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2024-07-05 22:57:27









张家界的旅游资源极为丰富,由张家界国家森林公园、索溪峪风景区、天子山风景区和杨家界风景区组成的武陵源风景名胜区是国家级重点风景名胜区,面积达264平方公里,于1992年12月被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然文化遗产名录》。景区内三千奇峰拔地而起,八百溪流蜿蜒纵横,景色奇、秀、幽、险,被誉为“中国山水画的原本”。 普光禅寺、玉皇洞石窟等名胜古迹,贺龙、杜心五等名人故居构成了当地的人文旅游资源;而古朴的少数民族风情和民间武术硬气功,更为当地的旅游资源锦上添花。






















Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Longwang cave. I'm a full-time commentatorof Longwang cave. My surname is X. you can call me Xiao X or my sister as weTujia people call me.

In order to make you have a good tour environment, we have the followingpoints to cooperate: first, there are many poor intersections in the cave, thelights are controlled by the guide, so please keep up with the team and neverleave the team without permission; second, in order to ensure that the air inthe cave is clean, please let the friends who volunteer to contribute to theNational Tobacco cause feel aggrieved that smoking is not allowed in the cave;Third, in order to ensure your own safety, please don't cross or leave the trailto view or take photos. What I have not made clear along the way, you can putforward to me, I will try my best to answer for you, thank you for yourcooperation. Finally, I hope my explanation will bring you happiness in today'strip to Longwang cave.

(cave entrance) our current location is the cave entrance of Longwang cave.Our tour today starts from here. Before visiting, please allow me to introducethe general situation of Longwang cave. Longwang cave is located in Cili County,Zhangjiajie City, close to the World Natural Heritage Wulingyuan scenic spot,and is one of the core scenic spots. This is also the hometown of Dr. Du Xinwu,Sun Yat Sen's bodyguard and the first bodyguard in China.

Longwang cave was discovered by local people in 1970 and managed byZhangjiajie Bailong tourism group in August, __. It is a typical karst terrain.It is a large limestone cave with an age of 380 million years. It is one of theoldest caves in China. The constant temperature in the cave is about 15-20 ℃ allthe year round. The length of the cave is 15 km. At present, only 3.5 km isdeveloped, accounting for about a quarter of the total length. The journey isabout 2 hours. Please follow me.

(skylight) please look up. There is a natural skylight on the top of us,with a diameter of 1.2 meters. In fact, this is the only entrance before thedevelopment of Longwang cave. The entrance we just passed was Manually Excavatedafter the development to facilitate tourists to get in and out of Longwang caveDu Xinwu's former residence is located one kilometer north of the entrance ofthe cave. It is said that his superb martial arts were obtained by his hardtraining when he jumped into the Dragon King cave from this skylight everyday

(welcome pillars) when you come to this location, you can see three wellarranged stone pillars. We call them welcome pillars. Maybe some friends willwonder why there are three welcome pillars. This is related to a local custom.Through my introduction, you will understand that Zhangjiajie is a placeinhabited by ethnic minorities, of which Tujia is the dominant, accounting for7% of the city's population The Tujia people have a custom that the mostceremonious way to welcome the most distinguished guests from afar is to siftthree courses of tea for them. The first is fried rice tea to show their warmwelcome; the second is egg tea to show their happy reunion; the third is tea toshow their warm welcome; Today, all staff of Longwang cave use the unique way ofreplacing tea with pillars to wish our distinguished guests good health, goodluck and happiness.

(natural stage) there is a natural stage on the left side of yourdirection. After our tour, we can enjoy the song and dance performancesreflecting the life of the Dragon Palace.

(fault pillar) now, please look at the stone pillars on our left. Theirmiddle, upper and lower parts are naturally broken, and the fracture parts areclear and distinct. What's the reason? According to the research of caveexperts, this is because the karst caves were repeatedly lifted intermittentlyduring the formation process, which led to the multi-layer characteristics ofunderground karst development, that is, where we are now It's just the top layerof the cave. There are two or three layers below us. So when the crust changes,the cave foundation will sink and collapse, and these broken pillars will bepulled off in the movement, and the broken part is the most vulnerable part. Ofcourse, some friends said that it was the fifth great Xia Du Xin who was kickedoff when he was practicing hard leg skill. You said that his martial arts werenot fierce.

(dragon dance hall) when we come here, I believe we all have a feeling ofsudden brightening. The neon in front of us is flashing and the dancing shadowsare dancing. It's a very charming place. This is the first hall we visit today,dragon dance hall. If we want to appreciate the charm, we'd better take action.Let's go down and have a look.

(Phoenix Palace, dragon dance floor) where we are now is the VIP room ofdragon dance hall. Here is resplendent, magnificent, everything in the world,everything, so we call it the Vientiane palace. Because there is a beautifulPhoenix in the Vientiane palace, it is also called the Phoenix Palace. Now youmay as well find out where the beautiful phoenix is hiding. It is said that thefriend who first found the Phoenix will have a rich and happy life like thePhoenix.

