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2024-06-10 13:54:42





龙宫前是一开阔深潭,名“天池”,又名“龙潭”,系高山小湖 泊,面积一万多平方米,湖水澄碧,水深四十三米。池边崖石壁立,为古树藤萝覆盖。进入宫门,迎面是“群龙迎客”,青黝的洞顶垂下十数条钟乳石,张牙舞瓜,酷似龙形。暗河水平稳凝重,幽深莫测,水港曲折迷离。


面积约八平方公里的龙宫风景区里,还有因岩溶发育形成的大小旱洞二十多个,有新寨洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞和虎穴洞。四洞中以新寨洞最大,又名“玉柱洞”,洞深一公里许,有七个洞厅和奇丽多姿的岩溶景 观。玉柱洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞,因洞中有奇特的石柱、石幔、石笋,形似玉柱、龙旗、宝剑得名。虎穴洞得名,因附近有一山头状如猛虎。





Hello everyone!

Welcome everyone to the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area, I am your tourguide on this trip, my name is Li Fangzhou, everyone can call me Xiao Li, I amhappy to serve you.

Huangguoshu Waterfall is located at the border of Zhenning Buyi and MiaoAutonomous County and Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, 40 kilometersaway from Anshun and 137 kilometers away from Guiyang, the provincial capital.Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and the third largest inthe world. Its magic is unique, and it is a rare giant waterfall in the Karstregion of the world. Now ask the question what are the first and second largestwaterfalls in the world? (Niagara Falls and Victoria Falls).

There are many beautiful legends about the origin of Huangguoshus name. Oneof them says this: Long ago, there were a lot of yellowberries here. In theharvest season, all the mountains and fields are golden. Young men and womenoften love each other under Huangguoshu. , And as a witness to HuangguoshuWaterfall, this is the origin of the romance of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Anotherway of saying is simple, saying that "Huangguoshu" is a homophonic of"Huangguoshu". Because the pronunciation of "guo" and "juan" in the local accentare similar, Huangguoshu is called Huangguoshu.

Dear friends, the fascinating Huangguoshu Waterfall is right in front ofus. Now we hear the loud sound of "rumbling" is the sound of the waterfallfalling. Huangguoshu Waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. It isthe largest waterfall in Asia and one of the famous waterfalls in the world. Itis the only one in the world that can be viewed and appreciated from six angles:up, down, left, right, front and back The waterfall is also the only waterfallin the world that has a full length of water curtain hole running through itswaist, that is, it can be viewed, heard, and touched from inside the cave. Asearly as more than 300 years ago, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in the MingDynasty, inspected the Great Falls and exclaimed: "Putting beads and fallingjade, the droplets rushing back, such as smoke flying into the sky, are verymajestic."

Next, we will go through the heart of the waterfall-Shuiliandong. The watercurtain hole is 134 meters in length and consists of 6 hole windows, 3 strandsprings and 6 channels. A scene from Shuiliandong in the large TV series"Journey to the West" based on Chinese mythology was filmed here. This is thefirst hole window, its position is the lowest, only 40 meters away from thesurface of the Rhino Lake, but the hole window is the widest, a dozen meterswide, and is located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls. Form awater curtain to seal all the windows of the cave; when the water is small, itwill be opened in a series of times, ranging from a few meters to more than tenmeters. Min Xiang can open and close the curtains at will. This is the secondhole window, which is only about 4 meters away from the first hole window. Thisis a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Shuiliandong,11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is a spring of water bythe road, clear and clean, and the water has been kept at a water level for manyyears. Many stalactites hang from the top of the cave, and there are preciouscurly stones on the straw-shaped stalactites. There are countless stone mantlesand curtains hanging on the walls of the cave. This is the third hole window, itprotrudes outward, much like a balcony. The cave window is 1 meter high and 3meters long. It is surrounded by a guardrail. Visitors can stand behind theguardrail and reach out to the waterfall, so people call it the "touch waterfallplatform".

