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2024-08-12 12:28:14









Dear friends, welcome to Shenyang. I'm your tour guide, Shen Meng. You cancall me Shen tour guide or dream guide. I prefer you to add me dream guide. OK,let's give you a brief introduction. In the center of the bustling ancient cityof Shenyang, there is a majestic palace complex in the Qing Dynasty. It's ourdestination for this day - Shenyang Palace Museum.

According to the construction time and layout, the construction of Shenyangpalace museum can be divided into three parts: East Road, middle road and WestRoad. On this day, we follow this order. First visit the East Road building.

Shenyang Palace Museum is famous for its unique architectural art andspecial history at home and abroad. In this gorgeous and magnificent buildingcomplex, the oldest and most distinctive one is Dazheng hall in front of us.

Dazheng hall, founded in 1625, is one of the main places to handle stateaffairs and hold celebrations. Next, as one of the earliest and most importantpalaces. Many important historical events are staged on the stage of Dazhenghall.

Daqingmen is the main gate of Shenyang Palace Museum, which is the placewhere civil and military officials wait before the emperor. It is commonly knownas "Wu Chao men" in romance novels. The roof of daqingmen is covered with yellowglazed tiles and lined with green trimming, which not only retains thetraditional concept of respecting yellow, but also reflects the deep nostalgiaof Manchu for their hometown. The palace roof is covered with yellow glazedtiles and trimmed with green.

Through the gate of the Qing Dynasty, looking to the north is ChongzhengHall. Chongzheng Hall, commonly known as "Jinluan hall", is the place whereemperor Taiji of the Qing Dynasty held daily court meetings.

Dear friends, the layout of ancient palaces emphasizes "the former dynastyand the latter". After seeing the Jinluan hall where the emperor went to court,please follow me to visit the empress's bedroom.

Fenghuang building is the place for banquets and meetings. It was thehighest building in Shenyang at that time. The poem says "if you want to bepoor, you can go to a higher level". You can have a panoramic view of Shengjingand watch the sunrise when you climb the Phoenix Tower to overlook thesurroundings. "Fenglou xiaori" is one of the eight famous scenic spots inShengjing.

Dear friends, after passing through the passage on the ground floor ofFenghuang building, we entered the five facial features on the stage where theempress lived. The five facial features on the stage are Qingning palace, Guanjupalace, Linzhi palace, Yanqing palace and Yongfu palace.

Now, please follow me to visit the palace of Qingning, the palace whereHuang Taiji and the queen live.

Qingning Palace East shaomen called "warm Pavilion", is the emperor'sbedroom. Warm Pavilion is divided into North and south two rooms, two rooms areequipped with Kang. On August 9, 1643, Huang Taiji died in the warm Pavilion. Atthe age of 52, he was buried in Shenyang Zhaoling, namely Beiling.

Dear friends, now please follow me to visit the West Road building. WestRoad was built from 1782 to 1783, mainly including: stage, jiayintang, wensuge,etc.

Speaking of wensuge, we have to mention Emperor Qianlong and Sikuquanshu.Then, in order to strengthen the cultural rule, Emperor Qianlong issued animperial edict in 1772 to collect books all over the world. After more than tenyears, he compiled a large series of books. The book is divided into four parts:classics, history, Zi and Ji, so it is called Si Ku Quan Shu. After thecompletion of the book, seven books were transcribed, and seven libraries werebuilt throughout the country for collection. The Wensu Pavilion in ShenyangPalace Museum was one of them.

Seeing that, our tour of the day is coming to an end. Next, I hope thevisit to the Forbidden City will leave you a perfect memory.


Hello, tourists,

The scenic spot we visited this time is the world cultural heritage, national 4A scenic spot, national key cultural relics protection unit Shenyang Palace Museum. First of all, let's take a look at the plan of Shenyang Palace Museum.

Shenyang Palace Museum was built in 1625 ad. After three large-scale construction, it has formed the pattern of East, middle and West roads. The East Road was built in the period of Nurhachi, Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty, and its main buildings are Dazheng hall and shiwangting; the middle road was built in the period of Huangtaiji, Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty, and its main buildings are daqingmen, Chongzheng Hall, fenghuanglou and Qingning palace; the West Road was built in the period of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, and its main buildings are stage, Jiayin hall, wenzhuge and yangxizhai, which are famous for storing Sikuquanshu. As one of the two most intact ancient imperial palaces in China, Shenyang Palace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum echo each other, but they have totally different architectural styles. Now, let's have a taste of the style of the Imperial Palace in the past.

