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2024-08-12 12:34:03

















Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Here built-up, courtyard. Look, the siheyun of dao DE, waterside pavilion pavilion, ShuaiFu garden, grand grand big brothel, the edge of Europe type amorous feelings of the bank, ShuaiFu offices, red buildings and small refined, xiaoqing of match well of Chinese and western building, Edith's former residence, strewn at random have send, hand in photograph reflect. Zhang ShuaiFu museum full of rich cultural characteristics of the republic of China, with its grand architecture, exquisite decorative arts, rich historical cultural connotation, won the praise of "northeast old first".

Zhang ShuaiFu museum since opening to the outside world in 1988, the scale expands unceasingly, already developed now become the zhang and his son study, financial research show is a body comprehensive museum. Exhibition area of 8000 square meters, existing development of line 20xx meters, the external seven thousand pieces of cultural relics on display, display basic zhang xueliang "one hundred", "zhang zuolin and zhang family" exhibition, fully demonstrates the zhang fathers and sons two generation of different life experiences; In Peiping, zhang xueliang, northeast the council office, office tiger hall, xiaoqing floor, Edith and a series of recovery display exhibition, recorded the life of zhang and his son alive and the ups and downs of life. At the edge of the original zhang and private bank, established on the basis of the bank's financial museum, shenyang is the national museum of its kind, the largest and most abundant content, display form with the audience participating in one of the most special museum. Its theme display "approached the financial world" perfect show and explain the financial history of the development footprint and financial culture broad and profound, was named "20xx-20xx China's top ten display quality award".

After 20 years of active exploration and reform, the zhang ShuaiFu museum in mining ShuaiFu unique cultural connotation, build cultural brand, set up academic exchange platform, enhance the level of exhibition explanation, expanding propaganda, etc, has made many gratifying achievements, has become a famous cultural landscape in shenyang and unique characteristics of the history of the republic of China culture brand, and constantly developed toward a goal of creating the first class museum, is becoming more and more.

For more than ten years, zhang's ShuaiFu museum each work has achieved fruitful results, a total of hundred times of various types of exhibitions published by "zhang ShuaiFu" a number of monographs, has developed into a set of modern history of northeast, celebrity memorial is a body comprehensive museum. Today, zhang ShuaiFu both at home and abroad has received audience of more than 200 people, has become a patriotism education base in shenyang and one of the famous tourist attraction, every year will use new look to meet the masses of tourists from home and abroad.

Zhang ShuaiFu is by the east court, then, the west courtyard and the courtyard outside the building composed of four parts such as large buildings, including traditional Chinese style courtyard, waterside pavilion pavilion, ShuaiFu garden, have Europe type amorous feelings of the brothel, side bank, red blocks, and match well of Chinese and western style xiaoqing and miss zhao four floor. In 1991, zhang ShuaiFu is listed as one of the excellent modern buildings.

Zhang ShuaiFu inside a large number of stone carvings, wood carvings, brick carvings and mural works full of strong northeast folk customs, they range, fable, beautifully made, are lifelike, is the study of Chinese architectural art and folk custom art precious materials.

As zhang zhang ShuaiFu fathers and sons two generation of offices and homes, was the political center of the northeast, after two straight in wars and armed intervention during the central plains war, the northeast authorities, Yang often events, "918" incident, a great change, and the old and new China northeast vicissitudes, zhang ShuaiFu has become a modern historical witness and microcosm.


Shenyang est la capitale de la province de Liaoning, la principale ville deChine, la plus grande ville centrale dans le nord - est de la Chine, laquatrième plus grande ville de Chine, l'une des grandes villes de Chine, l'unedes 15 villes sous - provinciales de Chine, et il ya un grand nombred'institutions politiques, militaires, financières et diplomatiques à Shenyang.Shenyang a des bureaux dans la région militaire de Shenyang, la succursale deShenyang de la Banque populaire de Chine, l'administration de la région nord -est de l'aviation civile, la Commission de réglementation de l'électricité duNord -Northeast Power Grid Co., Ltd., Bureau du Représentant spécial du Bureaud'audit de l'?tat à Shenyang, Bureau des terres et des ressources à Shenyang,Bureau central du district postal de Shenyang, Centre de recherche et desauvetage terrestres de Shenyang et d'autres organismes relevant directement duGouvernement central, ainsi que les consulats généraux des ?tats - Unis, de laRussie, de la Corée du Nord, du Japon, de la Corée du Sud, de la France etd'autres pays à Shenyang.Shenyang est situé dans le sud du Nord - est de laChine, au milieu de la province de Liaoning, principalement dans les plaines,les montagnes et les collines concentrées dans le Sud - Est, la rivière Liaohe,la rivière hunhe, la rivière Xiushui et d'autres température annuellevarie de - 29 ? - 36 ?, la température annuelle moyenne est de 6,7 - 8,4 ?, latempérature extrême est de 34,6 ?, et la température minimale est de - 30,6?.Les précipitations annuelles sont de 600 à 800 mm, la moyenne annuelle desprécipitations urbaines de 1951 à 20__ est de 711,6 mm et la période sans gelest de 150 à 170 jours.Sous l'influence de la mousson, les précipitations sontconcentrées, la différence de température est grande et les quatre saisons sontdistinctes.L'hiver est plus long et moins de neige; l'été est plus court et pluspluvieux; la température change rapidement au printemps et à l'automne; leprintemps est plus venteux et l'automne est plus clair.

推荐专题: 沈阳大帅府导游词

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