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2022-09-17 00:47:54



1、Love each other forever, happiness is the same. May your love be higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea!

2、Three great exultation, dear friend, let me sincerely wish you a happy marriage on your wedding day!

3、We know each other and love each other, and we know each other better by loving each other. People often say that they are you!

4、Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two love each other forever and grow old together!

5、May all lovers in the world get married and have a happy wedding. A harmonious union lasting a hundred years!

6、Congratulations on the new Jubilee! I wish you all the same. Happy wedding, sweet honey!

7、Happy wedding night, four words and eight sentences to congratulate the bridegroom. The bride and bridegroom are old and old.

8、I wish you a happy birthday when you get married. Happy marriage, sweet honey! Give birth to your son!

9、I wish you a deep love for each other and happiness forever.

10、Have you more sweet, this life is hand in hand, life is not regret, happiness is in it, happiness without words.


1、Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!


2、Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.


3、Love for ever!


4、Happy wedding!


5、Have a sweet honeymoon!


6、I wish you to tie the knot, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! A happy newlywed, sweet sweet honey!


7、I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!


8、I wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time!


9、Wish you a happy wedding, happiness, passion, said of a couple!


10、Wishing you were enenaiai, Benedict Italian love eternal love, life, love grow with each passing day!






I wish you much good luck in one hundred.


I wish you much happiness together.


We never knew two people better suited to each other.


Wishing you a world, from the endless happiness and love!


May you two make a happy world.


I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful life.


The bride and groom so cute, must be handsome.


Congratulations, I wish you have a beautiful honeymoon.


Congratulations to you into the palace of love. Wish good luck one hundred!


Wishing you a wonderful start, love for a lifetime.


You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.


I wish you love each other forever, hand in hand altogether crossing the beautiful life.


Whitehead qi mei garden, colorful, green YangQiRui plum concentric.


Best wishes, I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.


I wish you love knot, one hundred life happiness YongTong heart!


God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing.


Good luck in one hundred! Happy marriage, sweet! Early birth!


Congratulations to you! Happy, happy, always in, grow old together.


Everything is in a red envelope, brothers, you know. Good happiness!


I know you feel that your marriage will last forever.


Wedding bells are breaking up my past that a group of partners.


Wish all shall be well, jack shall have Jill, former life doomed, tie the knot.


I wish you unite as one, love each other, happy wedding, happiness!


Wedding JiaoGeng yuanyang double, conjugal love offerings and feng luan two affectionate!


We congratulate the young couple, wish them grow old together, and happiness.


Congratulations to you! Happy marriage, happiness, passion in, grow old together.


True love is the combination of all combined with the most pure, bless you!


I wish you both every day can, as your wedding is permeated with happiness and joy.


May you two share the joy of the day of wedding, will accompany you two years of life.


Look forward to the long marriage long endless and calculate well kept dearer oil salt sauce vinegar.


You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter!


May you two boon conjugal love, Benedict meaning deep, this life eternal love, love grows day by day!


Wish you dating such as sex, love is like fire, as a pair of lovebirds, winter jasmine color its wings.


Bridal chamber two lucky flower, light a happy person. Wedding night, congratulations!


All shall be well, jack shall have Jill, former life doomed marriage. Newly-married exultation! Good luck in one hundred!


Wish your family, become a big power of the church revival; Has become a great contribution to society!


Wish all shall be well, jack shall have Jill, former life doomed, tie the knot. Newly-married exultation! Good luck in one hundred!


Bridal chamber two lucky flower, light a happy person; Dating love partner, with concentric beautiful marriage.


Light a happy couple, bridal chamber, two love flowers golden strike together colourful feng, wedding like lapras!


Millennium "in one thousand, and one thousand with one hundred years of sleep. Natural beauties, only envy mandarin duck not envyimmortal.


May your family, become a big power of the church revival; Has become a great contribution to social country!


Bless the Lord from the most holy place to you, wish you life to see the benefits of the holy city, Jerusalem!


He is a word, you are spectrum, the two of you is a harmonious song. A match made in heaven, a happily married couple, wedding day!