The first thing we see is the Daqing gate of the middle road building, commonly known as the Meridian Gate, which is also the main gate of Shenyang Palace Museum. It was the place where the civil and military officials were waiting for the court at that time, and it was also the place where Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty understood the gratitude of the officials. So why is this gate called daqingmen? The orthodox saying is that the name of the Qing Dynasty is Qing, and the main gate of the palace is Guomen, so it is called daqingmen. There is also a legend that this wooden door has no name after it was built, it is just called the gate. Later, Huang Taiji changed its name to Da Qing. It was said that the gate of Ming Palace in Beijing was called Da Ming gate, so in order to show tit for tat, it was named Da Qing gate.

We pass through the gate of the Qing Dynasty, and the front building is Chongzheng Hall. Chongzheng Hall, formerly known as "main hall", is commonly known as Jinluan hall. In the first year of Chongde, it was named Chongzheng Hall. It is a place where Huang Taiji deals with military and political affairs, receives foreign envoys and frontier minority representatives.

We can see that Chongzheng Hall is a five room nine purlin hard mountain building. The top of the hall is paved with yellow glazed tiles with green edges. Please pay attention to the glazed tiles on the top of the hall. Anyone who has been to the Forbidden City in Beijing must clearly remember that the glazed tiles in the Forbidden City in Beijing are yellow, while those in Shenyang are yellow with green edges. So this is one of the important differences between the Shenyang Palace Museum and the Beijing Palace Museum.

We went up to the platform. On both sides of the platform, there are sundials for timing and galleries for storing standard units of measurement. We can see that there are four big tanks on the platform. Do you know what they are used for? Let me tell you, it is called "auspicious tank". In ancient times, it was called "Menhai", which is an important fire prevention facility in the imperial palace. It symbolizes that the water in the tank is like the sea, and it can prevent fires.

We went to xumizuo. Looking up, the plaque above is "Chongzheng Hall" written in Manchu and Chinese. Please look at the Manchu on the left. We have a figurative metaphor: "a stick in the middle, with thorns on both sides, plus circles and dots, is the Manchu character.". So the plaques of Shenyang Palace Museum are in Manchu on the left and Chinese on the right. The plaques of the Forbidden City in Beijing are in Chinese on the left and Manchu on the right. So this is the second difference between Shenyang Palace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum.

We look up at the plaque of "justice" hanging above Chongzheng Hall, which was written by Emperor Shunzhi. Below is the throne of the emperor. It is said that there are eight golden dragons painted and carved on the throne. In addition, the real dragon emperor sitting on the throne happens to be the largest nine dragons in ancient China. At the moment, we will visit Chongzheng Hall.

The magnificent building in front of us is the Phoenix Tower. It was built in 3. On the 8-meter-high blue brick platform, there is a three story Xieshan style building. Its original name is xiangfenglou. It is a place for Huang Taiji to rest, have dinner and read books. We can see that the horizontal plaque of "ziqidonglai" hanging above the main gate was written by Emperor Qianlong. It means that the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty came from Shengjing in the East. The Phoenix Tower was not only the main entrance of the Imperial Palace at that time, but also the highest building in Shengjing city at that time. Therefore, it was known as "Fenglou xiaori" and was listed as one of the eight scenic spots in Shengjing city. It's said that you could see Fushun City from the Phoenix Tower.

Through the Phoenix Tower, we came to a courtyard, where is the palace of Huangtaiji. In front of us is the central palace of Huangtaiji, the "Qingning Palace". Its original name is Zhenggong, which is the most Manchu residential building in Shenyang Palace Museum. We can see that its door is on the east side. It is shaped like a pocket, so it is called "pocket room". Dongyi, also known as warm Pavilion, is the bedroom of Huangtaiji and boljijit, empress xiaoduanwen. The palace is divided into North and South rooms, each with a heated kang, also known as a dragon bed. In 1643, Huang Taiji sat there and died of no illness. He was 52 years old and was later buried in Zhaoling. Then, under the window of the second room on the east side, there are two big pots. What are they used for? Let me explain. These two pots are used for sacrifice. Manchu people believe in Shamanism. People pour hot wine into the pig's ears. If the pig's ears shake, it means that the God has accepted the sacrifice. If it doesn't move, it means that the gods are not satisfied, and the sacrificial activities can't go on. Then the pig will shake his head because of being stimulated. Manchu people think that at this time, the pig has become a medium connecting heaven and earth. Then, the pigs were washed and cut into large pieces. They were put into two large pots on the north side and cooked with clean water. The cooked meat was put into the wooden trough and offered to the gods. Then it was distributed to the people who participated in the sacrifice, which was called "eating blessing meat". Manchu believed that after eating blessing meat, blessing would come to everyone.

