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2024-10-11 01:21:20



Ladies and gentlemen:

welcome to Baotuquan Spring Park. My name is Miao Meng. I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide today.

In order to give you a general impression, let me make a brief introduction of the park. Featured as a gushing spring garden, the park is located in the downtown area of the city, with Mt. Thousand Buddha to the south, Quancheng Square to the east, and Daming Lake to the north. It occupies about 26 acres in land area. There are altogether 34 springs in the park. Of course the main and most beautiful one is the Baotuquan Spring, which you will be watching in a moment. It will take you about 2 hours to make the tour around the park. The park has two main gates, the east gate and the south gate. Today we’ll enter from the south gate. Ok, this way please.

Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate. The south gate of the park is at the middle of Luoyuan Avenue. It was built in 1995. With its unique outline integrating both traditional and local traits, it is claimed to be the number one gate of Chinese gardens. Isn’t it splendid! Shall we go in.

Just in front of us is the most famous spring, Baotuquan. It was called Luoshui in ancient time and got its present name form the Song Dynasty. It has a long history and has been the source of the Luo River. The three major springs gush simultaneously from underground with thundering sound, which are described as fountains constantly umping water. The pool of the water is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. The spring water keeps its temperature around 18 degrees centigrade all year round. In cold winter, the steam forms a curtain of thin fog over the surface. With clear deep water in the spring pool on one side and pavilions of color painting and rich ornaments on the other, visitors feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth. Many writers, philosophers and poets left poems and verses in praise of the wonderful scene.

Look, that pavilion on the west side of the pool is called the Billow Observation Pavilion. It was built in the fifth year of Tianshun emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1461). There are stone tables and benches in it so that visitors can enjoy the scene while relaxing. Embedded on the west wall of the pavilion is the writing of billow observation by a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. The stone inscription of No.1 Spring was written by Wang Zhonglin, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. Baotuquan Spring carved on a monument to the west of the pavilion was left by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong during the Qing Dynasty. On the north bank of the east pool at waterside is the enowned Penglai Tea House, which was visited respectively by Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who sat here by the window and enjoyed the colorful charms of the springs over a cup of fragrant tea. At the pleasing taste of water from Baotuquan springs, they even threw out the water they brought all the way with them from Beijing on their inspection to the south. It is said that water from springs further reinforces the taste of good tea and that one would not be visiting a real Jinan without drinking the spring water.

On the north bank of Baotuquan springs is a group of ancient buildings, usually referred to as three palaces. The front one with two stories and three halls is called Luoyuan Hall, and was built during North The Song Dynasty. The building is noted for its extending eaves and patina flavor. On the columns are carved famous lines by Zhaomengfu, a writer of the Yuan Dynasty. They read:“云雾润蒸华不注,波涛声震大明湖”,which mean "The beauty is intensified with foggy steams and moist air; the billow is echoed far from Daming Lake." The handwriting is vigorous and firm, the lines vivid and lifelike, forming a harmonious picture with the real present water world in view. The other two palaces are named respectively as Jiang'e Temple and Eying Temple, which were built in honor of the two imperial concubines of Emperor Shun. On the walls surrounding the palaces are inlaid over thirty stone inscriptions, on which are poems and verses written by celebrities of different dynasties. What is worth mentioning is the twin imperial onuments, on which record epigraphs and poems by Emperor Kangxi who visited here three times and by Qianlong who was here twice. The monuments well illustrate the eminence of Baotuquan springs.

To the south of Baotuquan springs is the White Snow Building at Shiwanquan spring. It was set up in memory of Li Panlong, a writer and scholar of The Qing Dynasty. It was burnt down in a fire and was rebuilt in 1996 together with an opera stage. Here perennial operas and plays are performed, making it a performance center well known not only in China but also in the world. Southeast of Baotuquan springs is a courtyard called angyuan Garden, where it is said that Li Panlong was studying. The three halls and two courts in the garden are all connected by twisting open corridors. There are rare flowers, odd trees, green pine trees and queer rockeries in the garden. In 1987, a memorial was set up here for Wang Xuetao, a famous modern painter of flowers and birds. More than two hundred pieces of Chinese painting are here on exhibition all year round.

