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2022-07-11 23:09:09





和同学合作翻译的,时间紧促,不免有些错误,还请见谅! 1.东方红广场dongfanghong square


dongfanghong square was built in 1966.out of their deep love for chair mao ,the students of hunan university that time built the square .now ,we can see a statue of mao zedong .the building design of the statue was completed by the students from the fine art academy of hunan university.let’s walker closer to have a better view of it .as you can see from here ,mao are gazing affectionately at the the piece of the land which he could’t be more familiar with in his young age .he kept his hands behind his back, with his right foot in front of the left.


dongfanghong square is the only red square among all universities in hunan province, with self-esteem kiosks and dongfanghong together.hunan culture and modern civilization meet here in many aspects.it won’t be exaggerating to say that the spiritual content of hunan culture has been vividly expreed here.and i believe , all of us will have a glimpse of hunan culture by visiting dongfanghong square .oh ,this is another thing i want to mention,that is ,during the torch relay of beijing olympic games in 2008 ,dongfanghong square was the first station in changsha .

2.岳麓山大门the gate of yuelu mountain


as a national important scenic region and a famous city mountain scenic area, the whole yuelu mountain scenic area lies in the west bank of xiang river in changsha.the whole yuelu

mountain scenic area is well-known for its abundant scenic spots, including aiwan pavilion, yuelu mount temple, yunlu palace, the white crane spring , the flying stone and so forth.in addition, yuelu mountain is also an important site where many revolutionists ever met for the purpose of discuing important iues both at home and abroad.


now ,we are arriving at the gate of yuelu mount,walking through which we can visit the abundant spots in yuelu mountain.the gate has been dubbed as “the first gate in hunan”.we can easily see four one-meter diameter reinforced concrete outsourcing granite pillars, just like four optimus primet .do you agree with me?the four pillars are well mingled with the gate of yuelu mount ,bearing the function of a scenic window of the area.


on the north side of the gate is the parking lot which provide convenience especially for those need to park their cars .tourist service center is itself a beautiful scenery, perfectly hiding the parking lot so that people will temporarily forget the noise and chaos of urban life .after the next spring festival, all the cars will be required to be parked in the parking lot,which has three floors. 3.岳麓书院 yuelu academy


now ,we will pay a visit to yuelu academy.as is known to all that yuelu academy is one of the four most prestigious academies over the last 1000 years in china.it has been a famous institution of higher learning as well as a centre of academic activities and cultures since it was

formally set up in the ninth year of the kai bao reign of the northern song dynasty (976).yuelu academy, surviving the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, was converted into hunan institute of higher learning in 1903, and hunan normal college, hunan public polytechnic school in succeion, and was finally named hunan university in 1926.the academy has witneed a

history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.


now,let’s walk up to the gate to have a look .well,you may see the couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway .it reads “the kingdom of chu, the unique home of talents; the

academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all”, a quotation which acknowledges the greatne of yuelu academy, and points to the historical fact that yuelu academy has been considered by many the cradle of the great people of hunan province. 4.爱晚亭aiwan pavilion


aiwan pavilion lies in qingfeng gorge and was built in a.d.1792.its original name 哇塞 red leaf pavilion and later according to the poem written by du mu, it was changed to aiwan pavilion.i gue many of you are very familiar with the poem ,of which the most famous verse is stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in february. 毛泽东在长沙求学期间,曾来此地游玩学习。上世纪五十年年代,青年时代的毛泽东常与罗学瓒、张昆弟等人一起到爱晚亭下,纵谈时局,探求真理。因为这个缘故,1952年重修爱晚亭时,湖南大学校长李达致书毛主席,请求题写亭名,毛主席愉快地接受了请求。所以,我们现在所看到的就是毛主席的题字。

mao zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period.mao zedong ,in his youth ,often invited his clamates,including luo xuekun ,zhang kundi , to come to aiwan

pavilion so that they could expre their opinions about the current situation while seeking truth of life.because of this ,when the pavilion was being rebuilt, mao was later invited by lida,the

president of hunan university at that time ,to inscribe the name of the pavilion ,thus characters on the tablet was written by chair mao.