Now, we come to the room on the west side. The three rooms on the west side are connected, and the ring Kang is built on the north, West and south sides, which is called "Wanzi Kang". It is not only the place where the emperor held a casual banquet in the inner palace, but also the place where the Manchu shaman prayed for the emperor and the country.

The difference between Qingning palace and Han architecture lies in that its chimney is built behind the house, and it is built up from the ground. Later, we'll look at the chimney behind the detour. The architectural features of "pocket room, ten thousand character Kang and chimney built on the ground" in Qingning palace have the unique national style of Manchu.

When we get out of Qingning palace, the other four palaces you see are Guanju palace, Linzhi palace, Yanqing palace and Yongfu palace. Let's visit them one by one.

Guanju palace is the bedroom of Hai Lanzhu, the most beloved imperial concubine in Huang Taiji's life. Hai Lanzhu is the niece of the empress of Zhonggong and the sister of Princess Zhuang of Yongfu palace. Hai Lanzhu was 26 years old when she married Huang Taiji, but Huang Taiji had deep feelings for her. Hai Lanzhu died of illness in the sixth year of Chongde because of the early death of his eighth prince. Two years after his death, Huang Taiji also died. It is said that Huang Taiji's early death is closely related to the death of Chen Fei two years ago.

This is Yanqing palace, the bedroom of imperial concubine Taiji. Her daughter is married to Dorgon by imperial concubine Taiji

This is Linzhi palace. It is the bedroom of namuzhong, the imperial concubine of Taiji, whose son Bogor once became the biggest competitor for the throne of Fulin after the death of Taiji. Later, he became an important official in the court.

Let's take a look at Yongfu palace, which is the lowest position among the imperial concubines. Yongfu palace is the palace of Zhuang's concubine boljigit. When it comes to the influence on the Qing regime, Princess Zhuang's role far exceeds that of her four empresses, and she is regarded as the most promising empress in the history of the Qing Dynasty. Concubine Zhuang is also the niece of the empress of Zhonggong and the sister of hailanzhu in Guanju palace. With her outstanding political ability, Princess Zhuang assisted the three emperors to achieve the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. In the 26th year of Kangxi reign, Princess Zhuang died of illness at the age of 75. She became the woman with the longest longevity in the palace of the Qing Dynasty.

You see, the red wooden pole standing in the southwest corner of the courtyard is called the Solon pole, and the top of the wooden pole has a tin bucket. Manchu call it "Shengan". It's used to feed crows. So tourists will wonder why Manchu people sacrifice crows? In fact, this is related to a legend about crows. The ancestor of Manchu once lay on the ground in despair when he was chased by his enemies. At this time, a group of crows happened to fall on him. The enemy passed by and thought that the crow would not stay where there were living people, so the ancestors of Manchu were saved. Later, the Manchu people began to offer sacrifices to the crows in order to repay the crows for saving their ancestors' lives. When offering sacrifices, they put the pig's viscera into the tin bucket to support the crows.

At the moment, what we see is the chimney behind the Qingning palace, which was the only chimney in Shenyang at that time. It means "unifying the country". How many floors is the chimney Yes, there are eleven floors. I tell you that there are three bricks above the eleven floors. So how to say that? Let me ask you a little question: how many emperors of the Qing Dynasty and how many of them died For the Qing Dynasty, there were 12 emperors. Eleven of them died. Puyi, the last emperor, was Emperor for only three years. It coincides with the "unification of rivers and mountains" of these 11 floors and 03 bricks.

Well, my friends, I'll introduce Shenyang Palace Museum to you. I hope my explanation will leave a deep impression on you. Now you can move freely for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, we will meet at the main gate.

推荐专题: 故宫观后感600字 英语导游词 沈阳故宫英语导游词

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