Out of Cangyuan Garden, across the Fengxi Island bridge, comes in view a pool of clear spring water gushing from underground like a mirror. This is one of the 72 well known springs called Shuyuquan spring. Shady willows around, limpid water down to the visible bottom, gurgling water against rocks as if washing the jade, the jade-like pool lies in harmonious charm with Liuxu spring, Huanghua spring, and Paniu spring. By the side of Liuxu spring and west of Shuyu spring are two stone-laid ponds respectively called Old Gold Thread spring and Cold Thread spring. In them, water veins are caused by waves of water from different direction. It shines like gold thread on a sunny day. Thus they got the names. Since the shining threads require certain sunlight and water conditions to reveal their wonder, only those lucky visitors can enjoy the scene. To the north of Baotuquan springs, are dark green pines and cypresses, blooming flowers and shady lawns, trees of bewildering rocks. One can see Mapaoquan springs just on the rocks. Hidden under tree shade south of the rockwork, there is a four-meter high Taihu stone, lofty and pointing, veins standing out, shaped like a turtle. This is the treasure collected as the number one stone in Jinan by Zhang Yanghao, a well-known prose writer of the Yuan Dynasty. Situated on the north bank of Shuyuquan spring is the memorial hall of Li Qingzhao, a woman poet of the Song Dynasty. This traditional Chinese building has a quiet and unadorned courtyard with streams, a pavilion, Jade Green Room, round corridors, standing rocks in bamboo shade. On the front tablet and two columns of the hall are carved respectively with lines in praise of the woman poet written by Guo Moruo, an eminent contemporary writer in China. The horizontal line reads: "A poet of generations." The vertical means: "From Daming Lake to Baotuquan springs one finds the former residence in the willow shade. In the Shuyuji poem collection and Jinshilu quotations one traces the charm of the poet." In the hall, apart from exhibited works and statue of Li Qingzhao, there are comments, essays, works, calligraphy, paintings on the life and works of this woman poet by celebrities of different times and dynasties. West of Li Qingzhao Memorial Hall is a courtyard with rooms connected by corridors and surrounded on three sides by gurgling streams. This is the Shangzhi College or Shangzhi School for fostering scholars for imperial examinations, which was set up by Ding Baozhen, governor in the ninth year of Emperor Tongzhi.

As a garden inside a garden neighboring the park to the west is the quiet scenic Wanzhu Garden (garden of thousands of bamboo trees), which consists of 13 different courtyards on a land area of 12,000 square meters. As a private garden of unique features, there are such well-known gushing springs as Wangshuiquan, Baiyunquan, and Donggaoquan along with rockeries and plants. The construction of the garden took many years from Yuan Dynasty until now. Some of its owners are Yin Shizhan, Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Ping, a poet of the Qing Dynasty and warlord Zhang Huaizhi during the Civil War period. It was officially open to the public in 1984. The Li Kuchan Memorial was set up here in 1986 to store and exhibit masterpieces of this great Chinese painter. As the largest exhibition of Chinese paintings and calligraphy works, there are over 200 paintings and cultural treasures in 18 exhibition halls. Also put on show all year round in the garden are over 200 pieces of ancient furniture and cultural relics of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Following the pattern of the traditional Chinese northern residences of square courtyard with houses on four sides, this garden absorbs haracteristics of classic gardens in South China. There are twisting corridors connecting all courtyards surrounded by dotted storied houses, halls, and pavilions. Also boasting as three artistic extremes are the stone, wood and brick carvings in the garden, which is listed into An Illustrated Handbook of Traditional Chinese Folk Residence in 1993. Wanzhu Garden is no doubt a precious cultural relic whether in terms of gardening art or historic cultural treasure。


Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to the famous Hangzhou West Lake. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen. You can call me Chen Dao. Today, I will take you to visit three scenic spots, LIULANG Wenying, Changqiao Park and Huagang fish watching

Now, our bus is driving on Nanshan Road. The first stop is LIULANG Wenying. Why call it willow wave warbler? When we get to the scenic spot, lets feel it together

You see, here are willow warblers. Willows are planted on both sides of the bank. When a gust of wind blows, those willows dance like a dancer. They are very beautiful. Listen to the "chirp" sounds. They are the music of birds joy. They are like Miss Lius musicians who accompany willow. If you want to relax, just walk along the Bank of the lake and you will be intoxicated.

