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2022-04-04 11:23:53






三峡工程为混凝土重力坝,坝长1983米,坝顶总长度3035米,坝顶高185米,正常蓄水位175米,总库容393亿立方米,其中防洪库容221.5亿立方米。每秒排沙流量2460立方米,泄洪坝段每秒泄洪能力为ll亿立方米。共装机26台,单机容量70万千瓦,总容量1820万千瓦,年平均发电量847亿度。左岸的通航建筑物,年单向通过能力5000万吨。双线5级船闸,可通过万吨级船队。单线一级垂直升船机,可快速通过3000吨客货轮。水库最终淹没耕地 43.13万亩,最终动迁移民113.18万人。


三峡工程有许多技术指标居世界同类工程之首:世界最大的水力发电站(装机26台、单机发电机组70万千瓦、装机1820万千瓦、年发电量847亿度)、世界最大的混凝土坝(体积1527万立方米)、世界最大的通航建筑物(船舶3000吨级、提升总量1.18万吨、最大提升高度为113米)、世界最大的主体工程土石方开挖量(10260万立方米)、世界最大的土石方填筑量(2930万立方米)、世界最大的混凝土浇筑量(2715万立方米)和世界最大的金属结构安装量 (28l万吨)。







女士们、先生们!旅游船已驶出了长江三峡的东大门??宜昌南津关。南津关两岸耸立的岸壁,形成与夔门首尾呼应的又一天然门户,素有“雄当蜀道,巍镇荆门” 之说,是历史上兵家必争之地。请看临江处。那是三游洞、白马洞、刘封城、张飞擂鼓台和至喜亭等风景名胜。前面便是万里长江第一坝、三峡工程反调节水库??葛洲坝工程。









Hello, everyone, everybody. I'm Li Boxuan, the tour guide. I'm honored to be able to lead you to the Imperial Palace.

Now in front of us is the magnificent ancient palace, the the Imperial Palace. We see this is surrounded by walls, and walls are built in the four directions of tall gate, South to the Meridian Gate is the Imperial Palace Front Gate, North shenwumen, Donghua east gate, west gate of Xihua, the wall four "door" turrets are unique, beautiful style.

Now, please follow me to the largest palace of the palace of Taihe palace in the the Imperial Palace! Here is the Ming and Qing emperor summoned officials, and issue orders left and right where the ceremony was held. The whole temple miankuo 11, deep into the 5, outside the temple pillars, and 72 pillars kyoritu. Temple 35 meters high, the clearance height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, covering an area of 2377 square meters, is the country's largest wood hall.

Let me introduce you to other palaces again.

Now we have come to the temple of neutralization. The hall of neutralization is the manoeuvritual place for the emperors to go to the Taihe temple. Then, the emperor entertained vassal state nobles and Minister Wu Beijing Chinese. Let us look at wenhua. It is the reading Office of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The door is the boundary of the Imperial Palace and Qianqing palace and the inner court, the north is neiting. Palace is the Ming and Qing emperors lived and deal with local government. Cining is where the emperor lives. Have you seen the TV play of "Pearl grid"? It was taken in the Imperial Palace.

Thorough planning, very magnificent and spectacular, this is China's the Imperial Palace. In terms of layout, three-dimensional effect and form the grand, stately, solemn, harmonious, are incomparable masterpiece. It marks our country's long cultural tradition and shows the outstanding achievements of our country in architectural art more than 500 years ago.

Now you can visit freely, but I want to remind you to keep the the Imperial Palace environment.


Dear friends, today I am going to show you the most complete and most beautiful palace in ancient China, &mdash, &mdash and the Imperial Palace. Before I have a formal visit, I'll give you a brief introduction to the tour guide.

The the Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the palace of the 24 emperors of the two dynasties of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It is located at the center of the central axis of Beijing. It covers an area of about 720 thousand square meters. It is the largest palace building of the existing scale. The Forbidden City the present temple has 2631, one of the most famous buildings after harmony, Wenhuage, Wuhan Yingge etc.. The the Imperial Palace of Beijing is the key cultural relic protection unit in China, and is also a national 5A scenic area. It is also selected and selected "the world cultural heritage list". It can be seen that the historical value and cultural significance of the the Imperial Palace Museum.

Listen to my simple introduction through the guide words, I think you have a simple understanding of the the Imperial Palace. Love at the palace drama friends expect very much, want to see the queen, concubines living place, but I have to tell you that the drama shooting palace is not the Imperial Palace, but specifically for the filming of the building modeled on the the Imperial Palace. Therefore, there are many houses in the Imperial Palace that cannot be entered, but only far away. We hope you will strictly abide by the requirements, so as not to damage the historical relics. At the same time, I hope you do civilized passengers, no littering, no graffiti, with the hope that we.

After listening to the the Imperial Palace tour guide, I think you can't wait. Now we are going to have a tour. Please follow my footsteps to uncover the mysterious veil of the Imperial Palace.

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