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2024-10-11 01:30:26



Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is the starting point of the northeastend of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It is located 15 kilometers northeast ofQinhuangdao City, and has the reputation of "the first pass in the world".Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient city andsummer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area, forming six major scenic spots, namely "old dragonhead", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan", "the first pass in the world","Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake". Among them, the essence of Chinasancient the Great Wall is the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan.

The East starting point of the great wall of Ming Dynasty is laolongtou,where the great wall meets with the sea, with blue sea and Jinsha, and the skyopens to the sea. The magnificent pass, known as "the first pass in the world",is towering. It is known as "pinghan in the capital and the throat of liaozuo".The great wall of Jiaoshan mountain is winding, with steep beacon towers andpicturesque scenery , attracting a lot of tourists. Meng Jiangnu temple is amoving story of Jiang Nus seeking husband, a Chinese folk legend. Chen Yun andhis poem praise that "the Great Wall is built by the sweat and blood of manyanonymous people. Experts and scholars have no way to verify it. Only ageneration of heroes with all names is a kind of glory in" half of the sky ".Xuanyang cave, the largest natural granite cave in northern China, is like aparadise with strange caves and rocks and gurgling springs. Yansai lake is abeautiful pearl outside the Great Wall.

Arrival and departure: Shanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao city is locatedon the north coast of Bohai Sea, with convenient transportation. You can chooseto take a plane, train, bus or self driving to Shanhaiguan. Qinhuangdao airportis 15 kilometers away from Shanhaiguan, which is very convenient. You can takethe train directly to Shanhaiguan station, which is very convenient to get tothe scenic spot. If you choose to take a bus, you can also go directly toShanhaiguan bus station. Shanhaiguan is located in Qinhuangdao City, withconvenient transportation, but driving is not allowed in the scenic area.


In the north of China, there lies a 6, 700-kilometer-long (4, 161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country.

Those that happened during construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu‘s story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu‘s story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC- 206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu‘s bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu‘s husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would need 99, 999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate.

The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them. However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. A tiny move would cause the collapse of the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved. It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass.




















Dear tourists, Hello everyone! You must have heard the famous saying "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below". Yes, it describes the beautiful Hangzhou West Lake, the destination we are going to arrive at. Im your tour guide in Hangzhou. My name is Chen. Please call me director Chen.

Now we all come to the first of the ten sceneries of the West Lake - spring dawn on the Su dike. Su dike is three kilometers long. It was built by Su Dongpo, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hangzhou. He used the excavated mud to harness the West Lake. So it is named "Su Di". In early spring, walking along the Long Lake embankment in the light smoke and mist, the willows are floating ten miles away, and the red peaches are open with dew. The scenery is really charming and charming. When the spring rain is falling, you can see the West Lake through niaonaliusi, but the mist is diffuse, and the scenery is gradually fading. The scenery is even more fantastic and attractive. It is known as "Liuqiao Yanliu". "The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, its always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup." The great poet creatively compared the West Lake to the beauty of ancient China, so the West Lake has another nickname of "Xizi Lake". Do you see the bridge in front? It was called Baoyou bridge in Song Dynasty and Duanjia bridge in Yuan Dynasty. It used to be an old stone bridge with moss. Although the bridge we see now is a very common stone arch bridge, its name is connected with the story of Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi in the legend of white snake, so it has become the most famous bridge in the West Lake. The broken bridge and the snow is a rare sight of the West Lake. "The West Lake is better than the rain lake, the rain lake is better than the Moon Lake, and the Moon Lake is better than the snow lake.". Speaking of this, I see that some friends have been observing carefully. Maybe you will immediately ask: this bridge is not broken at all. Why should it be named "broken bridge"? Let me answer this question. The broken bridge is one of the ten famous sceneries of the West Lake. Because the broken bridge is located on the back of the city and facing the mountain, it is located at the water dividing point of Beili lake and Waihu lake. It has a wide field of vision and is the best place to enjoy the snow scenery of the West Lake in winter. When the snow is clear, the sunny side of the bridge has been frozen and snowed, while the shady side of the bridge is still covered with snow. From a distance, the bridge seems to be broken but not broken, so the name of "broken bridge and residual snow" comes from it. In addition, the broken bridge is the end of the white dyke, and the white dyke from the autumn moon of Pinghu is interrupted here. At this point, perhaps you already understand that it is "dike broken bridge constantly". Dear friends, the scenery along the West Lake in Hangzhou is introduced here, and then we go to see the three islands in the lake.

