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2024-06-25 21:33:04







关沟因为居庸关而著名,我们可以看到前面宏伟的建筑就是居庸关,它的名字起源于秦朝,以秦始皇迁徙“庸徒”在这里居住所以得名。在关内,有一个著名的汉白玉石台,就是云台。它是元代的一坐过街塔,上边原来有三座藏式佛塔,在后来的地震中毁坏了。明代又在原处]建立了泰安寺,而在康熙年间又被毁了,只留下现在我们所看到的柱础和望柱。云台的面积有310平方米台下的券门上刻有狮、象、四不象、金翅鸟等浮雕,分别代表了佛教密宗五方五佛的座骑,还有天龙八部护法天神的浮雕。内壁上还有四大天王浮雕和神兽图案,券顶上还布满了曼陀罗的图样,花中刻有佛像,共2215尊。还有六种文字镌刻的《陀罗尼经咒》和《造塔功德记》,这些都是元代的艺术精品,具有很高的艺术价值。 八达岭长城是明长城中的杰出代表,因为这里四通八达,故成为八达岭。可能大家会问,为什么要讲长城修筑在这里?其实这主要是因为八达岭地区重要的地理位置。它不仅守卫着明皇陵,而且也是京师的西北大门。









Fellow friends:

Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybodywill mount the summit together from the Taishan east road.

This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization the world nature and the culturalheritage name list. Now, we still had such to ask " like ancient;Dai Zong husband how " Then, marches into together with me themountain, understands Taishan's charm.

Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong work place,a fontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises the immortal workplace to the south fontanel, is the road which ancient times emperorancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan passed through, now iscalled by the well-known person " Ascends to heaven scenic area" Also calls the east road, is in the present Taishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount from this roadGoes against Extremely.

Everybody noted has been palatial daimiao front, but also some smallertemple, this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same yearemperor the ancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan's initialstation. Same year the king came when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmaking sacrifices Standard Offers a sacrifice to, all first must in here hold simply paysrespect to the ceremony, therefore before Ming Dynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate pavilion " . When the Ming Dynastyperforms the extension, changes name is " Remote senate pavilion" . Although is a character is easy, the base was reverentactually contains.

The friends, China's ancient architecture has the unique status in theworld construction history, this remote senate pavilion constructionidea already will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrand ceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide forthe prelude the need, after also will be esthetics thought manifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises.

In the right noon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysterious side.daimiao has the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First, its fence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek 1,300 meters, 5 cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick, assumesthe trapezoid, gets down the width 17.6 meters, on the width 11meters, the high approximately 10 meters, altogether have 8 gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao main entrance. Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the front surface matches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany matches world "Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for Works Three the marquispalace, west for too , between three palaces to the wall isconnected, the constitution daimiao among as soon as enters thecourtyard.

Crossed the kernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcalls the towering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day palace surface extravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5, 17.18meters, pass the height 23.3 meters. Everybody looked that, the day palace is situated above the spacious white station base,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloud shape looksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to have the marvelouseffect with all around environment.

Around the day palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda big courtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable thespace to have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso is rich in the change the role, this is in the world constructionhistory all performs to praise. daimiao the winding corridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roof Palacebig building, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people to day palace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fully realized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the size is produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low the winding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform has also repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, both has highlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holds tranquilly is comfortable,therefore the day palace certainly was not the grand twocharacters may summarize.


Dear tourists

The scenic spot we are going to visit is Mount Tai. Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains in China, was called "Daizong" in ancient times. It is located in the middle of Shandong Province with an altitude of 1545 meters. It is located in Canghai in the East and Dahe in the West. It is the first unit in China to be listed in the UNESCO natural and cultural heritage list. Please pay attention to safety and keep it clean.

We first came to the starting point of Mount Tai - daizongfang. Daizongfang is an ancient archway with four pillars and three rooms, which is popular with many beautiful myths. The round ridge beast and slightly tilted eaves increase the flow and elegance of the archway. The shape is rough and simple. The seal script "daizongfang" is inscribed with three golden characters.

Daizongfang is the gate of Mount Tai, and yitianmen is the beginning of TIANTI. Along the Mountaineering Road straight up to the Mountaineering Road, is the Red Gate Palace. Stepping up the steps, you can see four stone squares, which are connected front and back, so it is called "small square group". The first archway is "yitianmen archway"; the next is the stone archway of "Confucius' landing place", where the ancient rattan is hidden, elegant and dignified. Taishan jingshiyu stone carving, in which some scriptures of Vajra Prajna paramita Sutra are engraved, is an unprecedented masterpiece in the existing cliff stone carving.