Marriage is the grave of love, but don't be sad, everyone will eventually entered the tomb, rest assured, amen!


Today is the day of your marriage, I represent my family to you, wish you both happy, forever Chou xielao!


I wish you in marriage love long, husband and wife offerings and happiness for a long time! Each New Year love deep, days and no different!


Today is the day of your marriage, on behalf of my family, I bless you wish you both happy YongShou xielao!


Out of the hand of love, to the blessings of ying ying, let happiness blossom brilliant flowers, face the future with you.


Day was the day of your marriage, I congratulate you on behalf of my family, I wish you both happy, forever Chou xielao!


The seas run dry and the rocks crumble concentric forever, wide the day high keeping abreast, example bridal chamber spring warm, happy together YuShuiQingShen.


Brother of love, not money can measure. This message for BoYi, brother don't think its ugly and shut.



1、A hundred years of love and affection, a thousand miles of marriage.百年恩爱双心结,千里姻缘一线牵。

2、Happy marriage, happiness, passion forever, old age together.新婚愉快,幸福美满,青春永在,白头偕老。

3、Love is good, respect is good.恩爱有佳,相敬如宾。

4、Mantis Yanqing, Pearl Wall Joint.螽斯衍庆,珠联壁合。

5、Conclude a good relationship, white head contract.缔结良缘,白首成约。

6、A hundred years of piano and serpent, a hundred years old together.百年琴瑟,百年偕老。

7、Husband and wife grow old together, and fortune ducks.夫妻偕老,福禄鸳鸯。

8、Never knot one heart and love each other.永结同心,相亲相爱。

9、Red leaves are inscribed in poems and Guan Sui is chanted in poems.诗题红叶,诗咏关睢。

10、The combination of heaven and nature is sweet and beautiful.天作之合,甜蜜佳缘。

11、May the two newlyweds have a honeymoon and enjoy themselves in the mountains and rivers.愿二位新婚蜜月,游山玩水,情趣盎然!

12、Respect for each other, love each other.相敬如宾,相亲相爱。

13、May you always love each other and live a beautiful life hand in hand!祝你们永远相爱,携手共渡美丽人生!

14、Whitehead with eyebrow and mandarin duck wing, Qingyang Qirui Taoli concentric.白首齐眉鸳鸯比翼,青阳启瑞桃李同心。

15、Alignment of good fate, the finale of heaven and earth.盟结良缘,乾坤定奏。

16、Candles laugh at the winged birds and the cave opens happily with plums.花烛笑迎比翼鸟,洞房喜开并头梅。

17、The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the earth is wide and the sky is high.海枯石烂同心永结,地阔天高比翼齐飞。

18、In the coming year, you will have your son with laughter, and your husband and wife will love each other for a hundred years.来年喜笑得贵子,夫妻恩爱百年期。

19、The mandarin ducks have wings, and the mandarin ducks have walls together.鸳鸯比翼,鸳鸯壁合。

20、Hold your hand and grow old together with you.执子之手,与子偕老。

21、Phoenix flying, a happy home.凤凰于飞,美满家园。

22、More children, more grandchildren, more longevity, more health, more blessings, more satisfaction.多子多孙多寿多健康,祝福多多,满意多多。

23、A hundred years of love, love forever.百年好合,永浴爱河。

24、Heart to heart, new wedding.心心相印,新婚大禧。

25、Mantis Yanqing loves each other.螽斯衍庆,相亲相爱。

26、The pearl couplet combines well with the cave room in spring, and the moon fish is in deep water.珠联璧合洞房春暖,花好月圆鱼水情深。

27、I sincerely wish my lover a lifetime of companionship and love.衷心祝愿爱侣一生常相伴,爱意一世常相随。

28、Here I wish you, good people a safe life, happiness and happiness forever.在此祝福你,好人一生平安,幸福快乐到永远。

29、A harmonious union lasting a hundred years! Happy new marriage, sweet! Have a lovely baby early!百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!早生贵子!

