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2024-06-10 13:58:07















Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone!

Welcome everyone to the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area. I am your tour guide on this trip. You can call me Xiao Li. Its my pleasure to serve you.

Huangguoshu Waterfall is located at the border of Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County and Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, 40 kilometers from Anshun and 137 kilometers from the provincial capital Guiyang City. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and the third largest waterfall in the world. Its magic is unparalleled and it is a rare giant waterfall in karst areas around the world. What are the worlds first and second largest waterfalls? Niagara Falls and Victoria Falls.

There are many beautiful legends about the origin of the name Huangguoshu, one of which goes like this: a long time ago, Huangguoshu was abundant here. During the harvest season, all the mountains and fields were covered in golden yellow. Young men and women often talked about love under the Huangguoshu, swore allegiance, and witnessed the romantic origin of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Another simple way of saying is that "Huangguoshu" is a homophonic sound of "Huangjueshu" because the pronunciation of "fruit" and "jue" in the local accent is similar, so Huangjueshu is called Huangguoshu.

Dear group members, the enchanting Huangguoshu Waterfall is right in front of us. The tremendous sound we hear now is the sound of the waterfall falling. Huangguoshu Waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. It is the largest waterfall in Asia and one of the worlds famous waterfalls. It is the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed and appreciated from six angles: top, bottom, left, right, front, and back. It is also the only waterfall in the world that has a water curtain hole running through its waist, allowing you to observe, listen, and touch it from inside the hole.


Hi everyone! I am your tour guide, everyone can call me Xiaoye. The place we are going to travel today is the beautiful Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Everyone should pay attention to being a civilized traveler during the journey. Alright, lets start our trip now.

At this moment, we have entered the Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Everyone, listen carefully and see if there is a sound of "splashing" coming from afar, which is the sound of the waterfall. We are about to reach the waterfall. Have you heard the loud sound of the waterfall, almost overwhelming our voices.

At this moment, we are already in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up large splashes of water, soaring up like rain and mist, flying with the wind for several kilometers, landing on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. This has formed the famous spectacle of "Silver Rain Sprinkling on the Golden Street" far and near. At this moment, please follow me down the stone steps to the west. At this moment, we have reached the bottom of the valley. Everyone can see that we are very close to the waterfall, with only a small green pond separated in the middle. Have you ever felt the water droplets splashing onto our faces as the waterfall cascaded into the valley, feeling particularly cool and comfortable.

Okay, let me give you a short period of free time to travel to the Huangguoshu Scenic Area. When the time is up, we will meet here and disband.

Ah, time flies so fast. Our trip has ended, so Im saying goodbye to everyone again. If we have a chance, I hope to be your tour guide again next time.








ladies, gentlemen:

today we are going to tour the scenic spot is the yellow fruit treewaterfall. the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china first in thewaterfall, also is in the world one of in admiration of somebodysfame big waterfalls. in november, 1982, examined and appr oved afterthe peoples republic of china state council, the yellow fruit treewaterfall has been listed as the national key scenery scenic spotarea.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall is apart from the provincial capitalguiyang 137 kilometers, is located west guizhou province townninghsien and guanling county bordering on place hits the nation riverbranch the clear water river bank. rides in a carriage from guiyang tothe yellow fruit tree, approximately needs about for a half hour thetime.