Now we come to Zhongtianmen, also known as ertianmen, which is located at the intersection of the middle and West roads of Mount Tai. It is the main peak barrier of Mount Tai. When you climb here and look up at the top of Daiding, there are thousands of cliffs in front of Lianhua peak, clouds and smoke are locked horizontally; the south gate is shaped like a tianque, and the ladder under the gate is upside down, like a white ribbon. Overlooking the foot, Zhongxi mountains and waters meander and flow down. Next to Zhongtianmen stone square, there is a huge stone lying like a tiger. Because it is named Fuhu stone, there is a big seal character "tiger" on the stone wall, which is simple and vigorous. Then come to the yunbu bridge on the Zhongtian gate. Because the stone bridge is flying over the cloud shrouded cliff, people walk here like walking in the clouds, so it's named. The Cloud Bridge is as high as a rainbow, and the baizhangya waterfall falls down like Bailian. It is called "Cloud Bridge waterfall", which is one of the ten natural landscapes of Mount Tai.

We are going to Mount Tai's 18 plates. There are three eighteen plates in Mount Tai. From Kaishan to Longmen, it is "slow 18", then to shengxianfang, it is "not slow and 18", and then to Nantianmen, it is "tight 18", totaling more than 1630 stages. "Tight 18" West Cliff has huge rock hanging in the air, profile Buddha head side pillow, high nose bald, kind smile, famous welcome Buddha.

Climbing to the top of the mountain, we will come to the south gate, also known as the three gates, which is located at the end of the climbing path. The gate is divided into two floors, with an arched entrance at the bottom and an attic at the top, which is called Moyun Pavilion. Here, the two peaks stand between the East and the west, and the gate of heaven stands at the pass.

Entering Nantianmen and going up two steps is Tianjie. The kilometer long Tianjie is full of hotels, restaurants and shops. It has been like a street hanging in the sky since ancient times.

Mount Tai has a long history, many cultural relics, magnificent, strange, ancient, beautiful, I can not say enough, please enjoy it slowly!


taishan mountain in shandong was included as "world cultural and natural heritage" by unesco in dec 1987.

taishan mountain, a typical representative of the chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. in 1982, taishan mountain was up into the list of state key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of world natural and cultural heritage in 1987. it becomes a precious heritage of human being.

taishan mountain locates in the east of north china plain and the middle of shandong province erecting from the shandong hills. it is prominent around other hills. the prominent peak, yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. the south of taishan mountain is higher than the north. its south foot of mountain begins from tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in jinan city, the distance between which is 60kms. in taishan mountain, the transportation is convenient with the jinghu railway passing by in the west. in its north is jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". the distance between taishan mountain and qubu is 70kms. many roads and railways such as taifei, taixin, taining, and taiji meet in tai'an city, which just locates in the south of taishan mountain.

taishan mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetness monsoon climate. as regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, taishan mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the yellow river. as regard to its cultural position, it is the center of dongyi culture. in the south foot of taishan mountain, there is da fenkou culture, and there is longshan culture in its north foot, it is the center of qi and lu. and its transportation is more superior. taishan mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plains to shandong peninsula meets the railway connecting the south and north of the east coast. there are no hills between taishan mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regions. this superior condition helps taishan mountain gain the first position among the five famous mountains in china.


Fellow friends:

Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybodywill mount the summit together from the Taishan east road.

This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization the world nature and the culturalheritage name list. Now, we still had such to ask " like ancient;Dai Zong husband how " Then, marches into together with me themountain, understands Taishan's charm.

Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong work place,a fontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises the immortal workplace to the south fontanel, is the road which ancient times emperorancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan passed through, now iscalled by the well-known person " Ascends to heaven scenic area" Also calls the east road, is in the present Taishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount from this roadGoes against Extremely.

Everybody noted has been palatial daimiao front, but also some smallertemple, this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same yearemperor the ancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan's initialstation. Same year the king came when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmaking sacrifices Standard Offers a sacrifice to, all first must in here hold simply paysrespect to the ceremony, therefore before Ming Dynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate pavilion " . When the Ming Dynastyperforms the extension, changes name is " Remote senate pavilion" . Although is a character is easy, the base was reverentactually contains.

The friends, China's ancient architecture has the unique status in theworld construction history, this remote senate pavilion constructionidea already will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrand ceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide forthe prelude the need, after also will be esthetics thought manifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises.

