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2024-07-05 23:00:32








黄狮寨 腰子寨

黄狮寨为作守界诸峰之冠,也是张家界诸景之冠,早有“不登黄狮寨,枉到张家界”之说。黄狮寨海拔1200米,四周峭壁削立,唯前卡门与 后卡门两条独路可通寨顶。在攀登前卡门的路上,但见千峰插地,怪石如林,有海螺峰、一线天、天书宝匣、南天一柱等景点。“天书宝匣”乃一长方形巨石横卧峰顶,巨石一端平抽出半节盖子,活脱脱一部“天书”被盗走的空匣。而黄狮寨的绝景是在山顶的环形观景台上,那里晴日远眺群山,但见密森深处窜起股股白烟,如妖神的森森鬼气;接着是柱状白烟逐渐消融,而云团、云带从山腰涌起,扑向山头,蔚为壮观。那里雨后鸟瞰整个张家界全景,但见峡谷升起的白雾,在山峰间翻滚飞腾,如群魔乱舞,愈来愈大,愈来愈浓;最后整个黄狮寨淹没于茫茫云海,只有点点孤峰,飘浮于云海之上。还有黄狮寨周围那群山连绵的屏障,间以奇花异草的深沟幽谷,与黄山景观大异其趣;那无际的原始森林,至今仍有待人们去寻幽探险。




索溪峪 宝峰湖 黄龙洞

武陵源的南部为索溪峪,主要景观有宝峰湖与黄龙洞。宝峰湖是在索溪峪主流上筑坝而修成的高峡平湖,水深达72米, 游程逶迤10余里。泛舟湖上,但见奇特多姿的石峰,夹着曲曲折折的湖岸,茂密的林木花草,从湖岸一直铺到峰顶;每座石峰的顶上,虬曲的劲松撑起一把把绿色的小伞;每面垂直的壁面上,藤葛翠蔓,古松倒挂,构成“崖绿树”的奇观。沿途逐处可见的飞瀑,往往一泻数叠,飞珠溅玉,恰如银瓶乍破,铁骑突起,声震幽谷。湖光山影,瀑泉响流,使游人恍若置身瑶池,似赴蓬莱。

武陵源群峰之下是令人叹为观止的溶洞群。现已探明的溶洞有 14个,有 600万平方米万石笋立、如梦似幻的地下世界;其中黄龙洞所拥有的珍奇,被地理学家评价为整个东南亚溶岩景观的缩影。黄龙洞有四层洞府,两层地下河,全程10公里。洞里有宽12,000平方米的龙宫厅,矗立着大小龙柱1700余根,堪称中华第一洞府。大厅中央有称之为“龙王宝座”的钟乳石巨柱,高42米,腰围30主,直经9米,住座”上可容5人并坐。进入黄龙洞,就家走进了迷宫,绚丽的色彩,闪烁的光影,扑朔迷离,使人不辨东西。而千奇百怪的石笋,或优雅、或险峻、或富丽堂皇,令人目不暇接。


One day, my uncle took us to visit Tianmen Mountain. Tianmen Mountain islocated at the junction of Xinning County in Hunan Province and Ziyuan County inGuangxi Province. It is also a natural scenic spot of Danxia Diyan.

In the early morning, my uncle drove all the way, and the cool mountainwind came in front of me. It was chilly. "It's July. It was so cold yesterday.It seems that the temperature difference between the mountain and the city isreally big." I muttered. About 40 minutes by car, finally came to thedestination - Tianmen Mountain.

As soon as I get out of the car, I don't know when the "depressed" sky hasopened a smiling face. Come to the foot of the mountain, a piece of denseforest, covering the distant view of the line of sight, a tortuous andmysterious stone path curved to the far peak. Climbing up the path, the greentrees sprout in the mountain. From the gap between the leaves, there are a fewrays of sunshine occasionally. The birds are singing tactful "Songs" on thetrees intermittently. A clear stream murmurs, and clusters of bright redwildflowers sometimes emerge from the bushes. I took a deep breath, the airmixed with a faint fragrance.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and the climbing is notas easy as before. Passing a pavilion halfway up the mountain, I hesitatedwhether to continue. Suddenly, a bright light not far away attracted my eyes.There is a dazzling light between the two cliffs, which seems to light a brightlight on the dark valley. Looking up, people are like frogs at the bottom of awell, only a line of blue sky can be seen. Do I really want to stop and be atoad? No, I should be the "Eagle" at the top of Lingfeng mountain. I gritted myteeth and persisted. I climbed countless steps and finally reached the top ofTianmen Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains, the clouds,the river like a green belt, the wind passing, the mountains rolling, the wildflowers swaying in the jungle, the endless scenery, it's like a naturallandscape painting

I love climbing, and I love the "scenery" after climbing!


Tianmen Mountain was called Yunmeng Mountain in ancient times, also known as Yuping mountain. It is located 10 kilometers south of Zhangjiajie City. In 263 ad, because of the collapse of the mountain wall, a door was opened in the upper part of the mountain, connecting the north and the south. During the Three Kingdoms period, sun Xiu, king of Wu, thought it was auspicious and named it "Tianmen Mountain". Tianmen cave is located on the cliff at an altitude of more than 1260 meters. It is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and more than 60 meters deep. According to the research of geological experts, the central part of the entrance is the intersection of the syncline of the East and West rock layers. Due to the compression, the rock was broken and collapsed, and the entrance was finally formed in 263. Tianmen Mountain is 1517.9 meters above sea level. Because the relative height difference between Tianmen Mountain and downtown area is more than 1300 meters, Tianmen Mountain is especially tall and straight. Its beautiful skyline is a typical example of Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a national 5A tourist area. It is also known as "Chinas 50 most worthy places for foreigners to visit, Chinas most desirable places, Hunans new Xiaoxiang eight scenic spots, Chinas top 100 self driving scenic spots, and Chinas top 10 scenic spots most concerned by Internet users".

The unique karst platform landform of Tianmen Mountain is rare all over the world. It is a isolated mountain with precipices around it. The height difference within a few kilometers reaches more than 1300 meters, which creates the magnificent momentum of the towering isolated peak. The top part of the mountain is relatively flat, covering an area of 2 square kilometers, with a forest coverage rate of 90%. There are many strange rocks and trees. It has a rare Davidia involucrata community in the world. It is wild all year round, just like a beautiful sky garden. In July 1992, Tianmen Mountain was approved by the Ministry of forestry as the second National Forest Park in Zhangjiajie. The poet Wang Xinjians poem "walking on Tianmen Mountain" says: "I wandered for a long time in my dreams several times, and the breeze came ten li to step on the flowers. Step by step, the sky steps lead to the silver Han, and the vast cloud path encircles the green cliff. The ancient temples are hidden in the secluded valley, and the screen is rugged and moving to Penglai. And bathe the haze into the wonderland, already Chengxin near Yaotai. "

推荐专题: 张家界玻璃桥英文导游词

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