5.黄兴墓 the tomb of huang xing


huang xing tomb is one of the most famous tombs standing on the yuelu mountain.i gue many of you have heard some stories about huang xing .well,huang xing,born in changsha county of hunan province, is one of the pioneers and leaders of the revolution of 1911.


it is located at the north of yunlu peak with the moon lot below,which is at the west while facing the east.when you are at the yuelu mount temple ,you will easily find a stone path hover leading to the tomb of huang xing.


it was engraved from a piece of white stone shaped like a quadrangular reaching a height of 10 meters.how magnificent it is ! thanks to the great contribution made by huang xing ,the spot appeals to many a visitors to pay tributes every year.at the front of the tomb, a monument inlay reads “the tomb of huang xing ”.it is surrounded by pillars as guard bar.also ,there is a set of tables and chairs set for visitors to worship and honor him in the front of the tomb.covering an area of 1186.24 square meters, it is enveloped with green pines and verdant cyprees.


under the tomb situates the huang xing tomb cottage which had been repaired .in the hall people can learn more details about the life story of the hero. 6.白鹤泉white crane spring


white crane spring is located in the south side of the guanyi attic of the yuelu mount temple and next to the mountain road.due to its clear and sweet spring water ,the spring is known to people as the best spring of the temple of yuelu mount .


in chinese culture ,white crane bears a symbol of elegance ,noblene as well as long life.the spring is surrounded by old but still broomy trees and most of the time all around the year, clear and sweet spring water are overflowing from the stone whether in summer or in winter.it got the name of white crane spring due to the fact that in the old times a couple of red-crowned cranes often flied to here for drinking .in the past, a monk had built a crane-shaped well with stones.also, the letter ofwhite crane spring was engraved next to the well.


there is an interesting feature about the spring, that is, the steam of its boiled water will circle around the rim of cup and show a image just like the shape of a crane.and there is tearoom for tourist to drink the tea which is steepled by the spring water.

7.鸟语林 birds’ paradise


if you want to find a place full of life on yuelu mountain ,birds’s paradise is undoubtedly the best representative.it has a collection of more than 10,000 rare birds , including over 400 bird


长 白 瀑 布

长白瀑布是三江源最壮观的瀑布,位于天池北侧,乘槎河尽头。当乘槎河流完全长1250米后,跌涛而下,形成了落差达68米的瀑布。长白瀑布其形成与这里的岩石和地质结构有关,天池水从闼门流出沿乘槎河向北延伸,流至东西走向的大断裂横切河床,流水顺陡崖下注,这就是落差大、飞流急的长白瀑布。瀑水冲击形成20多米深的水潭,流水由水潭溢出,形成湍急的二道白河,成为松花江正源。2000年荣获落差最大的火山湖瀑布吉尼斯世界之最。 the waterfall of changbai mountain

the waterfall of changbai mountain is the most magnificent sight in the source of the three rivers, located in the north of the sky pond, and the end of chengcha river.chengcha river runs through 1250m, then falling off the bluff formed the waterfall over 68m,the water impact formed more than 20 meters deep puddle, and over flow from the puddle formed the torrential erdao baihe, became the source of songhua river.in 2000 won the guinne world record----the volcanic lake falls with the biggest drop.小 天 池


the small sky pond

the small sky pond is also called silver-ring lake.it is about round, the girth of the small sky pond is 260m, with the area of the catchment 5,380m the depth more than 10m.without drain all year round, there are two kinds of statements of its cause.the one is glacier theory which says that it is the quaternary glacial moraine evolved lake.the other is parasitic crater theory.it believes that the small sky pond is a small crater ponding with water formed by the eruption of the top crater of the sky pond.