(pause) please follow my flashlight. Here is a stalactite, which looks likea beautiful Phoenix. Its body is hanging upside down on the stone wall. You cansee that its head is facing down, and the water dripping down its mouth, as ifit is spitting something. A lot of black pearls have been formed below it, so wecall this scenic spot Phoenix spitting pearls, which is the creation of natureand also shows the wealth of Dragon Lord.

(comes to the pool) now the pool you pass is the Dragon Dance pool of thedragon dance hall. It is said that this morning is the place where the youngestdaughter of the Dragon Lord helps the Dragon Lord to perform water dance. Now itis still dressing up. If you are lucky, you can say hello to it.

(Nantianmen) (when you go to the stage, you should insert Tujia folk songbefore you arrive at Nantianmen) when you arrive here, you will pass through anatural stone gate composed of stone pillars and stalagmites. We call itNantianmen. As we all know, Nantianmen is the only way to fairyland. Now, pleasego straight to fairyland with me to enjoy more beautiful scenery. (feel thestalactites in person) well, we're going to cross the stalactites corridor now.I hope a tall friend should pay attention to head safety and don't win the firstprize. At the same time, you can also stop and take a close look at thesecrystal clear, small and exquisite pocket stalactites on your head. But don'ttouch it. It's very fragile, and every centimeter long will take 100 years.

(tiger teeth dragon's gate) you may not know that there is a Dragon Kingpool outside the Dragon King cave. As the saying goes, "the dragon pool and thetiger cave hide the dragon and crouch the tiger.". Please have a look. Next tous lies a powerful tiger. You can see how powerful the tiger is when it opensits mouth and shows its sharp teeth. Therefore, we call this geomantic treasureland tiger's teeth Longmen.

(longwangqiao) when we came here, the first thing that came into our eyeswas a bright and bright dragon. It is our Dragon King. You see, its front pawsare also raised. At the beginning of the development and construction of theDragon King cave, there was a natural stone bridge, but it was very narrow. Soin order to make it convenient for you to walk and enjoy more wonderful scenery,we built the only bridge in the cave, the Dragon King Bridge. As we all know,the dragon is a symbol of happiness and auspiciousness of the Chinese people. Itis also the expectation of the Chinese people for the peace of the country andthe people. It is also the totem of Chinese life. Therefore, when you pass by,you can touch the dragon body and the dragon pillar, feel happy and bringhappiness and auspiciousness home.

(water curtain cave, crystal waterfall) after crossing the Dragon KingBridge, we came to the water curtain cave. In front of us, there is a naturalcave hidden behind a waterfall. Let's take a closer look. Many lifelike stonemonkeys are playing outside the water curtain cave. Lying or standing, theposture is different and interesting. There is also a small waterfall nearby,flowing out from the stone wall. Because there are many crystals on the stonewall, which twinkle in the light, we call it crystal waterfall.

(corn cob) after coming from the left side of the trail, we will find astalactite hanging on the stone wall. It has full seeds, complete leaves andnatural shape. It is a corn cob hanging upside down.

(vines) please look up. There are three vines growing tenaciously on thetop of the stone wall. Let's guess where the seeds of this vine come from? Plusthere is no sunlight in the cave, why can plants grow as well?

(pause) according to experts' research, the seeds of this kind of plantsfall down from the mountains by water and stop in the muddy crevice. Inaddition, the light inside the cave replaces the sunlight and producesphotosynthesis, which forms this cave spectacle.

(ventilation pipe) there is a horizontal Stalagmite in front of us. Let'sthink about it. Does this stalagmite grow naturally or collapse here?

(pause and laugh) the answers are quite rich. In fact, this is not a realstalagmite, but a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 40cm and a total length ofmore than 3000m built by our company to ensure the convection and freshness inthe cave. For the purpose of protecting the first and developing the second,this kind of imitation "living" form was made.

(Frog King peeps) you've seen the dragon king before. In fact, there is afrog prince in the cave. Please follow my flashlight and look over. This is ourfrog prince. It is usually energetic and dignified, but why is it so shy today?In fact, it is peeping at the tryst of a pair of little lovers. When it sees uscoming, it is embarrassed to turn around and fall on it.

(Valentine's slope) well, dear friends, please follow my flashlight and youcan see the little lovers who are going to have a tryst. You see, they aretightly hugged and looking at each other affectionately. Careful friends mayhave found that there are more than one couple of lovers here, so they are alsocalled Valentine's slope. It is said that on Tujia's Valentine's day, that is,on the evening of the third day of March every year, they all whisper and saylove words here. I believe that everyone has a heart of beauty, so we'd betternot disturb them and go home to avoid them.

(side Valley) after seeing my little lover, we are going to go through anarrow valley. This is our side Valley, because it can only pass with the bodyon the left side. As the saying goes: people have to bow their heads under theeaves, so please pay attention to the safety of their heads and don't damage thestone wall.

(Optimus with one pillar) after coming out of the side Valley, you can seea huge stone pillar here. You can see that it stands upright and powerful. Thisis our Tujia totem, Optimus with one pillar. The Tujia totem pillar not onlyrepresents Tujia people's worship of animals, plants and genitals, but alsorepresents Tujia people's strength and life.

