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2023-06-18 21:11:59



Once, my mother and I were going to walk across the road, but there was "a red apple" on the traffic light across the road, so we couldn't cross.

My mother and I couldn't wait to see the number under the red light. We talked about baking. When my mother and I talked to each other and the heat began to discuss. We didn't notice that "the red apple is gone, and the green apple is replacing it". We still discussed baking, and the discussion was almost the same, and even wanted to change the topic.

At this time, the green light is about to turn into a red light. If you don't walk, you can't cross the road. "Green light! You can go!" A voice rang. I turned my head and my mother said "thank you". I took advantage of this moment to observe the man: National face, small eyes, wearing a sportswear and carrying a black backpack, which is completely like a college student. Who is he? Will give such a warm prompt to a stranger.

The college student seemed to notice that I was looking at him and turned away. My mother and I praised the college student and walked across the road.

Although it is a month away from now, I still remember it vividly, and the plot is also fresh in my mind. Everyone will help others, but they usually help people they know. However, we should learn from that college student and care about strangers. Then, before long, the society will be shrouded in love and people's hearts will be bright.


Wide roads, advanced road safety facilities and updated traffic regulations can really play a lasting and stable role in traffic safety? If so, why do traffic accidents still occur frequently every year? It can be seen that the traffic safety guarantee has not achieved the real effect. And whose fault is this?

It's people's fault. The state has given us the guarantee of traffic safety, but we often only care about our own convenience and interests, and fail to comply with traffic regulations. Have you ever thought about the consequences?

Look! The overloaded truck was struggling forward. The driver didn't stop at the red light and ran at will, just to catch up with the job and get a salary, regardless of the consequences of violating the rules. But does the driver know? If you violate traffic regulations just for such a sum of money, you are likely to lose your life in an instant, and can this priceless life be bought by money? Look! The tragedy was staged after all. The blood stained the wheels, and the relatives of the victims were very sad.

Ah! Another tragedy! On the sidewalk, a motorcycle drove at a high speed and knocked an old woman to the ground. The old woman died immediately. I don't understand. Why did the motorcycle driver break into the non motorized Lane instead of following the road? Just for convenience and convenience, another precious life has left the world. And how many people will shed tears for the victims and break the family!

In the maintenance of traffic safety, each of us has responsibilities and obligations. Life is precious but fragile. I hope everyone can consciously abide by traffic rules and make our living environment safer and better.


Last January the New Year began on Thursday. I shall never forget that day because I almost died of fright.  My brother and I were walking down the road, followed by the dog. I was carrying a cake to a friend. My brother is a football fan, he carried a ball in hand.

A car came toward us. I thought that both the dog and my brother were safe, but suddenly the ball fell off my brother's hand and rolled to the middle of the road. Our dog ran after the ball. My brother ran to save our dog. Luckily the driver saw this, and was able to stop the car in time.  How pleased I was! Maybe our dog wanted to get the ball back for he often helps my brother.

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