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2024-07-05 22:48:55












Hello, everyone!

Welcome to sit dragon gorge tourism exploration, I am honored to explain toyou, I hope my service can leave a good impression on you. It's about 1000meters from here to the entrance of the gorge. Now I'd like to introduce sittingdragon gorge to you as I walk.

Sitting dragon Gorge Scenic Spot is located in the red stone forest ofGuzhang County, across from Wang Village (Furong Town). The total length ofsitting dragon gorge is about 6500 meters, and the maximum height difference ismore than 300 meters. For many years, sitting dragon gorge has been secluded inthe vast Wuling mountains. No one has ever crossed it. It was only discovered bya collector in 1993.

According to experts' research, the landform of Zuolong gorge is formed by3 million years of crustal changes and wind erosion and water flow. Itintegrates beauty, seclusion, seclusion, broadness, strangeness, danger,antiquity and clumsiness, and has the reputation of "the first strange gorge inChina". Zuolong gorge is known as "paradise" and "fairyland of the world" forits original ecological environment, clean and fresh air, fantastic naturalscenery composed of gorge, primitive secondary forest, streams and waterfalls,and simple and mysterious Tujia customs. Sitting dragon gorge has China's firstspecial tourist route. All the tourist routes are built in the deep of thegorge. Taking advantage of the mountains, they are both elaborately carved andnatural. It is not enough to cross the trail only by the muscles and bones ofhands and feet. We must also have a strong will and a heart of gratitude fornature. Therefore, the trail is also known as "life classroom".

There are many legends about the origin of sitting dragon gorge. One said:it is said that there is a green and a white dragon in duanlongshan, which makesthe local weather smooth and the grain rich. The emperor worried that Erlongwould be supported by the people and change the dynasty, and his throne wouldnot be protected, so people nailed Erlong. The green dragon is nailed, but thewhite dragon runs all the way. In a hurry, he goes into a deep and steep canyon,which is the canyon to be visited today. Therefore, sitting dragon gorge getsits name. Another saying: every time a mountain rain suddenly falls in thevalley, the valley will sing like a dragon singing faintly; when the sun shinesdown, the beautiful shadow will fill the sky, and it will become a wanderingdragon, which is amazing and named "sitting dragon".

Now we are at the entrance of the canyon. It is a small reservoir formed byman-made dam. It is more than 10 meters deep and 150 meters long. The widestpart is only a few meters. It is rippling with blue waves and cool wind. If thestream is large, it will come out of the dam to form a waterfall. In the directsunlight at noon, there will be a rainbow hanging in front of the dam, which isa marvelous sight. The water inside the dam is clear, and there are many treeson both sides. The cliffs stand upright, and sometimes there are green warblerssinging. Indocalamus and Mangosteen are more green than bamboo, reflecting eachother in the water. Visitors can swim on the water by boat and enjoy thebeautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait.

This is the living Longtan, which is as deep as an altar. The lake issurrounded by steep cliffs, which are hard to climb. Visitors need to passthrough the overpass on the lake. The stone wall on one side is concave, andthere is stalactite hanging. Stream water from the side of the pool into theformation of pool waterfall, roaring. The water of the living Longtan overflowsfrom a stone valley. The stone Valley is narrow and curved. They follow eachother, but the latter does not see the former. There are waterfalls falling overthe valley, and visitors need to pass under them. In rainy season, the waterfallis like a curtain and a sound; in dry season, it is like a chain with themelodious sound of "big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate". At noon,countless rainbows can be seen gathering here. People move the rainbow, like theresurrection of the dragon. It is said that this pond is the main residence ofBailong who fled from duanlong mountain. So far, the local people still keep thecustom of pouring chicken excrement into the pond for rain.

This is the double rainbow pool. The two pools are closely connected. Thewater of this pool is swarthy and green, and the upstream stream falls to form awaterfall. On the right side of the pool, there are no plants growing more than10 meters below the stone wall. The rocks are distributed layer by layer, andeach layer has horizontal lines and waves. Further up, there are densevegetation. There is water flowing out from the root of a big tree in the halfwall, forming a waterfall, falling into the pool, splashing ripples. When thesun is in direct sunlight, there is a rainbow hanging in the ripples, one up andone down, one big and one small, which complement each other.

Look here. The cliffs stand upright all around. The vegetation on thecliffs tens of meters high blocks out the sky like a canopy in the sky. From theroots of trees, grass, rock cracks trickling out of the spring, hanging out astring of water curtain, integrated with a number of waterfalls, shaped likejade beads flying, sound like the sound of dragons and Fengming.

This is a black trough. In fact, it is a narrow rock ditch with a depth ofmore than 80 meters, a length of more than 20 meters and a width of only about0.3 meters. This is the most difficult place to pass in the whole canyon. If youwalk in the ditch, you can only bend down and turn sideways. The stream at thebottom of the valley is murmuring. Because the sky is in a straight line, thesunlight can be seen only 20 minutes at noon every day. At that time, theshimmering light reflects on the stone wall, and there is a flash of spirituallight between the stone walls, forming many strange patterns. In the trough, ahuge stone fell from nowhere, stuck between the stone walls, and the stream wastinkling.

Look, there is a natural grotto on the rock wall of this hillside. Thegrottoes are semicircular, with stalactites hanging upside down on the walls,which can only allow three people to bend down and stand. The wonder is thatthere is a small stalactic growth in the middle of the grottoes, which issimilar to Buddha meditation. Tourists often climb up to pray for peace, whichis said to be very effective.

Yulong play waterfall, the stream from the upstream and down, suddenlyencounter the scarp, fall layer by layer in four levels, forming a hangingwaterfall more than 20 meters high, falling into the pool, the pool water coloris clear, there are dead trees in it, on both sides of the stone wall there arevines hanging. There is a large space here, so visitors can have a rest by thepool. When the sun shines into the pool, the sparkling light will be reflectedon the tourists, flashing frequently, which is quite wonderful.

This section of the journey is smooth, with several small pools scatteredwithin 100 meters. They are different in shape and depth, just like thoseelegant little pools in Liu Zongyuan's works. The stream is like a waterfall,winding along with the mountain, connecting the small pools one by one,murmuring, like singing and dancing. Moistened by mountain springs, thevegetation on both sides is dense, green and full of infinite vitality.

Jinzhi Yulan waterfall is the last excellent landscape in the core scenicarea. It is hundreds of meters high, more than 10 meters long cliff, like asharp blade. The layers of Magnolia with golden branches are crisscrossed alongthe stone wall, and the leaves are shaking, like a girl's hair flowing on herround and delicate shoulders, and growing beside the waterfall, like a whitescarf on her hair, which is very elegant.

Banshan spring is located at the exit of the core scenic spot. It is asmall spring. The spring is fresh and sweet in all seasons. You must have beenthirsty after climbing all the way. You may as well drink it with your hands.You can feel the pleasant feeling. If you take a towel and screw it on, you willfeel refreshed and tired all the way.

Well, that's the end of our tour today. Thank you. Goodbye!

































推荐专题: 张家界玻璃桥导游词讲解

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