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2024-05-06 23:28:06





Hello, everybody , is predestined friends the we get together, I am your tour guide, you can call me weeks guide, we come to now is baotu spring - ", the first spring of the famous. It is located in the center of jinan.

The park was founded in 1956, due to baotu spring - in its name. Baotu spring - in the park, there are several very famous springs: gold wire spring, wash yuquan, lie NiuQuan, back to the emperor, the order of springs, white dragon bay, etc. These springs and some other springs formed the baotu spring - group.

Wash the door is our name spring in the park, is one of the big name spring seventy-two, everyone could see "wash yuquan" three words, is the late jinan painter-calligrapher GuanYouSheng. Song dynasty famous patriotic poetess li qingzhao in this live, often in the spring to groom, thus its name.

Here we come to baotu spring - is the main scenic area, the four seasons of spring under normal temperature, keep in eighteen degrees Celsius. Baotu spring - has a long history, called yet, baotu spring -, three wat tripartite confrontation, "awake on the springs, water flood if the wheel".

A few stone right front of us, and we have a look at, I don't know that word "turkistan" on the three points less? It is said that the expressed a wish, people want to baotu spring - spray endless, intentionally written like this. Baotu spring - listen to the old man said, with water to make tea green color fresh, known as "don't drink water BaoTu, empty negative jinan tour" of the baotu spring - said commentaries baotu spring - 400 words or commentaries 400 words. The water like water fairy, so there are baotu spring - water forever.

My dear friends, today's trip to the end, you can and take a look at below but remember "in addition to the photos, don't take anything; in addition to the footprints, what all don't do this.


My dear friends, hello:

Baotu spring - the park is located in the center of jinan, south depends on the above, the quancheng square in the east, north daming lake, covers an area of about 158 mu. Baotu spring - park, which is mainly composed of spring water is a natural landscape park, jinan seventy-two name spring, known as the "world spring. Baotu spring - also known as sill springs, as yet the source of water, has been two thousand seven hundred years of history, spring all year round constant at about 18 degrees centigrade. Baotu spring - park to watching a stream, fish, tea, rock features, culture; With small and exquisite, and step clean and quiet, of primitive simplicity and elegant.

Now we see the white wall tiles, the eaves volume mountain, covered the national style of building door is baotu spring - park east gate. The gate on the horizontal board in the middle of "baotu spring -" the three characters, was written in 1959, comrade guo moruo.

Rain bridge, go see the Shi Zi is exquisite, natural texture, 4 meters high, weighing eight tons of turtle stone, it was originally for the yuan dynasty famous home zhang yanghao collections of the genre.

Go to the horse was running spring. Why called horse run spring? The steeds of bac ninh is said to have period of gold general GuanSheng plane, so the name.

Go forward again, came to wash the yuquan area. "wash yuquan" the three characters of jinan is the late artist guan audio. We are now looking at the li qingzhao memorial hall, built in 1979, is Mr Guo moruo write on both sides of the memorial couplets. This part is "the edge of the daming lake, baotu spring - former residence in deep chueiyang" is li qingzhao's former residence is located; Bottom allied "Jin Shilu, wash jade concentrated, literary grace has left legacy". Hanging in the vestibule of plaques is guo moruo calligraphy "generation poets".

Go further west, in gold wire springs. Baotu spring - with gold wire springs, heihu, pearl spring and called the four big name spring of jinan.

Continue to go to the west, we came to the ShangZhiTang. ShangZhiTang, also known as the "golden thread academy", named by the gold wire springs.

Out ShangZhiTang westward, reach the LuoYuan don. LuoYuan don, former BaoSha, prominent surface, color beams and Huang Wa andalusite, majestic form. Look at the poem of hold post engraved: "clouds embellish steamed China not note, the waves acoustic shock daming lake." this sentence is the yuan dynasty famous writer Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ to baotu spring - best wonders

LuoYuan hall to the north of the building is the temple, is to commemorate the emperor yu shun two moths of princess, the female of the shrine.

Baotu spring - we have now come to the scenic spot, standing to crane bridge. To former bridge crane bridge, Ming wanli over magistrate of a county he-ming zhang. Baotu spring - open park in 1956, built the stone bridge.

Standing on the mission hills pavilion, you can see passing a stone in the water, engraved "baotu spring -" three characters, is the Ming dynasty Hu Zuanzong written, if you are careful may find less "turkistan" word above it. After the pavilion carved stone Wang Zhonglin written in the qing dynasty, is "the first spring", "mission" carved stone is written in the Ming dynasty chang chin.

