Qinghai Lake is the largest inland lake and the largest salt lake in China. It is vast, ethereal and magnificent. It is a huge mirror given by nature to Qinghai Plateau.
In ancient times, Qinghai Lake was called "Xihai", also known as "Xianshui" or "Xianhai". In Tibetan, it is called "cuowenbo", which means "Blue Lake"; in Mongolian, it is called "kukunuoer", which means "blue ocean". As the area of Qinghai Lake belonged to the pastoral area of the Beihe people in the early days, it was also called "Beihe Qiang sea", and it was also called "Xianhai" in the Han Dynasty. It was renamed "Qinghai" from the Northern Wei Dynasty.
Qinghai Lake covers an area of 4456 square kilometers, with a circumference of more than 360 kilometers, more than twice the size of the famous Taihu Lake. The lake is long from east to west, narrow from north to South and slightly oval. At first glance, it looks like a big poplar leaf. The average water depth of Qinghai Lake is more than 19 meters, the maximum water depth is 28 meters, and the water storage capacity reaches 105 billion cubic meters. The elevation of the lake is 3260 meters, higher than the two Dongyue mountains, Mount Tai. Because of the high terrain here, the climate is very cool. Even in the hot summer, the daily average temperature is only 15 ℃, which is an ideal summer resort.
Qinghai Lake is located in the northeast of Qinghai Plateau. It has vast territory, vast grassland, numerous rivers, rich water and grass, and quiet environment. The lake is surrounded by four towering mountains: Datong mountain in the north, Riyue mountain in the East, Nanshan Mountain in Qinghai in the South and rubber mountain in the West. The four mountains are all between 3600 and 5000 meters above sea level. Looking around, it is like four high natural barriers, which tightly encircle the Qinghai Lake. From the foot of the mountain to the lakeside, there is a vast, flat and boundless grassland, while the vast and blue Qinghai Lake is like a huge jade plate embedded between the mountains and grasslands, forming a magnificent scenery of mountains, lakes and grasslands.
The scenery of Qinghai Lake is quite different in different seasons. In summer and autumn, when the majestic mountains around and the vast grassland on the West Bank are dressed in green, the Qinghai Lake has beautiful mountains, clear waters, clear sky and beautiful scenery. The vast rolling thousand mile grassland is like a thick green carpet. The colorful wild flowers decorate the green carpet like brocade and satin. Countless cattle, sheep and fat horses are like colorful pearls spilling over the grassland. Large areas of neat and picturesque farmland beside the lake are rolling with wheat waves, and cauliflower is golden and fragrant; The Qinghai Lake, with its vast expanse of blue waves and the same color of water and sky, is like a glass slurry rippling gently. In the cold winter, when the cold current comes, the surrounding mountains and grasslands become withered and yellow, sometimes with a thick layer of silver. In November every year, Qinghai Lake begins to freeze. The vast and clear surface of the lake is covered with ice, jade and silver. It is like a huge mirror, shining in the sun and shining all day long.
Qinghai Lake is famous for its abundant yellow croaker and rich in fish resources. It is worth mentioning that the ice fish produced here are more famous. Every ice season, after the Qinghai Lake is frozen, people drill holes on the ice to catch fish. Under the temptation of sunlight or light, the underwater fish will automatically jump out of the ice hole, catch and cook. It tastes delicious.
Haixin mountain and bird island in Qinghai Lake are both tourist attractions. Haixin mountain, also known as Longju Island, covers an area of about 1 square kilometer. Rocky island, beautiful scenery, since ancient times to produce Longju famous. The famous bird island is located in the west of Qinghai Lake, near Buha River, the largest river in the lake. Its area is only 0.5 square kilometers, but there are more than 100000 migratory birds in spring and summer. In order to protect the bird resources on the island, there are also special agencies responsible for bird research and protection.
There are vast natural pastures, fertile fields and rich mineral resources on the Bank of Qinghai Lake. It is snowy in winter, rainy in summer and autumn, abundant in water and rainfall, which has good conditions for the development of animal husbandry and agriculture. As early as in ancient times, it was an important place for horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock. The horses produced in the area of Qinghai Lake were very famous in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. They were called "Qin horses" at that time. The ancient famous book of songs once described the majestic and good gallop of "Qin horse". Later, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the horses produced here developed into unique good horses after mating with "Wusun horse" and "Xuehan horse". It is not only famous for its charisma, but also for its ability to fight.
