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2022-03-10 18:54:02



The wudang mountain

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!My name is ,you can call me ruth. I’m your tour guide from Wuhan. On behalf of our travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all and best wishes for the success of your travel on wuhan . if you have any special interests or needs, please do not hesitate to let me know , I will try my best to accommodate your needs . Today I am very pleased to show you the Wudang Mountain. Now we are on the way to the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Wudang Mountain. At first , I would like to outline the general picture of this mountain for you . It is not only one of the first batch national level scenic spots of China but also the heritage of the world.

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe Mountain, is located in Shiyan City, northwest of Hubei Province. In the late period of the Easten Han Dynasty, Taoism was born and Wudang Mountain was respected as the immortal mountain of Taoism. Besides the refined and elegant natural sceneries , the ancient architectures are grand and magnificent . The ancient complex of Wudang Mountain, inherited down since the Ming dynasty, is revered for its typical royal style, as proved by the saying of “ constructing the Forbidden City in the north and redecorating Wudang in the south”. In 1994, the ancient architectural complex of Mt. Wudang was listed in the Catalogue of the World Cultural Heritage. The complex consists of palaces and temples forming the nucleus of secular and religious building exemplifying the architectures in Wudang Mountain can date back into the Tang Dynasty, and was expanded in later dynasties, and reached its climax ['klaimæks] in the Ming Dynasty. The whole complex adopted royal architecture style, utilizing fully the natures, showing exotic layout. Now we’ve reached our destination---Wudang Mountain. A few minutes later, we will reach our first station----the needle-rubbing well.

The buildings of the Needle-rubbing Well were located at a high point. According to Wudang Taoism, it was this exact point that receives the first beam of pure positive sunshine when the sun rises every day, so it is also called Pure Sunshine Palace. Now we are in the Taizipo zone. The building in front of us is the Needle-rubbing Well. Let’s get off the bus. The Needle-rubbing Well is a typically exquisite building in Wudang Mountain, whose overall arrangement is supremely ordered and beautiful她, and tells about the story of Zhenwu's training

It is said that Zhenwu, crown prince of Jing le Country, went to Wudang Mountain to train himself at the age of 15.After self- training in the deep forest for several decades but achieved nothing, he was totally depressed and decided to go back to the secular world; however when he came here and met an old woman, rubbing a ferrous pestle to get a needle, which made him realize that Perseverance will prevail so he went back to the deep forest to continue his self-training and finally he became a god. Entering the gate, you will see a group of smart and exquisite buildings, with a unique style and layout, which allow you to easily distinguish the primary and secondary ones. now we are heading to Purple Cloud Palce. Before my description of this scenic spot, you can draw a picture of the palace in your mind with imagination.At the foot of this Mountain sits magnificent and boundless Purple Cloud Palace. Here, with the cluster of hills guarding the peaks, the wood of pine and green cypress deep and remote, and the surroundings elegant and weather comfortable, the place is thought the Blessed Place in Purple Cloud Palace View-site.

And through the way of stacking tall sidesteps, the Purple Cloud Palace is divided into three sections of yard, so as to form a kind of group of constructions in which one row is upon row of the other and the primary buildings are more distinctive than the secondary ones.

Historically, Purple Cloud Palace, because of taking the responsibilities of praying for royal families, had solemn overall arrangement, exquisite furnishings. Emperor of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties often issued their orders to set up altar so as to praise and pray for good fortune, or plead deities to bless the peace of their state and the plain people or the harvest of crops. In fact, this was a ritual of communicating with Gods, for Taoism thought through that way Gods would help the prayers, bless them to be away from the disasters and prolong their lifespan.

