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2024-06-10 13:49:04



Hi everyone! I am your tour guide, you can call me Xiaoye. The place we are going to visit today is the beautiful Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Everyone should pay attention to being a civilized tourist during the tour. Alright, lets start exploring now.

Now we have entered the Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Please listen carefully and see if there is a sound of "splashing" coming from afar, which is the sound of the waterfall. We are about to reach the waterfall. Have you heard the loud sound of the waterfall, almost overwhelming our voices.

As soon as I walked to the door of Huangguoshu Waterfall, I heard a deafening sound, "Wow, wow..." The sound was so loud that it seemed to make everyone hear it.

We walked towards the foot of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Unconsciously, raindrops fell on the face. The closer you are to the waterfall, the more these "raindrops" there are. Actually, these "raindrops" are the water from the waterfall falling onto the stones, splashing up droplets of water.

We enjoyed the Huangguoshu Waterfall while resting. Look, due to the surging summer floods and abundant rainfall, the sound of Huangguoshu Waterfall is like the Yellow River tilting, the cliffs trembling, and the valley bottom thundering, spreading ten miles away. The brilliant sunlight here refracts through the mist splashed by the waterfall, and we see the rainbow of Rhinoceros Pond!

The rainbow at the top of Rhinoceros Pond is like a waterfall wearing a beautiful wreath. It is precisely this beauty that gives the Huangguoshu Waterfall a magnificent and majestic appearance, with a feeling of bright sunshine shining in the sky! Next, we walked towards the Water Curtain Cave. I heard that it used to be the world of the Monkey King, Im really looking forward to it! Oh, why isnt there a legendary stone basin, stone bed, stone stool, and stone bowl in the Water Curtain Cave? The cave is still cold and black, and the water from the cave drips onto people, giving them a hint of coolness.

As I walked out of the water curtain hole, I looked up again and the rainbow had already disappeared.

The source of the waterfall seems to have a door that leads directly to the boundless sea, and seawater flows continuously from the door to its source, merging with the waterfall. I couldnt help but think: If Li Bai had gone not to Lushan Waterfall, but to Huangguoshu Waterfall, then "Flying down three thousand feet" did not refer to Lushan, but to Huangguoshu Waterfall!


壮美大瀑布 多彩贵州风 相信有很多人对贵州的了解始于那句“天无三日晴、地无三里平、人无三分银”的俗语;我想三千八百万贵州各族人民不会认同,因为它的描述与实际的贵州截然相反,“晚上下雨白天晴、公路同乡处处平、人逢节日遍身银”才是真正的贵州。占尽天时、地利、人和,实乃“中国之宝贝”。 根据“贵州”二字写法,乃‘中、一、贝、州’,即‘中国的一个宝贝之州’,一语道破贵州的奇特与珍贵。




贵州属高原山地,山地和丘陵占据境内地土面积的95.2% ,素有‘八山一水一分田’之说。岩溶分布范围广泛,形态类型齐全,地域分异明显,构成一种特殊的岩溶生态系统 ——喀斯特。贵州是世界上喀斯特地貌发育最充分的地方,造就出神奇的喀斯特奇景:黄果树、龙宫、马岭河。

唐代大诗人李白曾留有“飞流直下三千尺、疑是银河落九天”的千古绝唱,磊落清壮,语简而意无穷;李白曾被流放夜郎,大途中遇赦,没有机会见到这比庐山瀑布更大、更壮、更奇、更美的瀑布,倘若他有幸畅游黔中,目睹令人惊心动魄的黄果树大瀑布,又会留下怎样的诗篇?此时此刻,我们无法臆断历史,但仍抑制不住内心的激动表达对大瀑布的赞美:“白水雄哉,远接银河三万里;雷霆壮矣,早惊黔域五千年” 当目光转向黔西南,发源于乌蒙山系白果岭的马岭河从河源至河口约100公里的流程内,落差近千米,在地面上切割出一条狭窄幽深的美丽伤疤。置身其中,有如坠入深渊,翘首仰望,天成一线,此情此景,有诗为证:“一沟碧水,且行且憩且吟;两壁悬崖,可读可圈可点;地缝天沟,西南胜景推兴义;神工鬼斧,峡谷风光赛桂林” 自古“无水不成景,有水景更秀”,水是自然界一种特殊之物,它既是生命之源、又是万物之母;蒸发可以升腾上天变成云雾,聚集又可下沉为雨雪,在地可成江河湖海,入地又成阴河暗流。正所谓“水不在深,有龙则灵”,龙宫的神韵就在于水,这是一条神秘的水,它本是一条小小的河流,从山谷中来,又几次潜入地下,几次又涌冒出地面,穿过了二十几座山峰,经过了几番回旋,这还不够,它还在地底形成一个巨大的瀑布,吞云吐雾之后,这才滔滔而去,有诗赞道:“龙驻黔中,十里阴河流锦绣;宫浮水上,千秋溶洞聚辉煌”。 这些就是贵州喀斯特奇景,古语云:“旧闻天下山,半在黔中青;又闻天下泉,半在黔中鸣”。若不能亲临其境,又怎能感受?

推荐专题: 贵州黄果树瀑布导游词范文

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