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2022-06-06 18:00:25



[daxiong precious hall]daxiong precious hall was also called large buddha hall ,it is the main building in xiantong temple and also the center of the whole temple. in the hall is worshipped the horizontal buddha of the third generation . daxiong was the honorific title of sakyamuni, saying he was “a warrior fearing nothing ” the hall was built in the architectural form with the wood structure as primary part and the upper four ca-shaped roofs and lower four extending corridors as secondary ,with 108 wood columns supporting the whole large hall and the walls having only the function of shielding off the wind and resisting the cold ,when you enter the hall ,you will feel that it is very spacious .this hall occupies a land of 1.2 mu and is the largest daxiong precious hall in xutai mountain ,it is also the place for holding grand buddhist activities in the temple .this is the first feature of xiantong temple ccomplete wood structure.

[beamless hall]beamless hall is a white complete-brick architectural structure .it was built by completely laying up bricks without use of beams and hence its name “beamless hall ” ,it looks like a european cstyle building in appearance and was painted white .white represents pureness in the west ,while symbolizes the buddhist pure land and boundless brightness here .since this hall is mot supported by beams and columns ,the weight of hall top is borne by the thick and heavy wall bodies on four sides ,to form a sharp contrast with form of emulating wood structure ,and the brick-laid round columns and dipper clike arches and carved extending raves embody tyhttps://p.9136.com/1cbined chinese and west styles .the whole large hall seems to have 7 rooms when you are looking externally ,but actually it has only 3 rooms . it looks like having two floors when you are looking outdoors but ,internally , it is a one-storeyed building ,the interior of the hall adapted the form of internal dipper clike arch ,which is reduced floor by floor to form a roof style of natural vault .this large hall was built in the thirty cseventh year of wanly period , ming dynasty and has a history of nearly 400 years till now .this is the second feature of xiantong temple-architecture of complete brick structure .in the middle of hall is worshipped lushena buddha ,the body statue of the ancestor of buddha and stands duohao buddha pagoda ,the thirteen cstoreyed wood pagoda of ming dynasty, which is also the only wood pagoda in wutai mountain .beamless hall was also caked “seven-place and nine-meeting hall”, which means that sakyamuni has taught scriptures in seven places for 9 times ,therefore ,it looks like having seven rooms.[thousand alms cbowl wenshu hall the wenshu with one thousand alms bowls ,one thousand hands and one thousand sakyas worshipped in thousand alms cbowl hall may be rated a rare rush in the casting history .it was cast in the ninth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty through designing and financing fund s by hanshan himself ,a grand master of the age .


5、 带团过程中组织活动,调节气氛



旅游是对当地经济的促进,在很多地方,游客的消费占了整个旅游费用的很大部分。在这种市场经济的大潮中,导游运用适当的讲解激发起游客的购物兴趣,从中赚取佣金是完全合理的。任何的商品都是有它的成本的,而成本与实际的市场价格往往相差几倍几十倍之多。但这些利润并不是生产商一家赚取的,中间还要有很多层批发商和销售商来分成,还有最大的支出是广告费用。据说,可口可乐每年用于广告宣传的费用大约全年总利润的50%,也就是说,我们在一听3元的可乐,有1.5元被广告商拿走了。导游的促销讲解,也就相当于宣传费用,商家省去了在电视报纸做广告的宣传费,还能够销售出产品,自然要给导游一部分佣金作为广告费了。 在促销讲解中,导游大可不必不好意思,但绝不能强硬或欺诈,不择手段地骗取游客的消费的导游,不但违背了导游的职业道德,同时也违反了有关的行业法规。导游要做的是,在知识方面不断充实自己,勤于收集各种相关资料,在讲解时以丰富的信息和生动的语言来打动游客才是正途。另外,尽量使自己对你所讲解的旅游商品产生兴趣,连你自己都不喜欢或根本不信的东西,你很难生动地加入感情地来介绍。



8、做一名谦虚谨慎、八面玲珑的导游员 导游是一项前途光明的工作,但从统计数据上讲,导游工作的平均年限在3-4年,很多导游在入行一两年就转做其他了,可能因为收入与支出不成正比;旺季身体过度疲劳;经常受委屈等很多原因,就不一一赘述了。所以,行内开玩笑地讲,当你工作的第二年时,就已经是老导游了。那时候,你在带团中可能已经有跟你团学习的新导游了。而你的收入,也比第一年有了很大的提高。这时候很多导游开始进入了一种骄傲自满、不求上进的阶段。说话的时候没有了以往的谦虚,变成更多的自我吹嘘和夸夸其谈;放弃了继续学习提高的努力,进入了一种花天酒地的生活。还有不少导游沾染上了行内最流行的通病——吹牛,就是把自己带团中取得的“战绩”添油加醋地向同行介绍,不分场合地点,甚至在公交车中打电话说这事也是旁若无人。且不说这些行为让很多同行嗤之以鼻,就说造成公众的社会影响有多恶劣,导游更应该为维护自身职业的良好舆论环境作出努力。真正的导游在什么情况都不应该放弃学习,更不能放弃谦虚的态度,态度是决定一切的。导游也是人,但导游应该是一个谦虚谨慎、八面玲珑的人






















2 技兴国的宏伟事业;


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Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service). He will travel with you throughout the trip in China. This is Mr ____,our driver. His bus number is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know. We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.


Good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx. let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


Chen(导游):Please pay attention to me, now, I will give you the room card.现在我把你们的房卡发给你们。Please get to your room and have a rest.请大家先回到房间休息一会。I will wait for you until 7 o’clock at the evening.我会在酒店大厅等到晚上7点,Just come to me if you have any problem.如果大家有什么问题尽管来找我。 Li (游客) Excuse meMr. chen

Chen:can I help you ?

Li: Yes ,I am afraid there is something wrong with the TV.

Chen:What is wrong with the TV?

Li:The picture is wobbly.

Chen: Don’t worry ! Let’s go and reflect this problem to the hotel.我们一起去向酒店反映一下这个问题。

Chen: Excuse me

Xue (前台接待):Can I help you ?

Chen:I am a tour guide. The TV in the room where one of the tourists live have a problem.我是导游,我们团队里有一个游客房间的电视机出了点问题,The picture is wobbly.

Xue , I’m sorry . what is your room number?


Xue :I’ll send for an electrician from the maintenance department .we can have it repaired .please wait just a few minutes, madam.

Li:OK thanks !

Chang (维修工)Room Maintenance, may I come in ?

Li:How do you do ?

Chang: How do you do ? The TV set is not working well. Is that right, madam? Li:No ,it isn’t .

Chang:Let me have a look.oh, it is the wire behind the TV that loose. 是电视机后面的线松了,I will bring it right away.

Madam,everything is OK now.

Li : Howefficient! Thanks a lot .This is for you .

Chang: Oh, no. We won’t accept tips, but thank you , anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience. We do hopeyou will enjoy your stay here !

Li : Thanks ,88

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