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2022-03-21 14:17:25















Gentlemen, ladies, everybody!

My name is li xiang, the lushan mountain guide you, you can call me xiao li, if you have anything need help, can look for me, I will do my best, thank you! We want to visit this time is sonya lake basin in the north of jiangxi province, and jiujiang lushan mountain area, the brink sonya lake, more than the southern bank of the Yangtze river, lushan mountain in ellipsoid, about 25 kilometers long and about 10 km wide, stretching more than 90 sit peaks, like folding screen, shielding the north gate of jiangxi province.

Lushan mountain is famous for its male, strange, risks, show at the world, known as "KuangLu under well enjoys" of reputation. We mainly visit is xiufeng, incense burner peak, double blade came down, manjusri peak, peak, lion peak heming, turtle peak, a sister peak, etc. Under xiufeng is referred to as "one of the five big jungle" lushan xiufeng temple. Formerly known as open after the first temple, emperor kangxi calligraphy, after ChengXiuFeng temple. The famous waterfalls, first open Li Baike have so a poem "the sunshine censer living purple smoke, it looks like a waterfall hanging maekawa, plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days." The next 2 hours free, get on the bus at 7 o clock. Thank you for your cooperation!


I am your guide, my surname is Mencius, and you can call me Meng guide. Welcome to visit Mount lushan.

Mount lushan in Anhui, China, is a natural and cultural heritage, and Mount lushan is now included in the world heritage list. Mount lushan is the only mountain scenic area of the ten major scenic spots.

Mount lushan to "the pines", "rocks", "sea of clouds", "hot springs all famous in the world. Speaking of "pines" without mentioning the yingkesong". Welcome to the east side of Yuping wind, the Manjusri cave, broken stone and born, longevity more than eight hundred years. The name of song is found in the Mount lushan guide. The tree is about fifteen meters high, the diameter of the chest is sixty-four centimeters, the ground diameter is seventy-five centimeters, and the height of the branch is five meters high. This pine posture is pale neck, green leaf is like cover, courteous and lovely. Speaking of rocks, can not say "flying stone". In the West peaks, there is a stone standing on the top of rock. The boulder is twelve meters high, seven point five meters long and two point five meters wide. The rock and rock contact surface is small, named "flying stone".

Ladies and gentlemen, please free your activities, please do not smoke, to prevent fire, thank you for cooperation.



牯岭,庐山的中心。三面环山,一面临谷,海拔1164米,方圆46.6公里,是一座桃源仙境般的山城。牯岭原名牯牛岭,因岭形如一头牯牛而得名。19世纪末,英国传教士李德立入山,租用了牯牛岭 的长冲,在这里兴建住宅别墅,逐步开发,并按其气候清凉的特点,据英文cooling的音译,把牯牛岭简称为牯岭。


解放后东西谷均辟为疗、休养,旅游接待区。疗养院、休养所、宾馆、饭店星罗棋布,接待来山游客。 山同城最繁华的地方是牯岭街。这条自东向西略成弧形的半面街道,蜿蜒于牯牛岭西麓,依山而建。商店、旅社、餐厅、书店、酒楼、车站、咖啡厅、舞厅、商场等服务设施均掩映在绿荫丛中,形成天街云市般的山镇。这里不仅是庐山政治、经济、文化、旅游接待和疗、休养的服务中心,而且是通往各景区、景点的交通枢纽。 位于牯岭街中心的街心公园,辟建于1954年,后于1987年重修。公园南背牯牛岭,北临剪刀峡,傍岭临谷垒坝筑土而成,面积为5000平方米。20_年又扩建5000平方米。公园呈三角形。园内曲径小道,蘑菇亭昂然。茂林娇花,芳草萋萋。园中央筑有一个半月形大花坛,坛上安放着一头卧即待起的石牛。石牛由数块巨石镶嵌而成,约高2米,长4米。造型生动,融合雕凿、圆雕、浮雕等技法,具有抽象的神韵,使一头强劲有力的牯牛借石质而生。基座上镌有现代书法家启功题写的“牯岭”二字。这头石牛表达了鲜明的主题,是牯岭的象征。



Welcome to the beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery of mount lushan, I am your tour guide, you can call me xiao liu.

Lushan mountain weather change multiterminal, su dongpo on lushan mountain is just meet fog weather, didnt see anything, so he couldnt help but sigh said: ah, such a big fog, cant see anything, dont even know what lushan. But the somebody else is, after all, the poet, although did not see anything, but I still wrote "could looks like, the good luck body is in the mountain" of rhyme. We lushan mountain weather ah, like a childs face, changeable, just or clear, maybe will rain in a minute. So we should be prepared in a rain gear, in case of one thousand.

Xiufeng waterfall, we first look at here are Li Baishi lushan waterfall xiufeng, fell from the sky like a white belt, is really "plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days." We sit right now going to the gas to spit on the rivers lake of containing province (Po), where you can see the troubled sea of clouds, very spectacular. Also after jinxiu valley scenery, jinxiu valley because of all the year round brilliant flowers, spring-like seasons, like a colorful piece of splendid the name. Now the fairy cave, get off and walk you follow into inside a block for visitors to take pictures of impending large slab, the legend: a pair of lovers in the photo, a gust of wind blew the girls hat away, she subconsciously pick up hat, but unexpectedly falling off a cliff, I hope you take pictures when must pay attention to safety, to prevent accidental! We also should pay attention to protect the environment of the lushan mountain, dont litter

This afternoon you must be very tired, rest for a while, after supper, arrange for everybody "lushan love" to see a movie, hope you like them!

推荐专题: 武当山导游词 丽江古城导游词 庐山英文导游词

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