Now we have come to surging garden scenic spot and white snow floor. Jc, originally named "spoon cang park", from the meaning of "the sea one scoop". Here is one of "seven scholars" after the Ming dynasty famous poet Li Panlong DouShuChu, "scoop cang" name, express the wish of that people learn from Li Panlong.

Thank you all!After three hours set here. I wish you all have fun.


Hello, everybody !

Located at the center of jinan baotu spring - park, south on above, the quancheng square in the east, north daming lake, covers an area of about 158 mu. Baotu spring - park, which is mainly composed of spring water is a natural landscape park, for seventy-two of the same name spring of jinan is known as the "world spring".

Main entrance

Before entering the park, the first saw is located at the east gate park "BaoTu" fang, monument is 7.5 meters high, total 9.3 meters wide, between the column modelling for: four pillars between three to the pedal-driven vehicles. White wall tiles, volume tent door of the national style of type of buildings is baotu spring - the east gate in the park. On the door in the middle of plaques "baotu spring -" the three characters, was written in 1959, comrade guo moruo. The three main halls scenic area Originally built by famous writer 曾巩, now called three temple, north temple worship the Chinese ancestor YaoShunYu; The temple is the temple, worship the emperor shun two wives moths and female English; South temple is LuoYuan don, named because of its yet in the water. With yuan dynasty jacaranda Zhao Meng by spring lovers "cloud steaming China don't live, acoustic shock waves daming lake" three main halls there is rare "double royal monument", recorded in the kangxi three, qianlong baotu spring - 2 in the inscription poems, kangxi inscription excitation turbulent baotu spring - "ask for" qianlong.

Baotu spring - the scenic spot

Baotu spring - has a long history, called yet, when the spring and autumn, LuHuan public once the traveler rode on the hou in yet, great literati 曾巩始 says "baotu spring -" the song dynasty. Standing on the mission hills pavilion, you can see passing a stone in the water, engraved "baotu spring -" three characters, is the Ming dynasty Hu Zuanzong written, if you are careful may find less "turkistan" word above it. "Baotu spring -" three characters is the Ming dynasty in shandong to the governor Hu Zuanzong inscribed, careful visitors will notice the word "turkistan" on two points. Another way is to express the desire of the people, in the hope that springs spewing without end forever. Baotu spring - an argument is about water, put the points on the sudden washed away, down the moat flow in daming lake, so more on the word "Ming" of daming lake.

Wash the yuquan scenic spot

Like sunny rain wash yuquan, initially for the yuan dynasty famous home of the genre, zhang yanghao collection stayed, turtle stone memorial GuanSheng horse running springs, gargle from stone wash pillow flow yuquan, and li qingzhao memorial hall, there are couplets "baotu spring - daming lake edge home in the depths of chueiyang wash jade concentrated Jin Shilu literary grace has left legacy."





现在我们看到这座白墙灰瓦、出檐卷山、卷棚式的民族风格建筑的大门就是趵突泉公园东门。大门正中匾额上“趵突泉”三个贴金大字,是1959年郭沫若同志写的。进了大门,首先映入大家眼帘的是一迎门假山,大家知道为什么要迎着大门建假山吗?这是古代造园的一种手法,叫做“障景”法,也就是说以山为主,迎门迭石,似透非透,成为公园门口处的自然屏障,与石后的溪流构成环水行之势,同园中其它景物相分离。这座假山的石块全部采自于济南南部山区,石质,色泽,纹理都可以同江苏无锡的太湖石相媲美。假山下有一山洞,洞顶和入口处采用了大块石,用悬挂的手法形成巨石悬挂的逼真壮观景色。洞壁上又留出适当的空隙,便于采光和空气的通畅。此乃济南假山中的佳作,受到园艺家极高的赞誉。 过了晴雨桥,大家再往前走看到这块石姿优美,纹理自然,高四米,重八吨的龟石了。它最初为元代著名的散曲家张养浩所收藏。张养浩酷爱自然山川,弃官归隐济南后以山猿、野鹤、山石为友。此龟石有“皱、瘦、透、秀”的特点,在此与它合影,取长寿延年的吉祥之意。



























推荐专题: 蜀绣导游词 英语导游词 山东省趵突泉导游词

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