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2024-07-24 12:45:38



Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Zhangjiakou. I'm your guide.

There are many ancient sites in Zhangjiakou, which are widely distributed.The great mirror gate of the ancient Great Wall is a key pass of the great walland a symbol of Zhangjiakou City. Fanshan in Zhuolu county is the ancientbattlefield of the Yellow Emperor's war against Chiga and one of the birthplacesof the Chinese nation. Every year, many Chinese people come here to seek theirroots and worship their ancestors. In addition, there are Han Tombs indaiwangcheng of Yuxian County, Han Tombs in Huaian County, painted tombs inliaobi of Xuanhua, jellyfish palace, Yunquan temple and Qingyuan building in theurban area, all of which are worth visiting. Zhongdu grassland, located inZhangbei Zhongdu, is a natural grassland close to Beijing. In summer, theclimate is cool and the grassland is luxuriant. You can also experienceMongolian customs here. It is a summer resort.

Zhangjiakou has a long history and is rich in cultural relics. There is aworld-famous Nihewan site in Yangyuan County, which is one of the earliestplaces for human beings to set foot. It is an important base for the study ofpaleostratigraphy, paleontology, paleoanthropology and paleogeography from 2million to 3 million years ago in China and even in the world. Zhuolu YellowEmperor city is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. Jiming mountain inXiahuayuan District embodies the culture of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.Jiming post, as the first post station to Beijing, was the place whereconfidential information of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was transferred. TheZhongdu site of the Yuan Dynasty in Zhangbei was once a transportation hub and amilitary important place connecting Mobei grassland in the north and CentralPlains in the south. Qingyuan tower (bell tower) in Xuanhua is known as thesecond yellow crane tower. The rutting in Quandong more than 500 years ago is ahistorical witness of the ancient city of Xuanhua. Dajingmen witnessed the riseand fall of tea horse market in dry dock in Ming Dynasty. In 1909, Zhan Tianyoupresided over the design and construction of China's first railway. The openingof Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway made foreign businessmen gather in Pidu, andZhangjiakou's kopi, kouyang and koutake became famous all over the world,becoming a famous commercial port in North China. Zhangjiakou was recaptured bythe Eighth Route Army in 1945. It was the first big city captured from theJapanese army. It became the political, military, economic and cultural centerof Shanxi Chahar Hebei border area, and thus enjoyed the reputation of thesecond Yan'an, cultural city, and Oriental model city. In 1948, after the secondliberation, Zhangjiakou became the capital city of Chahar province.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the Great Wall to the north,Zhangjiakou is a place for military strategists in history. Over the past 50years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, Zhangjiakou hasgradually become an industrial city with machinery, metallurgy, chemicalindustry and textile industry as its pillar and wool and leather industry as itscharacteristics. Zhangjiakou is rich in mineral resources, and has extensivetransportation and communication networks. The environment here is beautiful,the appearance of the city is clean, the folk customs are simple, the climate iscool in summer, and the scenery is pleasant. There are more than 30 places ofinterest in the city, such as the great wall of Ming Dynasty, dajingmen, Yunquantemple, jellyfish palace, Qingyuan building, zhenshuo building, etc. Zhangjiakouis an old revolutionary base with many revolutionary historical sites forsightseeing.

The continuation and development of ancient and modern history provides arich cultural landscape. In the city's 36800 square kilometers of land, vast,green waves, wild flowers bloom Bashang natural grassland, and lakes, mountains,water and nature of the northern South echo; majestic meaningful show, greendense cover, layers of forest dyed, and springs gurgling, beautiful scenery ofhot springs exist. There are not only the sites of early Pleistocene ancienthuman, but also the ancient battlefield where the ancestors of Chinese culturestarted their own business. Unique style, different landscapes, natural andsimple scenery, is a good place for summer tourism.

Qingyuan building

Qitai Mountain Scenic Area (namely Dengshan mountain area) includes fivescenic spots: Qitai mountain, Xuankong cave, shuangshiben, Qingliang Pavilionand Hufu peak. Qitai mountain rises from the ridge, with high mountains andravines. There is a hanging hole 17 meters below the stage. Visitors can shuttlefreely, which is very interesting. You can go up to the top of Qitai to see themountains. Couple peak, double lion mountain also let people linger. Cuiyunmountain forest tourist area, the main area of the forest, rippling blue waves,flowers like brocade, wood Xinxin to prosperity, spring tears Wei and thebeginning flow, so that the mountains colorful. There are also fishing area,picnic area, shooting, hunting, archery and other entertainment. The park alsohas a service area with restaurants, guest houses, shops and other servicefacilities. With its unique majestic posture and Kuili to welcome the arrival oftourists from Beifang.

