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2024-10-11 01:32:52



Hello, everyone. My name is Lu. You can call me Lu Dao. I will show you around Hangzhou West Lake. Please dont litter and keep your valuables. Have a good trip! Before coming to the West Lake, I believe many tourists have heard the saying "there is heaven on the top and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the bottom". In fact, the analogy between Hangzhou and the paradise of adults has a lot to do with the West Lake. The beautiful scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou makes many poets forget to return. Bai Juyis "cant throw Hangzhou, half of it is this lake.". Thats a lot of proof. Please keep up with the team and be ready to witness the West Lake in Hangzhou! Hangzhou West Lake is located in the center of Hangzhou. It was called West Lake in Song Dynasty. The West Lake is 3.2 kilometers long from north to South and 2.8 kilometers wide from east to west, covering an area of 5.68 square kilometers. The most distinctive feature here is "ten sceneries of West Lake". The autumn moon of Pinghu is located at the west end of Baidi, which is simple and elegant.

You can feel the vastness of the West Lake in the tranquility by climbing the stairs and overlooking the autumn moon. You can wash your restless state of mind and make people feel that the scenery is neutral in the city, the water is shaking in the scenery, and people are swimming in the painting. No matter what angle you stand, you can see a plain and elegant painting of Jiangnan. Looking at the autumn moon in Pinghu, you can see the building, the shore and the water. In the Southern Song Dynasty, sun Rui wrote that "the moon is cold and the spring does not flow, where to go boating" in his poem; in the Ming Dynasty, Hong zhanzu also wrote that "the autumn GE people climb the waves and wrinkle, and the fairyland pavilions and the dust in the mirror" all praise the autumn beauty of Pinghu. The autumn moon of Pinghu Lake is called the lake, reflecting the surrounding landscape and trees.

It is especially quiet. Its like a wonderful picture. Let us have to admire the uncanny workmanship of nature, occasionally a boat across, we can not help complaining: "the boat cut our painting!" The West Lake is a poem, a painting and a charming girl. "When I remember Jiangnan, I remember Hangzhou most. Looking for Guizi in the mountain temple in the middle of the month, looking at the tide on the pillow of the County Pavilion. When is it more likely to revisit? " Bai Juyis poem is a masterpiece to praise the West Lake. Dear tourists, the happy one-day tour of West Lake has ended. Thank you for your cooperation. Did you have a good time? I hope the mountains and waters of the West Lake will stay in your good memories forever.







崂山还是一座历史文化名山,自古就是道家方士修仙炼丹的风水宝地,鼎盛时期曾有 “九宫八观七十二庵”之说,为崂山平添了深邃神秘的色彩。著名道士如唐代的李哲玄,宋代的刘若拙,元代的丘处机、刘处玄、刘志坚,明代的张三丰、徐复阳、孙玄清、齐本守等都曾受到过帝王的敕封。崂山的佛教也是历史悠久、文化灿烂,著名的庙殿古刹有法海寺、潮海院、华严寺等,法显、憨山、慈沾、善和等高僧都曾在此弘扬佛法。为世界佛教所推崇的那罗延窟坐落在崂山东麓棋盘石游览区,《华严经》记载:“震旦国有一住处,名那罗延窟,从昔已来诸菩萨众于中止住。”那罗延窟被佛教界称为“世界第二大窟”。 崂山旅游资源十分丰富,奇特的自然景观和厚重的人文景观相映生辉、绮丽无比,尤其以“明霞散绮”、 “棋盘仙弈”、“岩瀑潮音”、 “蔚竹鸣泉”、“太清水月”、“海峤仙墩”、“龙潭喷雨”、“华楼叠石”、“巨峰旭照 ”、“狮岭横云”、“那罗延窟”等崂山著名景点为最。

