的黄鹤楼是以清代的黄鹤楼为蓝本,早在1957年,毛泽东主席来观看武汉长江大桥时问起过黄鹤楼,陪同人员回答说:正计划重建。毛泽东当即表示应当修,这是历史古物.毛泽东的回答不仅表达了他个人的意愿,因为以毛泽东对历史的谙熟,对人民的了解和对黄鹤楼的挚爱,我们可以说,应该是历史和人民借他的口发出了重建黄鹤楼的呼唤,这从他1927年春,在武汉从事革命工作时就曾作过《菩萨蛮.黄鹤楼》的诗词中可见一斑。 现在大家所看见的黄鹤楼于1981年重建,1985年建成正式对游客开放,它以号称天下绝景而名贯古今,蜚声中外,它与江西滕王阁、湖南岳阳楼齐名,并称为“江南三大楼阁”。在这里呢还想给大家介绍一个有关黄鹤楼的趣闻,当年湖北、四川两地的游客相会在江上,攀谈间,竞相赞美自己的家乡,四川客人说:“四川有座峨眉山,离天只有三尺三”,湖北客人笑道:“湖北有座黄鹤楼,半截插在云里头。”惊得四川客人无言以对。当然,这个故事是有些言过其实,但黄鹤楼确以壮丽的景观,动人的传说及浓郁的文化气息吸引了无数中外游客前来参观。重建后的黄鹤楼共有5层,高51.4米,大大高出只有三层的清楼,黄瓦红柱,金碧辉煌,整体楼体是由钢筋水泥浇铸而成的仿木结构,也正因此这座黄鹤楼的安全性是空前的,它的自然寿命将大大超过历代古楼。

好的,现在就请大家随我进入黄鹤楼内继续参观。 走进了大厅,最引人注意的就要数这幅《白云黄鹤图》了,大家请看画面上的这位仙者,他口吹玉笛,俯视人间,似有恋恋不舍之情,下面黄鹤楼的人群或把酒吟诗,或载歌载舞。这幅画向我们讲述了有关黄鹤楼起源的一个传说故事:相传古时候,有个姓辛的人在黄鹤山头卖酒度日,一天,有个衣衫褴褛的老道蹒跚而来,向他讨酒喝,辛氏虽本小利微,但为人忠厚善良,乐善好施,他见老道非常可怜,就慷慨应允。以后,老道每日必来,辛氏则有求必应,这样过了一年多。有一天老道忽然来告别说:“每日饮酒无以为酬,只有黄鹤一只可借,聊表谢意。”说罢,他拾起地上的一片桔子皮在墙上画了一只黄鹤,对辛氏说:“只要你拍手相招,黄鹤便会下来跳舞,为酒客助兴”,辛氏拍手一试,黄鹤果然一跃而下,应声起舞。消息传开后,吸引了远近的游客来此饮酒,酒店的生意十分兴隆,辛氏因此而赚了一大笔钱。十年后,老道故地重游,对辛氏说:“十年所赚的钱,够还我欠的酒债吗?”辛氏忙道谢,老道取下随身携带的铁笛吹奏,墙上的黄鹤应声而来,载着老道飞走了,也就是大家所看到的壁画上的情景。后来辛氏用酒店赚来的钱就在这黄鹤上之巅修建了一座塔楼,并命名为黄鹤楼。


下面请各位再和我一起上三楼看看。 三楼展示的是黄鹤楼的文化渊源。黄鹤楼虽然始建于三国时期,但其功效还仅限于军事t望塔,其后经过魏晋南北朝的动荡,至唐代终于脱颖而出,由最初眺望守戊的军事楼演变成为一个登临游乐的观赏楼。特别在人才辈出的唐朝,一批诗坛的名字高手先后登临黄鹤楼,陶醉于峨峨楚山,浩浩汉水的美丽画卷,留下一篇篇脍炙人口的传世之作,使黄鹤楼蜚声中外。而在众多的有关黄鹤楼的诗句当中,尤享盛誉的莫过于崔颢的那首《黄鹤楼》诗:“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。”以至于后来诗仙李白与他的书童来到黄鹤楼,本想题诗一首,但当他看到崔颢这首诗后,顿觉语塞,提笔写下“眼前有景道不得,崔颢题诗在上头”,便搁笔离去了。从此以后,也就有了崔颢提笔,李白搁笔的美谈。另外从王维,孟浩然,宋之问,白居易这些著名诗人的诗句中可以看出,那段时期鄂州地区社会环境安定,民众生活较为富足,这也是唐代黄鹤楼由“军事楼”向“观赏楼”转化的社会因素。


推荐专题: 武汉大学南门小导游词

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