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2022-07-11 22:43:27




































一、导游词的特点 :三性三化三感







1.层次感; 2.方向感;3.趣味感

















㈠ 标题

㈡ 前言


㈢ 总述

总述部分主要向旅游者陈述景观的概况和旅游价值,对所要游览的内容作总结性的介绍。 《故宫》总述中的一段:

这段总述向旅游者介绍了故宫的概况、名称的由来、占地面积、宫殿楼阁的间数及其建筑。这样的总述使旅游者不仅对故宫有了基本了解,而且深切感受到参观游览的重要意义。 ㈣ 分述

分述部分是对旅游者游览的景观进行分别陈述。按照游览的先后顺序,对景观一一加以解说。 分述部分是对旅游者游览的景观进行分别陈述。按照游览路线的先后顺序,对景观一一加以解说。

㈤ 结尾




















我们现在已经进入了闻名中外的神农架国家级森林及野生动物类型自然保护区,神农架自然保护区位于鄂渝两省市交界处,长江、汉水之间,神农架林区境内。神农架群山形成于燕山运动时期,境内最高峰神农顶海拔3105.4米,号称“华中第一峰”,最低处石柱河谷海拔仅398米,平均海拔1700米, 3000米以上高峰有六座,所以人们又称神农架为“华中屋脊”。 神农架的历史十分悠久,早在旧石器时代就有原始人类在此活动,相传炎帝神农氏曾率众在此搭架采药,教人们耕种,所以这里被称做神农架。



看过了野人的资料,大家也许非常好奇,不要着急,我们先欣赏这里的美景。现在我们就可以来到被誉为“神农架第一景”的风景垭入口处。风景垭原名巴东垭, 1981年地名普查时发现其与小神农架相邻的巴东垭子重名,于是就更名为“风景垭”。 另一种说法是:当年王光美同志来神农架,在这上面呆了两小时。她说:“这里的风景这么美,为什么不叫风景垭呢?”后更名为“风景垭”。 风景垭海拔2785米,这里形成了石林丛生,如笋似柱的奇观。大家也许会想。这是怎么形成的呢?这是由于所处地层属神农架背斜的核心部位,又南连北东向的韭菜垭子断层。燕山运动后,随着神农架地区的不断上升,南部断层的软弱部位不断发生深切作用,致使垭南坡下切成深达千米的峡谷,分布于垭南坡的神农架群下亚群的碳酸盐岩,最容易受到风化溶蚀,经过千万年来的风刀霜剑,雕塑出了今天的石林景观。石林周围,竹海苍翠,杜鹃摇红,流云飞雾缠绕,所以有“石林云雨”之称。风景垭奇特风光被誉为“神农第一景”。因此人们常说:不到风景垭,枉到神农架。 这里的景色如此迷人,大家尽可以在这里凭栏而观,摄影留念。


板壁岩上下,箭竹林漫山遍野,密不透风。这一带是神冬笋“野人”经常出没的地方,箭竹林中多次发现“野人”的脚印、毛发、粪便和竹窝。野人的毛发无论是从表面还是细胞结构,均优于高等灵长动物。野人的脚印长约25厘米,步幅约2.7米,可以想象野人的身材是很高大的。最令人惊叹的还要算是野人的窝,窝是用20根箭竹扭曲而成,人躺在上面,视野开阔,舒适如同靠椅,经验证,这绝非猎人所做,更非猿类、熊类所为,它的制造和使用者当然是那种介于人和高等灵长类之间的奇特动物了。“野人”的传说在世界各地宣传甚广,名列飞碟UFO、百慕大魔鬼三角等世界之谜之首。在美洲它被称做“大脚怪”;在青藏高原称“雪人“;在神农架地区被称做“野人”、“毛人”、“山鬼”等。在世界各地,所有关于“野人”的传说都近乎重复着同一个形象:全身长毛、外观像人、无语言能力、直立行走……这些描绘显然不同于膜拜鬼神,而完全符合现生哺乳类动物的基本特征。自古至今,不同地区、不同民族、不同历史时期,重复着同样的“野人”故事。我国科学家将这种神秘动物称为“未知高大灵长目动物”。 “野生”这种奇异的生命迹象正吸引着全世界探索自然之谜的人们,它是举世瞩目的世界之谜。而中国神农架是世界上最可能藏有谜底的地区。




中国北京.天 坛 ——英文导游辞

(Inside the South Gate of the Temple of Heaven)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the Temple of Heaven.(After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China.There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad.All in all, there are 12 million visitors very year.Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the altar.It will take roughly one hour.Mind you, the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven.

(Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar)

The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven, the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties.It was decreed that rulers of succeive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest.But why?

The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind, and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being.The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature.In those days, there were specific rites of worship.This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held.

The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.Situated in the southern part of the city, this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares.To better symbolize heaven and earth, the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square .The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one.The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices.The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar.

(Along the Imperial Paage leading from the Southern Lattice Star Gate in front of the Circular Mound Altar)

The Circular Mound Altar is enclosed by two walls, each containing four groups of Southern Lattice Star Gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether.Standing on the paage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other.This reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers.

1 On the day of the ceremony, the emperor would don his ritual costume and be ushered in by the official in charge of religious affairs.He ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the altar.

(Atop the Circular Mound Alter)

We are now on the top terrace of the Altar, or the third terrace.Each terrace has a flight of 9 steps.At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 steps.At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 concentric rings of stone.The number of stones in the first ring is 9, in the second, 18, up to 81 in the 9th ring.Even the number of carved balustrades on these terraces is a multiple of 9.But why?

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang were two opposing factors.Heaven and the odd numbers belonged to yang while the Earth and even numbers belonged to yin.Nine was the largest heavenly number acceible to man.What is more, the ancient people also believed that heaven consisted of nine layers and that the emperor` s abode was on the uppermost tier.

Once more look at the round stone in the center.The upper terrace is nine zhang (a Chinese unit of length, one zhang equals 3.3 meters) in circumference, while the middle is 15 zhang, the lower, 21 zhang.Claified as yang numbers, the sum of these numerals is 45 zhang which was meant to symbolized succe.What is more, by applying the concept of odd numbers and strengthening nine and its multiples, the concept of heaven was thus illustrated and realized.The concept of nine will also be mentioned when we visit some other buildings.

Now I will give you a brief account of what happened here annually on the Inter Solstice.The memorial tablet dedicated to Heaven would be set up on the north side of the terrace; while tablets dedicated to the emperor `s ancestors would be enshrined on the flanks.The service would begin around 4 o` clock in the morning.All of the lanterns would be lit .In the foreground, a sacrificial calf is being barbecued.On the square in front of the altar, the emperor, under heavy escort of nearly a thousand courtiers, princes of royal blood, musicians, dancers and uniformed soldiers, would slowly ascend the altar to offer sacrifice and pray in honor of Heaven.When the service drew to a close, the sacrifice offered in front of the memorial tablets would be incinerated .All of participants would watch the thick smoke rise upward as if they were seeing God off .Music and dancing would follow .In the end, the emperor would return to the Forbidden City secure in the belief that he would be bleed and protected by Heaven until the next winter Solstice.It is interesting to note that, the stone in the very middle of the altar was of major importance, since it was where the emperor used to stand to say his prayer.The stone, which is known as the God’s heart Stone, is peculiar in that it is characterized by a specific acoustic phenomenon: it made the emperor` s voice clearer and louder, thus adding to the mystic atmosphere of the service .You can try this out by yourself.(Proceed northward to pa through the Lattice Star Gate)

(In front of the Gate of glazed tiles)

this structure is known as Heaven` s Storehouse.It is entered through the Gate of glazed Tiles.The

2 roofing, beams, and brackets are all made of glazed tiles or bricks.This is the only structure of its kind in China today.

the Heaven` s Storehouse was where memorial tablets dedicated to the gods were kept.Douglas Hurd, a former British foreign secretary, once said, “God attends to His affairs on the Circular Mound Altar but stays here.” Now let` s go in to see it (Go through the left side door)

(In the courtyard of Heaven` s Storehouse)

this is the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the main structure of Heaven` s Storehouse.It was built in 1530 and is 17 meters in height and 19 meters in diameter.The structure feature blue roofs topped by a gilded ball, and carved wooden doors and windows.It is decorated with colored paintings.Founded on a 3-meter-hign round marble terrace, the building also features a gigantic carved marble ramp laid in the stone staircase leading up to the front entrance.The ramp is carved in “Two dragons Playing with a pearl” design in relief.We will enter the main hall by going up the stone staircase on the eastern side.

(On the marble terrace of the main hall)

The arch of the hall is buttreed by 16 giant pillars on two rings.On top of the pillars there are gilt brackets supporting a circular caion, or covered ceiling .The ceiling is characterized by a golden coiling dragon design.The 8 pillar of the inner ring are painted scarlet and decorated with golden lotuses.

