Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of all the citizens of Shenyang, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you. Today, Id like to introduce Shenyang Palace Museum, one of the scenic spots in Shenyang.
Shenyang Palace Museum covers an area of more than 60000 square meters, with more than 70 buildings of various types, consisting of more than 20 courtyards, with a total of more than 300 houses. According to the natural layout, the Palace Museum is divided into three parts: Middle Road, East Road and West Road.
Middle road: it is the imperial palace of Taizong. At the south end is the gate of the Qing Dynasty, which is also the main gate of the Forbidden City. To the north are Chongzheng Hall, Fenghuang coat and Qingning palace, which are all arranged on a central axis, with some symmetrical ancillary buildings on both sides.
The gate of the Qing Dynasty was the place where the civil and military ministers of the royal court met in the daily court meeting, and also the place where the Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty accepted the gratitude of the officials. After the Ming Dynastys famous general Hong Chengchou came down to the Qing Dynasty, he entered from this gate and was received by Huang Taiji. The building on the east side of daqingmen is called ancestral temple. Ancestral temple is the place where Aixinjueluo family worships their ancestors. Because it is the ancestral temple of the emperor, it is also called Taimiao.
In front of Chongzheng Hall, there are five chambers in the East and West, Feilong Pavilion in the East and Xiangfeng Pavilion in the West. Behind the hall is a courtyard. To the north of the courtyard, there is a high platform about 4 meters high. On the platform is the sleeping area of Huang Taiji and his concubines. Along the steps up is a magnificent high-rise - --- Phoenix Tower. Its original name was xiangfenglou, and it was not named fenghuanglou until 1743. Fenghuang building is the gateway of Qingning palace, and also the place where the emperor planned military and political events and banquets. It was built at the same time as Chongzheng Hall and rebuilt in the 20th year of Kangxi. The building has three floors and is a three drop building. Each floor has three rooms deep and wide, surrounded by an ambulatory, and the entrance of the lower floor is the corridor between the upper floor and the lower floor. Fenghuanglou is not only the gate of the palace, but also the commanding height of the whole palace. Its wonderful to watch the sunrise upstairs. Therefore, Fenglou xiaori and Fenglou guanta are famous landscapes in Shencheng. The ziqidonglai gold plaque on the front door of Fenghuang building is the imperial pen of Emperor Qianlong.
On both sides of Qingning Palace are the East and West palaces, the East palaces are related to Ju palaces and Yanqing palaces, and the West palaces are Linzhi palaces and Yongfu palaces. The eastern and Western palaces were the residence of Huang Taiji and his concubines. In the northwest corner of Qingning palace, there is a chimney built from the ground and lower than the back of the house. People cant see it from the front. From the series of buildings of Qingning palace, we can find two major architectural features of Shenyang Palace Museum: one is the preservation of strong Manchu characteristics, namely pocket room, Wanzi Kang and chimney standing on the ground. Second, the palace is high and the palace is low. Qingning palace and its four palaces are higher than Chongzheng palace and Dazheng palace. This is because before the Qing Dynasty seized power, the Manchu were a nomadic and hunting people. Influenced by their living habits, they built their living places on high places to prevent the invasion of wild animals and floods. This is the opposite of the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Behind the high platform of Qingning palace is the back garden, also known as the imperial garden. There are mill houses, twenty-eight storehouses, Houzaimen and other buildings in it, which are the food supply area for the emperor. And there is an underground cellar Road connected with Qingning palace.
On both sides of the high platform of Chongzheng Hall and Qingning Palace are the East and the West. From the south to the north of dongsuo are Yihe palace, JIEZHI palace and Jingdian Pavilion. Dongsuo was the place where the Empress Dowagers concubines sent her greetings during the eastern tour, and also the palace where the Empress Dowagers real records and jade certificates were stored. From south to north, the West Suo was di Guang hall, Bao Ji hall, Ji en Zhai and chongmo Pavilion. Xisuo is the place where the emperor, Empress and their children lived and where shengxun and Manchu Laodang were stored. The architectural form of chongmo Pavilion is unique. It is a rolling shed building, which was added in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.
The main body of the east road is Dazheng hall, with ten square pavilions on both sides, which is called Shiwang Pavilion. Dazheng hall, built in Nurhachi period, is the earliest octagonal double eaves Pavilion style building in the Forbidden City. His highness Dazheng is a xumizuo platform about 1.5 meters high, surrounded by finely carved blue stone lotus leaf vase. The hall has an axe eye door on eight sides, 40 columns inside and outside, and double dragon columns in front of the main gate. On the top of the hall are 16 colorful glass ridges, and in the center are the flame beads of the vase. Inside the hall, there are delicate brackets and caisson ceiling. The beams are painted with Hexi, and the roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles and green trimming. The whole building shows a strong sense of beauty and elegant decorative art taste. Dazheng hall was the place where the emperor held large-scale celebrations. In 1643, Emperor Fulin of the Qing Dynasty ascended to the throne.
