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2024-06-10 13:56:52










Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we are going to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention to be a civilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.

Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is there a "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. We are going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loud that it almost covered our voice.

Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot of water. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind and falls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it has formed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Now please follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom of the valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only a small green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled from the bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.

OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely. When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband. Ah, time flies. Our tour is over. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guide next time.


Hello, I'm director Yang. Today, I want to let you enjoy the beautifulscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.

Please follow me. The waterfall in front of us is Huangguoshu waterfall.Look, it's like a transparent silk. It's really "flying down 3000 feet. It'ssuspected that the Milky way is falling nine days"!

Now, you can take a deep breath. It's called "natural oxygen bar", and youdon't have to spend money. Enjoy it, tourists.

Please follow me to the waterfall. Look, Huangguoshu waterfall is 101meters wide and 77 meters high. 8 meters, the water of the waterfall firstenters rhinoceros pond, then successively passes through sandaotan, horseshoebeach, zhulongtan, youyujing, guodihan, Wantang and maoshuitang. It is said thatthe water curtain cave of Monkey King is inside.

There is another legend about Huangguoshu waterfall: Once upon a time,there was an old couple who were all over 70 years old and had no children. Oneday, the old woman had a dream. An immortal said, "there is a yellow fruit treeoutside your door. As long as you keep the fruit on the highest branch for 100days, you can have children if you eat it.". After listening, grandma sat up andtold her grandfather. So they took turns guarding the trees. After 99 days,unexpectedly, the fruit fell to the ground, and the earth immediately split acrack. There was a stream of water flowing down the mountain, formingHuangguoshu waterfall.

This is the end of my explanation. Thank you for your listening. You canvisit the rest of the time by yourself. Be careful not to damage publicproperty.


Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou guide words, ladies and gentlemen : Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great Falls one. In November 1982, the People's Republic of China State Council approved, Huangguoshu Falls has been listed as a national key scenic spots. Huangguoshu waterfall from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, 137 km, Guizhou Province is located in the western Zhenning Guanling County and the contiguous counties Dabang Baishuihe River on the River tributaries on. Guiyang from traveling to Huangguoshu, about a half-hour or so. Huangguoshu Waterfall have to, you see, this is already the world famous China's largest waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls 68 meters high, with waterfalls, waterfalls, six meters high total of 74 meters, 81 meters wide, Floodwaters in the summer, If the Yellow River Falls reversing dumping, cliffs shook, the bottom Honglei, ten passage can also hear its roar; Due to the strong impact of water flow, damage the spray can diffuse more than a few hundred meters, so that the waterfall is located on the top of the left Tsaitsu and markets often damage the mist shrouded. Visitors that the "silver rain throwing Street." Small winter and spring water, waterfalls into it from March 5 lock-down pegged to the roof, far from view, a curtain of white floated down, triumphantly Sasa, If the middle of silk, if cents differentiates the breeze held, such as ladies Wun Sha .... For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance Huangguoshu waterfall has been for many writers and scholars have marveled. Guizhou Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher, "Summer Palace" is a misnomer that the amount of those Yan Yin-in "cottage look," wrote the couplet : "White as cotton, and not bow spent shells from casual. Hongxia decorated, Mr need woven days Generation " more vivid image summed up the Huangguoshu Waterfall magnificent scenery. Now, we come to a waterfall fell Department --- rhino Tam. This takes into account the legend of gods and Tam rhinoceros named hidden underwater. Rhinoceros are no gods, no one has ever seen, but the mysterious and remote lake, there is still, no one stood Here, the chapter will train together. If sunny 10:00 or 16:00 or so, as the sunlight refraction, You can also blow through the waterfall being spun off by the rain and fog, to see which rises from the pit of seven-color rainbow, so that you Fireweed majestic appearance of Earth, Li Zhao Yan days flu. Why has this waterfall named Huangguoshu waterfall, and not what other other waterfall? According to folklore, is a tree in the edge of a waterfall tall Ficus virens, according to the local accent, "Electric" and "fruit" pronunciation, and I used to call on people to Huangguoshu, which is a statement. There is also the view that a long time ago legend waterfall nearby farmers like yellow fruit species, the edge of a waterfall has a large yellow orchards, so they made the Huangguoshu waterfall as a waterfall. And the rest of the world famous Great Falls, the Huangguoshu Falls Although no African Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, North America, Venezuela Angel Falls is so wide, and highly ambitious, but Huangguoshu Falls has its peculiar, it is the world's most karst areas at the Falls, is the most spectacular waterfall. The Falls is like a strange magnetic stones, in its ground and underground water, Water also adsorption eyes with a series of voice in the landscape. One of the most magical one is hidden in a waterfall gully holes in the cliff Gallery, as Wisteria cling hole, water pegged Fly, known as "Seorak." This is the world's other great waterfall not a peculiar landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, "Seorak" has come and the Seorak length of 134 meters, which consists of six holes window 3 units hole vents and six channel formed. According to Chinese legend arranged large television drama "Journey to the West" Seorak a drama, is here filming. This is the first window hole, it's the lowest position, the pool from the rhino-only 40 meters, but the hole is the most generous windows, 10 meters wide, In the first place, the middle two waterfalls, a river even when 2% of the Water Curtain Falls, the hole will seal all windows; Water was fourth hour began, from a few meters to 10 meters range, Min, as can be arbitrarily CDCC the curtains. This is the second hole window, it is from the window of the first hole only about 4 meters. This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Seorak, is 11 meters long, nine meters high and three meters wide. A roadside springs, the clear, bright and clean water in a year round water level. Top of many hanging stalactite, the straw stalactite-like there are precious stone curl. Also on the wall hung countless Shiman, stone screens. This is the third hole window, it highlights the field, much like a balcony. This window is a hole-meter, 3-meter-long, the outside perimeter guard, visitors can stand behind the guardrail hand touch Falls, People here so called "touch waterfall Taiwan." Ladies and gentlemen, we now visit the landscape is rhino Tam Valley landscape. Look, from the waist down rhino is a one contiguous or water, followed by rhino Lake, the three Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Fish oil wells, and so on. In this series in the lake, of course, is headed by Tan rhinoceros, it was 17.7 meters deep, often splash beads coverage, in the fog Chu drowned. As long as the sun, a waterfall splashes beads often hung colorful rainbow, with people moving and unpredictable. Huangguoshu Waterfall Why so? This is because the Huangguoshu Waterfall located in the Karst region, the flow is caused by erosion. Traceability erosion crack when they arrived at upper reaches of the river erosion along the karst fracture, corrosion, erosion, abrasion, and gradually expand the pipeline, formation of holes and not charged underground river; Form into local river water after the water sink in Liuzitian ratio gradually increased, created the unique karst region capture, in-flow into water sink in Liuzitian, on the formation of water sink in Liuzitian-waterfall. With water erosion and collapse strategy has steadily increased, more and more underground river cave, So along the surface wadis clustered development of the shaft and skylights, which have continued to expand, merging, Collapse, causing the present magnificent Huangguoshu Falls and Falls downstream deeply dangerous gorge. I hope you raise your camera and shoot Huangguoshu Waterfall, stay in your memory, publicity to more people, because China is the Huangguoshu Waterfall and also belongs to the world.


Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we aregoing to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention tobe a civilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.

Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.

Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.

OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband. Ah, time flies. Our tour isover. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guidenext time.

推荐专题: 贵州黄果树瀑布英文导游词

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