To the north of the hall there is a marble pedestal.Atop it, up a wooden flight of 9 steps, is where the major tablet dedicate to Heaven was enshrined.On each flank four tablets are enshrined in honor of the ancestors of the Qing emperors.In the annex hall in hornor of the ancestors of the Qing emperors.In the annex halls in the courtyard, there are tablets dedicated to the deities of the sun, moon, constellation, cloud, rain, wind and thunder.

(Echo Wall and Triple –sound Stones)

Aside from exquisitely laid out architectures, Heaven` s Storehouse is also famous for two structures with peculiar acoustic features, i.e.the Echo Wall and the Triple- Sound Stone.A mere whisper at any point close to the wall can be heard clearly on the other side, although the parties may be 40 or 50 meters apart.This is poible because the wall is round and hermetically constructed with smooth, solid bricks.

In front of the steps leading away from the halls is the Triple Sound Stone.If you stand on the first stone and call out or clap your hands, the sound will echo once; on the second stone, the sound will be heard twice; and on the third stone, the sound will repeat three times.Hence the name.(Go out through the right door and stroll along the circular path northward)

(Nine-Dragon Cypre)


the Temple of Heaven is also famous for its cypre trees-there are more than 60,000 cypre trees in all ,among which over 4,000 are more than one hundred years old ,adding to the solemn atmosphere of the temple .This tall cypre was planted more than 500 years ago.Its thick branches and twisting trunk resembling nine coiling playful dragons; thus it is known as the Nine-Dragon cypre.It is said that this tree was here to welcome the monarchs.Now it is here to welcome visitor from all over the world.

(In the south of Chengzhen Gate)

Now we are back again on the Central Axis.This brick-arched gate is known as Chengzhen (Adopting Fidelity) .This gate is the northern gate of the Circular Mound Altar and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is situated at the extreme end of the axis.It was used by the emperor in the first month of every lunar year for services dedicated to good harvest.

(On the Red Stairway Bridge)

Entering the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, we set foot on a raised paage 360 meters long, which the emperor also took to proceed to the hall.This broad north-south walkway, called Danbiqiao (Red Stairway bridge), connects the two sets of main building in the Temple of Heaven and constitutes a single axis.

The paage is divided into left, control and right paths by the cro arrangement of slabs.The central and widest path is known as Heavenly Thoroughfare, which was reserved exclusively for God; nobody, including the emperor, was allowed to set foot onto it.The emperor used the path on the east, which is known as the Imperial Walk.The ministers and princes used the one on the west .Interesting enough, there is no walkway left for ordinary people.This is because the Temple of Heaven used to be off-limits to them.

Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all.But how so? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep.The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice.All in all, it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing.

Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end.As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypre recede and perspective widens.Here you are in Heaven.

(Costume-Changing Terrace)

The marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or Costume Changing Terrace.It is located to the

4 east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades.The day before the service, officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes.After the service, the emperor would return to the tent and change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace.(Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

This structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest.We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building, the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate.A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls, the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.The annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace, to set off the loftine and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building, 38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball.The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings.The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace.At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it.

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height, covering a space of 4,000 square meters.Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure.In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs.To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and down pipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls.In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed.Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

Climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall, a masterpiece of ancient China.Looking up you will see the caion, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes.In and out, the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

Without the use of steel, cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crobeams, the entire structure is supported by 28 maive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters.The four central pillars, called the dragon-Well Pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four seasons.There are two rings of 12

5 scarlet pillars each.The inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .Between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the Chinese lunar year.The pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient Chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

The center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter.Interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling.This particular slab is known as the Dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

The furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when Emperor Xianfeng ruled .In the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of Heaven.On either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed.Each tablet is fronted by an altar.A total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it, including soup, wine, aorted cereals, and a calf.

The sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the Chinese lunar year.Because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit.This lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall, helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

By the time the service began, 207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall.The emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in honor of the deities and his ancestors.All of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for Good Harvest.With this we conclude our visit to the Temper of Heaven.The feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .However, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient Chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

(On the Long Corridor)

From the Eastern Gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now entered a 300-meter-long corridor.Consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the Slaughterhouses.Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall, It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line.Flanking the corridor are shopping stalls.You may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

Well, that is all for this tour.Thank you for your attention.I look forward to your next visit.Good luck and bon voyage.



Overview of Quanzhou TouristryQuanzhou is a well-known hometown for overseas Chinese and a majority of the Han population in Taiwanese.The total population in the municipality is over 6.7 million.About 9 million of Han nationality in Taiwan are originally from Quanzhou.In recent years, the number of visitors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao has been increasing.They come back for pilgrimage to their visit ancestors’ graves, visit their families and friends, make investments and conduct busine and sightseeing.This has greatly promoted the social and economic development in Quanzhou.

