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2024-07-05 23:04:36












































Hello friends! Here comes Zhangjiajie Forest Park. This is the gate of thepark. You can see that this gate is a small green tile garden building withlocal Tujia folk style on one side, and it is equipped with sandstone peak onthe other side, which skillfully combines the gate with nature. On May 28, 1992,UNESCO sent two officials to inspect and accept Wulingyuan's application forworld natural heritage. After the car passed through the gate of the park anddrove into the park for a hundred meters, they repeatedly called out: "door!Door!" and asked the driver to reverse the car. While admiring the simplicity ofthe gate, they frequently pressed the shutter of the camera. Therefore, you arewelcome to take photos of yourself in front of this "gate of nature".

(Laomo Bay) Laomo Bay is the departure station of scenic spots inZhangjiajie Forest Park. From here, you can climb Yaozi village, climb HuangshiVillage (Huangshi Village), go up to Chaotian temple, go down to Jinbian stream,and go to Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village) cableway station.

(the road stele of Huangshizhai (Huangshizhai) is "not up to Huangshizhai(Huangshizhai), but up to Zhangjiajie", which shows the position of Huangshizhai(Huangshizhai) in the scenery of Zhangjiajie. It is said that Zhang Liang, theMarquis of the Han Dynasty, was disillusioned and resigned. He followed ChiSongzi and went to visit Zhangjiajie. He was besieged by officers and soldiers.Later, he was rescued by master Huang Shigong and named Huangshi Village(Huangshi Village). It is the most beautiful place in Zhangjiajie and thelargest viewing platform in Zhangjiajie. A famous poet commented on Huangshivillage like this: "five steps are strange, seven steps are amazing, ten stepsaway, you are stunned." Therefore, it is suggested to climb Huangshi village onfoot, and then take the cableway down the mountain, or take the cableway up themountain first, and then go down the mountain from the front, otherwise, youwill really be "in vain" to Zhangjiajie. Huangshizhai (Huangshizhai) takes about5 hours to walk up the mountain.

(fir forest trail) we are going on the fir forest trail. Since ancienttimes, there is only one way to climb Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village). Theroad we take today was artificially dug more than ten years ago.

Earlier, I said that Zhangjiajie is the first National Forest Park inChina. This term is still passed from abroad. As early as June 30, 1864,President Lincoln of the United States announced the establishment of Yosemitereserve. On October 1, 1890, under the leadership of the famous chairman ofnature conservation, Mueller, President Benjamin of the United States approvedthe establishment of Yosemite as a national park, so there was a new term of"National Park" in the world. Less than a century later, more than 1200 nationalparks, also known as national forest parks, were established in more than 100countries in the world. This is a major measure to protect the ecologicalenvironment on which human beings depend. However, China, with its vastterritory, large population and seriously damaged vegetation, did not responduntil the end of the 1970s. In this year, a foreign guest said to the premier ofthe State Council, "do you have any national parks in China?" the premier saidartistically, "yes, it's under construction. Please come to see it in a fewyears." After seeing off the guests, the person in charge of the State PlanningCommission was invited to the prime minister's office, and was ordered to workwith the Ministry of forestry to find the object of building China's firstNational Forest Park. At this time, Zhangjiajie was discovered in the Wulingmountains of Western Hunan, and the first National Forest Park was born.According to statistics, from 1982 to the end of 1997, more than 870 forestparks of different levels and levels have been established in China, including292 national forest parks with an operating area of 7.48 million hectares. Theestablishment of National Forest Park has effectively curbed the illegal acts ofdestroying forest resources, and has played an immeasurable role in protectingthe ecological environment. At the same time, it provides a beautiful tourismand leisure scenic spot for human beings. In 1997, for example, domestic forestparks attracted 50 million tourists, increasing by 15% - 20% every year. By theend of the 20th century, more than 100 million tourists visited the forest parkevery year. Therefore, experts say that the establishment of ZhangjiajieNational Forest Park has made a great contribution to mankind, and itssignificance has far exceeded its own value.