Chinese ancestor culture village

On the Loess source in the east of Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, 100kilometers northwest of Beijing, stands the oldest capital of China - Huangdicity and its related historical and cultural relics. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuanis the ancestor of Chinese civilization. He is famous both at home and abroad inthe field battle Hall of Zhuolu.

Zhuolu Wolong pine

Sima Qian once said in historical records of the five emperors that themain political, military and cultural activities of the Yellow Emperor were inZhuolu. He first fought with Emperor Yan in the field of selling spring, thenwith Tangyou in the field of Zhuolu, so he captured and killed Shiyou, and thentoured all over the country, east to the sea, West to Kongtong, South to theriver, north to Zhuozhou, thus ensuring the peace of the north and South. So theYellow Emperor had great prestige, and was respected as the son of heaven by thetribal leaders. He was in accordance with Pusan and was located in Zhuolu.Impromptu built the first capital in Chinese history. The activities of theYellow Emperor in Zhuolu started a new era of the development of Chinesenational culture, which made it enter the era of civilization frombarbarism.

Well, tourists, Zhangjiakou is here to explain to you. Thank you for yoursupport!


Hello everyone, let me tell you about the basic situation of " Birds Nest". " Birds Nest" is the main stadium of the 29th Olympic Games in 20xx. The project covers a total area of 21 hectares and a construction area of 258,000 000m2.

There are about 91,000 seats for spectators in the venue, of which about 11,000 are temporary seats. The Olympics, Paralympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Track and Field Events and Football Finals were held. After the Olympics, it became a large-scale professional place for Beijing citizens to participate in sports activities and enjoy sports entertainment, and became a landmark sports building and Olympic heritage.

Look at the steel net above, the total weight of the " Birds Nest" steel structure is 4. 20,000 tons, with a maximum span of 343 meters, and a stadium surrounded by a huge steel net and covering 90,000 people; The sightseeing staircase naturally becomes an extension of the structure.

The pillar disappears, the evenly stressed net has no clear direction like a branch, making people feel that every seat is equal, and staying in it is like returning to the forest. Filter the sunlight into a diffuse inflatable membrane, leaving the stadium free from the shadow of sunlight.

The whole terrain is 4 meters high and the interior is used as an auxiliary facility, thus avoiding the huge investment spent by the lower earth digger. " Birds Nest" adopts the advanced construction technology today, and all the projects have 20 or 30 technical problems, among which the steel structure is unique in the world. All right, Ive finished my introduction to the " Birds Nest".

Next, lets go and visit the " Birds Nest".


Md palace, located in eastern henan already county, was built in the han, from began. 10 li away from Lao tze birthplace, Lao tze old age once lecture here, after the people ride a green cattle under a immortal legend Lao zi in this. Md intrauterine laojun units in the national key protected cultural relics, was built in the tang dynasty tianbao for two years, 13 meters high, is an ancient big brick building, surrounded by 14 high altar form ancient buildings.

Along the 33 ste”"ps”" into the old gentleman on the gate, is the main hall, hard mountain qing dynasty architecture, inside each a partial temple. On 13 Sabina chinensis tree green lush, cool wind blow gently, all the year round flying birds singing. Below smooth haze, the lake a travelling Hui, pleasant scenery. Along the central axis of the entrance in the south about xu, and enjoy the temple, welcomed the xuan yuan temple, jubilee temple, pavilion, tao kiosks, teng YunGe, it faces, gossip, the door to all the wonderful memorial arch of dragon of dike, hong tao yuan, etc. Because of laozi moral high honors, traveled through the ages the visitors an endless stream, Tang Gaozu tang gaozu, tang dynasty, the emperor Li Zhi Tang Xuansong lung-chi lee, Song Zhen Song Zhaohuan, was as well as the great writer su dongpo, ouyang xiu, etc have been here to or sacrifice to the ancestors, or inappropriate tour, leaving many immortal poems glorious chapter.













































































10月成百上千的南徒大雁在这里短栖。野兔、鼹鼠、狐、豹等草原动物,经常在坡地草丛中出没。坝上草原是避暑狩猎的好地方。现已新开发成了滑翔伞运动的好去处。不少来自京城的滑翔伞俱乐部在这里展开活动,目前已知的项目有:坝上草原旅游飞行和草原低高度体验飞行两种。春、夏、秋季是坝上草原最美丽的时候,这里全无京城的污浊暑气。在风和日丽的日子,张开五彩的伞翼,向广阔的田野飘然飞去...... 风景名胜坝上草原主要景点:千松坝森林公园位于河北省丰宁县西北部,京北第“草原大滩东南,是坝上草原上一座以天然次生林景观为待色的新辟旅游风景点。佛珠洞是喇嘛山第一景,该洞是一条500米的天然山洞,洞外有18块巨石覆盖其上,酷似一串佛珠,故称佛珠洞。 冰臼公园位于河北省丰宁县城北28公里处的喇嘛山风景区,距北京208公里,是通往京北第一草原的必经之地。白云古洞位于丰宁满族自治县窄岭乡黑山咀村潮河西岸。白云古洞又称白云峡谷、朝阳洞,是由若干峰、洞、谷和寺庙组成的风景区总称。