Quanzhou is one of first 24 important national historic and cultural cities announced by the State Council.From Tang Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty, “Citong Port” in Quanzhou was one of the major ports for foreign trade.It was the departure point of “marine silk route” and enjoyed the grand reputation of “largest oriental port”.The city has numerous famous scenic spots, cultural and historic relics.Among 399 protected cultural relics in the city, 12 are of state level and 37 are of province level.

1.Chongwu Ancient Town “natural film studio” and “Beidaihe in the South”.It is located at Chongwu Township, the coastal jag in the east of Hui-an County.

The site covers an area of 300 Mu, winding along the coastline, composed of Chongwu ancient town, Hui-an women glamour, the granite carving museum, and Earth Art.The well-preserved T-shaped city wall of Chongwu ancient town is located on just the opposite of the scenic spot.It is regarded as “case of the ancient systematic civil work due to its unique architecture.The area has been listed by provincial tourism Bureau as the key construction project for tourism and announced by Quanzhou Municipal Government as the first batch of famous scenic spots, receiving over one million tourists each year.

2.Qingyuan Mountain Quanzhou is 2 km from the down town and directly acceible by bus.The sight is known as “No.1 Penglai Mountain in Fujian Province” and the “Back garden of Quanzhou”.

The scenic sight covers a total area of 62 km2, consisting Qingyuan Mountain, Jiuri Mountain, Lingshan secret tomb, and Xibeiyang.Qingyuan Mountain has three national key culture relics located on 8 sites.The most attractive site is the giant granite statue of an old gentleman, which is 5.63 meters high, 6.85 meters thick and 8.01 meters wide.Covering an area of 55 m2, it is the largest Taoist granite statue existing at present in China.In addition, there are also Islamic tombs in Song Dynasty, Qifeng rock calligraphy group on Jiuri Mountain, the granite statue of “Sanshifu (Three-generation Buddha)”of Tibetan Buddhism of Yuan Dynasty, the giant granite statue of “Amituofu”, and the Buddhist relics of Hongyi master, the senior monk in modern history, and the Buddhist relics of Hui-an native Guanqin master monk which is brought back from Taiwan.The mountain has gathered rock calligraphies of Taoism, Confucius, Buddhism, Muslim, Muni, as well as many fine calligraphy since Tang and Song Dynasties, hence the name of “Museum of Stone Carving”.

3.Ling Mountain Sacred Tomb

Fengze District Forest Park.It is the best protected Muslim relics existing in China.

Covers an area of 300 m2, the existing tomb is a pagoda shaped Islamic tomb, located in the north and facing the south.The tomb, measuring 2.15 meter long, 1.1 meters wide and 0.6 meters tall, is structured in three layers.On the east, west and north of the tomb are horse-shoe shaped protection cloisters for 9 chambers which are 11 meters wide and 1.04 meters deep.Inside the cloisters, there are 5 monument stones of different dynasties.In front there is a shining-green monument stone carved with Arabic language.On the right it is the monument stone which was laid when Zhenghe came to burn jo sticks before he started the 5th voyage expedition.

To the Arab world, the tomb on the Ling Mountain is the third important sacred tomb, next to Muhammad’s tomb in Mecca and Ari Tomb in Iraq.

4.Qingjing Mosque National key culture relics, it is located in the middle section of Tumen Street, Licheng District, covering an area of 2500 m2.

Qingjing Mosque faces the street in the South, with a pointed dome roof.The dome has three layers: inside, middle and outside.On the external wall, there is a statue on the top, which is carved with “Alcoran” in Arabic.The back wall of the mosque is carved with ancient Arabic script, recording the time of construction and repair and the builders.In the mosque, there is a stone carving of the emperor’s instruction about the protection of the Islamic mosque in Yongle Year 5 of Ming Dynasty (1407).On top of the mosque gate, there is a platform named “platform looking at the moon” which is built with bricks in the shape of dual-square.

5.Kaiyuan Temple National key culture relics, it is a 1000-year old temple, famous in China and overseas.Build in Wuzetian Chuigong Year 2 of Tang Dynasty (Year 686), the temple is Located in the west street of Lincheng District, Quanzhou, Fujian Province.The temple has a history of over 1300 years, covering an area of 78,000 m2.