Below we will reach the Rhinoceros Lake, which is located at the foot ofthe waterfall and the water depth is 17.7 meters. This is the fall of thewaterfall. It is said that in the ancient times, there were gods and rhinos hereand there, hence the name. Looking up at the waterfall from here is anotherthrilling feeling. If the sun is shining brightly, a rainbow will often rise inthe pool, which is extremely spectacular. There is such a couplet on thewaterfall pavilion opposite the waterfall, which describes the scenery properly:white water is like cotton, and it does not need to be scattered by bows,flowers, and flowers.

Why is Huangguoshu Waterfall like this? This is because HuangguoshuWaterfall is located in the Karst area and is caused by the erosion of waterflow. When the traceable erosion crack reaches the upstream, the river waterwill be washed, dissolved, eroded, and abraded along the karst fissure, and thepipeline will gradually expand to form a falling hole and an underground river;after the local surface river is injected into the falling hole, the proportionof the water volume gradually increases. A unique attack in the karst area wasformed. When the clear stream was injected into the sinkhole, a sinkholewaterfall was formed. With the intensification of water erosion and strategiccollapse, the dark river caves are getting bigger and bigger, so a series ofvertical shafts and skylights have been developed along the surface dry valley.They continue to expand, merge, and collapse, resulting in today’s magnificentand spectacular Huangguoshu Waterfall and the deep and steep canyon downstreamof the waterfall. Now everyone is free to move and gather under the escalator 20minutes later.

Todays itinerary is coming to an end, I hope you have a pleasant journey.At the same time, everyone is welcome to have the opportunity to travel toHuangguoshu again. thank you all!


Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we aregoing to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention tobe a civilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.

Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.

Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.

OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband. Ah, time flies. Our tour isover. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guidenext time.


Dear tourist friends: Hello, I'm Xiao Yu, today's tour guide. Please call me Yu Dao. "In the hot summer, Guiyang is the best summer resort." How can we miss Huangguoshu waterfall when we come to Guiyang? Today we will take a bus to Huangguoshu waterfall, which is 150 kilometers away from Guiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall, located on the Baishui River in Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, is the largest waterfall in China. Xu Xiake, a famous Traveler of the Ming Dynasty, traveled all over the world and found this treasure land: "when you dig out pearls and collapse jade, the droplets are surging back like smoke and mist, which is very powerful." We can see how magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall is.

Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me when you get off. Now we can't see the waterfall across the forest, but we have heard the sound of "Hua Hua". Does it sound like thunder rolling? As we get closer, the sound of the waterfall is getting louder and louder. Do you feel that the land under your feet is shaking slightly?

This is the best place to see the panoramic view of Huangguoshu waterfall. You can see from the direction of sound, Huangguoshu waterfall is in front. The whole waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. Look, the waterfall falls down into the pool, hits the big rocks, splashes snow-white water, we can feel the thin water mist floating in the air, everything around seems to become faint.

Down the stone ladder, we came to the bottom of Huangguoshu waterfall. Looking up, Huangguoshu waterfall looks like a natural white curtain. The falling water quickly flows to the rhinoceros beach below. Look, there is a rainbow on rhinoceros beach, which is enveloping the waterfall and giving it a colorful halo. The sunlight refracts on the rainbow again, making rhinoceros beach colorful and dazzling.

There is a hole behind the waterfall, which is the shooting site of shuilian cave in the famous movie journey to the West. The cave is narrow and can only accommodate one person. Be careful of the pillars on the ceiling. Don't let him kiss your head. There are six windows in the water curtain cave. Through these natural "skylights", you can see the waterfall from the inside, which is another scene: the waterfalls are like water curtains, shielding the external things without leaving any gaps. Don't stick your head out of the hole. Be careful that the water above will make you cool.

Huangguoshu waterfall is a masterpiece of nature. It is also the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front, back, left and right. "Xitan water waterfall hanging cliff Yang, snow high water hundred search." What's your impression of the beautiful Huangguoshu waterfall? Welcome to leave a message for Xiaoyu. Well, today's trip to Huangguoshu Falls is over. I wish you a happy journey!


Dear tourists

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to join the Guizhou tourism team ofChongqing air travel. I'm Mu Ke, your tour guide. I wish you a happyjourney!