最佳旅游时间丰宁坝上草原属大陆季风型高原气候,春秋时短,干燥少雨;冬季偏长,严寒多风;夏季无暑,清凉宜人,7月份平均气温17.4℃,一年中最高气温不过24℃,四季皆宜旅游。传统节日传统节日:那达慕大会、敖包会、祭敖包、献哈达 、敬鼻烟壶、酥油抹额、火神节 历史文化坝上草原历史:北京人最早发现大滩是在12年前,前往坝上摄影创作,那时候的大滩还是个荒凉贫穷的小镇,来旅游的人们也只能借宿在老乡家中。此后络绎不绝的游客带来小镇的繁华,因为旅游,便有了星罗棋布的蒙古包、草原木屋、欧式别墅;夜晚的篝火、蒙古风情的民族舞蹈;滑草、骑马、射箭等旅游项目。即便是草原农家,也由原来的茅草屋变成了现在红砖金瓦的大院。近年来,大滩渐渐代替了怀柔、密云,成为北京人避暑休闲的后花园。今天,被誉为“京北第一草原”的坝上,上至鹤发老人、下至英姿少年,恐怕已很难有人不认“奔驰”“宝马”“富康”“桑塔纳”了。这里洼水清澈,青草齐肩,黄羊成群,生态环境优良。 最新的河北张北草原导游词范文(五)






Hello everyone, welcome to the National Stadium "Birds Nest". We are going to enter here today - the "Birds Nest" is the main stadium for the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. The total area of the project is 21 hectares, with a building area of 25800m2. There are approximately 91000 audience seats in the venue, including approximately 11000 temporary seats. We held the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the finals of track and field competitions and football competitions. After the Olympics, it has become a large-scale professional venue for Beijing citizens to extensively participate in sports activities and enjoy sports entertainment, and has become a landmark sports building and Olympic heritage.

Do you know who designed the Birds Nest? Let me tell you! The "Birds Nest" is a giant sports stadium design jointly completed by 2001 Pulitzer Prize winners Herzog, de Mellon, and Chinese architect Li Xinggang. Its form is like a "nest" that nurtures life, and it is more like a cradle, expressing human hope for the future. The designers did not do any unnecessary treatment to this national stadium, but simply exposed the structure to the outside, thus naturally forming the appearance of the building.

May I introduce the design concept of the "Birds Nest" again?

The National Stadium is located on a gentle slope in the central area of the Olympic Park. The venue design is like a container, and the undulating appearance of the high ground eases the buildings sense of volume, giving it a dramatic and shocking form. The image of the National Stadium is perfect and pure, and the exterior is the structure of the building, achieving a perfect unity of facade and structure. The components of the structure support each other, forming a network like structure, which is like a birds nest woven with branches. The spatial effect of the stadium is unprecedented in originality, yet simple and elegant, establishing a unique and historic landmark for the 2008 Olympics. A sports stadium is like a huge container, leaving a unique and indelible image whether viewed from a close or distant perspective. It fully meets the functional and technical requirements of the national sports stadium, and is different from the design techniques of large-span structures and digital screens in general sports stadium buildings. The spatial effect of the stadium is both unprecedented originality and simple and elegant. From here, people can browse the entire area, including the stairs leading to the stands. The sports hall is an indoor urban space with restaurants and shops, which functions like a commercial street corridor or square, attracting people to linger and forget to return.

Let me first talk about the basic situation of the "Birds Nest"!

The outer shell of the "Birds Nest" stadium adopts an air cushion film that can be used as a filling material, making the roof fully waterproof. The sunlight can pass through the transparent roof to meet the growth needs of indoor lawns. During the competition, the stands can be changed in various ways to meet the requirements of different audience sizes at different times. During the Olympics, 20000 temporary seats are distributed at the top of the stadium, ensuring that everyone can clearly see the entire stadium. The entrance, exit, and crowd flow have been perfectly solved through the reasonable division and design of streamline areas.

Look at the steel mesh above, "Birds Nest" steel

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