At present, the Purple Heaven Palaces is not only the best Choice to visit, but also the locus of the Taoism Association of Wudang Mountain. Here is the destination of experts from all over the world. Furthermore, it is the very source for Taoism researchers to search the origin of Taoism. Then we’ve come to the golden summit ,which is regarded as the symbol of the Wudang Mountain. Golden summit is the second peak in Wudang Mountai, Here preserved religious artifacts and other treasures of many dynasties. These are the technology of casting brilliant pearl in our ancient Chinese architecture, which reveal the wisdom of Chinese people and ancient scientific level. Golden summit has a strong attraction to visitors and pilgrims. Whenever you stand in front of the golden summit, there will be an invisible feeling urging you to show respect .At the same time, you still can enjoy many peculiar natural wonders of the myths and stories. We are now traveling among the peaks the golden palace is located here. The golden palace, with a height of 5.45 meters and flying eaves decorated by dragon, phoenix, sea horse and immortals ,is the highest one in the ancient Chinese construction grade. Enduring about 600 years’ wind and rain ,thunder and lighting ,cold winter and hot summer ,the golden palace is still shining as if it was newly built up. Every summer,when the lighting flashes across the sky, the deafening noise arises, suddenly, the sky is point-----blank, what a spectacular!

Ok, that’s all for the explanation. You will have another 30 minutes to have a look around the building and taking pictures. If you have any questions, do let me know. I would like to repeat our bus number, WH12345. Please don’t forget about it . See you later.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has gone very quickly and your current trip to china is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer. Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding , being punctual and supportive ,this what I witnessed and experienced .as your tour guide ,it was much appreciated . As the Chinese old saying goes like , “A good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.” I hope you’ll take the happy memories of your trip in China back home if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again.

Happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,happy to meet again .wish you a nice journey home .





武当山位于湖北省西北重镇十堰市下辖的丹江口市境内,东依历史名称襄樊,南连苍茫千里的神农架,西接车城十堰,北临丹江口水库。它是著名的道教圣地,同时也是世界文化遗产。武当山的自然景观以雄为主,兼有险、奇、幽、秀等多重特征。环绕主峰的众峰争雄斗奇,但却又都俯身颔首朝向主峰,形成“七十二峰朝大顶”的奇观。武当山四季景致各异,但是它“冬寒而不寒,夏热而不热”,是我国避暑胜地之一。武当山的古建筑 以 规 模 宏 大、气 势 雄 伟 著 称 于 世。它 始 建 于 唐,宋 元 两 代 均 有 重 修,在 明 代 达 到了鼎盛时期。整个建筑按“真武修仙”的道教故事而设,因山就势,错落有致。有的建于高山险峰之巅,有的建于悬崖峭壁之内,有的迂回于深山丛林之中。整个建筑群荟萃我国古代优秀建筑法式,达到了建筑与自然的高度结合,犹如我国古建筑成就的展览。

说了这么多,我想大家都有些迫不及待了,现在我们已经来到了武当山脚下,请各位准备好开始我们的朝圣之旅吧!现在我们眼前的这座绿琉璃瓦大殿就是紫霄宫。因为这块地方周围的风峦天然形成了一把二龙戏珠的宝椅,永乐皇帝就封它为“紫霄福地”。我右手边放着的这根12丈长的长杉木,传说是从远方突然飞来的,因此叫做飞来杉,据说在杉木的一端轻轻敲击,另一端可以听到清脆的响声,因此又叫“响灵杉”,武当山有36岩,现在我们就来到了被认为36岩中最美的南岩,武当山的自然景观与精美的建筑是融为一体的,在这里可以得到充分的体现,这座雄居于悬崖上的石殿建于元朝,悬崖旁边有一个雕龙石梁,石梁悬空深出2.9米,宽 只 有 30厘米,上雕盘龙,龙头顶端 雕有一个香炉,这便是著名的“龙头香”。

经过长途跋涉,我们终于登上了主峰天柱峰了,天柱峰海拔1612米,素有“一柱擎天”之誉。金殿是我国最大的铜铸金鎏大殿,修建于永乐四十年,整个金殿没用一根钉子,全是铸好各个部件后运上山搭建而成的,卯和的非常严密,看起来好像是浑然一体的 。据说藻井上悬挂的这颗“避风仙珠”能镇住山风,确保殿内 神灯长明不灭,其实真正的原因是因为殿门的各个铸件都非常严密精确,可以改变风向,由此可见我国古代劳动人民智慧和技艺的高超。金殿从修建到如今已经历了3500多年的风吹雨打,仍辉煌如初。




The palace is in front of us. Compared with your imagination, what do you think of the palace? Dazing and full of praise from travelers the inner part of the Grand Hall is. Let’s enter the hall. Carefully painted and well carved, the Hall is magnificent in vigour , crafty on idea, smooth and natural with sculpting, unsophisticated and gracious by decoration, solemn and exquisite over displaying. In the hall, five shrines are set there. Around the tabernacles hundreds of rare antiques are ablated. Most of the precious antiques, dynamic, vivid, and wonderful to see, were the images of Gods by clay sculpture and wares for worshipping during the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties.