Kaiyuan Temple is evenly laid in structure.Starting from the gate, there are the Hall of Heaven King, Praying Pavilion, east and west Corridors, the Precious Hall of Great Hero, Ganlujietan, and scripture store-room.The buildings are laid spectacularly and neatly in a line.Inside Kaiyuan Temple, there stood the east pagoda and the west pagoda, which are also called Ziyun couple pagodas.The east pagoda is named Zhenguo Pagoda, which was made from the wood initially and later replaced by the brick at the height of 48.24 meters.The west pagoda is named Renshou pagoda, which was built from the timber sent by Wang Shenzhi, the king of Fujian.It was named “emotal pagoda”.It was replaced by brick structure in the northern Song Dynasty and changed again to stone pagoda in the Southern Song Dynasty at the height of 44.06 meters.The west pagoda was built 10 years earlier than the east pagoda

6.Luoyang Bridge

A National cultural relics located over Luoyang River, 20 km northeast off Quanzhou.The construction of the bridge started in 1053 and was completed in 1059.Its length is 834 meters and width, 7 meters, with 31 piers.On the two sides of the bridge, there are fences, on top of which there stand delicately carved lion stone statues.The bridge is also decorated with 7 pavilions, 9 pagodas and knight statues standing at each end.With the unique architecture, the bridge is famous both at home and abroad and has gained the reputation of “No.1 bridge acro the sea”.On the outside of the bridge, there are 500 carved stone railings and 28 carved stone lions, symbolizing 28 famous craftsmen; and 81 Buddha statues, including the Moon Buddha.On the north of the bridge, there is a courtyard, which is known as the No.1 courtyard in the south of Fujian Province.

7、Anping Bridge A national key culture relic located at Anhai Town of Jingjiang City, Fujian Province, acce to the highway between Fuzhou and Xiamen and the national road No 324.Anping Bridge extends over the bay between Anhai Township of Jingjiang and Shuitou Township of Anhai.The construction of the bridge started in Shaoxing Year 8 of Song Dynasty (1138) and completed in Shaoxing Year 22 (1152).Made of granite piers, the bridge is 2700 meters long and it was the longest bridge in the ancient times, known as “no bridge would be longer than this bridge”.The construction of Anping Bridge is unique, because the original piers were designed in three different shapes: square, semi-boat, and raft.The foundation of the bridge adopted “sunken foundation covered by wood” and wooden piles respectively according to the different earth layer.The surface of the bridge was laid with granite slates of 5-11 meters long and 4.5-25 tons each.The bridge surface was laid by utilizing the rising and falling of the tide.

8.Shiniu Mountain the territory of Dehua, in the middle of Fujian Province and the southeast part of mid Daiyun Mountain range.

Shiniu Mountain is famous for its vicious cliff, strange-shaped rocks, strange-looked trees and mysterious caves.In the park, there are high mountains and a dense forest, with humid climate, excellent natural environment, and bio-diversity.It is a kingdom of plants and paradise of animals.

The major tourism attractions include the main peak of Niushi Mountain, Daixian double water falls, bamboo raft drifting on Taoxian Stream, rubber boat drifting on Shilong Stream, Tadou hot spring, Peach-flower Island, the relics of Fujian Provincial committee building.

9.Niumu Forest Ecological Sightseeing Zone As a National AAAA scenic spot and provincial natural reserve, it is located at Xiayang town, the west of Yongchun County, Quanzhou of Fujian Province.

Niumu forest is the extension of Daiyun Mountain with an attitude of 1,105 meters.It is the largest and best preserved primary forest at present in South China.The main sightseeing area in Niumu forest ecological zone covers 1,000 ha, consisting over 40 scenic spots.The most famous sites are the ecological and scientific popularization museum, orchid garden, Yongchun Tangerine orchard, Qingqian Liule Garden, Cuckoo Castle, board root, strangled killing, parasitic cauline flower, Fujian phoebe trees, yew, foliage, Woniutan, Zhonglidizhu, Konggulaifeng.The entertainment activities offered for tourists include cable sliding at high altitude, gra ski fashion, mock hunting, standard shooting, archery, and jungle field operation.

10.Anxi Qingshui Crag

As National AAAA scenic spot and provincial-level culture relics, it is a tourist attraction and religious shrine, located on Penglai Mountain, 15 km northwest from the Anxi County suburb, the hometown of the Iron Buddha Tea.Covering a total area of 11.1 km2 with the peak reaching the altitude of 767 meters, it consists of the temple and pilgrimage zone, Qiyu (praying for rain) ecological zone, Qinshan Recreation zone and memorial zone.With convenience of transportation, it is about 70 km from Quanzhou, 100 km from Xiamen and 120 km from Zhangzhou.The existing temple was built after 1966 and Qingshui Crag is the burial place of Qingshui master monk, a famous monk in Song Dynasty.There is a belief of Qingshui master monk has a wide influence in the Southern Fujian province, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries.In Taiwan alone, there are over 200 temples named Qingshui Crag.

