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2024-08-12 12:15:45



































当时,地质勘探小分队中,有一个年轻的技术员,名叫张海亭,他并没有因黑石头没有开采价值和一些“权威学者”的反对而放弃,他认为这是一个古代天外来客-陨石。几十年来,日以继夜继续研究,直到退休也没有放弃。经过无数次的化学、物理分析,经过同位素测定,并请专家、学者鉴定,终于得到学术界的认可,并且在97年北京国际地质大会上,发表了《沈阳古陨石》科学论文。 沈阳古陨石是在十九亿年前,一颗与地球相撞的小行星的残余部分形成的。小行星在穿越地球大气层时,受热炸裂成几块,落到现在东陵区李相乡滑石台村、馒首山以及苏家屯区等几个地方。陨石将地壳砸成几个大深坑,并形成地震、火山爆发等自然现象。 后来,经过漫长的十几亿年地质变迁,部分陨石随地壳隆起露出地面,形成现在的陨石山。



hello, everyone! please allow me to express a warm welcome on behalf ofshenyang citizens. i'm with great pleasure to be your tourist guide and from nowon i will show you around shenyang imperial palace, where the founder of qingdynasty nuerhachi and his son huangtaiji lived.

shenyang imperial palace, fuling tomb and zhaoling tomb made in the earlyperiod of qing dynasty are the three famous historical sites in shenyang.shenyang imperial palace with a history of over 360 years started in 1625 andwas roughly accomplished in 1636 during the reign of nuerhachi and huangtaiji.after them four emperors of qing dynasty had come back from beijing to thispalace for 10 times and enlarged its area and added its buildings. they wereemperor kangxi, qianlong, jiaqing and daoguang. therefore, until 1783 the palacewas finally finished. shenyang imperial palace is one of the two royal palaceswell kept in china. the other one is forbidden city in beijing. shenyangimperial palace was entitled "historic culture relics preserved buildings" in1961 by the state council. this palace is an emperor museum combining thearchitectural styles of the minorities of man, han and mongolia. this palacecovers an area of 60,000 square meters, comprising over 20 courtyards, 300houses and 70 buildings. the whole construction is divided into three sections:the east, middle and west.

first let's pay a visit to the buildings in the buildings in the middlesection. the layout of middle section is similar to a chinese compound withthree courtyards. the first courtyard is the office area. it starts from thegrand qing gate on the south and ends at holy administration hall. from phoenixtower to purity and tranquility hall is the residential area. they all lay outon the same line. the main entrance to the palace is the grand qing gate, alsocalled meridian gate because the emperor considered himself as the son of heavenand the palace should be the center of universe .the grand qing gate was builtin 1632 and is was the place where the civilian officials and military ministersto present themselves before the emperor daily .the special feature of the gateis the tile color. they are all yellow tiles but engraved with green borders.yellow symbolizes the ground and the royal right while green represents sea andmountains. the combination of them means controlling the vast areas on theearth. the building to the east of grand qing gate is called ancestor temple(taimiao) with yellow tile roof, where nuerhachi's descendants offeredsacrifices to their ancestors for blessings. so ancestor temple is the mostimportant. please follow me into the gate. this path in the middle links thegate to holy administration hall with flying dragon pavilion (feilongge) andflying phoenix pavilion (xiangfengge) on each side. the hall of holyadministration is the main building in the middle part of the palace and it wasthe center of the military, administrative affairs in early qing dynasty and hadwitnessed many national ceremonies. flying dragon and flying phoenix pavilionswere for storing music instruments. holy administration hall was emperorhuangtaiji's office. in front of the hall are rigui and jiangliang, which wereused as measure instruments and supposed to be the symbol of unity. in accidentconstruction, office area is usually in the front part and residential area isin the rear.

since we have visited the place where the emperors worked and now we'll paya visit to the place where empress

and concubines lived. here is the phoenix tower. it served as an entranceto the rear chambers and also the entertainment area of huangtaiji and hisconcubines, and some gatherings or banquets were held occasionally. the towerwas built on a terrace 3.8 meters tall. it was the tallest building in shenyangat that time .it is amazing watching sunrise in the morning on the tower andphoenix sunrise is one of the famous eight fascinating scenes in shenyang. lookupward, we will see a board hanging up on phoenix tower ,on which emperorqianlong inscribed "ziqidonglai", which meant the qing dynasty in beijingimmigrated from shengjing, the old name for shenyang to the east .there are24staircases leading to phoenix tower representing 24 seasonal divisions pointsin chinese lunar calendar.