Shenyang, billed as the "Oriental ruhr"; Liaoning province provincial capital, [1] the center of the biggest cities in the northeast area, the area is the third largest city in China, one of the seven big regional central city in China, one of the top ten cities in China, one of the 15 [2] a deputy provincial cities in China, is the most important equipment manufacturing base in China. Shenyang with political, military, financial and diplomatic institutions, has shenyang military region, the peoples bank of China shenyang branch, civil aviation administration of the northeast, the northeast electric supervisor will, shenyang railway administration, the northeast power grid co., LTD., the national audit office, a resident office in shenyang, resident foreign media news agencies in shenyang, shenyang bureau of land and resources, postal area center office in shenyang, shenyang land search and rescue center, Chinese academy of sciences, shenyang branch institutions directly under the central government, and the United States, Russia, Korea, Japan, South Korea, the French consulate general in shenyang, the six countries and the UK visa center.
Central liaoning province, shenyang is located in the south of northeast China, is given priority to with plains, mountains, hills in the southeast, liao, hun river and xiushui river passing through. Belong to the temperate zone monsoon climate, annual average temperature of 6.2 9.7 ℃, a complete record since 1951, shenyang extreme maximum temperature 38.3 ℃, July 18, 1952), extreme minimum temperature of 32.9 ℃ (January 15, 20xx); Shenyang also observed before 39.3 ℃ high temperature (1920), and 33.1 ℃ low temperature (1950). Annual rainfall of 600-800 mm, from 1951 to 20xx, the city an average annual rainfall 716.2 mm, frost-free period 155-180 days all the year round. Affected by the monsoon, rainfall concentrated in the summer, the temperature difference is bigger, the four seasons. Determination for a long time, nearly six months, less snow, for the biggest snowfall on March 4, 20xx, 47.0 mm of blizzard; Summer time is shorter, more rain, August 21, 1973, has been under heavy storm of 215.5 mm. The spring and autumn period and the two season temperature changes rapidly, short duration: spring windy, sunny autumn.
沈阳是中国辽宁省的省会,东北地区的经济、文化、交通和商贸中心。市辖九区一市三县:有和平、沈和、大东、皇姑、铁西5个城区;东陵、于洪、苏家屯、新城子4个郊区;新民1个县级市和辽中、康平、法库3个县。全市总面积近1.3万平方公里,其中市区面积3495平方公里。沈阳市多民族聚居地,除汉族外,还有满、朝鲜、回、锡伯、蒙古等30多个少数民族生活在这里。全市人口总数680万人,其中市区479.1万人。沈阳地区以平原为主,山地、丘陵集中在东南部,辽河、浑河、秀水河等流经境内。这里属温带半湿润的大陆性气候,受季风影响,降水集中,温差较大,四季分明。 沈阳市一座历史文化名城。
因地处古沈水(浑河支流)之北而得名。沈阳地区孕育了辽河流域的早期文化,是中华民族的发祥地之一。据对新乐遗址的考证,早在 7200年前的新石器时代,就有人类在此繁衍生息。战国时期,这里属燕国辽东郡境内,从公元前229年设立候城算起,沈阳的建城史以近2300年;西汉年间,在此设立高显、辽阳、望平等郡;辽金时代设置沈州;元朝改成沈阳路;明朝设置沈阳卫。沈阳素有“一朝发祥地、两代帝王都”之称。1625年,清太祖努尔哈赤建立的后金迁都于此,更名盛京。1636年,皇太极在此改国号为“大清”,建立清王朝。1644年,清军入关定都北京后,以盛京为陪都。清初皇宫所在地——沈阳故宫,是中国仅存的两个完整宫殿建筑群之一。1657年设置奉天府。抗日胜利后复称沈阳市。1948年11月2日,沈阳解放。 新中国成立后,沈阳作为重工业基地,为我国形成比较完整的民族工业体系,增强了经济实力、国防实力作出了重大历史性贡献。这里曾诞生了新中国的第一台20万千伏变压器、第一台2500吨塔式起重机,起飞了第一架喷气式战斗机,研制成功了第一步水下机器人……。诸如此类的无数辉煌成绩,载入了共和国的发展史册。近年来,沈阳坚持深化改革,扩大开放,取得了更加令人瞩目的成就。
世界银行评选出 41座全球最具竞争力的城市,沈阳与北京、上海共同成为位列其中的中国城市。 改革开放以来,沈阳第三产业总体规模不断扩大,总量迅速增长,行业门类不断增多,内部结构发生巨大变化。信息服务业、旅游业、房地产业、科技服务业等新兴第三产业蓬勃发展,经济效益、社会效益持续提高。第三产业已经成为增加值占全市国内生产总值的一半、税收占全市财政收入一半、从业人员占全市职工人数一半,具有良好经济效益和社会效益的全是头号产业。 旅游也正在成为沈阳的新兴产业。沈阳有自然、人文景观及社会旅游资源200余项。新乐遗址、“一宫两陵”、锡伯家庙、清初四塔四寺、张氏帅府等名胜古迹坐落城内;辉山风景区、绿岛森林公园、怪坡、陨石山、小西湖等自然景观环绕城外;新开河与南运河遥相呼应,形成了独具特色的环城水系。此外,沈阳还发挥中心城市优势,例有良好的交通条件和周边环境,构建了以沈阳为中心,辐射八方,包括辽宁省抚顺、鞍山、丹东、本溪、锦州、葫芦岛等市在内的旅游资源网络。
1998年,沈阳市成功地举办了98沈阳国际民俗风情旅游节,并跨入首批“中国优秀旅游城市”的行列,20__年,成功的举办了9.27世界旅游日主会场的活动,全年共接待海外游客17.3万人次,旅游外汇收入10014万美元。 沈阳,曾经拥有历史文化名城的灿烂和悠久,也曾拥有中国工业重镇的辉煌和骄傲。今天,改革开放的旗帜为前进的沈阳增添了更加绚丽的色彩,现代化大都市的美好前景激励680万沈阳人民奋发进取,走向世界,开拓未来!
Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.
Here built-up, courtyard. Look, the siheyun of dao DE, waterside pavilion pavilion, ShuaiFu garden, grand grand big brothel, the edge of Europe type amorous feelings of the bank, ShuaiFu offices, red buildings and small refined, xiaoqing of match well of Chinese and western building, Ediths former residence, strewn at random have send, hand in photograph reflect. Zhang ShuaiFu museum full of rich cultural characteristics of the republic of China, with its grand architecture, exquisite decorative arts, rich historical cultural connotation, won the praise of "northeast old first".
Zhang ShuaiFu museum since opening to the outside world in 1988, the scale expands unceasingly, already developed now become the zhang and his son study, financial research show is a body comprehensive museum. Exhibition area of 8000 square meters, existing development of line 20xx meters, the external seven thousand pieces of cultural relics on display, display basic zhang xueliang "one hundred", "zhang zuolin and zhang family" exhibition, fully demonstrates the zhang fathers and sons two generation of different life experiences; In Peiping, zhang xueliang, northeast the council office, office tiger hall, xiaoqing floor, Edith and a series of recovery display exhibition, recorded the life of zhang and his son alive and the ups and downs of life. At the edge of the original zhang and private bank, established on the basis of the banks financial museum, shenyang is the national museum of its kind, the largest and most abundant content, display form with the audience participating in one of the most special museum. Its theme display "approached the financial world" perfect show and explain the financial history of the development footprint and financial culture broad and profound, was named "20xx-20xx Chinas top ten display quality award".
After 20 years of active exploration and reform, the zhang ShuaiFu museum in mining ShuaiFu unique cultural connotation, build cultural brand, set up academic exchange platform, enhance the level of exhibition explanation, expanding propaganda, etc, has made many gratifying achievements, has become a famous cultural landscape in shenyang and unique characteristics of the history of the republic of China culture brand, and constantly developed toward a goal of creating the first class museum, is becoming more and more.
For more than ten years, zhangs ShuaiFu museum each work has achieved fruitful results, a total of hundred times of various types of exhibitions published by "zhang ShuaiFu" a number of monographs, has developed into a set of modern history of northeast, celebrity memorial is a body comprehensive museum. Today, zhang ShuaiFu both at home and abroad has received audience of more than 200 people, has become a patriotism education base in shenyang and one of the famous tourist attraction, every year will use new look to meet the masses of tourists from home and abroad.
Zhang ShuaiFu is by the east court, then, the west courtyard and the courtyard outside the building composed of four parts such as large buildings, including traditional Chinese style courtyard, waterside pavilion pavilion, ShuaiFu garden, have Europe type amorous feelings of the brothel, side bank, red blocks, and match well of Chinese and western style xiaoqing and miss zhao four floor. In 1991, zhang ShuaiFu is listed as one of the excellent modern buildings.
Zhang ShuaiFu inside a large number of stone carvings, wood carvings, brick carvings and mural works full of strong northeast folk customs, they range, fable, beautifully made, are lifelike, is the study of Chinese architectural art and folk custom art precious materials.
As zhang zhang ShuaiFu fathers and sons two generation of offices and homes, was the political center of the northeast, after two straight in wars and armed intervention during the central plains war, the northeast authorities, Yang often events, "918" incident, a great change, and the old and new China northeast vicissitudes, zhang ShuaiFu has become a modern historical witness and microcosm.
不同地区之间有饮食文化差异,很正常。但如果像沈阳这样太僵化太教条,就有点不正常了。 沈阳本是个移民城市,老几辈来自晋冀鲁豫四面八方,五十六十年代更有各地大批知识分子涌入,不料却在某些饮食习惯上取得了高度一致,而且多年不容更改。