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2024-06-25 21:53:58















Ladies and gentlemen,

hello everyone! I'm very glad to meet you in Nanping, the "North Gate" ofFujian Province. First of all, on behalf of Fujian longxingtianxia travelagency, I welcome you all. I'm the general manager of the travel agency My nameis Chen. You can call me Xiao Chen. Sitting in front of us is our driver masterLiu. Although Master Liu is young, his driving skills are first-class. I believethat with his escort, our journey will be more comfortable and safe. Today, ouritinerary is Wuyishan, the beautiful blue water and Danxia. If you need any helpin this trip, you can tell Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen also wishes you a happy and fulljourney.

It's about 10 minutes' drive from your hotel to JIUQUXI scenic spot. NowI'd like to introduce the general situation of Wuyishan and JIUQUXI: Wuyishan isone of the first batch of key scenic spots announced by the state in 1982, andit was listed in the world cultural and natural heritage list by UNESCO inDecember 1999. Wuyi Mountain belongs to Danxia landform. In the past tens ofthousands of years, due to the crustal movement, the landform has beenconstantly changing, forming the unique "three three", "six six", "seventy-two"and "ninety-nine". Three three three "refers to the Jiuqu River we will visitnext," six six "refers to thirty-six peaks, seventy-two caves and ninety-ninemountains, Wuyi Mountain, blue water and Danshan, Wuyi Mountain is known as"qixiujia Southeast". There is no intense heat in summer and no severe cold inwinter. The warm and humid climate provides superior water and heat conditionsfor the plants in Wuyi Mountain. Therefore, Wuyi Mountain has dense forests,flourishing flowers and fragrant flowers. It is suitable for tourism all theyear round. Wuyi Mountain is the most important landscape in central Fujian. Thesoul of Wuyi mountain lies in Jiuqu stream, which originates from Huanggangmountain in Wuyi Mountains. The stream twists and turns around the mountain,forming nine curves. Each curve has its own unique style. Visitors can not onlyenjoy the thrill without danger by riding bamboo rafts and rushing down thestream, but also see the mountain scenery when they look up and enjoy the watercolor when they look down You can listen to the sound of the stream and reachfor the clear stream. I believe the journey will be very pleasant.

OK, members, now we have arrived at the wharf of Jiuqu River. Beforegetting off the bus, I'd like to introduce the precautions for taking a bambooraft: first, six people should take a bamboo raft, please assemble freely;second, they should be modest and give way to each other to avoid falling intothe water; third, they should follow the instructions of the rafters and don'twalk on the bamboo raft.

Well, friends, just now we have visited nine to three of the Jiuqu streams.Now we are in the second of the Jiuqu stream. The tall and straight mountain infront of us is Yunv peak. Yunv peak is the most famous landscape in WuyishanScenic Area and also the symbol of Fujian tourism. The jade girl peak and themajestic King peak face each other across the river, like a pair of loyallovers. The peak on the left is called "tiebanzhang", which lies between the twopeaks. It may be a scene of emotion. There is a moving folk story here. It issaid that long ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods and wild animals. Thecommon people suffered a lot. One day, a young man came from afar to witness thedisaster. He led the people to cut the mountain, cut the stone and dredge theriver. After unremitting efforts, the flood was finally cured, and the dredgedriver course is today's Jiuqu River. The excavated sand and stones are stackedto form thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. Once upon a time, the jade girlin the sky was fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain when she wastraveling. So she secretly stayed in the world and fell in love with thishardworking and brave young man who was called the king. Unfortunately, the ironghost knew about this. He told the jade emperor about it. The Jade Emperor wasso angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girl and return to the heaven, TheJade Emperor had no choice but to turn them into stones and separate them on thetwo banks of the Jiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the ironghost turned into a big stone and watched their actions day and night. Theycould only look at each other with tears in their eyes.

Under the jade girl peak is a clear and green bath pool. It is said that itis the place where the jade girl bathes. There is a huge stone in the pool. Itis said that it is a token of love given by the king to the jade girl. The rockon the right side of the jade girl peak is engraved with the word "Jingtai",which is five feet square. The font is neat and handsome. You can see it severalmiles away. It is the largest cliff stone carving in Wuyishan Scenic Area.

Rafting over tiebanzhang, you will arrive at a bend of Jiuqu River. Undertiebanzhang, there is a huge stone, which is called "shuiguangshi". It is aboutseveral feet high. Every sunny evening, the setting sun is reflected on the rockwall, and its reflection will be reflected on the clear and green stream. Thereare many inscriptions on the rock, especially the inscription of Qi Jiguang, afamous Anti Japanese general in Ming Dynasty. The peak behind shuiguangshi isDawang peak, while the lion like peak on the right is lion peak.

