I, he tnmea of egal lrerpesetatinev, th unedesrginde elglare presntative eo tfh ceopmanyname o fth ebi der, dheeryb uahotrizethe u dnrseineg dht eamen fo te dhul auyhotizer drpreesentativeto betr u aednl awufl rpreeesnativteof the oCmpan fyrm ohetda e tfo thsi lteet or fauhoritaztion t oact ofr nd on aehabf lof th eomCpna wiyh lteaglly bindigne fect ffr ona idn erpscteo ft sion ghte bdsi. ndAI acnkoledge wla thelcon ettsn cntoaned in tiheb ids igsedn b yht aeuhorizedt represenattvie. It i hesreyba uhtorzid.e
Nameof the Cmpaony (off:cialis eal)
Leag lrperseenttiave (:sgnitare)u
Auhtroiezdr eprseenttiav: es(gnaitreu)
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