30、Dear and dear to each other forever, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten and the heart remains unchanged!相亲相爱到永远,海枯石烂心不变!

31、White-headed and old, centuries of piano and serpent.白头偕老,百年琴瑟。

32、Wending is auspicious, marriage matches.文定吉祥,姻缘相配。

33、Chicken song, warning, auspicious day.鸡鸣戒旦,吉日良辰。

34、Mandarin ducks are a lifelong alliance.鸳鸯璧合,终身之盟。

35、Early birth of your son, bosom friendfor a hundred years.早生贵子,知音百年。


1、See you filled in the joy of heaven, dressed in starlight, I just want to sincerely wish you, happy newlywed, love each other happiness forever!看你们洋溢在喜悦的天堂,披着闪闪星光,我只想衷心的祝福你们,新婚愉快,相亲相爱幸福永远!

2、To the happy couple, congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come。恭贺幸福伉俪新婚之禧,并祝来日事事称心如意。

3、Bare Naked marriage is not just a form, and can not be the key to dominate happiness, happiness or decision lies with the people!裸不裸婚只是一种形式,并不能成为主宰幸福的关键,决定幸福与否还是在于人!

4、Today is the day of your marriage, I congratulate you on behalf of my family, I wish you both a happy, long marriage forever chou!今天是你们喜结良缘的日子,我代表我家人祝贺你们,祝你俩幸福美满,永俦偕老!

5、Marriage and the car will be judgmental of others。 Open luxury car will be envious broke open the car; a happy marriage will be unhappy people jealous。婚姻和车都会被旁人评头论足。开高档汽车的会被开破车的眼馋;幸福的婚姻会被不幸福的`人眼红。

6、Re happy man should marry, happiness is not the only thing。再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。

7、Marriage and cars and a red light contact。 You can not drive through a red light; marriage fear the red light district。婚姻和车都和红灯联系在一块。开车不能闯红灯;婚姻最怕红灯区。

8、When used to replace banknotes love pretty clothes to buy romance, marriage bill when you want to solve mundane worship diapers。恋爱时钞票拿来更换靓衣买到浪漫,婚姻时钞票要用来供奉柴米油盐解决尿不湿。

9、Marriage is a difficult subject that requires two people co-operation。 Everyone in their own marriage has its own well-being and are not satisfied, the key is their true feelings。婚姻是个很难的课题,需要两个人共同经营。每个人在自己的婚姻里都有自己的幸福和不满意的地方,关键在于自己真实的感受。

10、When couples get together first it is frank, we or do not knot, a knot, do not divorce。 Marriage to operate with everyone, not one-sided to run, such a marriage would last。夫妻相处首先就是要坦诚,大家要不就不结,一结就不要离婚。婚姻要大家一起经营,不是单方面去经营,这样的婚姻一定会长久。

11、I wish you both Enenaiai, Italy Benedict wife, this life of eternal love, love growing!愿你俩恩恩爱爱,意笃情深,此生爱情永恒,爱心与日俱增!

12、Marriage is a man and a woman compete for the right to speak, war economic rights, control rights。婚姻就是一场男人和女人争夺话语权、经济权、掌控权的战争。

13、A greeting to wish you a new mood, ready to bring you a blessing a new starting point。 Sincerely wish you a happy wedding, happy, always be in love!愿一个问候带给你们一个新的心情,愿一个祝福带给你们一个新的起点。真诚地祝福你们新婚快乐、幸福美满、永浴爱河!

14、I heard you guys tomorrow to the hotel, to find a middleman enchant ring。 I was happy that way, you have today, ha ha! You let me say? Married, you both go after the rest of my life to live happy!听说你们俩明天去酒店,找个中间人去换戒指。我心里那个高兴呀,你也有今天,哈哈!你让我说什么好呢?结婚了,你俩后半辈子幸福的过着去吧!

15、Although regrettable marriage。 Love is sugar, to eat sweet, too are tired; marriage is water, thirsty longing, thirsty by light。婚姻虽然让人感到遗憾。恋爱是糖,吃来甜,过则腻;婚姻是水,渴者向往,不渴者淡


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