the yellow fruit tree big waterfall already arrived, you looked, thiswas already the known far and wide chinese first big waterfall.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall height 68 meters, in the waterfall thewaterfall 6 meters, alwayshigh 74 meters, the width 81 meters, the summerfall flood rises suddenly in addition, waterfall like yellow river butactually leans, the cliff trembles, valley bangthunder, about ten miles,also can hear to its roaring; as a result of the fluent formidableimpulse, the mist which splashes may fill the air above severalhundred meters, causes to be situated the border and the downtownwhich the cliff goes against left side of the waterfall frequently themist which splashes is covered. the tourist says it "the silver rainto sprinkle the golden street". the winter the water is spring small,the waterfall then divides into 35 to go against from the shorehangs down, looks by far, that pure white shui lianpiao however under,raises sprinkles, if silk fabrics dances in the breeze, if theimmortal flutters lifts, like virtuous young woman gauze…… . for several hundred years, the yellow fruit tree waterfall grandappearance continuously exclaimed in surprise for many writersscholars. the qing dynasty guizhou renowned calligrapher, "summerpalace" three characters topic volume yan yinliang in "looks theantithetical couplet which the pavilion on the water" the topicwrites: "the clear water like cotton and kapok, does not need the bowto bow cotton wool self-scattering. the sunset glow resembles thebrocade, he xusuo weaves the day production ", was the image butvividly summarized the yellow fruit tree waterfall grand scenery.

now, we arrived the waterfall dropping place ―― rhinoceros deep pool.under water this deep pool because the fable bright rhinoceros hidesacquires fame. has the god rhinoceros, nobody has seen, but the deeppool water mystical is profound, until now still, any person settlesdown nearby the deep pool, can recollectionsassociationflies fast. the drizzle which whenthe cloudless day morning 10 now and then about 4 pm, as a result ofthe sunlight refraction, you also may penetrate waterfall impactsplash, saw raise the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow from thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.

why does this waterfall give a name is called the yellow fruit treewaterfall, what waterfalls but isnt called other other? according tothe folklore, is because nearby the waterfall on has big huang jueshu,according to the local voice, and "the fruit" the pronunciationis same, therefore the people on the custom called it yellow fruittree, this is one view. also some one view, nearby the fable very longbefore waterfall farmers all liked planting the yellow fruit, nearbythe waterfall on have a big yellow orchard, therefore on called thiswaterfall it the yellow fruit tree waterfall.

other famous big waterfalls compare with the world in, the yellowfruit tree big waterfall although does not have the african victoriabig waterfall, a north america nepal asia carat big waterfall, thevenezuelan anheer big waterfall like that broad, profound and isgrand, but, the yellow fruit tree big waterfall is innate it unusuallyplace, it is in the world occupies the karst area in the waterfall,also is the magnificent waterfall. this big waterfall on the pictureis together the strange magnet, in its ground, underground, aquatic,in the water also is adsorbing a succession of abundant posturegraceful view. most mysterious, is hides in the big waterfall halfwaycliff porch cavern, because outside hole caneradish climbsattaches, shui guazhucurtain, therefore says "shui liandong". this is in the world otherbig waterfall no unusual landscapes.

ladies, gentlemen, "shui liandong" already arrived, this shui liandongthe span 134 meters, it by 6 holes windows, 3 stocks vauclusian springand 6 channels is composed. according to the chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale tv serial "monkey" center shui liandong aplay, is here photographs.

this is the first hole window, its position lowest, to rhinoceros deeppool water surface only 40 meters, but hole window then is mostspacious, some several meters widths, position when first, twowaterfalls, big water two waterfalls cheng shuilian, completely sealsup the hole window; the water hour then the grading pulls open, isdifferent, pities the picture to be allowed at will opensgathers the windowblind from several meters to several meters.

this is the second hole window, it leaves about the first hole windowonly 4 meters. this is a quiet world, is known as the crystal palace.it is shui liandong heart is partial, length 11 meters, height 9meters, width 3 meters. the roadside has a water seepage, limpid isbright, the water elder maintains at a water level. the hole goesagainst is being hanging many clockbreaststone, clockbreaststone on also has theprecious curl stone in mai ganzhuang. on the hole wall also is hanginginnumerable shi man, the stone curtain.

this is the threehole window, it to outsidesuddenly, likes the balcony very much.this hole window has 1 meter high, 3 meter long, outside encircles hasthe guard rail, the tourist stands behind the guard rail may put out ahand to trace the waterfall, therefore the people here called it"traces waterfall".

