Chagan Lake tourist resort is located in qiangoros Mongolian AutonomousCounty of Songyuan City. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, a National WaterConservancy Scenic Spot, a National Nature Reserve and one of the top 100tourism brands in China. It has become an important fishery production base inNortheast China and a grassland tourist scenic spot in the West of JilinProvince.
Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means a white andholy lake with a water area of 506 square kilometers. It is one of the top tenfreshwater lakes in China, the largest grassland Lake in northern China, and thelargest inland lake in Jilin Province. It is also a famous fishery productionbase, reed production base and famous tourist attraction in Jilin Province.
Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources. There are more than 20 kinds ofwild animals, such as foxes, rabbits, badgers, and 9 kinds of Oriental WhiteStork, black stork, Red Crowned Crane, white crane, white headed crane, GoldenEagle, white tailed sea eagle, great bustard, and Chinese merganser, which areunder the first-class national key protection. There are 35 species of whiteswan, black faced Spoonbill and so on under the second level national keyprotection. There are more than 80 kinds of precious birds and 200 kinds of wildplants, including 149 kinds of medicinal plants. Chagan Lake is rich in carp,silver carp, crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species offish, with an annual output of more than 6000 tons of fresh fish. Among them,"Chagan Lake fat head fish" has been certified as grade 2A green food andorganic food by the national green food certification center, and has been soldto all over the province.
Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons. Chagan Lake with different seasonshas different charm.
In spring, after a long winter's sleep, the lake wakes up quietly. Greengrass and blooming flowers are reflected on the surface of the lake. Ducks andgeese are flying by the lake, birds are singing and swans are dressing up. Thelake is vast, with fishing sails and fish tailing.
In summer, the surface of Baili lake is full of blue waves, and the lotusin the pond is fragrant. The fishing songs are graceful, and the sound of oarsis babbling, which adds to the shadow of Flowing Clouds and cranes. The reedsswaying in the breeze, the branches and leaves singing and dancing, and theplayful fish leaping out of the water from time to time, peeping at thebeautiful scenery of green willows and red flowers. In 20xx, the first ChaganLake Lotus Festival was well received. The performance is mainly composed ofMatouqin, Chagan Lake customs and lotus songs and dances, which fully reflectsthe cultural characteristics and ethnic customs of Chagan Lake. It is a brandnew boutique tourism festival activity that Chagan Lake is committed tocreating.
In autumn, the vast Chagan Lake is cool, the wind is light, the wild islong, the reed flowers are flying in the face, and the wild geese are flyingback to the south. The autumn sun coats everything on the lakeside with gold,making it more graceful and magnificent. The beautiful Chagan Lake adds a bit ofgrandeur and magnificence to the scenery of northern China.
The most distinctive feature is the winter of Chagan Lake. The silvercovered Chagan Lake is like a huge Jasper inlaid in the snowy north. On the ice,a series of winter ploughs shuttle back and forth. The high pitched labor songsdisperse the cold of winter. The heavy net pulls out the dazzling fresh fish,and outlines the spectacular scene of Chagan Lake in winter. Every day beforedawn, the simple and hardworking fisherman of chagannaoer, wearing a dog skinhat and a sheep skin jacket, drives a horse to climb a plow and takes theprimitive winter net fishing tools to the depths of the Great Lakes. In the dimnight, he starts his busy day by selecting sites, digging ice and layingnets.
In the morning light, the fish under the ice seem to be still sleepingsoundly. The sound of the crack of the ice, the sound of the fishermen's bugle,the hissing of the horses, and the creaking of the winch have come one afteranother. Fishermen have dug hundreds of ice caves in a twinkling of an eye. The1000 meter net has dived into the ice like a dragon, and then slowly pulled outthe ice from the net outlet hundreds of meters away. Ten thousand fresh fishcame out and instantly piled up on the ice to form "fish mountains". Thespectacular harvest of "ten thousand fresh fish dancing on the ice" makes theglacier boiling! The primitive winter net fishing method created and preservedby fishermen in Naoer of Chagan Lake is a living fossil of human primitivefishing and hunting culture. In 20xx, "Chagan Lake winter fishing custom" waslisted in the national intangible cultural heritage list.