In the middle of the Shrine is ablated the image of Zhenwu. With a height of 4.8meters, the image is the biggest clay sculpture. Another divine image made by paper and covered with pseudo golden leaves is the best preserved and most ancient paper image which comprehensively displays the marrow on craftwork of paper pasting, sculpting, gilding, colored drawing, antisepticising, and has great value in researching ancient paper pasting.

The fastigium of the Grand Hall consists of six flying colored glaze dragons. An Aquarius is surrounded by the dragons that are painted in three different colors. Due to the heaviness and highness, the Aquarius has to be drawn by four iron chains. Each end of the chain is attached to the hand of a divine kid, it is said that the four kids of deity has stuck to their positions in order to keep the Aquarius steady no matter it is chilly, scorching, rainy, windy or thundering. Because their spacial positions are even higher than the superior God, the four kids are also called Super Gods. While the plain people address them wretched kiddies.

After the rebuilding in 1412 A.D., the Grand Hall had been repaired about ten times in different times. Therefore, it can maintain its basic features. In 1994, the experts on world relics from UN inspected Wudang Mountain and said, "Here, we witness the sample of traditional remedial means to the ancient buildings".

We are leaving for the Golden Summit,which is regarded as the symbol of the Wudang mountain .We will go there by tram rail. Now we have got to the station.Let’s get of the bus and get on the tram rail.On the way to Golden Peak by tram rail, we are now traveling among the peaks, and then we are floating in the clouds, just like gods. We have reached the main peak .Its altitude is 1612 meters . The Golden Palace is located here.Standing in front of the Golden Palace, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scene of Wudang Mountain, as far as 400 kilometers. All the peaks are stopping at the static moment, just like raged waves, which wonderfully advertises the majority prestige and lofty imperial power.








武当山峰奇谷险,洞幽泉清,景点遍布全山,大致分为玄岳门、太子坡、金顶、五龙、琼台六大景区,它们都以其各自的魅力向我们展示了武当山的与众不同。之前我们游览了紫霄宫、南岩宫,现在我们到达的这里便是真武受封坐镇天下的金殿了,大家也许奇怪,紫霄、南岩已将道教文化诠释得淋漓尽致了,为什么还要再修金殿呢?就让我们带着疑问先来欣赏一下这座雄伟的建筑。金殿坐东朝西,建于明永乐年间,不知大家注意了没有,全山只有它采用了皇宫规格的重檐殿顶,以突出金殿的重要性,它面阔进深都为3间,为仿木结构,用插榫焊接而成,但是大家能不能看到它铸凿的痕迹呢?不能,这就充分展示了它铸造工艺的精湛,再顺着我的手指往上看,在屋脊上,修饰有仙人、龙、凤、狮子、海马等灵兽,它们有个生动的名字,叫“仙人指路”,额坊上雕铸有流云、旋子等图案,线条流畅柔和,工艺精细,体现了我国铜铸艺术的最高境界,整个大殿除殿基外全部铜铸鎏金,那么,这金殿到底有多重呢?它呀,总重八十多吨,是我国最大的铜铸物,仅殿内一尊真武大帝的坐像就达十吨。说到这,大家是不是充满了好奇与期待呢?就让我们一起来近看这座古老而神秘的殿堂,请看,中间供奉的便是真武大帝坐像了,他体态丰腴,神情庄严宁静,让我们一看便感觉到他的睿智和仁慈。请大家细看一下,他像谁呢?对,像永乐皇帝,为什么呢?这里有一个传说故事,传说永乐皇帝召集全国能工巧匠为真武塑像,而所塑神像他都不满意,为此杀了不少工匠,后来有个高丽族工匠按照皇帝刚洗完澡接见他时披头散发,打着赤脚的模样塑造了这样一尊真武神像,皇帝看了非常满意,所以武当山有 “真武神永乐像”一说,现在大家明白当时为什么还要修金殿了吧!道教是个多神教,在紫霄宫,在南岩宫,甚至太和宫,真武大帝都是和其他道教神共享香火,而举世无双的金殿则是真武的个人领地,只有它在此接受天下众生的顶礼膜拜,危忽其高的天柱峰,规禁森严的紫禁城以及按永乐皇帝订身度造的真武铜像,无不向我们暗示着真武就是皇帝的化身,是无所不在,至高无上的皇权的代表,而明成祖耗资百万修造金殿也就是为了利用真武巩固政权,达到他君临天下目的,也因此给我们留下了这样一笔珍贵的财富。






Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Wudang Mountain. Now I would like to outline the general situation of this mountain. It is not only one of the first batch national level scenic spots of China but also the heritage of the world.

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe Mountain, is located in Danjiangkou City, northwest of Hubei Province. In the late period of the Easten Han Dynasty, Taoism was born and Wudang Mountain was respected as the immortal mountain of Taoism .

Besides the refined and elegant natural sceneries , the ancient architectures are grand and magnificent . The ancient complex of Mt. Wudang, inherited down since the Ming dynasty, is revered for its typical royal style, as proved by the saying of “ constructing the Forbidden City in the north and redecorating Wudang in the south”. In 1994, the ancient architectural complex of Mt. Wudang was listed in the Catalogue of the World Cultural Heritage. The complex consists of palaces and temples forming the nucleus of secular and religious building exemplifying the architectures in Wudang Mountain can date back into the Tang Dynasty, and was expanded in later dynasties, and reached its climax in the Ming Dynasty. The whole complex adopted royal architecture style, utilizing fully the natures, showing exotic layout.


Now we’ve reached our destination---Wudang Mountain. let’s get on the traveling bus. A few minutes later, we will reach our first station----the needle-rubbing well.

The buildings of the Needle-rubbing Well were located at a high point. According to Wudang Taoism, it was this exact point that receives the first beam of pure positive sunshine when the sun rises every day, so it is also called Pure Sunshine Palace.

Now we are in the Taizipo zone. The building in front of us is the Needle-rubbing Well. Let’s get off the bus. The Needle-rubbing Well is a typically exquisite building in Wudang Mountain, whose overall arrangement is supremely ordered and beautiful, and tells about the story of Zhenwu's cultivation.

It is said that Zhenwu, Crown Price of Jingle Country, went to Wudang Mountain to cultivate himself at the age of 15.After self-cultivation in the deep forest for several decades but achieved nothing, he was totally depressed and decided to revert to the secular world; however when he came here and met the God of Ziqi, in the form of an old woman, rubbing a ferrous pestle to get a needle, which made him realize that "Perseverance will prevail" so he came back to the deep forest to continue his self-cultivation and finally he became a god.

Entering the gate, you will see a group of smart and exquisite buildings, without symmetrical arrangement, but with a unique style and layout, which allow you to easily distinguish the primary and secondary ones.

Let’s get on the bus and go to our next station----Purple Cloud Palce. Before my description of this scenic spot, you can draw a picture of the palace in your mind with imagination. On the way we can enjoy sweet-scented osmanthus’s fragrance in autumn.

The nucleus construction of Purple Cloud Palace, The Grand Hall is the only left double-eaved, lean-to-hill, wooden building. As one of the quite rare building of uplift wooden crossbeam construction in the history of the Taoist architecture, the Grand Hall is scientific and rational in structure and overall arrangement, harmonious and coherent in artistic style, united with surroundings as a whole, and unique in taste and features among the buildins in Wudang Mountain. Meanwhile, the Grand Hall, having absorbed the techniques of various times' artisans, demonstrated great achievements of architectures in Ming and Qing Dynasties, therefore, worthy of visiting and researching.

