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2023-09-02 11:07:01






合肥市素以“三国旧地、包拯故里”闻名于世,具有“淮右襟喉、江南唇齿”的战略位置,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商 业都会。



合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称 “庐阳八景”。其中巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞等景,现已不属合肥市;镇淮角韵等景,因天长日久,物换星移,已荡然无存,成为历史陈迹。现在的名胜古迹以教弩台,明教寺,逍遥津,包公祠等最为著名。










Package park formerly hatosy park, located in the south ring road of hefei old one ring, reach wuhu road. To commemorate the one thousand anniversary of baogong involved in hatosy park to planning and construction on the basis of the original culture of baogong involved, hereinafter referred to as "park", is the national AAAA level scenic spots, in addition to the bao temple, cemetery, also built qing pavilion, bao memorial day, benediction, such as square, the water fountain. The entire scenic area solemn and beautiful environment; The water ripples, yacht ripples; Weeping willows on both sides of the Taiwan and JiaMu luxuriantly green, it is a good place for people to pay their respects sages, ornamental tour.

Package park in "bao bao bao - cultural relics - culture history" to organize the tour line, with the most authoritative most detailed historical data display, exhibition and drama show to the world of the born and bred, in KaiFengFu etiquette bao's incorruptibility and song dynasty, law enforcement strict, fair, not afraid of powerful personality charm. Dominated from different angles and in different forms, shows the bao "loyalty, filial piety, qing, cheap" life.

Packet cemetery is bao and his wife and sons bones buried land, covering an area of three hectares, is a relatively complete ancient yu cemetery. Bao's death in 1062 in henan kaifeng, the following year, his son-in-law effect the coffin back to hefei, return to hometown of buried. A council officer for many years of his life, the highest officer to agreement, for the northern song dynasty the second officer, therefore, cemetery size structure is built in the song dynasty two product officer was buried system. The whole cemetery pines seem, solemn quiet. Packet cemetery, located in the "bao", the main tomb to tomb "dou" party, in its just below the Chambers with bao epitaph assembled and gold-rimmed nanmu coffin, coffins inside collect bao bones.

This pair of coffins with the origin of the wood has a historic colors: bao was buried coffin is gold-rimmed nanmu, decayed, because of long time in order to conform to the historical facts, we are still based gold-rimmed nanmu, but it's hard to find the wood, when staff went around a lot of mountains, finally in zhangzhou nanjing county of fujian province found in a mountain village. The mountain was an old man in gaoshan village contract, coincidentally, the old man surnamed bao, also called BaoHaoYuan, bao is 35 generations of sun. The old man heard that is material for bao for coffins, very excited, in person with the children climbed up the hill to cut 22 gold-rimmed nanmu tree determined free of charge donated to us, make this pair of coffins. You can say that this is a coincidence, also can saying is a historic colors, but it shows that the quality of the incorruptibility of baogong involved is real, because after nearly one thousand years, redo bao coffin when, by his descendants to provide timber, don't have to state a penny, really embodies the incorruptible style of baogong involved again.


Kaifeng bao temple is designed to commemorate our country northern song dynasty famous official, political reformers bao zheng, restoration and reconstruction, is the largest and most complete information at home and abroad, the most popular professional memorial places of baogong involved. It is located in the picturesque city of seven dynasties kaifeng bao lake west bank, is the national tourism administration development and construction of the central plains area of important scenic spot, the top ten tourist attractions in henan province.

Bao, the world known as "bao", "bao zheng", is the famous official during the northern song dynasty period of our country. It takes all his life, integrity, strong inhibitory action, impartial, justice for the people, to win a reputation, observation, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign to and respected by people in one thousand. Since jinyuan, kaifeng is bao temple, built to commemorate the historical sages.

Kaifeng bao temple covers an area of more than one hectare, imitation song dynasty style typeface style of ancient architectural complexes located, dignified and elegant, imposing manner, both the northern building style is magnificent, there is no lack of again the call of the jiangnan gardens and refined. And is located in the east lake of baogong involved "KaiFengFu" remote photograph reflect, formed the "east mansion everyone, pavilions water".

Bao temple main exhibition area, the spring scenic spot, function service area. Main exhibition area, gate, second, zhaobi, pavilion, temple, temple, things peidian peidian. With cultural relics, historical books, rubbings, inscriptions, bronze, wax, model, picture form such as comprehensive, detailed introduces the life history of bao, demonstrated the qing bao zheng clean. The spring scenic area in the rockery, waterfalls, jade bridge lie wave, brocade carp swimming, exquisite stone carvings, four seasons with green, yueyue, floral notes everywhere is pleasant. Function service area in the parking lot, at restaurants, multimedia visitor center and high standard star travel toilet, etc. Complete supporting facilities for the majority of tourists from home and abroad to provide high quality full range of travel services.


我们现在来到的就是“包公故事蜡像馆”,馆内由《怒弹国丈》、《铡美案》、《打龙袍》几组蜡像组成。其中 《铡美案》讲的是:据说陈世美家中原有妻室秦香莲,一家人过着平淡恬静的生活。然而贪图富贵的`陈世美在考取状元之后,竟然欺骗皇帝冒娶公主,当秦香莲知道后,就携子女前来找陈世美。而陈世美却要杀妻灭子,之后,秦香莲就告到开封府,时任开封知府的包拯见过状纸,非常生气,亲自审问陈世美,以欺君之罪和杀妻灭子之谋两项罪名处铡陈世美。太后、公主听闻后,赶到公堂上,百般刁难阻挠,当时太后就给包拯出了个难题,要铡陈世美可以,但是铡他的血,不能溅到天和地。不能溅到屋里屋外。而包拯非常聪明,自摘乌纱帽,把陈世美放在公堂门槛上处铡。铡美案也成为包拯铁而无私,不畏强权的品质。各位游客,包公祠就介绍到这里,据说包拯一生不走后门,所以包公祠也没有后门。大家随我出包公祠大门游览下一个景点。


推荐专题: 合肥包公园景区导游词

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