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2022-05-27 23:23:53











the tour will take 4-6 hours. the route is as follows: out side the east gate-side the east gate ¨Cin front of the hall of benevolence and longevity- in front of garden of virtuous harmony-in front of the grand theater building- a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall o jade ripples- in front of the o jade ripples- in front of the yiyunguan (chamber of mortal being)-hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the yaoyue (chamber of mortal beings)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(inviting the moon ) gate of the long corridor- strolling along the long corridor- visiting an exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the hall of dispelling clouds- inside the hall of dispelling clouds- atop the tower of buddhist incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense- inside the garden of harmonious interest ¨Coutside the south gate to suzhou shopping street- atop the stone bridge inside the suzhou shopping street ¨Con the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the garden of complete spring ¨Calong the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the kunming lake-leaving out through the east gate. (out side the east gate) ladies and gentlemen: welcome to the summer palace.(after the self-introduction of the guide -interpreter) i hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you . during our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes. the construction of the summer palace first started in 1750. at that time, the qing dynasty was in its heyday and china was a powerful asian country with vast territories. the monarch in power then was emperor qianlong. with supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday. after 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the garden of clear ripples was completed and served as a testimony to china` s scientific and technological achievements. in 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the yuanming yuan (garden of perfection and brightness) by angol-french allied forces. in 1888, empress dowager cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace). characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world. this is the main entrance to the summer palace-the east gate on top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a chinese inscription which means ¡°garden of nurtured harmony¡± , whose calligrapher was emperor guangxu. the gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother. all others used the side doors. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10










Welcome to China, welcome to Changzhou .Here is a warm welcome and sincere salute from a city with 2500 years of civilization, a city with a population of 3.5 million in the process of reform and opening to the rest of the world, a city with so many beautiful scenic.

I'm your local guide during your staying in Changzhou, my name is Xu Zhixian,Xu is my family name and Zhixian is my second name which means to be a wise person. For your convenience, you can call me Annie, that's my English name. This is our driver Mr. Wang, his bus number is 33241.It's my great honor to be here to provide service to you, my job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide, I'll try my best level to "warm the cockles of your heart". We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation, and whenever you need my help just tell me please, I'm always ready for it, hope you have a pleasant trip with me in Changzhou.

Changzhou is a city spreading out in the south of Jiangsu Province, a city of scenic beauty and historical site, it is located in the middle point between Nanjing and Shanghai, with the mighty river up in the north, Taihu Lake to the east, the Maoshan Mountain by the west, and the Tianmu Mountain down to the south. Early in 1985,Changzhou was listed as one of the main cities for tourism development.

Changzhou has always been known as a land of fish and rice. It is a part of Jiangnan. For we Chinese people, Jiangnan is a vague geographical name, it refers to the south of lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it's a beautiful landscape of blue hills and green waters and dancing weeping willows and blossoming peach trees, and also the reassuring scene of little bridges across flowing streams lined with households. Moreover, the mere mention of Jiangnan will arouse in our hearts a great deal of poetry, for this part of China have been written great numbers of classical poems. It's a place where flowers and willows flourish, and the home of pleasure and luxury. As an important city, Changzhou is located in Jiangnan. Covering an area of 4375 square kilometers, it has five districts and two country level cities under its jurisdiction, with a population of nearly 3.55 million, of which the city proper covers about 1.8square kilometers, populated by around 2.17 million people. So far as the history is concerned Changzhou can be traced back to over 2500 years ago in the "spring and autumn period".

History has made Changzhou a place where gathered a galaxy of men of letters, during the initial period of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Tailei and Yun Daiying were the three outstanding ones from among its leaders. In order to seek for the truth of saving the country and the Chinese nation as well as the lofty ideal of communism contributed their whole hearts and souls to the cause, thus serving an everlasting example for the latecomers to learn from and hold the in esteem. Gong Zizhen, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty said "there are many celebrations in the world but no match can be found for those from Changzhou in southeast China." Surely Changzhou is a place where talents crop up from generation to generation. As above mentioned three are all from Changzhou, they are therefore reputed as the "three outstanding figures of Changzhou".