The palace is in front of us. Compared with your imagination, what do you think of the palace? Dazing and full of praise from travelers the inner part of the Grand Hall is. Let’s enter the hall. Carefully painted and well carved, the Hall is magnificent in vigour , crafty on idea, smooth and natural with sculpting, unsophisticated and gracious by decoration, solemn and exquisite over displaying. In the hall, five shrines are set there. Around the tabernacles hundreds of rare antiques are ablated. Most of the precious antiques, dynamic, vivid, and wonderful to see, were the images of Gods by clay sculpture and wares for worshipping during the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties.

In the middle of the Shrine is ablated the image of Zhenwu. With a height of 4.8meters, the image is the biggest clay sculpture. Another divine image made by paper and covered with pseudo golden leaves is the best preserved and most ancient paper image which comprehensively displays the marrow on craftwork of paper pasting, sculpting, gilding, colored drawing, antisepticising, and has great value in researching ancient paper pasting.

The fastigium of the Grand Hall consists of six flying colored glaze dragons. An Aquarius is surrounded by the dragons that are painted in three different colors. Due to the heaviness and highness, the Aquarius has to be drawn by four iron chains. Each end of the chain is attached to the hand of a divine kid, it is said that the four kids of deity has stuck to their positions in order to keep the Aquarius steady no matter it is chilly, scorching, rainy, windy or thundering. Because their spacial positions are even higher than the superior God, the four kids are also called Super Gods. While the plain people address them wretched kiddies.

After the rebuilding in 1412 A.D., the Grand Hall had been repaired about ten times in different times. Therefore, it can maintain its basic features. In 1994, the experts on world relics from UN inspected Wudang Mountain and said, "Here, we witness the sample of traditional remedial means to the ancient buildings".

We are leaving for the Golden Summit,which is regarded as the symbol of the Wudang mountain .We will go there by tram rail. Now we have got to the station.Let’s get of the bus and get on the tram rail.On the way to Golden Peak by tram rail, we are now traveling among the peaks, and then we are floating in the clouds, just like gods. We have reached the main peak .Its altitude is 1612 meters . The Golden Palace is located here.Standing in front of the Golden Palace, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scene of Wudang Mountain, as far as 400 kilometers. All the peaks are stopping at the static moment, just like raged waves, which wonderfully advertises the majority prestige and lofty imperial power.


The Golden Palace, with a height of5.45 meters and flying eaves decorated by dragon, phoenix, sea horse, and immortals, is the highest one in the ancient Chinese construction grade. Bronze constructed, the Golden Palace was gilded by gold outside. All the parts were so perfect matched that there is without any crevice. Enduring about 600 years’ wind and rain, thunder and lightening, cold winter and hot summer, the Golden Palace is still shining as if it was newly built up. Hence, the Golden Palace, national treasure, not only presents the wonderful Chinese ancient architecture skills, but also reveals the wisdom of Chinese people and ancient scientific level.

The Golden Palace is the integration of intelligence and creativity, and also the display of art and beauty. The inside walls of the Golden Palace were lightly carved with soft floating clouds lines. Purple mantel, clean and smooth, reflects a gentle and harmonious color. The statues of Emperor Zhenwu, Gold Boy and Jade Girl, and the Generals of Water and Fire are being worshipped inside of the Gold Palace, with delicate portray and distinct personality.

Golden Clock Pavilion and Jade Drum Pavilion are in front of the Golden Palace. On the two sides of the palace, there are lot house and stamp house for pilgrims to draw lots and stamp the holy mark. Behind those houses is Parent’s Palace, which is the holy place for pilgrims showing respect to Zhenwu’s parents.

We will get back to the station by tram rail. You have enjoyed the view of the peaks again. Now let’s get on the bus.

We have appreciate the scenery as well as its culture.It is not only a mountain but also a heritage full of our ancestors’ wisdom.

Golden Summit (金顶)is located in Wudang Mountain-day peak of the main peak, 1612 meters high. The Mirage Copper used gold-filled, it does not have a nail, it's a very good combination. The Mirage is the place where Chen-Wu. everyone can take a look at their own 20 minutes after collection.