Well, dear friends, today's tour has come to an end. Thank you very muchfor your support and cooperation. I hope my service can satisfy you. If there isanything not thoughtful in the service, please forgive me. You are also welcometo put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions. Thank you and welcome tocome again.




汉”。现在各位都是英雄好汉了,女士们就是巾帼英雄。长城横贯中国的北部,长达6000多公里,合计120xx多华里,所以叫“万里长城”。长城与黄河被称为中国北方两巨龙。北京位于黄河以北,长城以南,俗话说“万里长城万里长,遥想当年秦始皇”,其实长城并非起自秦始皇,应该说是起自春秋战国。 公元前220xx年,友好往来一举灭掉了六国,他把中国北部的旧长城连接了起来。形成了一道西起临洮,东到辽东的万里长城。这一段历史时期的长城叫做秦长城。大家听说过孟姜女哭长城的传说吗?说的是孟姜女新婚不久,他的丈夫范杞良就被抓去修长城。一去三年,没有音信。一天夜里孟姜女做了一个梦,梦见她的丈夫饥寒交迫,衣不遮体,浑身发抖。喊着说:“我冷啊!我冷啊!”于是孟姜女决定千里寻夫为他送寒衣。她从江淮一带(今安徽)来到北方,沿着长城找寻她的丈夫,她四处打听,一直都没有下落。到山海关一带,一个修城的工头说,范杞良早已经死了。她悲痛欲绝,放声大哭。哭倒了长城八百里。这个传说反映了秦始皇强征民夫,横征暴敛的暴政。






Dear tourists, Hello! I'm the tour guide of today's activity. Now behind us is the beautiful Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyishan is located in Wuyishan City in the north of Fujian Province. According to legend, a long time ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods and wild animals. The common people go through the ravines and have nothing to live for. After that, a brave young man named Wang Wang came from afar to lead us to cut mountains, cut rocks, dredge rivers, and finally overcome the flood. The dredged river course is today's Jiuqu River, and the excavated sand and stones are piled up into thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. From then on, people had a good life. One day, the jade girl Jiayun went on a trip. She was fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain and went down to earth to love her king. Unfortunately, the iron ghost told the jade emperor about this matter. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girl and return to heaven. The jade girl refused and would marry the king. The iron ghost uses magic to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of the Jiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the iron ghost also becomes a rock between the two lovers, monitoring them day and night. This is the iron peak at the moment. From then on, they had to rely on the mirror platform to look at each other in tears. Yunv peak bath Xiangtan is said to be the place where Yunv bathes. The "seal stone" in the pool is a token of love from the king.

There is also a beautiful place in Wuyi Mountain, called "southeast foot". The southeast foot is located in the northern part of Wuyi Mountains, covering an area of about 70 square kilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. The miraculous work of nature for hundreds of millions of years constitutes the beautiful scenery of Qifeng, Xiushui Jue Hui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutely beautiful scenery. The ancients said that "there are three or three wins in water and six or six strange peaks", and it is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

Today's Liu tour ends there. I hope that the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain will become your most perfect memory after this tour. I also hope that people there can take good care of Wuyishan and pass on the beautiful scenery of Wuyishan from generation to generation. bye!


Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. I'm No.3 tour guide. My name is Tian Yihan.

Welcome to Mount Tai. It's a great honor for me to show you the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai. I hope you can have a good time and have a good time. Please remember my contact number, 5383028.

Mount Tai, known as the "Five Sacred Mountains", is located in the central part of Shandong Province. of great momentum. With a total area of more than 420 square kilometers and an altitude of 1545 meters, it ranks the third after Huashan and Hengshan. It has a solemn and dignified momentum, attracting countless tourists to visit here.

Now, I'll show you how to climb and watch. There are many places of interest in Mount Tai. The first one is Dai Temple. Cultural relics are concentrated here. It is a palace like building complex. Chinese calligraphy art is concentrated here.

We are now in front of the main building of Dai Temple, which is 223 meters high and 48 meters long. 7 meters, 19 wide. 79 meters. Hall a total of 9, Diaolianghuadong, yellow tile cover top, resplendent.

Yuhuangding is the highest peak of Mount Tai. We can see the sea of clouds, the sunrise, the strange peaks and the Yellow River there. It's so beautiful!

Let me introduce you here first. Please follow me and have a good time. I hope you can have a good time in the past few days in Mount Tai and become your best memory in the past few days.

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