Quanzhou Delicacies and Specialities

1.Quanzhou Glutinous Rice Dumpling of Meat Stuffing

The glutinous rice dumplings of meat stuffing are made in a dainty procedure.The ingredients are mainly glutinous rice, together with half-fat pork and other ingredients, such as taro, chestnut, bran shrimp, lotus seed, chicken, ham and bamboo shoots.

2.Quanzhou Yuanhetang Preserved Fruits and Vegetables

Quanzhou Yuanhetang preserved fruits and vegetables are traditional foods, made from different varieties of fruit and vegetables.They enjoy a great reputation all over the world for their sweet and pleasant taste.“Yuanhetang” is a 80-year-old firm proceing preserved fruits and vegetables.Having the function of nourishing the stomach and spleen; promoting appetite, Yuanhetang products are regarded as the best selection for entertaining guests while drinking tea.Overseas Chinese originally from the Southern Fujian Province like to take Yuanhetang preserved fruits and vegetables back to their residential country while people in China like to choose “Yuanhetang” products as souvenirs for their overseas relatives and friends.

3.Anxi Tie Kuan-yin Tea

Anxi Iron Kuanyin Tea also known as heart Kuanyin tea and red shape Kuanyin tea.It is the top quality Wulong Tea, the famous tea produced in Fujian Province.The iron Kuanyin tea produced in Anxi County, Quanzhou Municipality contains a number of biological alkaline, vitamins and tannin, protein and aromatic oil.It has the special function of easing anxiety, improving eyesight, preventing arteriosclerosis and cancer, extending youth and mitigating radiation.

4.Quanzhou Puppet Head

Quanzhou puppets have a complete image in structure.The figures are widely selected from the figures and roles in the folk operas and legends, roughly divided into 5 major types: Sheng (male), Dan (young female), Jing (painted face, male), Mo (middle aged male), Chou (clown, male or female).There are over 300 puppet masks, which display beautiful shapes, vivid drawings, clear characters, unique artistic styles and local images.

5.Hui-an Granite Sculpture

Hui-an granite sculpture is a folk carving craftwork, made from top quality granite (shining-green rock) and carved finely into different sizes of delicate handicrafts, such as round carving, floating carving, line carving, and shadow carving.The granite sculptures produced in Hui-an can be either large as the size which should be lifted and installed by cranes or can be small as the size which can float on the surface of the water.They are beautiful in shape, fine in workmanship, unique in artistic style and strong in local characteristics.Hui-an granite sculpture has a history of 1600 years, well-known as the “home of granite sculptures”.

6.Hui-an Bear Gall

Fujian Guizhentang Pharmacy Development Co.Ltd utilizes the rich resource of bear gall from Qianshan Group and has developed Qianshan brand bear gall products, such as bear gall powder, bear gall health tea and bear gall capsules.The company uses the extracted substances from bear galls with other valuable Chinese herb medicine to develop different varieties of new medicines.Bear galls are bitter in taste and cold in nature, having the function of clearing the heat, relieving spasm, improving eye-sight, and killing worms.According to the Chinese medicine, bear gall is effective in curing red eye disease, sore throat, infantile convulsion of children, indigestion and pain caused by worms.

7.Laofanzhi Panacea Leaven

Laofanzhi Panacea Leaven is a proceed traditional Chinese medicine, which is a light grey coloured block in aromatic smell and slightly sweet taste.Having the functioned in adjusting the stomach, nourishing the spleen, expelling wind-evil, settling indigestion, and promoting appetite, resolving wetne, it can be applied to treat flue and cold, heat exhaustion in summer, stomach-ache caused by indigestion and vomiting and diarrhoea.

8.Quanzhou Rice sculpture

“Zhauggaoren (rice figure)” is made of ground rice (glutinous rice), wheat flour and pigment.The skill of making the rice figures mainly relies on the dexterous fingers.The tools needed are also simple: small sciors, fine comb, gold paper, feathers, bamboo strap and iron thread.The figures made from the dough are generally taken from the stories in four famous major Chinese works, such as “The master travels to the west with his apprentice to obtain scriptures”, “Three brothers in the Peach Orchard”, “Twelve Golden hairpins” and “Wusong kills tiger”.The figures are vivid.After they are made, it takes several days for them to dry under the sunlight, and then paint with a coat of oil to make them shine and to preserve them for a long time.