(red gourd) this small stone mountain is like a gourd! According to legend,Zhang Liang followed chisongzi to Tianmen Mountain and Zhangjiajie. In this bigrock house, he found the trace of chisongzi immortal and got chisongzi's Alchemygourd. Unexpectedly, hundreds of officers and soldiers followed him. Zhangliangcang hurriedly led his students to Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village).Accidentally, he lost the red gourd, and the officers and soldiers rushed tograb it. The red gourd suddenly flew up nine days, sent out a auspicious light,slowly turned into a stone peak, fell from the air, and put the officers andsoldiers under the stone peak. Zhang Liang suddenly realized: "it's the red pinenut fairy who rescued me, otherwise my life will be over!"

(dianjiangtai) this is the first viewing platform of denghuangshi Village(Huangshi Village). According to historical records: in the early Ming Dynasty,Xiang Dakun, a famous Tujia leader in Zhangjiajie, claimed to be the son of theking because he was not oppressed by the imperial court. He raised his flag inshuiraoximen and shook the government and the public. Zhu Yuanzhang sentgenerals Yang Jing and Deng Yu to fight against Wang Tianzi with 150000 troops.According to the mountains and valleys of Zhangjiajie, they fought bloodybattles with officers and soldiers. Finally, they were outnumbered and died inShentang Bay. After the death of emperor Xiang, the people attached his story tothe mountains and rivers here and passed it on from generation to generation.You will notice that in Zhangjiajie, the spirit of Xiangwang is almosteverywhere. According to legend, this "commanding platform" is the place wherethe emperor ordered his troops.

(treasure box of heavenly script) do you think the rectangular stone on thetop of the peak looks like a box? Please look carefully again. There is a thinstone piece on the box in the shape of half drawn out, which is especially likethe treasure box in myth after it was stolen. According to folklore, before theuprising against the emperor, Zhang Liangxian had a "book of heaven".Unfortunately, he read only a few pages to the emperor, and was stolen by theturtle spirit, leaving only an empty box. "Tianshu" was stolen and "Tianji" wasleaked, which meant that it was doomed to be difficult for the emperor tosucceed. How could it not make people sigh!

In the whole Wulingyuan scenic area, similar to the "book of heaventreasure box" this form of landscape is everywhere. Therefore, you can use yourimagination to give them an interesting name. Let's see, does the high stonepeak on the front right look like a stone tablet? It's the book of heaven leftby Guijing in a hurry. It's called "book of heaven Gao Gua" among the threepeaks. Does the peak in the middle of the three peaks look like a goldenrooster? It's said that when Guijing stole the book of heaven, it was catchingup with the Golden Rooster to announce the dawn, so it's called Golden Roosterto announce the dawn.

(dinghaishen needle) now we can see a green valley in front of us. Everyrainy day, the clouds in the valley turn over and the fog surges like the seawaves. At the bottom of the valley, there is a peak like a mainstay standingfirmly on the clouds and the fog, so it is named dinghaishen needle. Anotherpeak 100 meters to the southwest is like a monkey's head, necking and clenchinghis fist to peep, like the monkey king wants to take this dinghaishenneedle.

(Nantianmen) (20 meters ahead) now, please look down and you can see a cavegate, which is about 30 meters high and 4 meters wide, and is formed by twostone peaks on both sides of the corridor. Not far from the right side of thegate, a peak is about 20 meters high. The peak is like a head, with a face and aface, like a general holding the gate.

(a pillar in the South sky) now there is a solitary peak in the valley peakforest in front of us, which is more than 200 meters high, just like Optimusjade pillar. The upper part is dotted with shrubs, the middle part is bare, andthe lower part is covered by trees. The peak is round and magnificent. It isnamed after the south gate.

(Wang Guangmei's poem engraving) on November 30, 1983, accompanied by LuoQiuyue, deputy director of the provincial people's Congress, Wang Guangmei, theformer wife of Liu Shaoqi, boarded Zhangjiajie. She was the first celebrity tovisit Zhangjiajie. In those days, it was still a small Mao road just dug out byhand. Wang Guangmei was shocked by the scenery along the road, which inevitablyrecalled many memories about Liu Shaoqi. These four poems are not all at once.They were sung in four scenic spots before and after: strange peaks anddifferent rocks, crowning all over the world, green pines and pines.