Chagan Lake is also known as ice lake Tengyu. It is the most spectacularpart of the annual "ice snow fishing and hunting Cultural Tourism Festival ofChagan Lake in Jilin Province, China". It starts in late December (net opening)and ends in late January of the next year (net closing). The annual output offresh fish can reach 1 million kg. In 20xx, 20xx and 20xx, it successivelycaught 104500 kg, 168000 kg and 260000 kg under the single net ice, creating the"largest scale" The Guinness Book of world records.
Chagan Lake has a long history of catching fish in winter, and it wasfamous as early as Liao and Jin Dynasties.
From emperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year heled his ministers and concubines to visit Chagan Lake from the capital. Theymade ice on the surface of the lake to fish, and used the "head fish" caught bythe Emperor himself to hold a "head fish feast" on the shore, because the fishin the early spring are the freshest, fattest and most fragrant. When the springbreeze blows to green Guoerluosi grassland, geese, swans and birds sing byChagan Lake. At this time, the emperors began to fly eagles and arrows to catchswans and geese. The geese from haidongqing, which was released by the emperorof Liao, were used to hold "geese feast". The monarchs and ministers sang,danced, drank and enjoyed by the lake until the end of spring. From this we canimagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.
The mysterious octagonal drum stirs up the old dream. It not only leavesthe eternal story of emperors visiting Chagan Lake, but also inherits themysterious, magical and sacred customs of "winter fishing sacrifice Lake" and"head fish feast" in Chagan Lake.
The ceremony of "offering sacrifices to the lake and waking up the net" isthe most mysterious part of the winter fishing in Chagan Lake. The wholesacrificial process is full of national characteristics and mystery. It is therepresentative of fishing and hunting culture in northern China. It mainlyincludes dancing Chama dance, reciting Buddhist scriptures, singing sacrificialwords to fish head, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, Lake God, drinkingZhuang Xing wine and other activities. It is called "the last fishing andhunting tribe" by experts and scholars in the industry, "a place on the earth asprecious as the Qinghai Tibet Plateau" and "a unique living ice and snow fishingand hunting cultural heritage to the north of the 45 degree north latitudeline".
In order to let more tourists enjoy the mysterious and spectacular winterfishing in Chagan Lake, a large-scale ice snow fishing and hunting CulturalTourism Festival has been held in Chagan Lake since 20xx at the end of Decemberevery year. According to the traditional custom, the ceremony of offeringsacrifices to the lake and waking up the net is held every year before winterfishing.
Chagan Lake tourist resort is characterized by great lake wetland,grassland scenery, Mongolian customs and Chagan Lake Culture, which has become afamous scenic spot in Jilin Province. There are seven tourism functional areasin the area, including the central area of the resort, the grassland scenery andMongolian customs tourism area, the water entertainment and leisure area, thepicnic and camping area, the wetland eco-tourism area, the agriculturalsightseeing area, and the petroleum industry sightseeing area, which can beseen, visited, played, enjoyed, and participated in, with strong comprehensiveservice functions.
You can not only enjoy more than 500 square kilometers of sea like openwater, green sea like waves of reeds, gulls, geese and ducks blocking the sky,but also visit the Tibetan Buddhist temple Miaoyin temple, the third nationalGenghis Khan Memorial Hall Genghis Khan Zhao, the shooting base of holy waterlake, the reconstructed Lord Gorros mansion, and the unique museum of fishingand hunting culture Not only can you enjoy bamboo rafting, water bicycle, pedalboat, but also high-speed and exciting speedboat; you can enjoy the scenery bycamel, horse and double bicycle, you can also take the battery car and selfdriving sightseeing; you can not only participate in horse riding, archery andthrowing, but also experience the stimulation of live ammunition at the onlycivilian shooting range in the province.