9.Quanzhou Folk Colour cotta

Quanzhou Folk Colour Cottas are made from paper as figures of ancient operas.The work of making colour cotta is divided into standing work and sitting work.The standing work generally refers to making large scale works, such as “Giant Mountain” “Lingcuo” and “Colour Building while sitting work refers to making fine works, including famous figures, birds and animals.In modern colour cotta techniques, the material is earth, wax, plastics, cloth and silk to enhance the expreive force.The folk colour cotta in Quanzhou has a broad influence in China and overseas.The works of “56 ethnic groups”, “Hui-an maidens”, “Maidens form tea producing area”, “Girls from Fishermen Family”, “Lady of Southern Music” designed by Quanzhou JIngxiu Firm have won excellence prizes on the First China Tourism Souvenir competition, and the prize of the best commodity on the First Fujian Provincial Tourism Fair.

10.Yongchun Painted Bamboo Baskets

Yonghcun painted bamboo baskets are unique traditional handicrafts produced locally.They are made from over 20 raw materials, including gold foil, fine bamboo skin, raw paint, Chinese wood oil, Xiabu, dongfen through over 30 procedures of moulding, boiling, lining, and painting for over two months.There are over 100 varieties of products including flat baskets, patterned baskets and full baskets, shaped in round, ridged, hexagon, oval, as well as fruit boxes and painted plates.

11Yogchun Paper Woven Picture

Yongchun paper woven pictures are a special traditional handicraft, initiated at the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty, with a history of over 1400 years.The pictures have been sent to over 40 countries for exhibition, presented to the foreign friends as souvenirs, and have become the “friendship envoy” for the promotion of the diplomatic ties.Yongchun County has been granted by the Ministry of Culture the title “Home of China Paper Woven Pictures” and listed for the protection under the “Folk Art Protection Project”.

12.Dehua Ceramics

Dehua ceramics is the traditional craftwork.It was started in the Tang Dynasty, developed in Song and Yuan Dynasty and made a breakthrough in Ming Dynasty.The white ceramics produced in Dehua have the reputation of being “white as snow, thin as paper, smooth as jade”.Dehua ceramics is famous especially for its statue of Kuanyin which was made by the senior master He Chaosong and named “Helai Kuan” after his name.The “Ivory White” ceramic statue developed by him is a valuable object unparallel in the world, known as the “crown jewel in the international ceramic sector”.

Quanzhou Folk Culture

1.Quanzhou Ceramic culture

“Dehua has many beautiful ceramics”, is how the Italian traveller Marko Polo described Dehua.Porcelain manufacture has a long history in Dehua.Well-known both in China and overseas for its top quality, fine workmanship, the porcelain industry in Dehua is regarded as one of the three major porcelain capitals in China, together with Jingde town of Jiangxi Province and Lilin of Hunan Province.In Ming Dynasty, the “Ivory White” ceramics developed by the great master He Chaozong surprised the world and was named “China White” by the westerners.People describe Dehua top white porcelain as “white as snow, thin as paper, bright as mirror” and describe Dehua Jianbai porcelain as “smooth and transparent as condensed lipid and frozen jade”.The porcelain Kuanyin made in Dehua is called “Oriental Venus”.

2.Culture of Hui-an women costumes

The costume culture of Hui-an women dates back into the ancient China.They wore a yellow scarf, a blue short blouse, silver chain and large trousers, which are unique in the national costume culture.The blue short blouse displays the colour of sea and sky, the yellow bamboo hats symbol the land and beach; the flowery scarf indicates the movement of mountain flowers and sea waves.The blouses are tight and short, exposing the navel, displays their characters of being bold, flexible, but extravert.

The costume of Hui-an women is always focused on the body above the waist, especially on the head decoration which differs in patterns, occasions and ages.When Hui-an women attend weddings or ceremonies, the head decoration should be bright and colourful to display the “happine”.The old women of Hui-an usually have a bob on the back of the head and wear a black scarf with pins decorated with beads and flowers, which displays a unique style.

4.Quanzhou Opera Culture

Dacheng Play

Dacheng play is also named Fashi Play, Monk Play, Douist play and originated from the religion and folk activities in Quanzhou.Formed by combining Buddhist and Taoist activities, it is a religious play, rarely seen in China.The play provides religious services for both Buddhism and Taoism.Dacheng Play was born in Quanzhou and nourished by Quanzhou folk arts, and is especially deeply influenced by thread controlled puppet plays.After emerging as a new play, it has displayed its uniquene in Southern Fujian folk operas due to its super Kongfu and technique.