改革开放以来,崂山的旅游业获得了很快发展。1979年,我国改革开放的总设计师邓小平同志来崂山视察,感慨地说:“这里的景色很美有条件安排开放,发展旅游事业。崂山要把自己的牌子打出去,就要充分利用自己的优势。” 1989年起,崂山风景区开始全面规划和开发,经过多年不懈努力,景区的生态环境不断改善,景观品味和服务水平不断提高,成为“国家重点风景名胜区”、“国家森林公园”,荣获“国家级风景名胜区综合整治优秀单位”、“最佳资源保护的中国十大风景名胜区”、“中国风景名胜区顾客十大满意品牌”、 “全国文明风景旅游区”、“国家5A级旅游景区”等荣誉称号。

崂山风景名胜区共分7个风景游览区,分别是巨峰、流清、太清、仰口、棋盘石、北九水、华楼风景游览区。进入崂山共有4条线路,即南线、北线、中线和一条海上观光游览线。 南线:可分两条线游览。一条从崂山游客服务中心,经盘山公路到巨峰山门,乘索道至自然碑,沿巨峰游览线路环游巨峰;另一条是自崂山游客服务中心出发,经流清河至太清游览区。游完太清游览区,可乘索道前往上清游览区。也可乘车前行至棋盘石游览区,华严寺、那罗延窟座落于此。继续北行,可至仰口游览区。





Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to be your guide we are going to visit the Great Wall.

The Great Wall,symbolizing Chinas ancient civilization,is one of the most famous,grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the is just like a giant dragon starting from Yalu River and crossing high mountains,deserts and grassland to the Pamirs Plateau,the roof of the world from east to west in the northern part of China.

For many centruries,the Great Wall,as a military gigantic defensive project kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic ,the Graet Wall has become a famous historical senic spot for tourists,and it liays a role in bridging the friendship between the Chinese people and peoples in different parts of the world.

The Great Wall first began in the seventh century that time,it was called Spring and Autumn first section of wall,that appeared in China,was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom had a high wall which was called "square wall" or "square city",built surrounding thier own territories to deffend the attacks of their neighbouring it was also known as the Qi Wall or the Chu ng the Warring State Period,seven states named Qi,Chu,Yan,Zhao,Han ,Wei and Qin bacame the most powerful order to defend themselves against the refringing enemy from the neighbouring states,all the kigdoms had high walla built around their own territories.

In Chinese history,large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties:Qin,Han and Ming section of the wall began to be called the Graet Wallin the time of linked up the separate sections of high walls in order to ward off harrassment by the Huns,and for the use of further defensive Qin Great Wall started from Lintao,Gansu Province in the west and ended in Lioadong,Liaoning Province in the east,totally 5,000 Han Great Wall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east,and ended at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Rigion,with a total length of 10,000 the Ming Dynasty,Emperor Zhuyuanzhang reconstructed the Great Wall because of the threats of the remaining forces and the ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen" Graet Wall could help prevent the remnent forces of the Yuan Court from harrassing and securing the northern Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east,to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the passes nine cities,provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Ningxia and Gansu.

The most important two sections in Beijing were the Great Wall at Juyongguan and ngguan Pass is located at 50 kilometers northJwest of downtown Beijing,The mountains flanking the valley have many graceful peaks and it used to one of the famous "Eight Views of Yanjing".

Juyongguan was built in a mountain gap between mountain peaks with only one road leading to the capital Beijing,which determined its military signifacance in ancient times through many dynasties and it has been consistently valuable to military strategists. The name "Juyong" means "a place of poor laborers" order to commemorate the dead people,the Great Wall wass built here,we call it "Juyongguan Pass"e is an ancient marblr platform here known as "Cloud Terrace" was built during the Yuan Dynasty and used as "the Crossing Road Pagoda" Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high,26.8meters from east to west,17.6meters from north to south at the de the arched passage of Cloud Terrace,there are carved in relief Buddist images on the wall,such as the Rour Heavenly Kings,the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha e are also Buddha scriptures inscribed on the stone wall in the Sanskrit,Tibetan,Basiba,Xixia,Uyger and Han offer us wonderful examples of their exquisite workmanship and vividness in are extremely valuable to study the Buddhism and ancient languages.

The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best preserved partof the Great Wall."Bada" means "convenient transportation to all directions" here,people can go all directions;hence the name "Badaling"ling Pass was an outpost of Juyongguan wall here rose high on the mountain used to be more important than Juyongguan Pass in the defence of old saying can be the best description:"It needs only one man to block ten thousand troops".