Now lets continue to go south and come to Changqiao park. Although it is called long bridge, in fact its bridge is not long. The small bridge in Changqiao park is very quiet. If you want to stay away from the noise of the city, its very comfortable to listen to the birds and smell the fragrance of osmanthus. Now lets have a rest. We can take photos, but we must not fall behind!

Now we have left the long bridge and moved on to the famous flower harbor for fish watching. Now is the golden autumn season, is also the time of chrysanthemum open, into the park, you can enjoy, but do not trample on the flowers and plants. Huagang fish watching is not only beautiful for flowers, but also beautiful for fish. You can buy some fish feed there to feed these lovely fish. Now we are free to move around. We will gather at the gate at 3 p.m. on time. Please pay attention to safety!

Im glad that you can all come back here on time. Todays tour is over. The beauty of the West Lake is beyond counting. You are welcome to visit again. Finally, I wish you a good journey, goodbye!


Dear tourists, good morning. My name is Zhu Minjia. You can call me Zhu Dao.

Welcome to the "paradise on earth" West Lake. We are about to start a tour of the West Lake. We are going to visit Gushan, Duanqiao and three pools reflecting the moon. I wish you a happy trip! Please dont litter and scribble. The West Lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends. It is said that many years ago, there were jade dragons and golden phoenixes in the sky. They found a piece of jade on the fairy island next to the Milky way. After they pecked together for many years, the jade turned into a shining pearl. Where the light of the Pearl shines, the trees will be evergreen and the flowers will bloom. Later, the news spread to the heavenly palace, and the queen mother sent heavenly soldiers to take the jewels away. Yulong and Jinfeng rush to Suozhu. When the queen mother refuses, they fight. When the queen mother was knocked down and

her hands were loosened, the jade fell into the world and became the Golden West Lake, while the jade dragon and the Golden Phoenix became Fenghuang Mountain and Yuhuang mountain to guard the West Lake. Look East, its a broken bridge! It is the most famous bridge in the West Lake. Its very interesting: the broken bridge is the dividing point between Beili lake and Waihu lake. When the snow is clear, the sunny side of the bridge has been frozen, while the shady side of the bridge is still covered with snow. From a distance, the bridge seems to be broken, so "broken bridge" gets its name. Now please look ahead. This is "three pools reflecting the moon", also known as "Xiaoying state". This is a lake garden with "island in the lake, Lake in the island". The island is in the shape of "Tian", connecting Liuti in the East and West, and a curved bridge is built in the north and south. On both sides of the curved bridge, large areas of red, white and colorful water lilies are planted. Next, please visit the island. Please see: the three towers stand on the lake, with a height of 2 meters. The body of the tower is spherical, with 5 small round holes arranged. The top of the tower is gourd shaped, with beautiful shape. During the Mid Autumn Festival, when the bright moon is in the sky, people light candles in the tower and cover their mouths with tissue paper to make the candle light transparent. At this time, "tower shadow, moon shadow, cloud shadow" dissolved into a piece. Candlelight, moonlight and lake light complement each other. In the refraction of light, the lights of the three towers are projected on the water through 15 circular holes. There are a total of 30 small moons. Plus one in the sky and one in the lake, there are 32 small moons. It presents the beautiful scenery of "one moon in the sky, three shadows in the lake". Its really: "a lake of golden water wants to dissolve autumn"! The West Lake is a poem, a painting, a charming girl. "Recalling Jiangnan, Hangzhou is the most beautiful. Looking for Guizi in the mountain temple in the middle of the month, looking at the tide on the pillow of the County Pavilion. When is it more likely to revisit? " This is Bai Juyis eternal masterpiece of praising the West Lake and leaving endless aftertaste for future generations! Dear friends, we are coming to the end of this trip to the West Lake. I hope that the mountains and waters of the West Lake will stay in your good memories forever!