Your current visit to China is drawing to a close. I would like to say a few words before you leave this country, though I am not a speech-maker. Time have elapsed so quickly and you have visited several scenic spots in this city. The time we stayed together was rather short and really the surface was only scratched. What the Chinese people call “looking at the flowers on the horse’s back.” Every one in the group has been very cooperative, friendly, understanding and punctual. That is what I witnessed and experienced, and as a national guide, it was much appreciated. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Happy to meet, sorry to depart, and happy to meet again. Wish you have a nice journey home. Goodbye.















Wudang Mountain

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Hubei. My name is**, I am from hubei hailian travel service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Hubei. This is our driver, Mr Wang. His bus number is FH123**.On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. (What do you need to be put to me, I will solve all.Today, we began to Golden Summit Mountain trip, right?)My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Today we’ll visit the famous sacred place of Taoism-----Wudang Mountain. Now I would like to outline the general situation of this mountain. It is not only one of the first batch national level scenic spots of China but also the heritage of the world.

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe Mountain, is located in Danjiangkou City, northwest of Hubei Province. In the late period of the Easten Han Dynasty, Taoism was born and Wudang Mountain was respected as the immortal mountain of Taoism .

Besides the refined and elegant natural sceneries , the ancient architectures are grand and magnificent . The ancient complex of Mt. Wudang, inherited down since the Ming dynasty, is revered for its typical royal style, as proved by the saying of “ constructing the Forbidden City in the north and redecorating Wudang in the south”. In 1994, the ancient architectural complex of Mt. Wudang was listed in the Catalogue of the World Cultural Heritage. The complex consists of palaces and temples forming the nucleus of secular and religious building exemplifying the architectures in Wudang Mountain can date back into the Tang Dynasty, and was expanded in later dynasties, and reached its climax in the Ming Dynasty. The whole complex adopted royal architecture style, utilizing fully the natures, showing exotic layout.













沿着南岩西侧下来,我们看到这边有一座突起的山峰,风景绝佳。山上有“飞升岩”、“梳妆台”,台前伸出一石,名叫“试心石”。相传太子在武当修炼42年后终于得道。在升天之前,有一天太子身不由己的来到梳妆台前,并突然见到一位身着蝉衣的美女。美女百般娇柔地要为太子梳妆换衣,太子拒绝,还以为那女人是妖精所变,便抽出宝剑想要杀了她。那美女含羞受辱,便跳崖自杀了。太子见此情景惊慌失措,后悔莫及,决心赔那美女一条性命。便走到美女跳崖处伸出的那块石头上,也就是我们今天所称的“试心石”,毫不犹豫的跳了下去。但此时他感觉身体不是在急速下坠,反而犹如飘带,腾空而起,只见五龙将他托起升天,后人称此岩为“飞升岩”。至此功德圆满的太子便成了真武大帝。 关于真武神像的来历颇有说法。相传明成祖朱棣登上皇位后,皇亲贵族有些不服,但又不敢言明。朱棣得知大家都信奉道教后,便决定在武当山大兴土木,并在全国昭告画师,绘画武当山主神真武像。先后有71名画家因画的不能让成祖满意而被杀。第72名是一个姓姬 的画家。他赴京前就没打算回来,已将后事都安排妥当。执事太监将其引见时,朱棣正在沐浴,听说画匠已到,便穿上浴衣出来接见。画匠叩拜皇上时,朱棣说了句“请抬起头来看”。并会意的向画师点了点头。聪明的画师在第二天一早便将画像献给了皇上,朱棣看了欣然大笑,当即交给工匠赶紧铸造。这位画师也被封为皇宫画师,得到了高官厚禄。原来这画像就是画师叩拜时,朱棣皇帝披发跣足的英姿。因此武当山便留下了“真神武,成祖像”的说法。







