开场白:Parents and Wendy! Boys and girls! Merry Christmas! I am very happy to have a Christmas party today.We are going to sing and dance together.We are going to eat and drink together.I hope everybody here will have a good time.Next, it is our show time.Let’s welxxe! …
串节目:What a nice song! Thank you, XX.Next, it’s turn to … Welxxe!
串节目:Wonderful performance, isn’t itNext, it is ….Let's applause to welxxe!
串节目:XX, all of you do a good job.Next, let’s welxxe XX to …
结束语:How time flies! Our show is ending.And 20XX is xxing to an end.Thank you, dad and mum.Thank you so much for so many years of my education and training.We will try our best to study hard in the future.That’s all for our Christmas party.I wish you “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”!
主持人:K:金正亮,Y:杨丽霞 B: 丁一鸣 G:付诗琦
欢迎家长和孩子的到来,安排家长有序就座,宣读本次活动公约和特别注意事项(见附页)两位幼儿主持在9:00在会所候场准备。 氛.
Y: Hello! I am Kiki!
K: Hello! I am Nono!
B: Hello! I am YY!
G: Hello! I am ZZ!
&: Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
K:搭上慈祥的圣诞老人的幸福快车,我们为你们带着一大堆的圣诞礼物, Are you happy(yach!) Boys and girls, 我们给你们带来了色彩斑斓的七――彩――世――界!(欢呼!并向孩子们撒一些彩片)。祝福我们可爱的孩子们都有一个多姿多彩的童年! Y: 那给我们在座的家长朋友带来什么礼物了呢?
K:ladies and gentlemen.我为你们带来了甜――蜜――世――界(欢呼!并向家长们撒一些糖果)忠心祝愿大家在新的一年里,一而再、再而三,事事如意、五福临门、六六大顺、七彩生活、八面玲珑、久久归真、十全十美、事业步步高、平安万家乐!
Y: Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and
a New Year bright with joy and succe.
四位主持各自送祝福:Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
Y: Dear parents,
K: Dear teachers,
B:Dear grandpa, grandma .
G: Dear Daddy, Mummy,
C/G/金正亮/N: Merry Christmas! Welxxe to Marong Education WH hangtian Chinese&English kindergarden.
Y: 在这个美丽无比的雪白冬天季节,我们迎来了圣诞节及一年一度的英语节.
In the most beautiful white winter season, we welxxe our Christmas and annual English Day.
G: 今天大家在这里聚集一堂, 我们感到无比的荣幸与愉快.It’s a great pleasure to be together with all of you this morning.B: I say English, You say English, Let’s speak English happily!我说,你说,大家一起快乐说英语!
G: Yes , you are right! We love English! Yes or noHappy English Day!
K: First, welxxe our lovely and beautiful kids, together with your parents, to have a show.
Y: Senior one, senior one, where is senior one
K: Junior one, junior one, where is Junior one
B: Freshmen one, Freshmen one, where is s Freshmen one
T: Freshmen two, Freshmen two, where is Freshmen two?....
C: 此时此刻,火树银花、欢声笑语、礼花绽放、流光溢彩!到处洋溢着圣诞的祝福、激情的狂欢、欢乐的盛宴!
让我们用美妙的歌声和优美的舞姿来表达心中的喜悦吧! N: Now, I will invite all of you to dance and sing together ,okG: OK, Let us listen to the music, Are you ready
C: Yes, ready, Music on!
金正亮,杨丽霞: 维持次序,调节气氛。
C: How wonderful! They have done a good job!
G: Our children can not only do English chants, but also sing and dance English songs as well as tell English stories.
C: Next, let’s enjoy their wonderful performance.
G: First.Welxxe our principal.
Leaders, Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, children:
Good afternoon!
To create an English environment for the children at our bilingual kindergarten, and the opportunity of learning English happily, we have set up a stage to show our strong suit of English.The first Happy English festival will be held here today
I would like to expre my heartfelt thanks for the support of the parents, who actively participated in the preparation of costumes for the children.I know
that a lot of thought went into the costumes.At the same time, I would also like to extend a warm welxxe to all of the parents and children!
Our English Festival is an opportunity for the children to display their talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.Today, let us feel the joy of Christmas as we work together; Let’s boldly speak English and display our colorful nursery life! We will share with you our favourite fairy tales and dreams in life.Let’s play, dance and sing with paion!
最后祝首届英语节圆满成功! 大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐! At last, I wish this annual English Day be a xxplete succe.
Merry Christmas! And happy New Year!
男: 敬爱的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们。
男: 在这风清云淡的下午我们相聚在这里,欢歌笑舞。
女:通过运用和训练学习英语,锻炼自己,展示才华,共度美好时光。 男:唐庄小学英语风采大赛现在开始!
女:请欣赏三年级班为我们带来的情景剧表演者:高民健、唐包玉等。 女: 感谢三年级的精彩表演,对啊,有志者事竟成。
男:接下来请大家热烈的掌声欢迎四年级给大家带来的情景剧表演者 女