Tourists friends, everybody! I am your tour guide Wang Xinqian.

By the next visit I lead you to the world cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

Also please keep guests friends health here.

Tourists friends, please listen to me to introduce the Great Wall, the Great Wall is the treasure of Chinese civilization, is one of the worlds cultural heritage, is also along with the Egyptian pyramid architecture, or the miracle of human beings.

In the far more than two thousand years ago, are working people with flesh and blood to build the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese people, is also the symbol of the Chinese nation.

After listening to my introduction, tourists friends please follow me to visit the Great Wall.

Starting from Beijing, can come to the Great Wall after more than one hundred feet.

This section is built on the badaling Great Wall, tall, strong, all with a heavy stone and all ChengZhuan built in.

On the top of the wall is covered with ChengZhuan, neatly, WuLiuPi horse can be parallel.

Outside the wall there are two meters high rows of buttress, every buttress on outlook and nozzle.

On the top of the wall at intervals of more than three hundred meters a ChengTai, are used to station troops, between ChengTai can mutual echo.

Tourists visit friends can listen to me about the information on the Great Wall, the spring and autumn period and the warring states era, the warring states to mutual defense in their respective border built tall walls, and connect leh and beacon tower, endless miles, therefore calls the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, self-sustaining, mutually coherent, compared to the Great Wall of the qin and han, is inferior.

Ok, our todays visit to the end, also hope you bring happy mood to share with her family.



暑假的一天早晨,我和爸爸、妈妈、姨妈、哥哥一起去济南爬远近闻名的千佛山。 一进千佛山大门,我就看见了一个伏虎罗汉,只见他身后的那只老虎十分乖巧,和他十分的要好。传说伏虎尊者所住的寺庙外,经常有猛虎因肚子饿长哮,伏虎尊者把自己的饭食分给这只老虎,时间一长了猛虎就被他降服了,常和他一起玩耍,故又称他为“伏虎罗汉”。

十八罗汉神态各异,栩栩如生。去万佛洞的路口附近有座石卧佛像,这尊卧佛,是佛祖释迦牟尼的侧身卧像,花岗岩质,长10米, 东西横卧,头朝东,面向北,右手托于头下,身穿通户大衣,面颊丰满,两户宽阔,给人以慈祥的感觉。这么大的佛真让我开了眼界。










进入“礼敬门”,便可看见这座气势雄伟的四柱三楼式石坊,它是千佛山的标志性建筑。站在坊前仰望千佛山,山上的苍松翠柏、梵宇僧楼尽收眼底。 面前的这条台阶路是大家上山的主盘路,位于盘路两侧的是建于1996年的十八尊石质罗汉像。东侧第一尊是十七降龙罗汉,西侧第一尊是十八伏虎罗汉,这是乾隆皇帝给他们命的名。








再往前走就来到了“云径禅关”坊,建于清朝乾隆年间,为四柱三楼式木枋。坊正面“云径禅关”四字隶书为济南已故书法家黄立孙所书。背面“峰回路转”四字则出自济南当代已故书法家姜守迁之手。 “云径禅关”的含义是说,寺院高耸,云雾弥漫,风吹着清云,回绕禅门,到寺里拜佛,必须经过此坊,游人至皮,已进入仙境,到达佛门净地,也就是到了大彻大悟的关键,需静静心,诚心诚意烧香拜佛。 “峰回路转”则是出自宋代大散文家欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》,借以形容此处地势峻峭,山峰曲回,道路弯转。而在此又一语双关,暗示人们要超脱红尘,走出苦海,回头是岸。










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