Dacheng play is known for its kongfu which applies Quanzhou South Shaolin boxing.The opera has preserved lots of folk stunts, acrobatics and dances.By adopting Taoist and Buddhist music, and “Puppet melody” of thread controlled puppets, the music of the opera displays a unique religious charm.

Liyuan Opera

Quanzhou Liyuan opera is a rare and valuable opera in China, because it still preserves the characteristics of Southern opera from Tang and Song Dynasties.Originating in Quanzhou, it has spread to Taiwan and the Southeast Asian Countries in the footsteps of the emigrants from Quanzhou.Having preserved a large repertoire of southern opera from Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Liyuan opera has been called the “living foil” of opera and is one of the oldest operas existing in China.

Liyuan opera is sung by Quan melody.It has preserved a lot of important music from Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty and is closely related with the ancient music -- Southern Tone.The music of Liyuan opera is mainly played by the bamboo flute and string music instruments.

Nanyin (Southern Tone)

Nanyin (Southern tone) is an old and beautiful music and is called the “root of the Chinese national music”.Quanzhou is the cradle of the Southern tone.It has become very popular, after it was enriched, matured and optimized by absorbing the strengths from Central China culture, Fujian culture and maritime culture.Embedded in Quanzhou, Southern tone has not only extended to Southern Fujian Province where Southern Fujian dialect is spoken, but also spread to the Southeast Asian countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.By paing from one generation to another, it has become increasingly popular as a “home tone” full of strong paion for the loving the hometown and the motherland.Many Chinese and foreign scholars have complimented Quanzhou southern tone as the “treasure in the Chinese claic music”.




我也不会说什么华丽的语言,但我保证我说过的话都灵,我嘴开光啦! 我祝愿所有给我鼓掌的朋友长命百岁,我会永远记住你们的,我会永远把你们放在心里。不鼓掌的祝你们打麻将点炮,上厕所忘带手纸,****挨抓,该!








再说一下咱们的住。我们旅行社给大家安排的是2-3人间的宾馆,称不上是豪华,但绝对的干净舒适。大家一定要记住以下三点:一是查,检查房间设施是否完好无损, 房间内的东西是否配备齐全。二是分,分清房间内那些是免费使用,哪些是有偿使用的东西。三是防,晚上有些宾馆可能会有骚扰电话,那你接听后请挂掉,如果有人敲门一定要弄清楚是谁。





一趟完整的旅游一定要包括六个方面:吃住行游购娱。你不光要了解当地的自然景观,还要知道当地的人文特色,民俗风情等。比如中国三大世界闻名的演出:杨丽萍的云南印象、张家界的魅力湘西和广西的印象刘三姐。通过观看这些演出,你才能更好的了解当地的文化特色。有时候购物店不应当就是单纯的买东西的地方,地方特产也可能是你了解当地的一种很好的渠道。比如说你到了杭州,一定要观去丝绸博物馆观赏丝绸表演,看一看蚕丝被的加工程序;一定要去龙井村品一下正宗的西湖龙井。了解了杭州的两大招牌:龙井和丝绸,才能更好的体会这个天堂般的城市。所以导游带你去购物店,一是为了给旅行社签单,另一方面其实也是在带你了解着当地的人文。当然这些购物店肯定是旅游局定点的,价格大家可能觉得会有些高,但是大家想想,小摊上的东西当然便宜,但是质量谁敢给你保证?反正你是来旅游的,来了这次下次再见你的时候谁知道是什么时候,再说了,就是你投诉也无门啊 ,我本来就不是什么正规的单位。大家在购物店买的东西如果出现质量问题可以直接投诉,可以找旅行社,对不对?每次外出如果我想带点当地的特产的话也是在这些店里买的。并不是说凡是导游带你去的地方就是垃圾的地方,没有那么绝对。

对于自费景点也是因团而异。现在旅游业日趋透明,竞争也越来越激烈。旅行社为了争抢客源,把价格降的一低再低。大家想想,一分钱一分货,把价格压低,里面的景点肯定是越来越少,譬如北京,我们社可以做1200的,可以做980的,也可以做580的,当然就是景点含的不一样。去海南双飞五天,有时候1400就做,但是光机票就占 去1200,还有5天的吃住、景区等。正常人都知道这根本就是不可能的。但大家再仔细的看一下行程,除了一些不要钱的景点就是门票价格非常低的。精华景区一般都会列在自费项目拦里。像大家去青岛得去海底世界吧,去海南得去看人妖表演吧,都是些不去觉得遗憾的景点。有时候当地导游给推荐的景点并不是不值得去看。


推荐专题: 云台山导游词 九华山导游词 白水寨导游词

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