Qinghai Lake is surrounded by flat terrain, fertile land, agricultural production also has broad prospects. While giving priority to the development of animal husbandry, the local people have also planned to open up forage and feed bases, set up state farms, and develop crop production based on oil and feed. In the desolate and lonely grassland of the past, they have successively built a number of new towns, such as Daotanghe, and then set up a number of factories and mines, including coal, building materials, mechanical repair, fur processing, and so on Ethnic products, etc.
Dear tourist friends, after leaving the Daotang River and the legend of Princess Wencheng, we are going to arrive at our beautiful and rich Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake is called "Xihai" in ancient times, cuowenbu in Tibetan and kukuroer in Mongolian. Do you know why it is called "kukuroer"? According to legend, Qinghai Lake is beautiful and broad in ancient times, There is a hero named kukukuzhuoer who helps the people unite and live in harmony. He helps the neighboring tribes to solve the crisis and survive the famine. After his death, he was granted the title of God of unity by the emperor of heaven to protect the good. From then on, the Mongolians called Qinghai Lake "kukukuzhuoer", which is what we call "kukuroer", Modern geological research shows that about 20 million years ago, today's Qinghai Tibet Plateau was a vast ocean. Later, due to the compression of the continental plate and crustal movement, the sea floor gradually uplifted, and gradually formed the Qinghai Tibet Plateau known as the "third pole of the world". The Qinghai Lake was formed by the collapse of faults in the process of crustal uplift, There are also some very interesting legends. Some say that this is the youngest son of the old dragon king in Crystal Palace, who brought 108 rivers of water. Others say that when the monkey king was fighting with Erlang God in the sky, Erlang God was chased here. He felt hungry and thirsty, and found the sacred spring covered by stone slabs. After he ran to drink a lot, he forgot to cover the stone slabs, and the sacred spring rolled out, At this time, the monkey king had caught up with him. Erlang God grabbed five stones and pressed the spring water. Later, these five stones became five small islands in the lake. Erlang God didn't even care about the food he cooked. When he ran, he kicked over the pot. There was salt in the pot and it fell into the lake. From then on, the lake water became salty, As a result, there are large and small salt lakes and salt lakes along the Qinghai Lake