ladies, gentlemen, now we must tour the landscape is the rhinocerosdeep pool canyon landscape. you looked that, from the rhinoceros waistdownward, is together connected falls together the water, is in turnrhinoceros deep pool, three beaches, horses hoof beach, oil fish welland so on. in this a succession of beach deep pool, is the headnaturally is the rhinoceros deep pool, its deep 17.7 meters,frequently for splash the bead cover, the fog bead submerge. so longas has the sunlight, the waterfall splashes on the bead frequently tohang seven colors riotous rainbows, moves along with the person,unpredictable.

why can the yellow fruit tree waterfall like this? this is because theyellow fruit tree waterfall is situated at the karst area, is createsby the fluent corrosive nature. upstream when traces to the source thecorrosion crackspot arrives, the river water along the karst crevassewashes out, dissolveseclipse, flushes the eclipse, the abrasion, the pipelinegradually expands, forms does not fall the hole and the buried river;after the surface river pours into falls the water-dunnel the watervolume proportion gradually to increase, has formed the karst areaunique raidsseizes, pours into in the open jet falls the water-dunnelplace, forms falls the water-dunnel type waterfall. flushes theeclipse and the strategy avalanche function along with the current ofwater unceasingly intensifies, the underground river cavern is moreand more big, thereupon dryvalley grew along the surface has had thestring distribution the shaft and the roof louvre window, theyunceasingly expanded, the combination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.

i hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.



黄果树瀑布(Huangguoshu Waterfalls),国家5A级风景区。



它以其雄奇壮阔的大瀑布、连环密布的瀑布群而闻名于海内外,十分壮丽。并享有“中华第一瀑”之盛誉,是除尼亚加拉瀑布和维多利亚瀑布之外的第三大瀑布。黄果树风景名胜区位于贵州西线旅游中心安顺市西南45公里处,镇宁布依族苗族自治县境内,东北距贵州省会贵阳市150公里,有滇黔铁路、株六复线铁路、黄果树机场、320国道、贵(阳)黄(果树)高等级公路贯通全境,新建的清(镇)黄(果树)高速路直达景区。景区以黄果树瀑布为中心,以瀑布、溶洞、地下湖为主体。   著名的黄果树大瀑布,是贵州第一胜景,中国第一大瀑布,也是世界最 阔大壮观的瀑布之一。景区内以黄果树大瀑布(高77.8米,宽101.0米)为中心,采用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)等科学手段,测得亚洲最大的瀑布――黄果树大瀑布的实际高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。分布着雄、奇、险、秀风格各异的大小18个瀑布,形成一个庞大的`瀑布“家族”,被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世界上最大的瀑布群,列入世界吉尼斯世界纪录。黄果树大瀑布是黄果树瀑布群中最为壮观的瀑布,是世界上唯一可以从上、下、前、后、左、右六个方位观赏的瀑布,也是世界上有水帘洞自然贯通且能从洞内外听、观、摸的瀑布。明代伟大的旅行家徐霞客考察大瀑布赞叹道:“捣珠崩玉,飞沫反涌,如烟雾腾空,势甚雄伟;所谓‘珠帘钩不卷,匹练挂遥峰’,俱不足以拟其壮也,高峻数倍者有之,而从无此阔而大者”。

2005年10月3日,中国最美的地方排行榜在北京发布。此次活动由《中国国家地理》主办,全国34家媒体协办的“中国最美的地方”评选活动,历时8个月,共评出“专家学会组”、“媒体大从组”与“网络 手机人气组”三类奖项。“媒体组”与“人气组”分别以媒体投票及网友、手机用户投票的方式各产生12个获奖地方。而由中国国家地理杂志社浓墨重彩推出的“专家学会组”奖项则别具一格,分成了山、湖泊、森林、草原、沙漠、雅丹地貌、海岛、海岸、瀑布、冰川、峡谷、城区、乡村古镇、旅游洞穴、沼泽湿地等15个类型。 评选出的中国最美的六大瀑布,黄果树位列其中。


推荐专题: 贵州黄果树瀑布自创导游词

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