姓 名: 王 双
班 级: 英语11-4
学 号: 22110691
成 绩:
The Guiding Significance for Cosmetics Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Aesthetic Psychology
随着全球经济一体化趋势的加快, 世界各国企业既充满了发展的机遇, 也面临着众多的挑战。企业不再局限于占领本国市场, 它们都在积极致力于国际市场的开拓。对企业而言, 广告是占领国际前沿市场的一个重要手段。作为一个新的研究领域, 广告翻译正日渐受到越来越多的专家和学者的关注。化妆品作为女性市场的主打商品,其广告翻译也不断的得到重视。对于广告翻译的研究,早期论文主要为具体广告用语译法的探讨以及汉语广告英译中所存在的问题, 为起步阶段。此后研究内容有所深入, 开始涉及广告翻译的原则和标准。在此探讨中, 考虑到广告翻译中所要注意的诸多方面, 如文字信息、语言美感、消费者心理等问题, 由此看来,消费者的消费心理已经引起了中外学者的注意,在广告翻译中也逐渐占据越来越重要的地位。本文就以化妆品广告为例,讨论消费者的心理——审美心理对于广告翻译的指导意义。
就研究方法而言, 国内广告翻译研究的方法主要用的是归纳法和例证分析法。对于本文我们可以采用以下方法:第一, 实地调研。目前对广告翻译的评论仍局限于字面的推敲, 一种广告译文的促销效果如何, 须在市场上进行调查才可得到确认。第二, 结合各相关学科的最新成果进行广告翻译研究。这也是本文所适用的重点方法。因为本文主要就是从审美心理学的角度来研究化妆品广告的翻译,实际上就是将广告翻译同审美心理学集合在了一起。第三, 发掘更新更好的广告翻译实例, 可以通过查阅资料自己整理归类,如果一味的使用之前陈旧的句子,难免会让读者感觉到审美疲劳,缺乏新意。
The Guiding Significance for Cosmetics Advertisement Translation
from the Perspective of Aesthetic Psychology
Ⅱ.Literature Review
1. General Introduction to Aesthetic Psychology
2. General Characteristics of Cosmetics Advertising Translation Ⅲ. The Influence that Aesthetic Psychology made on Cosmetics Advertising Translation
1.The Content
2.The Form
3.The Combination of Content and Form
Ⅳ.The Guiding Function of Aesthetic Psychology in Cosmetics Advertisement Translation
1.The Selection of Translation Methods
1)Literal Translation
2)Cultural Transformation
3)The Combination of Form and Meaning
4)Innovative Translation
2.The Requirement of Translators
1)Being Familiar with Foreign Culture
2)Expressing the faithful messages to Readers
3)Catching the attention of readers
4)Caring about the language convention of Readers
[1]Townsend,Dabney. Aesthetic:Classic readings from Western
Translation..Beijing :Peking University Press,2002.
[2]Chomsky,N.Aspects of Theory Syntax[M ].Cambridge,Mass :MIT Press,1965.
[3]Leech,C.N.English in Advertising[M ].London :Longman ,1966.
[4]Nida E.A.& Taber C.R. The Theory and Practice of Translation.The Netherlands :Koninklijke Bril NV,1969.
[5]刘宓庆. 当代翻译理论[M ]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.
[6]魏玉杰. 英汉对照英语广告手册[M ]. 北京:机械工业出版社,1995.
Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.
(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.
(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.
(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.
This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:
1.I have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.
2.I have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .
3.I have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in
translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.
4.I have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.
5.I have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.
6.My instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.
推荐专题: 论文开题报告范文 论文开题报告格式 英语专业翻译论文开题报告