This is the legend of Qinghai Lake. You can see the shining mirror in front of you, which is embedded between the snow capped mountains and the vast grassland. It is Qinghai Lake. It covers an area of more than 4400 square kilometers, 106 kilometers from east to west, 63 kilometers from north to south, with an average depth of 19 meters and an elevation of more than 3260 meters. Now, Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake has become one of the four major tourist areas in Qinghai Province, and has initially formed a tourism belt around the lake, which is mainly sightseeing, entertainment, leisure and vacation
We are now in the lakeside area of Qinghai Lake. It is an ideal summer resort with flat and open terrain, abundant water resources and mild climate. Not only that, it is also an important animal husbandry base in Qinghai Province, with rich pasture and fertile land, which are feeding herds of cattle and sheep. Before summer and autumn, the vast grassland is like a layer of green carpet, and various wild flowers are colorful, The green carpet is decorated like brocade and satin. There are a lot of neat farmland around. The wheat waves are rolling, and the rape flowers are golden. The lake is full of green waves. The white seagulls are chasing the fish sails in the air. The herdsmen's tents are scattered all over the place. The sunrise and sunset scenery is full of poetic and refreshing
公元620__年,唐朝建立后,与边疆各民族和睦相处,各族首领纷纷派遣使者向唐朝求婚,唐朝先后有15位公主嫁到兄弟民族当中。当时的吐蕃国王松赞干布开明治国,为引进文化、加深友谊、安定边境,在与唐朝建立友好关系后,派禄东赞到长安求婚,得到唐太宗应允。文成公主自幼被唐太宗和皇后收养,深得疼爱。公主远嫁,唐太宗准备了各种日用器皿、珠宝饰物、绫罗绸缎及书籍、药物、蚕种、谷种等作为嫁妆,还派乐队、工匠随同去吐蕃。公元641年正月,唐朝派李道宗护送公主从长安起程,经咸阳、陇西、临夏,渡过黄河,进入青海,沿湟水西行。过日月山后,先与嫁给吐谷浑王诺曷钵的唐朝弘化公主,在大河坝附近的馆驿中,举行盛大宴会, 唐、吐蕃、吐谷浑三方亲朋欢聚一堂。之后,公主一行继续南行。松赞于布亲自率兵在扎陵湖南岸,筑馆安营,迎接公主,李道宗主持了隆重的婚礼。松赞干布和文成公主经玉树进入西藏,4月15日抵达今拉萨,受到吐蕃人民隆重欢迎。文成公主远赴西藏联姻,沿途留下了很多美好的传说和史迹,千古流传,至今藏族人民仍然称公主为“阿姐甲莎”,意思是汉族姐姐。
日月山双亭 在日月山口,有为纪念唐代文成公主进藏联姻而建的日月二亭。唐贞观十五年(公元641年),宗室女文成公主远嫁吐蕃赞普松赞干布,由长安去拉萨在这里停留,留下很多历史佳话和神奇的传说,给日月山增添了一层神秘色彩。开元二十一年(公元733年)确定唐朝和吐蕃以赤岭分界,并立界碑,成为民族友好的象征。20世纪80年代中期修建的日月二亭,成分立垭口两侧,建筑精巧、辉煌。日亭内有青海省人民政府撰文刻制的“文成公主进藏纪念碑”,记述了文成公主和亲始未及历史功绩。亭内还绘有壁画,再现了文成公主进藏的历史面貌;月亭有珍贵的“唐蕃赤岭分界碑”和文成公主在西藏传播中原文化,促进西藏文化艺术与生产成就等方面的壁画。山口中立有1950年10月1日由青海省军区司令员贺炳炎、政委廖汉生树立的“日月山修路纪念碑”,记载了人民解放军修建青藏公路的业绩。
日亭壁画 日亭壁画主要讲述了藏王松赞干布派大臣禄东赞赴唐都长安请婚,以及请婚过程中禄东赞以大智大勇力排诸难,巧破难题的轶事。其一题:要把一群母马和一群马驹区别出母子的故事。禄东赞是从雪域草原上来的,这道题对他来说易如反掌,他把母马和马驹分开后各圈了一天一夜,第二天放出马驹,马驹发疯般的扑向妈妈身旁。其二题:唐太宗让禄东赞从三百名女子中找出文成公主来,聪明的禄东赞早料到会有此难题。他事先通过探访了解到,原来公主用一种护肤品,名叫“万里飘香”,只要擦上这种油,就异香扑鼻,能引来蝴蝶和蜜蜂。三日后,三百名打扮的一模一样的美女齐集在一起,两只蜜蜂在一女子头顶盘旋,这样公主被认出来了。
月亭壁画 月亭壁画主要介绍了文成公主入藏后,从中原带去精神与物质文明的传播情况。当时,唐朝已进入封建社会,而吐蕃则处于奴隶社会阶段。因此,壁画逐一反映了公主带去的纺织、酿酒、音乐、舞蹈、天文、地理以及佛教等传播情况。各种先进技术的传入,极大地促进了吐蕃社会的进步与文明。随之,吐蕃也创立了自己的文字--藏文。藏文的创立,标志着吐蕃人民从此也进入了文明时代。而文成公主做为这个文明时代的奠基人,而永垂唐蕃史册。
日月山展厅壁画 公元七世纪初,松赞干布派使臣禄东赞一行,以黄金五千两及珍宝数万件作聘礼,向唐求婚。壁画中坐车者为唐太宗,立者为禄东赞一行,壁画中间是文成公主行至“赤岭”时手持日月宝镜,思念故乡亲人,但她想到唐王的重托及和亲大任,毅然弃镜西行的描述。壁画下部为唐太宗赐松赞干布的“灌顶国师阐化王”之印,壁画右下部是汉藏建筑相至流入的景象,左下部车中佛像是文成公主从唐带去的释迦牟尼像,现存放在拉萨大昭寺。左部为公主逝世后,藏族人民缅怀其功德,供奉为神的情景。
而我们两旁的每一座盐雕都是都是茶卡盐湖的“守卫者”,每一座盐雕都在诉说着一个沧桑而又美丽的故事... .或是神话传说,或是英雄事迹,每一座都演绎着不同的风情... ...而现在一切美丽的景色只属于你... ...