天子山有云涛、月辉、霞日、冬雪四大奇观。山间云雾变幻无穷,仪态万千,时如江海翻波,涌涛逐浪,时若轻纱掩体,飘渺虚无。日出时晖映长空,日落处霞光无限,又将天子山装点成瑰丽明艳的帝王宫阙。夜风下,皓月弄影,峭壁如洗,万籁俱寂,浪漫陶人,大有“起舞弄清影,何似在人间”之感。入冬后,则雪压险峰,霜被松柏,冰锥倒悬,经久不化,俨然一派银妆素裹的奇幻景象。享有“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山”、“不游天子山,枉到武陵源”、“秀色天下绝,山高人未识”之美誉。天子山,历来有“峰林之王”的美称,因史上有土家族领袖向王(名大坤)自称天子而得名。 天子山云雾为中外旅游者所赞叹。雨过初晴的天子山云雾十分壮观,奔涌的云雾形成瀑、涛、浪、絮多种形态, 连绵浩瀚,波澜壮阔。
天子山美景,春、夏、秋、冬西季不同,晨、昏、午、夜四时各异。霞光中的天子山,似一幅金碧辉煌、色彩 亮丽的油画;月光下,错落有致的迷朦山峰,构成一幅水墨山水。春天山花灿烂,依红偎翠;冬日冰雪皑皑, 银装素裹。乍晴乍雨或晨错交接之时,天子山云烟缭绕,或铺天盖地,或袅袅婷婷,静如薄纱笼罩,动则运天雪涌。
Dear friends
Hello everyone! Welcome to Tianmen Mountain, the national AAAAA scenic spotand National Forest Park. Tianmen Mountain, 1518.6 meters above sea level, isthe highest mountain in Zhangjiajie. It is named after Tianmen cave, a naturalwonder. It is known as "the soul of Zhangjiajie" and "the first holy mountain inWestern Hunan" for its profound historical culture and colorful cultural relics.Tianmen Mountain is divided into four scenic spots, namely "Tianmen dongkai","Biye Yaotai", "fairyland" and "Tianjie Buddhist kingdom". There are only winterand spring in four seasons. Summer is a good place to cool off and winter is agood place to ride on ice and snow. The mountains are foggy, with an average of230 days a year. The sea of clouds and waterfalls often appear, which isamazing.
Tianmen Mountain is not only unique in natural scenery, but also has manyof the world's most artificial wonders. From the world's longest high mountainpassenger ropeway, Tongtian Avenue, the world's first highway wonder, toZhangjiajie's first high-altitude viewing cable car, to Guigu plank road andglass plank road above the cliff, every landscape facility can give you adifferent surprise.
With a total length of 7455 meters, Tianmen Mountain ropeway is the longestpassenger ropeway in the world. From the cableway station out, in front of thistwo-story building is Li Na villa. In 1997, Li Na, a famous singer, came toTianmen Mountain. She saw that the mountains and rivers here are strange, thewater is clear, and the human relationship is simple. For many years, she hasbeen deeply attracted by the religious culture of Tianmen Mountain, so she movedto Zhangjiajie to pursue her ideal state of Zen.
Lingxiaotai is one of the best scenic spots in Tianmen Mountain. Theterrain here is extremely high and the vision is vast. You can have a panoramicview of the mountains, rivers, countryside and cities. Sometimes there areclouds and fog around your feet, which makes you feel like a fairy. This sceneis just like overlooking the mortal scenery in the mythical Lingxiao hall, so itis named Lingxiao terrace.
Lingxiao platform for Yihong pass. There is a red pine peak here, which wasnamed after the rain master of Shennong, chisongzi, who practiced here. There isa bottomless Canyon in the middle of Chisong peak. There is a natural stonebridge on the canyon, which is like a rainbow connecting the two ends. It iscalled "Duanshan Hongqiao", and the name of yihongguan comes from it. It's anatural echo wall. Especially, you have to wait patiently for 5 seconds to hearthe echo here.
The ghost Valley plank road under your feet is named because it issuspended above the ghost Valley cave. Because of its high risk and wide fieldof vision, it has become a star scenic spot of Tianmen Mountain, which has beenpraised by people all over the world. With a total length of 1600 meters and anaverage altitude of 1400 meters, the trestle road is an unforgettable cliffexperience.
Tianmenshan temple, known as the Buddhist Center in Western Hunan, wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. After the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism andBuddhism, the temple has been prosperous ever since. Now the temple is rebuiltin the original site, covering an area of more than 20000 square meters. It isthe highest Buddhist building complex in Hunan at present. The whole templeadopts the official style of ancient China, and is composed of the main hall,Guanyin Pavilion, sutra Pavilion and other buildings. The temple also worshipsthe real body relic of Sakyamuni, his two disciples muqianlian and the relicBuddha. It is also the only temple in Hunan Province to offer the Buddharelic.
Next, we are going to challenge the glass plank road, which is known as"the road of Oriental sky". The plank road is 60 meters long and the highestaltitude is 1430 meters. In addition to the trestle road every one meter or sowith reinforced concrete to build a section of support, all are highlytransparent tempered glass, each piece of glass can withstand 1000 kg, sopersonal safety is completely guaranteed.
Tianmen cave formed in the Three Kingdoms period, is the essence ofTianmenshan Mountain attractions. To get to Tianmen cave, you have to passthrough the Tongtian Avenue, which is known as "the first highway wonder in theworld". With a total length of 11 kilometers and sharp curves, Tongtian Avenueis also known as "Tianlu" because of its unique and high risk. After 99 bends ofTongtian Avenue, you can enjoy the style of Tianmen cave from a short distance.The towering cliffs on both sides make the Tianmen cave particularlyspectacular. There is no human landscape in the cave, only blue sky, whiteclouds and wisps of mist. It seems that you can reach the heaven directly afteryou step over. Before and after the rain, when the water vapor is abundant, thewind and cloud in Tianmen cave are surging, and the transpiration fog is like awhite dragon circling in and out of the cave, forming a unique and spectacular"Tianmen spitting fog".
Tianmen cave is the highest natural karst cave in the world. It runs fromnorth to south. The gate is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 metersdeep. In 1999, the world's aerobatic master once flew through Tianmen cave,achieving another feat of human challenging nature. The performance caused asensation in the world, with 800 million viewers watching the live broadcast,and Tianmen Mountain has become the focus of the world since then.
Well, that's all for the explanation of Tianmen Mountain. Please give usmore valuable opinions on the shortcomings. Thank you!
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