It is believed that many people's understanding of Guizhou begins with thesaying "the sky is not clear for three days, the earth is not level for threemiles, and people are not silver"; I don't think the 38 million people of allethnic groups in Guizhou will agree with it, because its description isdiametrically opposite to the actual situation of Guizhou. "It rains at night,it's sunny, the roads are peaceful everywhere, and people are full of silverevery festival" is the real Guizhou. Occupying all the advantages of time, placeand people is actually "the treasure of China".

According to the two character "Guizhou", it is "Zhong, Yi, Bei, Zhou",that is, "a treasure state of China", which reveals the peculiarity and value ofGuizhou. What kind of treasure is Guizhou? It is the perfect combination ofheaven, earth and human. It is a pure land of nature and human culture.Guizhou's "sky" is clean, humid and pleasant; Guizhou's "Earth" is composed ofvaried karst wonders; Guizhou's "people" live in a variety of culturalenvironments and create splendid cultures and civilizations. Guizhou is locatedbetween 24 ″ 37 ′ N and 29 ″ 13 ′ n, which belongs to subtropical monsoon humidclimate with abundant precipitation, small temperature change, warm in winterand cool in summer.

Today, the earth's climate is getting worse and worse. In many parts of theworld, people are suffering from heat, drought, flood and sandstorm; Naturaldisasters are eroding people's homes on a large scale. However, in this preciousland of Guizhou, the weather is still four seasons like spring, three sunny daysand two rainy days, with fresh air and pleasant climate. It is like a rare largeair conditioner.

The unique natural climate and environment have created a wide variety ofgreen vegetation in Guizhou, which is the magic picture of "mountainZhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou everywhere". From this, Guizhou has won the reputationof "Park province" and "air conditioning province". This is where Guizhou'scharming charm lies. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen oncepredicted: "in five hundred years, Yunnan and Guizhou will compete in Jiangnan."What does Yunnan and Guizhou win over Jiangnan? Liu Bowen said: "thousands ofrivers in Jiangnan are the most important mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou." Theconcentrated expression of Guizhou scenery is the vast mountains. Guizhou is aplateau mountainous area, with mountains and hills accounting for 95.2% of theterritory's land area. It is known as "eight mountains, one water and onefield". Those who have been to Yunnan may have heard of its "Eighteen monsters";there are also eight monsters in Guizhou this time

The first one: stone as tile

Guizhou's stones are very special, with clear layers. They can peel offpieces of stone a few centimeters thick. Using these pieces of stone instead oftraditional sintered tiles, although the area is not too uniform and neat, itsaves the cost of firing, and is stronger and more durable than tiles. Whynot?

Second strange: the old lady goes up the mountain faster than the car

There are many mountains in Guizhou, so the road is also difficult. Thewinding mountain highway has been circling around the mountain. Even if thefastest car can go up the mountain along the winding mountain highway, it has togo up one by one. Naturally, the distance is dozens of times of people's walkingpath. Therefore, when the car goes up, even the slow old lady will arriveearly!

Third: half of the houses are built on the mountain

Anshun Dragon Palace scenic area has many houses built close to themountain. By borrowing the mountain as the back wall and skillfully borrowingthe terrain, it also saves the stone of one wall. According to the commonpeople, this kind of house has the advantage of being warm in winter and cool insummer!

Fourth strange: shanbaoer is independent

Guizhou's mountains, especially in southwest and South Guizhou, areisolated and abrupt. Only the foot of the mountain is connected with each other.Far from Yunnan's mountains, they are connected by the same ridge, rolling andgreen peaks. Maybe that's where shanbaoer stands alone?

Fifth: growing vegetables on the roof

This is not a common phenomenon, but a special way, that is, when theresidents with good conditions are building houses, they often use cement toreinforce the roof, and then leave a parapet, spread good soil in the parapet,and grow some common vegetables, but they also end up with a feeling that theycan not ask for people without asking for them!