Some say it's a pun. One "strange" is the whole evaluation of Comrade LiuShaoqi, and the other "beautiful" implies another meaning hidden in her heartthat is not to be said directly. Think about it. In the miserable days of"overthrowing Khrushchev of China and stepping on one foot", a woman with agroup of children can survive and miraculously survive. Isn't this the trueportrayal of "Cangsong Qingshan"?

(Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village)) this is Huangshi Village (HuangshiVillage)!

Huangshizhai (Huangshizhai) is more than 1200 meters above sea level,covering an area of more than 250 mu. Surrounded by knife cut cliffs, it is thebest largest viewing platform overlooking the sandstone peak forest landscapeand the best place to watch the sunrise. If the weather is fine, we can seeTianmen cave a hundred miles away.

(Star picking platform) now, let's go up to the star picking platform topick the stars, the clouds, the poetry and the painting! Please pay attention toyour safety, and be careful that a slip will lead to eternal hatred. Speaking ofthe star picking platform, it was in the early days of the construction of thepark. Comrade Zhang Jinfu, then state councilor and director of the NationalEconomic Commission, couldn't wait to climb up the stone platform that morningwhen there were several stars left in the sky. Facing thousands of stone peaks,he wrote a poem: "thousands of peaks are beautiful, and thousands of woodencages are beautiful. Although it's not heaven, it's not like the world, so it'snot too much. " This picking platform is what he called.

(Liuqi Pavilion) please guess which "Liuqi" refers to? Most of them areright. To be exact, they refer to the strange mountains, rivers, clouds, rocks,animals and plants. "We will stay in the mountains and rivers, and ourgeneration will come back again." "if we want to be poor for thousands of miles,we will go to a higher level.". Standing here, you can see yuanjiajie,yangjiajie, Tianzishan, chaotianguan and three sisters peak

(Tianchi) this pool is called "Tianchi". Although it is not impressive,there are many stories about it.

A long time ago, Zhang Liang followed the example of chisongzi and traveledaround famous mountains and rivers in the world. Later, he came to TianmenMountain and Qingya mountain somehow. Qingya mountain is now Zhangjiajie, and healso went to Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village). At that time, empress Lu wasvery afraid of Zhang Liang's disappearance, so she ordered a nationwide search.She wanted to see people when she was alive and dead. After hearing the news,the prefect of Wuling County sent 3000 elite soldiers to track up the mountainand surrounded the Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village) in a silky way. ZhangLiang had only about ten disciples under him, so he stuck to it by virtue ofnatural danger. If the officers and men can't attack, they simply don't attackthe encirclement. They plan to encircle March and may to starve them to death.The food on the mountain was eaten up, and everyone was so hungry. Zhang Liangwas very anxious. That day, he dozed off and saw an old man with a white beardfalling leisurely in front of Zhang Liang from the sky. When Zhang Liang sawthat it was Huang Shigong, he quickly knelt down and said, "I'm in trouble. Ihope my master can help me!" Huang Shigong smiled and swept away the dust. Thenhe slowly disappeared into the clouds. At this time, someone was running andshouting: "master! Master! We are saved! We are saved!" Zhang Liang woke up andasked, "what's the matter? What's the matter?" the little apprentice panted andsaid, "master, I found three big carp in Tianchi, each of which is about 100Jin, which is enough for us to eat for ten days." Zhang Liang was surprised,pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "don't eat! Drop the carpquickly Go down the mountain! "The disciples couldn't figure it out for amoment. The master was so hungry, didn't he? But it was hard to disobey theorder, so they had to leave the delicious food on the stone wall one by one.Then Zhang Liang told him to beat the bamboo tube, sword and stone to make itsound, and sing and dance at the same time. Zhang Liang said, "just sing:Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village), Huangshi Village (Huangshi Village), whichcan't be opened for thousands of years!"

The next day, the officers and soldiers withdrew. It turned out that theyfound that there were still a hundred kilos of big fish on the top of themountain, singing and dancing, which showed that there was plenty of food andgrass on the top, and Zhang Liang was happy with the people. What's the use ofsurrounding them?

Later, Zhang Liang told his disciples that master Huang Shigong had rescuedus.

Since then, the name of "Huangshi village" has been handed down fromgeneration to generation.