Nxet,Ill say something about the main force of the constrction was composed of soiders,criminals and the local that time,the common transportation method was to carry the building materials by backbreaking it is a difficult and long process.

The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watchtowers and 4 wall e are 4 characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling:"Juyongwaizhen" which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyongguan western pas was carved "Beimensuoyue" which means ”a key to the north gate",describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of thegate was unlocked by a key,Beijing would be order to make warning signals,Beacon Towers were built on both sides of the wallat the connanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and ever the enemy was sighted,fires were lit on the top of Beacon Tower at night,and smoke was made during the daytime,There were also Watch Towers built here,which for watching over the invading enemy.

Well,thats all for my k you for your attention.Im looking forward to your next k you!


Dear visitors! I am reading a guide. Very glad to be with all of youtogether to visit one of the world natural heritage west lake.

Now we came to the west lake broken bridge by car. Legend of the whitesnake met xu xian and the white niang son of time is on the bridge! One sidebroken bridge connecting north road, attached to bai causeway. Some people willask: broken bridge isnt broken, why called middle-east? Because, this and thewest lake, one of the ten views about the "broken bridge can xue". Under theheavy snow in winter, a piece of white on the bridge. Because the bridge side ofchaoyang, so that side of the snow melted quickly. At this moment, far look likea broken bridge.

Now we have covered the broken bridge came to the famous bai causeway. Doesanyone know why the dike said bai causeway? Tell you, because the bai juyi inhangzhou high rank, in order to prevent the west lake is the lake sediment isfull, so they use mud built into the bai causeway. Bai causeway is located inthe middle of the west lake, is a very good observation. Visitors look up at thefront, please treasure baochu pagoda, like a sword stands in treasure Chumountain, much like a warrior guarding the west lake. On the bai causeway is themost beautiful plants, look! A peach on a willow, make people feel regrettedleaving! Now looking into the my left hand side, the west lake lake like a pieceof jade green, quiet like a mirror. Cruise ships and original slip quietly onthe surface of the lake. More distant, kam with little tunnel round, its is afamous couplet wrote: jin belt, little tunnel round, round as a mirror, themirror as the nations jiuzhou. The different of the west lake, is surrounded bymountains all around it, the mountain CengLinJinRan, give a person the aestheticfeeling of painting.

The journey to the west lake is coming to an end, I really a littlecourage, if you come again next time, I must be your tour guide again.


Visitors: Hello everyone! Welcome to this famous Hangzhou West Lake. First introduce yourself, my name is Chen, everyone can call me Chen Guaidao, today, I will take you three sights, Liu Wang Wenyu, Changqiao Park and Huang Guanfish now, our bus is driving on Nanshan Road, first The station is Liu Wang Wenyu.

Why is it called Liu Wai Wen? Wait until the attraction, lets feel it, you are, here will Liu Zang Wen Yan, the bilateral bilateral is full of willow, a wind blows, and those who will teach dancers dance, very beautiful. You listen, "sound is a happy music, which is like a willow girl, for willow accompaniment. If you want to relax, as long as you take a walk on the shore of this lake, you will be intoxicated. Now let us continue to goon, come to Longqiao Park. Although it is called a long bridge, it is actually not long. The small bridge in the park is quiet. If you want to stay away from the noise of the city, listen to the sound of birds, and smell the smell of osmanthus, very comfortable. Let us take a break now, you can pat photos, but you cant fall out! We have left the long bridge now, continue to advance, come to the famous flower port governing fish. It is now the golden autumn season, and it is also an open time.

I entered the park. You can enjoy it, but dont step on the flowers. Huangguan fish does not only have flowers, fish is more beautiful, you can also buy some fish feed to feed these cute fish. Now everyone is free to act, at three oclock in the afternoon, at the gate, please pay attention to safety! I am very glad that everyone can return to the collection here. Our tour today is over, and the beautiful scenery of West Lake is not in the past. Welcome to play again. Finally, I wish you all a happy journey, goodbye!

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