Sixth strange: chili as a home dish

Guizhou is located in the plateau and mountainous area. At the same time,the rainy weather makes up a complete humid climate. Eating chili often candrive away the cold and strengthen the body? Sometimes I don't understand. Onthe edge of the desert in the northwest, the residents in the setting sun alsohave chili after eating. So what are they doing? Maybe under the bad foodconditions, in order to have a meal? Guizhou residents, especially Miao and Dongpeople, like spicy food, but also acid . As the local saying goes, "if you don'teat sour food for three days, you'll walk around (meaning unstable)". Thus, twofamous dishes were derived: one is fish in sour soup. During the production, thetomato and ginger are put into the rice soup, stored in the earthen jar forfermentation, and then a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese pricklyash, green onion and Chinese toon are added to cook with the fish. The soup isfresh, tender, hot and sour, and the appetite is wide. The second is tiger skinpepper, that is, green pepper is roasted on the fire, torn into strips, mixedwith soy sauce and other seasonings, and served on the plate.

The seventh: three mice in a sack

The rats here, of course, refer to the giant rats. Each mouse weighsseveral kilos and can be packed into a sack.

However, this monster should be the same as the three mice and a sack inYunnan.

The eighth: take it with you in the toilet

It refers to the fact that there were few toilets in the past, and the longskirts of Miao people made it convenient to use the toilet everywhere. InGuizhou, more than 40 ethnic minorities, such as Miao, Dong and Buyi, live inharmony and have colorful ethnic customs. Women especially like to dress up withsilver ornaments. It is said that a Miao woman's silver ornaments weigh 16 kg.However, when working in the field, they don't wear accessories, and they oftenwear skirts (also known as hundred fold skirts) on their lower body. When youneed to "release", you can squat down at any time, and the skirt opens around,just like a natural toilet.

Also heard another guide said: the uglier the better sell (GuizhouGastrodia elata) bark as medicine to sell (Guizhou Eucommia ulmoides) wine notfloating at home abroad (Guizhou Maotai)


Hello, everyone

I'm Dai __ from __ travel agency. Call me "Dai Dao". In the past few days,I will take you to visit the scenic resort Huangguoshu waterfall. During thetour, please recognize the sign of the guide flag to avoid following the wrongteam. If you have any problems or requirements, please try to put forward them.I will try my best to solve them. Finally, I wish you all have a good time, eatwell and live comfortably.

Huangguoshu waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the people's Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall? It is saidthat farmers near the waterfall used to grow Huangguoshu for a long time. Thereis a large yellow orchard beside the waterfall, so this waterfall is calledHuangguoshu waterfall. Huangguoshu national key scenic spot is located in thesouthwest of Guizhou Province. It is one of the first batch of national keyscenic spots and the first batch of AAAA grade tourist areas assessed by thestate. It is 128 kilometers away from Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province,and 45 kilometers away from Anshun, the central tourist City in the West. Thereare Yunnan Guizhou railway, Zhuzhou Liupanshui double track railway, Huangguoshuairport, 320 National Highway and Guiyang Huangguoshu high-grade highway runningthrough the whole area The newly built Qingzhen Huangguoshu Expressway goesdirectly to the scenic spot! "

You see, Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the mostfamous waterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101.0meters wide, surrounded by 18 waterfalls of different sizes and styles, forminga huge waterfall "family". It is rated as the largest waterfall group in theworld by Guinness headquarters, and listed in Guinness records. Huangguoshuwaterfall is the most spectacular waterfall in Huangguoshu waterfall group. Itis the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front,back, left and right. It is also a waterfall that has water curtain cave and canbe heard, viewed and touched from inside and outside.

Handsome guys, beautiful girls, "water curtain cave" has arrived, pleasetake your valuables with you. The water curtain cave is 134 meters long andconsists of six windows, three Gudong springs and six passages. You should befamiliar with this. The scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese fairy tales was shot here. I hope youwill hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshu waterfall, keep it inyour memory and publicize it to more people, because Huangguoshu waterfall isthe pride of China!

Dai Dao, I want to say goodbye to you. As the saying goes, "it's hard tosee each other, but it's also hard to leave each other" and "it's different tosend you a thousand miles away.". I'll be your guide next time. Finally, I wishyou a safe journey! Happy family! Good health!

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