In the right noon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysterious side.daimiao has the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First, its fence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek 1,300 meters, 5 cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick, assumesthe trapezoid, gets down the width 17.6 meters, on the width 11meters, the high approximately 10 meters, altogether have 8 gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao main entrance. Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the front surface matches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany matches world "Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for Works Three the marquispalace, west for too , between three palaces to the wall isconnected, the constitution daimiao among as soon as enters thecourtyard.

Crossed the kernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcalls the towering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day palace surface extravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5, 17.18meters, pass the height 23.3 meters. Everybody looked that, the day palace is situated above the spacious white station base,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloud shape looksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to have the marvelouseffect with all around environment.

Around the day palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda big courtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable thespace to have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso is rich in the change the role, this is in the world constructionhistory all performs to praise. daimiao the winding corridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roof

Palacebig building, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people to day palace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fully realized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the size is produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low the winding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform has also repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, both has highlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holds tranquilly is comfortable,therefore the day palace certainly was not the grand twocharacters may summarize.

slanders the back door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones road and the latter imperial palace is connected. When songzhenzong seals Taishan, because Taishan will seal will be "Emperor " The emperor must have " Latter " Thereuponthen has matched Madame " for it; Shu next two " . Lookedlike from this point, daimiao if said is the Taoism god governmentoffice, but also was inferior to said likes the imperial palace, thiskind of layout had further disclosed the feudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity the utility goal.

A moment ago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour, butadvocates the spool thread two sides, originally in addition has 4individual courtyards, around the east side two courtyards, first is" Chinese cypress courtyard " Hands down 6 copals whichMartial emperor of Han dynasty plants on in this courtyard; Latter is" East imperial place " Is emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace which Taishan stays.

Here was Taishan famous 18. The about 2.5 billion years ago, in timeare called as by the geologist " Taishan movement " In theorogenesis, ancient Taishan first time is vast from a piece rises,later several vicissitudes, Taishan raises submerges, the submersionraises, finally in 30 million year ago " Himalaya Mountainsorogenesis " Center, Taishan finally has formed today appearance.The ancient orogenesis has accomplished south Taishan the foothillsteps and ladders type rise three fault zones, on most from the cloudfoot-bridge fault zone to Goes against Extremely, the elevation suddenly rises morethan 400 rice, causes this region to have the striking contrast withall around the group peak, just like checking of the pagoda, hasformed " East day column " Imposing manner.

Here is tight 18, also was the entire mountaineering Road Plate centermost difficult land sector. Everybody looked that, the cliff antiquityperson's topic engraves: " Diligently climb up " "Wanshan " " Altogether climbs blue scaling ladder " ...... That is encouraging us. Everybody looked again that, thatshoulders hundred catties Selects Shan Gong, again thought the same year didnot have a non- surname Chisel stone to build roads the person... ... Themountain does not have the word, but they can drive the people areupward. The friend, the mountaineering just like does any enterprise,only has is dutifully upward, can defeat difficult, can arrive thehighest boundary! South the fontanel arrived, we have now placed oneself " Day" Although we have not certainly become an immortal, but weunderstood " in here; Ascends Tianshan but small world "Heroics.

Has entered south the fontanel, relative is the main hall names withit is " Not porch " Porch two sides each has not beenallowed north. Leaves the gate to have a mountain peak toward the westto call " Month view peak " On the mountain has thepavilion, famous month view pavilion. It is said, the clear sky andfresh air late autumn season, also may to as soon as look at " inhere; Yellow River gold brings " Strange landscape: Shines upon inthe setting sun under the backdrop, the big diastrophism has beendark, only some tune yellow river water, reflected sun's glory, likedflash the golden belt, day in place continually in same place. Atnightfall, under the bright moonlight, looks obviously Jinan'slamplights of ten thousand families from this the north,

therefore themonth view peak calls " Looks government office mountain " .

South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet. Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the East along the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontal tablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuan sees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horse's place. North the work placehas the Kong Zi temple.

The day street most east end was the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall, Igave everybody to tell the blue rosy cloud female immortal's story.The blue rosy cloud female immortal's predecessor is the Taishangoddess, is called as in the folk " Angel beautiful woman bluerosy cloud female immortal " Is in common people mind TaishanLord, and is called as " Taishan Grandma " " Taishanold mother " . The populace to the Taishan old mother's period offive days belief and the affection, are burying which one kind ofhistory accumulates down in the people mind in-depth to the mother thelove. How many year, the blue rosy cloud female immortal has woncommon people's love, until now still lorded over summit of theTaishan, was accepting Buddhism believers' incense and candle,summoned is going to the decoy which the township left country's.