(tour line around the mountain top: wuzhifeng, qianhuayuan, heizongnao)friends, every rock peak here is an ancient work of art, and every rock peakhides the infinite mystery of nature. In the face of such magnificent andmajestic scenery of sandstone peak forest, a few years ago, a woman writer fromNortheast China stood in Huangshi village and sighed: after seeing the sceneryof Zhangjiajie, she felt that she could really die. Then she said that afterseeing the scenery of Zhangjiajie, she felt that there was more reason to live agood life. It seems contradictory, but it's not: the first one is to say thatonce you can see the wonderful scenery like Zhangjiajie, this life is enough;the second one is to say that life is so beautiful that you should cherish itmore. Is that right?

That year, Ding Mang, the poet, faced with the front garden of the ghostaxe, felt poetic in his heart and chanted:

"Life is less than Zhangjiajie, how can a hundred years old be called anold man."

(heizongnao) please look across. It's a primeval forest, surrounded bycliffs and cliffs, with an absolute height of more than 300 meters and a peakarea of about 60 mu. The plants are mainly ancient pines. Tujia people call itheizongnao. It's a place that has not been set foot in for millions of years. Inthe 1970s, an old worker and his party in the forest farm risked their lives fora whole day with ancient climbing tools such as hooks, ropes and copper coins.When it was dark, they finally climbed to the peak. They saw a few thick ancienttrees, humus layer more than one meter thick, and the slough of Python hangingbetween the branches. The three people thought that they had finally come up,and at least they wanted to go in and find out. Unexpectedly, the storm suddenlymade the three people slide down the cliff. Soon, the three were not reconciled,and they were ready to explore. It used to be a cloudless sunny day, but justafter climbing to the stone wall of the middle of the mountain, suddenly therewas thunder and lightning, wind and rain. One of them slipped and almost fellinto the abyss. From then on, no one dared to explore heicongnao. To this day,it is still a mysterious forbidden area.

(overpass pier, Feiyun cave) in front of a row of six peaks with a heightof more than 200 meters, just like the piers left after the collapse of thebridge. At 8:30 a.m. on September 7, 1984, a colorful halo with a diameter ofabout 200 meters appeared in the space surrounded by the stone peak. At thattime, five witnesses' wild and joyful figures were clearly reflected in thecenter of the halo, and the odd peaks and strange rocks around them were alsolooming in the halo. More than 20 minutes later, the aura gradually disappeared.This kind of spectacle is commonly known as Buddha light. On May 15, 1996, therewas also a Buddhist spectacle in Shentang Bay of Tianzi mountain. Scientificexplanation is an optical phenomenon.

(wulingsong) due to the late discovery of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie, theoriginal and ancient vegetation landform was well preserved. Here is a hugebiological treasure house, known as the natural museum and natural botanicalgarden. Botanists believe that Zhangjiajie is located in the center ofsubtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, retaining the original style ofPaleozoic plant communities in the Yangtze River Basin. The forest coverage rateis 85%, and only 751 species of woody plants are found here. A large number ofrare plants in the world are preserved here, such as Davidia involucrata andGinkgo biloba, which are called "living fossils", as well as Bole tree,xiangguoshu, Taxus chinensis, Torreya grandis, etc. And Wuling pine is thelargest and the most peculiar. You can see that every stone peak in Zhangjiajieis almost covered with pine trees. "Vigorous Qiu Qu hanging cliff, pine swayingthree thousand peaks.". Hu Jia, a great poet, made the most vivid evaluation ofWuling Qifeng: "Guilin is intoxicated by the Lijiang River, Emei is the goldencloud, Huashan Mountain is close to the sky, Lushan Mountain is beautiful in thespring, not as good as Wulingyuan in Western Hunan, thousands of Qifeng arewrapped with green clouds, and forest grows on the stone!" the forest on thestone is Wuling pine! Local chronicle expert Chen Ziwen has a poem about Wulingpine: "Wulingyuan has thousands of peaks, and the top is the peak Each pine hasa cluster. Bite the stone, tooth root is free, bear the sky to shake up, waistis difficult to bow If we want to talk about the characteristics of Wuling pine,this is the best personalized footnotes.

(fog sea turtle) you see, big self

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