the sky pond of changbai mountain

the sky pond of changbai mountain, the largest crater lake, is the boundary lake between china and north korea, as well as the source of songhua river, tumen river and yalu river.it is elliptical.its height is 21.4k㎡, with the surface area of 9.82 square kilometers, surface perimeter 13.17 km.the depth is 373 meters, with an average water depth of 204 meters.the total storage capacity is 2.04 billion cubic meters.the average evaporation is 450 mm, average annual precipitation 1333 mm.the average annual temperature here is -7.3 degrees.it is a huge natural reservoir.in 2000, it won the guinne world record----the volcanic lake with the highest elevation.乘 槎 河

天池北侧的天豁峰与龙门峰之间有一条南北走向的断裂带,岩石破碎,风化强烈,久而久之,产生一个豁口,称为闼门。天池水从闼门流出,流水长期冲刷侵蚀地表,便形成了乘槎河。乘槎是指神话中乘木排上天的意思,乘槎河缓缓地漫流在海拔2190多米的峭壁上,从补天石出口处流出,经过牛郎渡、高燕吻瀑,全长1250米,是世界上最短的河流。 chengcha river

there is a north-south fault between the peaks of tianhuo and longmen.for rocks crushed, weathering strong there, as time paes, it has formed a crack called tamen.the water of the sky pond flowing from tamen and long time eroding the earth formed chengcha river.in myth, “chengcha” means to lead to the heaven by wooden raft.with the length of 1250m, it is the shortest river in the world.牛郎渡

cowherd ferry

cowherd ferry, located on the chengcha lake is a stone acro the river, which seems like a little bridge, helping people acro the river.because after croing chengcha river, one will be able to gaze until of the weaver girl peak, so has its name.their love story found evidence in changbai mountain.moreover, the lying cow shaped boulder engraved with three characters cowherd ferry.today, many young people take photo here to show their unwavering love.it has become a love stone.



being in the list of chengdu historical and cultural protection project, broad and narrow alley is composed of broad alley, narrow alley and acro alleys, among which, there are a lot of traditional courtyards, or siheyuan.

some very old alleys in chengdu where some important people had lived.after its reconstruction, the broad and narrow alley has been reopened to pubic and is now, one of the hottest tourist destination in chengdu. a bit about its history according to documents, officers lived in those broad alleys, while the eight flag members lived in a narrow alley that was parallel to the broad one.

the courtyards among the alleys were developed pretty well with the development of the qing dynasty.however, the alleys were constructed into western-styled architectures at the late qing dynasty; and during the period of the republic of chinathe owners of the courtyards were changed into some noble families, and ever since then, the structure of the alleys remained till now.

why the alleys have been descended?

because they were so unnoticeable.the south area to the shao city was not a good area, and was not on reachable transportation lines either.we can say that this area is the forgotten area of the city construction.the imperial city has disappeared; city walls have been destroyed; most of the city architectures are vanishing too; nowadays, broad and narrow alley seems to be carrying the responsibility that it shouldnt carry.

broad and narrow alley is the last remaining part of the old chengdu.the discovery of the alley made people realize the value of it.in 2003, reconstruction was started and the alley was gradually opened to the public. reconstruction

the dispute about the reconstruction was pretty severe.in 2005, a dramatic scene can be seen along the street: some artist sit around, drinking tea and talking, while right beside them was the loud machine working for the reconstruction.

how to reconstruct it? there were two ways.one was to emphasize on its protection by the government, but the government couldnt afford it; the other was all about busine, but the protection of the alley could not be fulfilled.theres got to be a way in between, which was to balance the residence area and busine area.

at the beginning, people thought about imitating shanghais style; however, this idea was denied because the structures of the two cities are completely different.shanghai has more western architecture while chengdu only has traditional layout, which didnt have the qualification to be like shanghai.therefore, the protection to the origin style of architectures idea was paed.the layout, style of architectures had to be remained, and all the construction material had to be traditional.

to balance the residence and busine area, a lot of people had to move out.after the reconstruction, there were only 100 households (out of 900) that remained.those who remained here can be divided into 3 kinds of people: the rich, departments that belonged to the government and those who really had strong feelings about this alley.














推荐专题: 云台山导游词 九华山导游词 都江堰的导游词

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