你们好!欢迎你们来到车城——十堰!我们今天将要游览的是道教圣地——武当山。 武当山又名太和山,相传为上古玄武得道飞升之地,有“非真武不足当之”之谓,故名,是著名的道教圣地,也是国家重点风景名胜区。武当山位于湖北十堰市丹江口市,它最早的寺观为唐代所建,明永乐年间,明成祖在京建完故宫后,由工部侍郎郭瑾率原班人马,浩浩荡荡开进武当山,共建造7宫,2观,36庵和72崖庙等建筑群。


武当山上有宏伟的古建筑。据说,在建筑的规模上,超过了五岳。早在1300年前的唐代贞观年间,武当山即兴建五龙祠,宣扬道教。以后道教逐渐增多,武当山便成了道教名山。 历代以来,许多著名道家如周之尹喜、汉之阴长生、晋之谢允、唐之吕纯阳、五代陈抟、宋之寂然子、元之张守清、明之张三丰等均在武当山修炼过。其中,张三丰把道家的太极阴阳与武功相结合,以静制动,以柔克刚,创立武当拳派,一时名振天下。






好了,说着说着我们就到了,在进入武当山前,我首先要提醒各位几点:1.进入道观后不要以手指点神像,无论其造型多么令人惊叹;也不要背对着神像;进殿时不要踏在门坎上,也不要高声喧哗; 2.俗话说:“僧不言名,道不言寿”,道人修炼是为长寿,所以最好不要问道人的年龄。入道门的原因很多,如果没有深交,也不要问其身世; 3.进山朝贡步入 武当神道后,就要静默清心,不说污秽不净的话。供品中不能有石榴、李子、红艳花及鸡、犬等,不吃雁、鳗、龟、鳖、牛、犬、猪肉及生葱、韭、蒜、姜等荤腥刺激食物,不饮酒。这些都是武当主神真武大帝所忌讳的; 4.武当山上许多地段都没有人烟,如果你对地形不熟悉,或没有足够的准备,请勿贸然进入。最好请个当地向导。













前面的这座桥,叫它禹迹桥,是指真武大帝曾经经过这座桥,得道升天。我们不妨踩着 先神的足迹去拜访威严神武的“龙虎殿”。大家别害怕两座神像虽面目狰狞,呲牙咧嘴,也并非铜墙铁壁,而是泥塑的“纸老虎”,不会吃人的。但也千万轻视它们,大家可以仔细观察一下,他们身穿盔甲,手持戈戟、铁锤,威风凛凛,严守山门的架势俨然一副“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的气魄,他们两位大将便是我们道教所信奉的东西方神——青龙和白虎。










游完紫霄宫,我们今天上午的参观就到此结束了,等大家补充完体力之后,下午我们再一起参观南岩风景区和登上武当山的主峰——天柱峰,去参观金殿。 南岩风景区






两仪殿位于石殿右侧,坐北朝南,面临大壑。歇山顶式,砖木结构建筑,琉璃瓦屋面。殿后依岩为神龛,正面为棱花格扇门,安在前金柱上,与檐柱形成内廊,直通石殿。面阔3间10.03米,进深3.9米,通高7.29米,殿前为著名的龙首石,俗称“龙头香”,长3米,宽仅0.33米,横空挑出,下临深谷,龙头上置一小香炉,状极峻险,具有较高的艺术性和科学性。过去有些香客冒着生命危险去烧龙头香,以示虔诚,可见他们对道教的信仰之深。由于下临万丈深渊,烧龙头香的人要跪着从窄窄的龙身上爬到龙头点燃香火,然后跪着退回来,稍有不慎,就会粉身碎骨。毫无疑问,龙头香自从明朝建立以来,从上面摔下去的人不计其数,其情形惨不忍睹。清康熙十二年,川湖部院总督下令禁烧龙头香,并立碑告诫大家 说,神是仁慈的,心诚则灵,不一定非要等到悬崖绝壁上烧香才是对神的崇敬。所以我们不要重蹈覆辙,为了安全起见,我们大家想许愿祈祷的话可以到别的地方,心诚则灵嘛。?? 南岩宫整体布局是人工与自然巧妙融合的杰作。古代画家笔下的“仙山琼阁”、“丹台晓晴”等意境,在南岩得到了真实的体现。





推荐专题: 丽江古城导游词 武当山导游词 武当山英文导游词

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