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2024-09-19 09:30:08















Dear tourists, welcome to Chagan Lake scenic spot in Songyuan. Chagan Lakeis called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake. Chagan Hunan is 37kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers long in the East and West, with atotal water area of 420 square kilometers. It is the largest inland lake inJilin Province. Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silvercarp, crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species. In recentyears, the aquatic resources of Chagan Lake, such as shrimps and pearls, havealso been effectively developed, and the beautiful lake shrimps have alreadybeen put on the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons andrich natural resources, which provides a rare living environment for wild andaquatic animals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for e are more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers,and more than 80 kinds of rare birds such as pheasants, swans, geese and redcrowned cranes on the lakeside grassland and small islands. In August 20xx,Chagan Lake was approved as a national nature reserve by the State Council.

Dear tourists, the tourism development of Chagan Lake began in 20xx, whichwas approved by the people's Government of Jilin Province to establish ChaganLake Tourism Economic Development Zone. A series of scenic spots such as Miaoyintemple, Genghis hanzhao and Wangyefu business district have been built,infrastructure such as roads and bridges have been built, amusement projectssuch as Zhuhou lake, water entertainment and winter net fishing have beendeveloped, service facilities such as tourist service, business service, postand telecommunications have been completed, and the original small fishingvillage has been built into a national AAAA tourist attraction and a nationalwater conservancy wind farm scenic spot. Chagan Lake winter fishing is rated asone of China's top 100 scenic wonders, known as "ice lake Tengyu", the highestsingle net fishing yield of 168000 kg, which is listed in the Guinness worldrecord. Ten "ice and snow fishing and hunting Cultural Tourism Festival ofChagan Lake, Jilin Province, China" was held, including South Korea, Japan, HongKong, Macao, Taiwan and other important news media at home and abroad. Duringthe festival, there were competitions in photography, calligraphy and painting,poetry, couplets and fishing. In 20xx, "Chagan Lake ice and snow fishing TourismFestival" was rated as "China's ten natural ecological Festivals". In addition,the development zone has promoted the production of films and TV plays byparticipating in and assisting in shooting. Films and TV plays such as "holywater lake", "beautiful fields", "Heaven's way without deception", "growth" and"Guandong fishing king" have been shot in Chagan Lake. Among them, "holy waterlake" has achieved a sensational effect after being popular on the central andlocal TV stations, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of tourismin Chagan Lake development. Chagan Lake Tourist Resort has formed acomprehensive tourist area with the characteristics of great lake wetland,grassland scenery and Mongolian customs in summer, fishing in winter net anddisplaying the long-standing fishing and hunting culture of Chagan Lake inwinter, integrating sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, vacation, catering,shopping and other functions.

Dear tourist friends, when you travel to Chagan Lake, you have to watch theprocess of ice and snow fishing (winter fishing). The first procedure of wintercapture is "sacrifice to the lake and wake up the net". Before winter fishing inChagan Lake, a sacrificial ceremony is held. The Mongolian girls in full dressoffer dried milk to the fishermen. The Lama hands the offerings one by one tothe fisherman's head. The fisherman's head places the offerings on the offeringtable in order. Then the nine sticks of incense are put into three incenseburners to light. Then he leads the lamas to circle the offering table, ice caveand ice snow OBO clockwise for three times and recite sutras. After that, thefisherman stood in the middle of the field, took up the wine bowl, raised hishands over his head, and began to recite the words of sacrifice to the lake.

The second procedure is &;"net fishing". After drinking Zhuangxing wine, withthe fisherman's head "on the ice", all the people who participated in the winterfishing jumped into the trawler or plow, three carriages, and more than 60people, and went to work on the ice. At this time, firecrackers were all onfire, and the roar of a carriage, the sound of a fisherman's bugle, the sound offirecrackers, the sound of lamas chanting sutras, the sound of horse bells,drums and horns floated on the mysterious surface of Chagan Lake. After the netcar arrives at the net yard, the fishing head determines the position accordingto the bottom appearance and water depth of the lake, and then cuts the firstice hole as the lower net hole, and then hundreds of steps from the lower nethole to both sides to determine the position of the wing flag, and s thebig flag (or lamp). The fishing head moves hundreds of steps from the wing flagposition to the front to determine the round beach flag, and then the two roundbeach flags meet hundreds of steps ahead to determine the net Eye, thenet flag, the ice planned by these big flags is the net nest. After the fishinghead is ed into the wing flag, an ice hole is chiseled every 15 metersfrom the bottom mesh of the fishing rod to the wing flag, and then the rod(18-20 meters long thin rod) is pierced under the ice. The rod is pushed to thenext ice hole by the walking hook, and a water line rope is tied at the back endof the rod. The water line rope is followed by a large rope, and the large ropeis followed by a net The wheel twists the big belt to carry the big net forward,followed by the net handle. With the hook, the net can be put under the ice alittle bit, and the lightness and heaviness of the net can be grasped at anytime. Both sides of the net forward to the mesh, the whole net has been put intothe water, at this time, all the fish in the water are surrounded in the next step is to get out of the net. Three horses pull out the net wheel, andthe double side nets are combined by the belt and the hook on the net wheel. Alarge net composed of 96 nets is pulled out at the same time. Three pieces ofeach wing, called a pull, are pulled out 16 times. The first pull no fish, thesecond pull began to fish. Finally, because the net belly is a pocket at theback end of the net, a net belly can hold up to a million kilograms of r fishing the fish in the net belly, pull the net belly out of the ice andload the fish away. The net was loaded on the plow again by the people who beatthe spear, twisted the spear and took the hook. At this point, the winter catchof a net was over.


查干湖称“大水泊”,又名查干卓尔,位于吉林省前郭县的西北部 查干湖冬季捕鱼,总面积60万亩,蓄水量7亿立方米,平均水深2.5米,最深达6米,与附近的辛甸泡、新庙泡和库里泡三个姊妹湖泊相通,是全国十大淡水湖之一,也是吉林省最大的内陆湖泊。湖泊南北长37公里,东西宽17公里,湖岸线蜿蜒曲折,长达128公里,四周环境优美,景色秀丽,风光迷人,是吉林省著名的渔业生产基地、芦苇生产基地和天然旅游胜地。

查干湖景区位于吉林省前郭县的西北部,距松原市区45公里,距长春市193公里,距白城市132公里,距哈尔滨市265公里。水陆交通便利。景区位于前郭县蒙古屯乡川头村东侧,处在松花江到查干湖的入口。风景区内的敖包山上建有一座气势磅磷的藏式喇嘛庙--妙音寺,喇嘛庙对面,设置宽阔的庙会广场。按传统习惜,每年六月十四、十五两天,在这里举行麦德尔经会,举行大型化装查码舞会。陈列在博物馆里的塔虎城遗址沙盘、仿制的库里满蒙文石碑、青山头遗址出土的文物等更引人入胜。 风景区的最高处,一座五层仿古建筑――“放眼楼”巍然耸立,如同洞庭湖畔的“岳阳”,似滇池岸边的“大观”。登上放眼楼,整个旅游区的景观可尽收眼底,。引松尾闸东侧高岗处,一尊蒙古族少女敬献哈达的大型雕塑,正以蒙古族最神圣的礼节,向来自四面八方的游客表达崇高的敬意和热烈的欢迎。







推荐专题: 查干湖导游词作文五年级

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