(Chiba) please turn your head again. In front of us, these two hugestalactites are made up of nearly a thousand hollow fan blades. Because of theirdifferent thickness, they can resonate. Whenever the water on the top of thecave drips down and splashes on different blades in the season of water, theywill emit different signs, especially in the particularly quiet situation Thesound is very clear, like someone playing the piano, so we call them Chiba(although you don't hear the sound of Chiba, I can sing a few Tujia folk songsfor you)..... )

(looking forward to reunion) after we came here, we found that there wasanother broken column, but the broken column was a little strange. They didn'tchoose the smaller part in the middle, but they broke off in the larger part.Let's guess why?

(pause slightly) Yes, you are right. In fact, this is the same as thebroken column in front. The small parts of some stone columns are notnecessarily the most vulnerable parts. With the change of time sequence, thewater flow and the composition of the water flow forming these stalactites havechanged. Although the broken parts are thick, the material composition is themost vulnerable. When the ground in the cave subsided, the stone column splitfrom the thick part. Let's take a look again. There are still water dropsdropping continuously in the broken part. That is to say, the two separatedparts are still growing in opposite directions, and the broken stone pillarswill merge into one again. According to our staff's measurement, the broken partis about 10 cm. According to the rule that stalactite grows one cm every 100years, you can calculate how many years it will take for it to merge intoone.

(pause) Yes, it's a thousand years. We also call it a thousand years. Let'swish them reunion soon.

(Yin Yang world) now there are two stone waterfalls with different colorsin front of us. One is white, the other is black. We call it Yin Yang world. Theformation of this phenomenon is due to the flake water flow generated by thedripping water at the top of the cave. The light color stone waterfall is mainlydue to the distance from the surface, the water with sediment is well filtered,and contains less impurities; while the dark color stone waterfall is formed dueto the distance from the surface, and the heavy deposition of impurities formedin the process of water flow at the bottom of the cave.

(peacock closing screen) you can see a beautiful peacock by my flashlight.We all know that peacock has formed the habit of pride because of its beauty. Assoon as it sees the beauty of others, it will hold its head up and shake off itsfeathers to show off. But today, why did our peacock close its beautiful tailscreen? I think it must be a handsome guy among us Pretty girls make it feelinferior and not proud.

(Zhenhai Baozhu) our current location is another hall of Longwang Cave:Dragon Palace. It's majestic and large-scale, and it's also the largest hall inthe cave, so the echo effect here is the best. It's said that it's also theplace where the Dragon King sings and sings. It's a natural sound. You might aswell try the echo effect, and don't miss the chance. OK, now please follow myflashlight and you can see the Zhenhai pillar of our Dragon King cave We callthem Zhenhai one pillar, two pillars, three pillars and four pillars. Amongthem, the first column is the oldest with a circumference of 40 m and a heightof about 32 m (the second column is 32 m and a height of 24 m, and the thirdcolumn is 38 m and a height of 21 m); After going down below, we have noticedthat four huge pillars stand in a row, just like four Hercules, supporting thetop of the Dragon Palace. They have not moved for thousands of years. Accordingto experts' investigation, it is very difficult to see such huge stalactites inother caves, and the four giant pillars still grow side by side, which can becalled the wonder of the world. Our company is applying for Guinness Worldrecord. Zhenhai Sizhu is the youngest. It is only 9 meters high and 30 meters incircumference. So many friends say that it has caught up with the good times,ate well, slept well and grown into a short fat man. But he is afraid thatothers will ignore its existence, so he is unwilling to raise its Dragon tail toattract everyone's attention.

(Yanyu Pavilion) this is the most poetic place in the Dragon Palace.Because the cave is often drizzled and misty, we call this unique place YanyuPavilion. If you are interested, you might as well go up and look for thefeeling of "deep love, misty rain, misty rain in the number of buildings".

(Pearl grape) we are going through a canyon again. Please pay attention toyour head as well as your feet. As you walk, you can see that in the stone wallon the left side of the canyon, thousands of stone beads are crowded andsurrounded. They look like pearls and grapes. We call them pearl grapes.






(金鞭岩、神鹰护鞭)如果要问张家界国家森林公园的标志景点,答案是现成的:金鞭岩。早在清代中期,一些文人就把张家界的峰林及百丈峡列入“永定八景 ”。其一叫“危峡啼猿”;其二叫“层岩涌塔”:“县西二十里青崖山,其前五山并立,层峙如浮图。中一峰更峻拔,上插宵汉,晴辉雪积,最擅奇观。”这里说的 “其中一峰”,指的金鞭岩。八大景点张家界占其二,可见先人是有眼力的。金鞭岩相对高度380多米,拔地而起,直插云霄,无论你远看近看,正看侧看,都是一根刺破青天的长鞭!在金鞭岩左侧的那座岩峰,大家看多像一只凶猛的老鹰,勾嘴瞪眼,双翅略展,时刻警觉地守护着金鞭,人称“神鹰护鞭”。

推荐专题: 写张家界玻璃桥的导游词

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