In winter, you can go skating, skiing and ice fishing in Chagan Lake. Youcan ride a horse plough or drive on the ice. You can enjoy the ice sky and thewonder of the world - winter fishing in Chagan Lake. You can participate in icedrilling, net laying, net pulling and fish fishing. You can experience the lifeof fishermen and experience the surprise and stimulation of making tens ofthousands of kilograms of fish in one net. In Chagan Lake, you can also enjoythe whole fish feast, the whole sheep feast and the farmhouse feast. In theevening, around the bonfire, you can eat roasted whole sheep and fried rice,drink milk tea and wine, and enjoy Mongolian songs and dances. It is absolutelya journey of folk custom, scenery, culture and experience.
查干湖景区位于吉林省前郭县的西北部,距松原市区45公里,距长春市193公里,距白城市132公里,距哈尔滨市265公里。水陆交通便利。景区位于前郭县蒙古屯乡川头村东侧,处在松花江到查干湖的入口。风景区内的敖包山上建有一座气势磅磷的藏式喇嘛庙--妙音寺,喇嘛庙对面,设置宽阔的庙会广场。按传统习惜,每年六月十四、十五两天,在这里举行麦德尔经会,举行大型化装查码舞会。陈列在博物馆里的塔虎城遗址沙盘、仿制的库里满蒙文石碑、青山头遗址出土的文物等更引人入胜。 风景区的最高处,一座五层仿古建筑――“放眼楼”巍然耸立,如同洞庭湖畔的“岳阳”,似滇池岸边的“大观”。登上放眼楼,整个旅游区的景观可尽收眼底,。引松尾闸东侧高岗处,一尊蒙古族少女敬献哈达的大型雕塑,正以蒙古族最神圣的礼节,向来自四面八方的游客表达崇高的敬意和热烈的欢迎。
查干湖四季分明的地理环境,造就了查干湖春有生机之光,夏有佳境之美,秋有诗画之绝的秀丽景色。然而,只有在千里冰封、雪覆沃野的冬季,查干湖才名符其实地显露出银湖的本色,只有冬季的查干湖才能最完整、最准确地展现出她壮观、博大、 富饶、最具马背民族韵味的雄浑、俊美与彪悍。北国的冰,飘洒的雪,使查干湖活化出天堂般的美丽,伸展出天使般的姣容。
查干湖的冬捕早在辽金时期就享有盛名,历代君王都曾携群臣嫔妃来此凿冰捕鱼,大摆“头鱼宴”。 虽然岁月更迭,但查干湖的紫光灵气犹存,查干湖冬捕的神奇、神秘与神圣依旧。每年冬捕前都要举行传统的“祭湖醒网”仪式,祭祀天父、地母、湖神、保佑万物生灵永续繁衍,百姓生活吉祥安康。这一千百年来延袭下来的、带有传统宗教色彩的“祭湖醒网”仪式流传至今天,所表达的则是湖区百姓对美好生活的祝愿,对大自然恩惠的感激,也是成吉思汗的后人精心打造的一张民族旅游的特色牌。
之后还要为进湖开网的渔工献上奶干、炒米“饱肚”,用大碗敬上壮行酒。吃罢喝得,众渔工飞身跃上马爬犁,大老板儿长鞭一甩,马爬犁在喇嘛的诵经声中,在喧闹的鼓乐声和炸响的鞭炮声中,在查玛舞的跳动中,溅起层层积雪向湖中急驰而去…… 到达冬捕作业点,渔工们按渔把头选择的地点,开始在湖面凿冰破洞,然后串杆下网,一张张数千米长的大网相距百余米一字排开。几个小时后,随着马拉绞盘的转动,一张张大网从“玉门”似的冰洞缓缓而出,两旁的渔民手持挠钩期待着万尾鲜鱼出“玉门”的壮观场面。一会儿的功夫,一条又一条的“胖头”、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、草鱼争相跃出冰洞,转眼之间就在湖面上码起一个个高高的鱼垛。悠扬的马头琴拉响了,拉出了查干湖连年有余的喜庆;欢畅的盅碗舞跳起来了,跳出了查干湖永世昌盛的希冀。聚纳四海紫光灵气的查干湖之冬,神奇、神秘、神圣的查干湖冬捕,多像月宫的嫦娥,正含情脉脉地掀起金红的盖头,舞动碧蓝的彩裙,以北国特有的神韵,从雪原的牧歌中走来,又向着马背民族特有的风情奔去……
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