There are numbers of places of interest for visit in Changzhou, such as Tianning Temple, "No.1 Monastery in Southeast China", the "Submerged Ancient city, a ruined citadel encircled with rings of water left over from the Western Zhou Dynasty, China Dinosaur Park, alias known as Jurassic Period Park of orient, a new symbol for tours in the old dragon city, Chinese Wiring Brush Pagoda, a traditional Park of China and so on. Moreover, Changzhou enjoys one of the most picturesque and enchanting stretches of water course along the Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou,and in addition, there are still some museums in the city, the Tianmu Lake Tourist Resort and the Maoshan Scenic Area in the nearby Jintan county for visitors to enjoy.



中华恐龙园的主体建筑,外观充分运用现代仿生建筑语言,三只高扬的龙头近似三条恐龙在窃窃私语,一条丰盈巨硕的恐龙龙体呈现出了大写意的造型。全馆总面 积逾20000平方米。龙首最高处达71米。馆体穹顶最高处达36米,这在国内旅游建筑史上是绝无仅有的。中华恐龙馆以其宏大的气势和别具一格的建筑语 言,成为了常州旅游的标志性建筑。

中华恐龙馆共分展示、游乐、科研三大功能区,馆内陈列有永川龙、马门溪龙、山东龙、巴刻龙、霸王龙 等36架各个地质年代的恐龙化石骨架,中华龙鸟化石以其珍贵的学术研究价值已成为恐龙馆的镇馆之宝。各展示厅通过逻辑路线,互相关联,运用高科技声、光、 电以及影视成像、卡通动画、网络游戏、科技制作等手段,是中华恐龙馆突破了传统的"博物"观念;设计师以生物演变史为背景,重点突出恐龙从生存、繁衍、演 化直至毁灭的发展历程,揭示出人类必须保护生态、保护环境这一生态主体;别具匠心的运用瀑布、山岩、海洋、丛林、洞窟等仿真手段,再现古地质年代特有的生 存环境,由此构筑各展厅独特的艺术氛围,此外,模仿美国好莱坞影城侏罗纪公园的"穿越侏罗纪"和48座6维立体动感电影"恐龙毁灭"等使全馆成为集博物、 科普、观赏、游乐、动感参与为一体的现代新型恐龙博物馆。


结合恐龙馆南部高低起伏的地形,我们设置了一片小巧别致的植物园。植物园内绿树成阴、鸟语花香、种类各异的树木花草点缀着浅水区、观鱼池、烧烤区、居 树、恐龙山探险、小鸟表演、鳄鱼池、翼龙表演舞台等新颖别致的娱乐表演项目,该植物园的建成将更好的优化恐龙馆的周边环境,为日后乐园的规模经营提供良好 的前景。


结合旅游产业"吃、住、行、游、购、娱"的六大要素,中华恐龙园有限公司设置了旅游商业一条街。专业经营餐饮、纪念品售卖等旅游商业活动;此外,围绕恐 龙主题及馆内各厅次主题的各类专业展示和大型文艺演出,已经在园内上演,成为一连串抑扬顿挫的音符,不断延续恐龙园这一景点的的生命活力,同时也为常州现 代旅游休闲区的启动开发作了充分的准备。






各位游客,请看,这金碧辉煌,梵宇琳宫的建筑群,就是闻名四海的天宁寺。与镇江金山寺、宁波天童寺、扬州高寺并称为东南四大丛林。下面先请大家看山门对面照壁上的"龙城象教"四个大字。这是乾隆皇帝御笔题写的。龙城是常州的别称,象教便是指的佛教。现在我们到天王殿去拜会四大天王。 四大天王是佛教的护法天神,俗称"四大金刚"。身着青袍,手捧琵琶的叫"东方持国天王";身着青袍,手拿宝剑的是"南方增长天王";身穿红袍,手中缠绕一龙的是"西方广目天王";身着绿袍,右手执宝幢(俗称伞),左手握银鼠者是"北方多闻天王"。他们各护一方天下,使佛法不受干扰或侵犯。其形象与古典小说《封神演义》第四十回上描写的魔礼海、魔礼青、魔礼红、魔礼寿的神态、法术、神通是大体一致的。他们手中所持的物件,称为"法宝",用以镇妖祛邪,制服敌对,以保国泰民安,风调雨顺。风,指宝剑的锋,以保护众生;调,指琵琶,用音乐来教化、愉悦民众;雨,指宝伞,以制服群魔;顺,指龙,以维护安定,保护世界和平。



















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