in shenyang imperial palace chambers are higher than halls, which iscontrary to the architectural style in forbidden city in beijing. walkingthrough the tower are the rear chambers. the one on the north in the middle wascalled purity and tranquility hall, which was prepared for emperor and empress.the other four lying on both sides were for concubines .purity and tranquilityhall has five rooms and the first from the east was where huangraiji passed awayhere at the age of 52 without any disease. his throne passed to his ninth son,fulin. in early qing dynasty, the construction style was summed up like this:bag-like house, zigzag bed and chimney sitting on the ground. the main buildingshere were different from other buildings with a door was opened in the wall ofthe east room and the other rooms were connected together like a bag. the zigzagbeds, made of mud and brick and with fire and smoke tunnels were called "kang"in chinese. in order to get heat and keep room warm in winter, tunnels was madeunder the ground of purity and tranquility hall to put fire and smoke through.now notice the pole standing on the ground for smoke through.

now notice the pole standing right in the middle of the courtyard. this redpole is called suolun pole, or holy pole. its round tin container near the topwas filled with food for feeding crows. it was said that nuerhachi was saved bycrows. crows are considered sacred in manchurian culture though in chineseculture crows are regarded as birds bringing bad luck. emperor huangtaiji hadfour concubines. among the four concubines chen was loved best by huangtaiji andconcubine zhuang was the wisest and the mother of the next emperor, fulin.therefore, she had a special status among the concubines. the only chimney wasbuilt on the rear of purity and tranquility hall from the ground with 11 layers,representing the 11 emperors from emperor huangtaiji to the last emperor puyi.this chimney was the highest one at that time. in chinese, the sound of chimney"tong" is the same as that of unity. to the north further is rear courtyardcalled yuhua garden. after visiting the middle section of the palace, we come tothe eastern section. its representative building is the great administrationhall, flanked by ten princes pavilions. this part was built in 1625, and theywere the earliest building in shenyang imperial palace. great administrationhall is the place ceremonies and handled state affairs. great administrationhall was built with eight sides representing the style of military tent and alsoeight banner military system.

now please look at the ten pavilions, five on each side, which were theoffices of the commanders at that time. here i will give you an introduction tothe military system of early manchurian period. nuerhachi divided his troops infour parts and each part was identified by the color of its banner .there serethen four kinds of banner: red, blue, white and yellow banner. as the troopsexpanded quickly, another four parts were added and therefore another four kindsof banner were needed .by then there were altogether eight kinds of banner. thisarmy was therefore well known for eight banner army.

the last part of shenyang imperial palace is the western section, builtfrom 1782 to 1783 and during emperor qianlong's reign. its main construction isbook source pavilion (wensuge) with theater platform and gooddescendant-benefiting hall (jiayintang) in front, prosperity administrationstudy (yangxizhai) and nine halls behind. book source pavilion (wensuge) wasspecially designed for storing the encyclopedia compiled at that time, si kuquan shu. this encyclopedia collected most of the books in chinese history .itscomplication started in 1773.this set of history books is composed of sevensections, more than 36,000 volumes. it took educated persons over 10 years tofinish is. when finished, the whole encyclopedia was duplicated in sevenpavilions across china. the other six copies were either damaged during wars orlost. this set is the only one well kept. but the real copy is no longer hereand now is restored in the palace museum in beijing and gansu province library.we can see that book source pavilion covered with black tiles. in chinesephilosophy, black refers water. the pavilion was built for storing books and itsbiggest threat was fire. so black tiles hinting water covering it on the top asa way of protection. good property admiration study was for emperor readingwhile descendant-benefiting hall and the theater platform consisting of acourtyard for emperor ,his empress and concubines watching plays. shenyangimperial palace is one of the cultural relics in china and it is the symbol ofthis city. it is a good combination of different nationalities as well as atourist attraction.

and now we have to end our visiting, i hope you all enjoy it and thank youfor your cooperation, goodbye.








顺着大清门北面的御路拾阶而上,台正中便是气势宏伟被称作“金銮殿”的政殿。它建于后金天聪六年(1632年),崇德元年定名为崇政殿。崇政殿为五间九檩硬山式建筑,南北辟有隔扇门,前后是石雕栏杆。殿顶盖为黄琉璃,十分壮观。殿内掾间绘满飞云流水,梁架上全部是“和玺” 彩绘,给人以高洁典雅之感。殿内明堂有堂陛,前是金龙蟠柱,柱后有贴金雕龙扇面大屏风和金龙宝座,宝座两侧有鼎式香炉、轩辕镜和太平有象等













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