First of all, lets take a look at the largest island in Hangzhou West Lake, "Santan Yinyue", also known as xiaoyingzhou. This is a lake garden with "island in the lake, Lake in the island".

Next, please follow me to visit the island. The essence of Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon is the three stone pagodas on the south side of the island. Please see: the three towers stand on the lake. The height of the tower is 2 meters. The body of the tower is spherical, with 5 small round holes arranged. The top of the tower is gourd shaped, with beautiful shape. Every moonlit night, especially in the Mid Autumn Festival, when the bright moon is in the sky, people light candles inside the tower and cover their mouths with tissue paper to make the candle light transparent. At this time, the "tower shadow, cloud shadow and moon shadow" dissolve into one piece, and the "candle light, moonlight and lake light" complement each other. In the refraction of light, the lights of the three towers are projected on the water through 15 circular holes, with a total of 30 moons, plus 1 in the water in the morning The lake can reflect 32 small moons, presenting the beautiful scenery of "one moon in the sky, three shadows in the lake". Its really "a lake of golden water to dissolve autumn", which is full of poetic and picturesque.

"When I remember Jiangnan, I remember Hangzhou most. Looking for Guizi in the mountain temple in the middle of the month, looking at the tide on the pillow of the County Pavilion. When will you visit again? "This is the eternal masterpiece of Bai Juyis great poet to praise the West Lake in Hangzhou. Dear friends, when we are about to finish our trip to the West Lake in Hangzhou, do you have the same feeling? I hope we will meet again later, enjoy Guizi in manjuelong and watch the tide on Qiantang River, so that the mountains and waters of the West Lake in Hangzhou will always retain your good memories.


各位游客朋友们: 我是大家这次去招虎山的导游----,咱们今天要游览的招虎山主要以奇山、秀水、真自 然为特色,主要分为东西两大游线。西线是以溪流飞瀑,奇木翠竹位主要特色,全程 8.8 公 里,途中我们可以看到百岁木瓜树,木鱼石,巨观飞瀑。天柱峰等多处景点。东线十一奇石 险峰为主要特色,全程 7.5 公里,途中我们可以看到鉴海石、飞鱼石、莲花峰、杜鹃谷等景 点。进了景区就会有示意图,到时候大家可以看一下,自己选择线路。

到了中心服务区离招虎山还有大约 1 个小时的路程, 到时候大家可以步行过去, 也可以 坐电瓶车过去,坐电瓶车的话需要十块钱,是单程票,票是现场买的。 (去十块,回来十块) 另外再跟大家交代一下注意事项: 旅游车就是我们第二个家, 所以为了让我们自己有一个温馨舒适的乘车环境, 咱们一定 要注意保持好卫生,八卦果皮等垃圾放在塑料袋里。

另外,一定随身携带好您的贵重物品,不要落在车上。进了景区,有的朋友可能喜欢拍 照,但一定要注意安全,不要边走边拍,一定要找个安全的地方,安全的位置, 停下来再拍。 有老年证的,年龄 70 岁以上的请把证件交给我,到时进景区可能会有优惠,但是我也 不能保证一定会有优惠,这得看景区的规定。

儿童票是根据景区的标尺决定优惠情况的,到时候景区人员会给小朋友量身高。1.2 米 以下的儿童免票, 米以上 1.4 米以下的儿童是半票, 米以上的收全票, 1.2 1.4 也就是成人票。 咱的车牌号是 大家下车的时候注意看一下,记好了咱们撤的特点,等爬完山后 别找不到车了。咱们 2:20 集合,2:30 出发,大家要把握好计算好时间。 由于景区属于森林公园, 护林防火非常重要, 为了大家的旅途安全同时也为了保护景区 安全,进入景区后请大家不要吸烟,不要采集,不要攀爬,将垃圾随手放入垃圾桶内。

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