Good, lets us enter to the blue rosy cloud temple. 2,500 square metersplaces, have built up the entrance, the main hall, Matches Palace, 3 godsgates, the bell tower, the drumtower, Fragrant Pavilion, long live the building,the extremely heavy tripod with two handles, the fire pond, but alsohas According to Wall, the dance building, the imperial tablet pavilion... ...Moreover is the imperial mountain gust of wind, the palace is Copper Tile,the tablet is a brass casting, glittering, solemn space palace .The Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hall high construction skill wasconsidered was our country ancient times the mountain constructionmodel, the person dances to here goes on a pilgrimage certainly doesnot feel its slightly but sense its is big, the sacred feeling arosespontaneously. Now, in Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hallarchitectural complex an alone standard .

Leaves east the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall north the god gate tofold along the winding mountain road on again, obviously a cliffstands rock-firm, on the cliff the carved stone proliferates,spectacular, personal " Big view peak " . West the big viewpeak leans, on several years all stones also all has ancient's writingskill, area this it may be said is the open-air calligraphy artmuseum.

Along the big view peak west the side winding mountain road on, to themost high place, on these road looked resembles the stone stepsfinally arrived terminus, here was Taishan Goes against Extremely -- Jade Emperor goesagainst.

Temple of the Jade Emperor constructs in Goes against Extremely on, the red ocher wallgreen glazed tile picture was has put on a laurel crown to Taishan.Enters the temple by the entrance, first saw is courtyard central" Extremely capstone " . Extremely the capstone lies in center, high not full rice, surface roughness, if in elsewhere,will be together the ordinariest not place stone. But in here, itsside has the tablet is writing: " Taishan Goes against Extremely 1,545meter " . According to the geology analysis, is it, from Sea Troughcenter takes the lead in 30 million years ago to haunch up, it isrooted in to 1 myriameter earth's crust deep place; Is it, has severalhundred square kilometers bases, the entire place mountain is liftingit in the request, causes it to stand tall and erect the cloud day,down to in Temple of the Jade Emperor's Jade Emperor big emperor hassimply become its patron god.

The friends, a day-long travelling schedule already ended. Hoped youcan arrive Taishan to

come once again. Thanks everybody!


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to Tai’an. Welcome to Mt. Taishan.

Being a symbol of the Chinese nation, Mt. Taishan has all along been esteemed as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, a divine mountain, and a holy mountain, and other hills or mountains never enjoy such a status. With a height of 1545 meters, its majesty and splendor is incomparable. There is a famous “saying, “Scaling Mt. Taishan makes one feel superior to the whole world”, as it creates a feeling of regal dignity and imperial majesty.

Mt. Taishan is mainly made up of natural sights as well as man-made sights. There are four scenic areas on Mt. Taishan, the East and West Routes, the Mid-heaven Gate----junction of the two routes, and the Jade Emperor Summit.

“Serenity” characterizes the east routes. It is the best option to take for a climb up Mt. Taishan. Many cultural relics and historic sites bear witness of the past history. Attractions include Daizong Archway the place where Confucius had visited, Jingshi Valley, Hutian Pavilion, Mid-heaven Gate, Five Pines Pavilion and Eighteen Bends.

“Vastness” characterizes the west route, famous for its natural scenery. The winding highway forms the main path. Beautiful ridges and peaks form a silhouette speckled with long and narrow valleys, enigmatic and charming waterfalls and crystal-clear rippling streams. The International Mt. Tai Climbing Festival is held there annually, and people from many different countries come to participate in, and enjoy the event. The main sights of the west route include Longevity Bridge, Black Dragon Pool, Remains of Tian Sheng Fort and Fan Cliff.

With a height of 847 meters, the Mid-heaven Gate forms the crossing of the east and west routes. In the “Sacrifices-to-Heaven Hall”, people can get a fantastic view of the mountain. On the east lies the pretty Mid-stream Mountain; to the west is the wandering Phoenix Valley; in the south is the wispy and misty Wen River and to the north is the hanging cloud ladder, a scenic spot called Five Pines Pavilion.

This is the highest peak of Mt. Taishan. At the peak lies the Jade Emperor Temple, where a bronze statue of the Jade Emperor is worshipped. You can enjoy the beauty of sunrise in the mornings in the east pavilion and the golden belts of Yellow River in the west pavilion. The most spectacular feature of the Jade Emperor Summit is the carpet of snow---indeed a marvelous spectacle to behold.

In China, we often use Mt. Taishan to glorify a person’s devotion to the country. And as one Chinese saying goes, “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mt. Taishan or lighter than a feather”, and the long existing Chinese idioms “as firm as Mt. Taishan” and “as weighty as Mt. Taishan”. Thus Mt. Taishan is of significant importance in Chinese minds.


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