课前三分钟演讲稿-课前三分钟演讲稿 课前三分钟演讲素材
一位父亲很为他的孩子苦恼。因为他的儿子已经十五六岁了,可是一点男子气概都没有。于是,父亲去拜访一位禅师,请他训练自己的孩子。 禅师说:”你把孩子留在我这边,3个月以后,我一定可以把他训练成真正的男人。不过,这3个月里面,你不可以来看他。”父亲同意了。 3个月后,父亲来接孩子。禅师安排孩子和一个空手道教练进行一场比赛,以展示这3个月的训练成果。 教练一出手,孩子便应声倒地。
被打-倒,他就又站起来……就这样来来回回一共16次。课前三分钟演讲稿 禅师问父亲:”你觉得你孩子的表现够不够男子气概?’ 父亲说:”我简直羞愧死了!想不到我送他来这里受训3个月,看到的结果是他这么不经打,被人一打就倒。” 禅师说:”我很遗憾你只看到表面的胜负。你有没有看到你儿子那种倒下去立刻又站起来的勇气和毅力呢?这才是真正的男子气概啊!” 只要站起来比倒下去多一次就是成功。
北宋大科学家沈括, 其父母文化底蕴深厚,在父母的早期教育下,他很早就开始读书。课前三分钟演讲稿十四岁时已把家中的很多藏书都读过了,以后又各处借书读,青年时期就已成为当地知名人物。后来随父亲工作调动到福建、江苏、四川和京城等地,有机会又读了很多书,学识更加充实。二十四岁时他步入仕途,任东海(江苏)宁国(安微)宛丘(河南)等县县令,政务之外仍勤奋读书不辍,三十三岁考中进士,三年后被聘为皇家昭文馆编校。这让他有机会读了更多的皇室藏书,学识更加渊博。他对文学、史学、军事、农事、天文、地理、物理、化学、数学、生物、水利、医药、书法、音乐……都有很深造诣,是当时深受人们尊敬的学者。他一生著述有几十种,最著名的是《梦溪笔谈》, 被誉为是“中国科学史上的座标”他成为当之无愧的世界上最优秀而伟大的科学家。
Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:
We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.
Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.
Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates. At last, they become waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses.
Once it is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment. The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.
首先,它训练了学生的语言表达能力。学生在限定的时间内把准备好的内容表达出来。要求明了、轻快、准确、令人信服。通过演讲,学生内在的表达能力在教师和全体同学面前真实地外传。“三分钟演讲”使学生比较准确地了解自己表达能力。如在讲话中语言是否准确,吐字是否清楚,声音是否宏亮,节奏是否合适,声调是否恰当,表情是否自然,感情是否真实等。在讲话中,学生看到了别人,也看到了自己,讲评别人的同时,也在规范着自己。 其次,它有助于提高学生的写作能力。如果按传统的教学方法,每人每学期写作文八篇,提高学生的写作能力,效果总是不甚明显。通过“课前三分钟演讲”有助于提高学生的写作能力,因为学生要想三分钟演讲取得较好的成绩,必须演讲前要组织好材料,经过立意,构思成文,最后修改成稿。因而说的过程,也是写的过程,要想说好必须写好,不能应付,这样就能调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣。经过一个学期的训练,学生的作文水平大有提高。
THE first time I saw Bao was in 20xx, the year when Thomas and Uber Cup was held. At that time he was playing against Li zongwei, who is also a good player from Malaysia. Bao beat him. To tell the truth, at first the reason why I liked him was just because I thought he was pretty.*(maybe it is not a suitable word, but I think no better word can describe him, he is really pretty!) From that time, I have focused on him. Then gradually, I found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent for badminton.
He is very tall, about 1.90 meters. He is the tallest one among all the players in the Chinese Badminton Team. In 20xx, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for China in the opening ceremony in the 15th Asian Games held in Doha. It was the first time that the badminton players were chosen to take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to the basketball players. It was a great honor. And it also proved that Bao was an excellent athlete. We are all proud of him.
He began to play badminton when he was at primary school. In 20xx, he won his first good medal, which was significant to him, in Guangzhou. Because of that, he entered the Chinese Badminton Team. As he is as old as Lin dan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situation which is not good to him. He seldom beats Lin dan, so he gained a name which is called’千年老二’. In fact, his techniques are comprehensive, but he is lack of passion, the desire to win is not so strong. So he always has misplays. Due to this, he seldom wins the gold medal. I think this is related to his character. He is easygoing and couth; he looks as if he will never get angry with anybody. So this affects him while he is playing badminton. In a period of time, critical voice has come towards him. He is under great pressure. He was not in the best state. But recently he cheers up again. Several days ago, the Chinese Badminton Championship 20xx was held in Guangzhou. I went to see him on Saturday. I was very excited, and I shouted loudly, hoping he could hear me. There is no doubt that he won the game. Before he went away, he waved hand to us, how excited I was at that time! The next day, he beat Li zongwei again and he won the man’s single gold medal. All of us are very happy. After 7 years, which could be a long time for an athlete, he proved himself again in Guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place.
I think this will be the energy of his advancing. And I hope he can keep this fighting will and win the gold medal in the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing!
The American law
What does it mean to obey the lawThat depends on where you are. Different cultures have very different views of obeying the law. In some cultures, law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do. In other cultures, good citizens live by the spirit of the law. They see the law only as a general guideline. Often they obey the law only when someone official is looking. The situation in America fits into the first category. That doesn't mean all Americans keep the law. But American culture teaches people to respect the law--even to the smallest detail.
One reason is about America's Christian.It’s heritage[文化遗产] has shaped how people view the law. For one thing, the Bible reveals God's unchanging laws which people must obey. It also teaches people to respect human authority as established by God.
For example,driving habits illustrate American respect for the law. A driver will usually stop for a red light, even when there are no other cars around. People treat the lines marking streets and roads as definite[明确的] boundaries, not just decorations. Vehicles[机动车] yield[让出] to those with the right of way-particularly pedestrians[行人]. Actually, though,
drivers don't always keep traffic rules. For example, many drivers ignore freeway speed limits. But Americans generally drive with careful attention to the rules.
Of course, not everyone in America abides by the law. Crime is a growing problem.
However,skilled lawyers sometimes use minor issues to get their clients[委托人] set free. And prison inmates may live even better than many poor citizens.
Anyway,no one believes a perfect legal system is possible. Yet every society has laws. Whether people follow the letter of the law or just the spirit of the law, they recognize the need for laws to keep order in society. Without them, the society would be chaotic[混乱]. If every man were a law unto[向,对] himself, no man would be free.
Good morning everyone, today our group will give some words to let you to guess the meaning , If you get it your group will get one point. OK, Let's begin.
1.an apple of love(不是“爱情之果”)
2.green hand(不是“绿手”)
3.pull one‘s leg (不是“拉后腿“) 开玩笑 4.horse sense (不是“马的感觉”) 常识
6.What a shame!(不是”多可耻“)
推荐专题: 三分钟演讲稿 课前三分钟演讲稿 大学英语课前三分钟演讲稿